A/N Hey! I just wanted to say that I still am working on my other story One Night but I thought I'd post this one too! I have really grown to like Tesla a lot so I think I may have some Magnus and Tesla moments!
Chapter 1
Henry was starting to think this mission was a bust. They had gotten a tip that something was making people disappear around the old factory district and a reliable source had seen something run into an old abandon factory. Now Kate, Will, and he were checking out a lead and it looked like a dud to him. He hadn't seen anything unusual in the creepy old factory. He stopped when he heard a noise coming from the corner of the room behind some boxes.
"Kate, Will I heard a noise down here in the north wing I'm going to check it out," he said, softly into his radio.
"Ok I'll be down in a minute," Will replied.
"Me too," said Kate.
Henry slowly approached the boxes the noise sounded like whimpering. He slowly looked over the boxes to see a small child curled up behind them crying. It was a little boy he had blonde hair in a buzz cut and wore a dirty yellow shirt and black shorts.
"Hey little guy," Henry said, softly trying not to scare the child.
Henry was met with a pair of big scared blue eyes.
"Mommy," the child whimpered.
"It's ok I'll help you find your mommy ok?" he asked, as he slowly moved the boxes and kneeled down in front of the boy.
"Mommy," the child said more demanding but scooted away from Henry.
"It's ok, my name is Henry can you tell me yours?" he asked.
"Peejer," the child whispered.
"Peter?" he asked.
"No," Peejer said.
"How old are you?"
"Four," he said, holding up four fingers.
"You're a big guy uh? Did you come here by yourself?" Henry asked.
"No bat man brought me. I want mommy," Peejer said, his eyes filling up with tears again.
"Don't cry little dude we'll find your mommy I promise," Henry said, holding out his hand.
Peejer slowly took Henry's hand. Henry stood up and shouldered his stunner. Peejer pulled back on Henry's hand when he saw Will and Kate heading towards them.
"It's ok little guy their friends," Henry said.
"Friends," Peejer said, slowly.
"Yeah friends," Henry said, smiling reassuringly.
"Who's this?" Will asked as he walked up.
"Cute kid," Kate said.
"This is um… Peeta?" Henry asked hoping to get the child's name right.
"No I Peejer. I four," he said looking at them curiously.
"Hi Peejer I'm Will and this is Kate. We're going to help you can you tell us who brought you here?" Will asked, looking down at Peejer.
"A bat man bring me here," Peejer said looking up.
"Bat man?" Will asked, looking at the others.
"Maybe it's the abnormal we're looking for took the kid for dessert or something and got spooked when we showed up," Henry whispered, to the others so Peejer wouldn't hear him.
"Maybe but he said a bat man bring me here," Kate mumbled
"Did a bad man bring you here?" Kate asked, looking down at Peejer.
Peejer nodded.
"How did you figure that out?" Will asked, shocked.
"My younger brother Tad use to have trouble saying some words when he was that age too," Kate said, with a shrug.
"Wets go find mommy Henie," Peejer said, pulling on Henry's hand.
"Ok dude just one more minute," Henry said, holding up his finger.
"We can't take him with us Henry," Kate said, sternly.
"She's right we can't take him back to the Sanctuary that's not where he belongs," Will said
"Well I'm not leaving him here for "the bad man" to come back for him," Henry said, firmly.
"You're right we'll call the cops leave a tip the kid is in the factory and we sit outside until the cops come to get him and we know he is safe," Kate said, gently.
"Come on I don't want to leave him I told him we were friends," Henry said, softly.
At the word friend Peejer looked up at them and smiled. It was the most charming smile they had ever seen.
"I make friends," he said, and then began running around them counter clockwise.
At first it looked like just an excited little boy running around them but then he sped up and soon turned into just a streak of yellow.
"Well he can come back to the Sanctuary with us now," Henry said, happily.
"If we can catch him," Will said.
"Yeah he's making me dizzy," Kate said, loudly. The little blur was causing quite a wind storm.
Not only was it making them all dizzy but it was causing them to feel funny too. They weren't sure what was happening but they didn't like it.
Kate held up her stunner to stop him but Henry quickly grabbed it.
"Hank, he may be the one making those people disappear. I don't know about you but I feel funny different somehow it may mean we're about to disappear too," Kate yelled.
"I know but even the lowest settings on these things are meant to take out abnormals a lot bigger than him. It could kill him let me make some adjustments," Henry said, as he began taking the stunner apart.
"Henry hurry!" Will shouted, as the odd feeling intensified.
Henry handed the adjusted stunner to Kate and she took a shot. The force of the stunner sent the child sliding across the floor unconscious. The sudden stop caused them all to fall to their knees. Henry was the first to recover and hurried over to the little boy. He gently picked him up and cradled him he was relieved when he found a pulse and that he was breathing.
"Is he ok?" Kate asked, feeling guilty.
"He's alive," Henry said, still looking at Peejer.
"I had to Hank," Kate said softly.
"He's just a kid he may not understand what he is doing," Henry said.
