Chapter Three:
The journey from what had become her prison for the past 48 hours outside went uneventfully. No one stopped them and it was only as she lay in the back of the bus, her hand grasped tightly in Castle's that anyone dared to approach her. The head that appeared around the side of the vehicle was one she had been looking for ever since they had stormed the building to rescue her. Esposito stepped up the steps and leant against the closed door of the bus.
"Good to see you Becks." She smiled at the nickname he's given her when they'd first met and reached out her other hand to grasp his; her body shuddered as he tightened his grip but the smile staying put on her bruised face.
"You too Espo." They shared a smile before he placed a light kiss to her hand and laid it down on the bed.
"They're taking you to the hospital now… Ryan and I will be right behind you with Lanie… You let us know if you need anything." The question was directed at them both but it was Kate who replied.
"I got all I need right now thanks. " Her gaze swung to meet Castle's and the slightly smirk on his face had a blush trying to creep its way across her cheeks.
"Same old Mom and Dad." Esposito's tone was joking but they all knew the seriousness behind his statement. Kate laughed as Castle held up his hand for Esposito to 'feed the birds' and gasped as pain shot through her chest. The two men focused back on her and she smiled tightly.
"I'm okay…" They both knew that she wasn't but neither said anything. Esposito jumped down and headed back onto the street to get the bus moving and Castle's hand returned to running through her hair.
"It's going to be okay Kate… We're all here for you." She smiled at him, slightly more relaxed as the pain dissipated to a dull ache.
"I know." Her voice sounded the strongest it had been since her rescue and they both knew that it was the truth. She trusted her team; they'd saved her and although she knew that it would be a long time before she was able to express that trust to them, they would still be there.
The sun was setting, turning the sky a darkened red by the time Kate was settled in a private hospital room. Castle was sat in the uncomfortable chair beside her bed, her hand grasped lightly in his. Lanie sat on the opposite side of the bed, her hands wringing tightly together.
The past few hours had been unpleasant for all three of them. None more than Kate but she knew the pain her friends must be feeling on her behalf. She had asked for both of them to be at her side whilst the doctors and nurses cleaned and dressed her wounds and completed a rape kit. They already had the guy who'd kidnapped her in a holding cell at the twelfth but the kit had been required to complete the case against him.
She felt as if she was floating, the pain medication singing its way through her blood stream was making it hard for her to focus but it was also allowing her to relax. She felt Lanie shift off of the bed and her eyes fluttered open to focus on her best friend.
"I'm going to head to the twelfth sweetie… see how Javi and Kevin are doing." She nodded her head slightly and offered her a smile. As the door shut silently behind the ME Kate's gaze swivelled to the man at her side. He'd been really great through all of this but she knew he'd need to leave soon.
"You should head home, Alexis must be missing you." Her voice was still scratchy and she swallowed roughly. The hospital had kept her in overnight for dehydration and exhaustion but would be releasing her the following day with a contact for a psychiatrist.
"I'm not leaving." His voice was low but she could hear the confidence behind it, she'd have to fight him if she wanted him to leave. "Alexis is away for the week… and I told you when we found you that I'd be here as long as you'd let me…" she turned to face him, her body shaking at the movement. "I don't think you really want me to leave…" As she focused on his face she could see the insecurity deep in his blue eyes. She blinked at him, her hand reaching out to rest against his cheek.
"No, I don't."
"Then I'll be here… wherever you need me to be…" He stroked his thumb over her hand, the tremors that he had felt earlier that day barely noticeable now. "I promised you always Kate."
AN: that's all for now. There might be a sequel in the future.