Well hello there. Yeah, I'm here. After some thinking and all the people asking me to continue, I thought I would give you all what you want. Heads up, if the writing seems different from the older stuff, then thank god. Uh, I mean, I guess that's how it is. I'll bring closure to this story as soon as possible.

Chapter 29: Confusion

I don't know how long I sat in that cave, trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I had spit up blood before, sure, but that was only during fights or after them. Something was terribly wrong, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach like a stone.

One thing that kept bugging me though was how my mom looked when she came to pick up my kids. Or when Dylan was hesitant to kiss me after the children left. It made my head throb, and I wanted to scream.

I've known Dylan since we were children, we escaped the lab together, for God's sake. I know him, he wouldn't be hesitant to kiss me. I mean, he definitely wasn't stopping once he got on a roll. It was almost like he was testing the waters, gauging for my reaction. And I didn't like it, not one bit.

And once again, a little voice in the back of my head whispered to me, 'Dylan isn't the one you love, it's Fang.'

I took a deep breath, which ended with me a wheezing mess because I realized that I probably had a bruised rib. So, with all the strength I could muster, I stood up and limped to the edge of the cave. A part of me said I shouldn't go back, that I shouldn't face Dylan. I should just be like the hawks that stayed here, be free to do whatever I wanted. Like the old days.

But I couldn't, I just couldn't leave Sadie and James alone with him, with them. I shivered as I realized that. I didn't want my children with Dylan or Jeb, I wanted them with me. I could keep them safe, and I felt they were unsafe when they were with either one of those knuckleheads.

I extended my wings from my back and stretched them out. It was a long flight home, but I should probably make my way back. At least to pick up the kids and leave for a while. If I could just get my head on straight, maybe this will clear up and I can go back to my normal life with my normal husband.

As if life was normal with me around. A girl can dream.

I launched myself out of the cliff, narrowly missing another ledge as my ribs screamed in agony at the sudden movement. Once I was in the air though, it was pretty smooth sailing back to home. My feelings became more muddled as I neared the neighbor, and a sense of unease made me a bit dizzy. At least I wasn't coughing up blood anymore.

Once I landed in the driveway, the first thing I noticed was that the lights were on. I swallowed hard and stood there for a moment, deciding what I could say to Dylan so that he would understand how I was feeling. As my eyes wandered over the house we've been staying in for four years, I noticed that behind the curtains, I could make out two figures.

My breath caught in my throat for a reason I couldn't decipher. And my feet carried me up to the door. Every fiber in my being screamed at me to be quiet, because something bad was going on. With a small breath, I cracked open the door.

It was Jeb and Dylan, they were standing in front of each other, and Dylan looked quite prickly, where Jeb seemed as cool as a cucumber.

"She just left? How could you let her out of your sight so early in the experiment?" Jeb demanded, his voice surreally calm, "She is in a fragile state, Dylan. She could regain her memories at the drop of a pen."

"I only went to take care of something, I was only gone an hour! You know that Fang and the flock escaped, they will be coming after her soon," Dylan said, his heated voice lit up with panic.

My heart began to race as I heard the word flock and Fang together. What does he mean by flock? He couldn't be talking about our flock, could he? Didn't they all die?

I wanted to scream at him, bust down the door and demand answers, but that would probably only give me a lot more trouble than I wanted. And my children were with Jeb, who knows what he would do to them if I didn't cooperate.

"I know they escaped, but they won't be a problem. Angel has broken the flock up as I predicted. Fang is the only one who will come to rescue Max. And I assume you can handle him," Jeb said with a dismissive tone.

"What if he gets Max to regain her memories? I can't handle them both, I can't kill Max," Dylan whimpered, his eyes wide.

It felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest, and I was so confused. My memories? Fang coming to rescue me? Angel splitting up the flock? The flock was alive? It was making my head throb even more than it was before, leaving a nauseating feeling in my stomach.

Not being able to handle it anymore, I went down the porch stairs silently and then stomped up them so they would hear me approach. Dylan was at the door immediately, a relieved smile breaking across his face as he looked at me.

"Max, thank God you're alright. I was so worried about you," Dylan said, approaching me and enveloping me in an embrace.

I didn't return his smile, my brain swimming. I needed to get to the bottom of this, and soon. This wasn't right.

"I made dinner, are you hungry, love?" Dylan kissed my forehead and led me inside.

I peered around, wondering where Jeb had gotten off too. Dylan noticed my stare, and his raised his eyebrows, "Something wrong?"

"Oh, I was… uh, just wondering where the kids were. Then I remembered we let Jeb take them for the weekend," I laughed weakly, forcing myself to wrap my arm his waist.

"Are you having trouble with your memory?" Dylan questioned with a teasing tone.

"Seems so."