"He thought he was making us his friend by putting us in a vortex of doom. He had to be stopped Hank," Kate said, angry.
"I know but those stunners are for monsters not kids you wanted to hit him full force. You could have killed him and you didn't care," he said growled, taking a step toward her.
"I had no choice," she said, raising her voice as she stepped towards him.
"Let's just get him back to Magnus," Will said, stepping in between them.
At the Sanctuary
Magnus was going to meet the team at the loading area. Will had called and informed her that they had caught an abnormal but he was just a child. She didn't get much else out of him when Kate and Henry started arguing in the back. He quickly hung up before she could find out what was going on. The van pulled in a Henry quickly got out carrying a small child.
"What happened?" she asked, pushing a gurney up to Henry.
"Kate stuned him," he said, pointing at her.
Magnus looked up sharply from checking the child's pulse.
"I had too," Kate said throwing her hands in the air.
"That doesn't answer my question," Magnus said trying to make them focus.
"I found this kid while I was checking out the lower floors of the warehouse. The kid started run around us really fast. It made us feel really strange and then Kate stuned him and that's it," Henry said, still glaring at Kate.
"She really didn't have any choice Magnus the kid was going so fast he was a blur there was no other way to stop him," Will said, sighing.
"He's just a kid," Henry grumbled.
"He's going to be fine Henry. He'll wake up in a few hours good as new," Magnus said, soothingly.
She couldn't understand why he was so upset about this Kate was only doing what she had to help them. She noticed that they all looked extremely tried and pale.
"What was this feeling you were talking about," she asked.
"I can't really describe it. It felt weird like I was going backwards but standing still I guess that would be the best way to put it. I don't want to feel like that again," Kate said, shrugging.
The two men nodded in agreement.
"Do you think he's the one causing the disappearances?" Will asked, tiredly rubbing his eyes.
"If he is he's not doing it on purpose. He thought he was making friends when he started running circles at least that's what he said," said Henry and then yawned.
"Well I'll run some test on him in the morning but I don't think he is the abnormal we are looking for. The real question is how did a child end up in a warehouse by himself?" Magnus asked.
"He said a bad man brought him there maybe that's the guy we're looking for," Kate said, as she swayed a little.
"Maybe but right now I want all three of you down in the infirmary you all look like you're going to pass out," Magnus demanded.
All three of them groaned.
"Now! Magnus can't it wait till morning I'm tired," Will whined, very unlike himself.
Kate and Henry nodded.
"Yes now. I'll go put the boy in a room under surveillance. I'll meet you down there," she said, sternly.
They groaned again but headed for infirmary.
Magnus took their blood and check their vitals but everything seemed normal expected for the fact that they were extremely tired. She thought Kate may have been asleep when she walked into the room. They were very whiny also and almost threw a fit when she suggested they sleep in the infirmary for the night, which was very unlike them. She went against her gut feeling and sent them to their rooms for the night, with strict instructions to come back first thing in the morning.
Late that night
They were having one of the worst thunder storms they had in a while. Magnus and her old friend were checking on the patients and residents' making sure everyone was ok.
Biggie stopped at Henry's door, he knew Henry didn't like thunder storms. He was surprised when he did not hear the young man's deep breathing.
"Henry," he grunted, opening the door.
He looked towards the bathroom and saw he was not there either. It was late he wondered where he was. He smelled a strange scent in the room, it was familiar but he couldn't place it.
He followed the scent to outside of Ashley's old room. He slowly opened the door and turned on the light. He saw something out of the corner of his eye before felt something hugging his legs and he looked down. A little boy about six years old in a long tee-shirt was hugging his legs. He had big green eyes and his hair was black and shaggy.
"Where Ash?" the boy asked looking scared.
"Henry?" Biggie gasped, as he carefully pulled the boy off his legs and kneeled down to look at him.
When Henry first came to live with them despite that Ashley was younger Henry would always run to her room for comfort when he was scared.
"Oh Henry what happened?" he grunted, confused.
"Loud," Henry said, covering his ears when it thundered. He then threw his arms around Biggies neck before he could stand.
He picked up the small boy and carried him searching for Magnus.
"Where Ash?" Henry asked.
"She's not here," he grunted, softly.
Biggie had made it to Will's room where he heard crying. He walked into the room to see Magnus holding a little girl and comforting a curly head little boy in Will's bed.
Magnus looked up and sighed when she saw Henry in his arms. Little Will had already drifted back to sleep and little Kate was snoring on her shoulder.
"I'll put them in my bed for the night and we'll get this straighten out how three of my staff became six year olds in the morning," she said, softly and then stood with Kate.
Henry was shaking in Biggies arms after several more booms of thunder.
"I'll keep Henry with me I don't think he's going to sleep much with this storm going on," he grunted.
"I forgot how afraid of storms he was," she stroking Henry's back since his face was buried in her old friend's chest.
"Try to get some sleep dear Henry," she said, when he peeped at her from his hiding place and then she continued to her room with Kate.
She decided after she got Will and Kate settled in her bed she should call Declan and have him come help her. She was going to need all the help she could get.