Author's Note: So this is just a random story I wrote the begining of, I don't know if I'll make it into a real story, maybe if people like it... but it's not a priority... anyway Enjoy

It all started when Luna Lovegood attended one of the meetings of the Order of the Phoenix. As was custom almost every meeting, fighting broke out, shouts of outrage and misunderstanding. Sirius, who had been brought back thanks to some blood magic from Draco Malfoy, who had turned spy along with Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini, could not understand Severus or Narcissa, whom had turned spy with her son, and Lupin tried to but sometimes he had to agree with Sirius that Slytherins just didn't make any sense. So as it was, Sirius was screaming at Severus, Lupin was trying to get Sirius calmed down but he too was sending the man glares, while Narcissa made comments that only seemed to enrage them all further. Draco Malfoy as was to be expected had just managed to insult all three of the Golden Trio, making both Ron and Harry want to punch him in the face, although Ron was more pissed at Blaise who had told Draco it wasn't worth it to insult his family because it was just so redundant and Hermione was trying to not to jump over and claw Pansy's eyes out because the girl had called her a ugly piece of mud.

Luna had asked Neville why they were fighting and Neville had tried to explain to the best of his abilities. Luna smiled and said, "So the problem is that Harry and the other Gryffindors don't understand Draco and the Slytherins? They don't trust them or work well with them because they don't understand them?"

Neville had shrugged and said, "I guess that's a good as any explanation."

Luna had smiled that sort of loopy grin and said, "I can fix that." Then before Neville could think to ask how, Luna pulled out her wand and cast a spell on the room's occupants. Suddenly a green string appeared from each of the Slytherins chests and connected with the Gryffindor sitting a crossed from the corresponding Slytherin.

Narcissa's connected with Sirius, Severus's connected with Lupin, Blaise's connected with Ron, Draco's connected with Harry, and Pansy's connected with Hermione. The spell took their breath away and blinded them a bit with it's intensity before disappearing. Draco was the first to respond, instantly turning to Luna and asking in a horrified voice, "Please tell me that wasn't what I think it was?"

Ron spluttered, "What was that?"

Luna smiled that loopy smile and said, "You all were having troubles understanding each other so I connected you subconsciously so that you could better understand one another."

Draco turned to Severus and said, "Please tell me you have a wakeful potion, Merlin! There's a reason I fucking perfected Occlemancy!"

Luna smiled and said, "It won't do any good, you've got about twenty minutes to find a nice place to rest."

Draco looked horrified, and glanced to the door like an animal looking for an escape from a larger beast. Luna said, "Oh, and the more distance you put between yourself and your partner the more memories you'll be forced to share."

Blaise asked, "What's going on?"

Pansy looked to Severus and said, "there has to be a way to reverse it, my thoughts are my only sanctuary!"

Severus looked like he felt the same way and Narcissa said, "I'm afraid once it's been cast there is no going back. The best we can hope for is that Mrs. Lovegood applied a few precautionary measures in her intent."

Luna smiled and said, "Not to worry, they won't be able to tell someone what they see."

Narcissa sighed and said, "Draco sit down before the spell takes effect."

Draco gave his mother a look and said, "I can't… I won't just…."

Then Draco bolted for the door, Narcissa seemed to have guessed this was coming but with a wave of her wand she closed and locked the doors. Draco pounded on the doors and seemed to be having a mild panic attack. The Gryffindors didn't know what was going on, but obviously the slytherins were not happy with it. Ron asked, "What's going on?"

Narcissa said, "Luna had cast a ritual spell that connects our subconscious with yours, it's a form of Legilimacy that cannot be shielded against, so in about fifteen minutes we'll fall asleep and you will get a peek at our subconscious, our dreams if you will."

Harry frowned and asked, "If it's just your dreams why is Malfoy freaking out?"

Severus snarled, "Because all of our thoughts and memories go into our dreams, and by you viewing them you'll get a look at them all."

Narcissa at this point had somehow managed to get Draco to calm down, and was now wrapping her arms around him in a comforting gesture that surprised all those present, and whispered, "It's alright my Dragon."

Draco buried his head in his mother's shoulder and something along the lines of, "It' not."

Pansy glared at Luna and said, "I hate you, you fucking harlot!"

Severus sighed and said, "Harlot? Is that the best you can come up with?"

Pansy let out a sob and said, "How are you so fucking calm about this Severus? Narcissa? You have just as bad nightmares as the rest of us!"

Severus smirked and said, "Because my worst nightmare is something Lupin here is quite familiar with, and Narcissa's worst nightmare is something all mother's fear, so it really won't be anything new. I can completely understand where you're coming from; you'll just have to hope that Granger is not as good at Dream seeking as she is every other subject."