Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, setting, ect. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Fifteen


"That's your problem," said Rose. She gripped the gun, tighter in her hand. "You were the one who hurt all of those kids with your powers! You were the one that weakened the magical barrier that surrounded the school. All of those lives lost because of you. Your the reason why you were kicked out of the school. I had nothing to do with your stupidity."

"I needed to blame someone," he said. "So I chose your kids to get back at you."

"Not going to happen." snapped Rose. The darkness was gaining some power deep within her. Jesse pulled out a gun, the same time she did. They both pulled the trigger at the same time.


All throughout the building the two gunshots were heard. No one was able to move. They were all afraid that something happened to one of the infant children, or to one of the guardians. But in the end everyone was more afraid that something did happen to the children. The guardians all knew what happens when you go on one of theses types of missions.

Silence filled the once quiet hall, except for all of their heavy breathing. Nobody was able to move, until two people Abe Mazur and Janine Hathaway said something.

"What the fuck are you men doing just standing around here?" Abe demanded. His tanned face was instantly red from anger. His fangs were noticeable. "Don't just stand there twiddling your thumbs, do something for fucking heaven's sake. Someone might have shot the children. What were you born yesterday. Move!"

"Why are they even getting paid if they can't do their jobs correctly," Janine muttered underneath her breath, as they were running down the hallway. Janine and Abe slowly moved into the same direction as the shots were recently heard. They were staying a behind a guardian, so they're not in the way of the other guardians on duty. If either of them went after the guys, they wouldn't be able to promise the bastards who took their grandchildren to still be living.

They needed the person living, as of the queens orders. Unless they harmed the twins whatsoever.

The guardian searched through the first floor of the building. On the second floor there were two small offices, that were already check and destroyed. They went room to room, and everyone had no sign of life. Their were only two rooms left to check.

The first room was absolutely bare except for a piece of brown paper on the middle of the floor. The second room, had desks and chairs toppled over. On the farthest side of the wall was a small hole. The men and the Moroi had to duck down to get into the room. The room was a mess. Papers were everywhere. On the one side their was a small playpen, with two crying eleven month old babies in. They were dirty, but appeared to be fine.

Janine walked over to her two grandchildren. She grabbed them both, in two different arms. She turned around and spotted her husband, Abe, with her adult daughter. She was dusty and dirty. Their was blood on her arm, that looked like it didn't belong to her. Near her daughter's left leg, their was more blood.

"Rose," said Janine. Her voice is thick with emotion. "Are you bleeding?"

Rose looked at her left leg, and took a deep breath. "I think that the bullet hit my let."

"Is Jesse alive?" asked Abe.

One guardian, that was hired from the Moroi Queen, walked over to Jesse. He kneeled down to him, and checked his pulse. It was their, but faint. "Yes, he is alive. It looks like he was shot in the stomach and the fall to the ground knocked him out."

"Are my babies alright?" asked Rose, as she and her father walked over to her mother.

"Yes," said Janine. "I think that they are frightened."

"I think that I need some medical attention," said Rose, before she passed out.

After Rose passed out, her father and Eddie carried her to the van outside. They needed to get her to the hospital quickly. The blood was pouring faster out of her leg. Eddie sat down with her in his lap, while Abe got into the passenger seat. His hands were slightly shaking. Hewas hoping that his daughter is alright.

"Where's Janine?" asked Eddie. Janine was like a second mother to him. His own mother, Hazel Castile, disappeared two months after he graduated from St. Vladimir. His younger siblings were being taking care of by his older sister, Gretchen Castile. She had more experience, house, and anything else she needed to take care of their younger siblings. Sometimes he goes and visited them.

"She is in the other van with the twins," said Abe, as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Is Andrian going to meet us at the hospital?" asked Eddie.

"Yes," said Abe. "I think he is already their. Tanner, one of the queens guardian, already sent word to the hospital."

"Is she going to a regular hospital?" asked Eddie.

"No," said Abe, as he made a sharp right turn. "Their is a Moroi hospital that we are taking her to."

Eddie didn't respond. He didn't want to push anymore of Abe's buttons. Instead, he brushed away couple of strands of hair away from Rose's forehead. She looked so peaceful, and not in pain. But she must have been in horrible pain as seeing she was shot in the leg.

In the next moment, the car stopped, so suddenly. Eddie removed his eyes from Rose's body and towards the front of the car. He noticed that they were parked outside of a small building. As soon as he saw Abe getting out of the car, he knew that they just arrive at the Moroi hospital. Even thought it doesn't look like a normal hospital at all.

Abe rushed out of the car, and opened the door for Eddie. He didn't want Eddie to do two things at once. He would rather have him carry his daughter then open the door.

"Let's go," said Abe.

Both of the men ran into the building. The walls of the Moroi hospital were the same style as a normal hospital. White walls and tan square floors. Everything looked clean and sparkly. Their was a faint smell of bleach in the air.