Chapter 30:
A/N: Okay sorry this is a week and a day late but I do have an excuse (two in fact). First being that I wanted to get the first chapter of the mini sequel (yes there is a five chapter sequel in the making) before posting this chapter that way all you that want to read it can read chapter one without waiting too long. My second excuse is, my great grandmother got sick and she's not doing too well at the moment so I really didn't have the motivation to type when she's not well. But I figured I let you all wait long enough so here is the last chapter. Hope you enjoy.
Also, I'll tell you the name of the sequel at the end. Enjoy.
Dean is currently lying next to me under the hospital's white blanket. He's nuzzling my ear with his nose, whispering sweet nothings. He kisses my ear then he moves down to my cheek. He brushes his nose against my stubble, breathing in steadily. "I love you Cas." He murmurs. He kisses my mouth, biting my bottom lip then sucking on it gently.
I kiss him back eagerly, slipping my tongue into his awaiting mouth. The kiss isn't sloppy and rushed, it's slow and controlled. "I love you too, Dean."
"I want you inside me so bad Cas." Dean says, moving to my neck.
"You are asking me to top?" He nods against my neck, licking the pulse. "Wow, I thought I'd never see the day."
"Shut up." He looks me in the eyes. "I did say bottoming felt better than topping."
"Well you're going to have to let me bottom sometimes too, you know." I say going to kiss his neck. "I want you to fuck me while I'm bound to the bed blindfolded." I whisper in his ear.
Dean goes to say something but before he can Dr. Seborg walks in. "Hello Mr. Winchester." He raises his left eyebrow. "I don't think you should be in the bed."
Dean climbs off, trying to give him his best innocent look while untangling his feet from the blanket. "Sorry."
Dr. Seborg shakes his head in amusement. "Mr. Novak, it has been decided that you'll be dismissed tomorrow afternoon."
"Wait," Dean speaks up. "He's going to need a ride home and I have school tomorrow."
Dr. Seborg doesn't hesitate to answer. "I'll make sure it's after school hours."
"Okay thank you." Dean thanks.
Dr. Seborg continues. "I'll also be giving you these antibiotics and pain medication. It may have been a month but this was a serious injury. I don't want to take any chances."
"He's also taking antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills, is it okay to take with those?" Dean mentions.
Dr. Seborg looks at his clipboard. "I'll be giving him a generic type that will be safe to take with his other medication." He looks back to Dean. "I'll be giving all the information to the psychiatric hospital."
"Isn't it dangerous to take that much medication?" Dean looks concerned.
"It'll be fine in moderation and different times." The doctor reassures.
"Well as long as he doesn't die for a third time." Dean says.
I grab his hand and squeeze. "Don't worry Dean, I'll be fine."
"Yeah well, still." I can see the worry in his eyes. I lean closer to him and kiss his lips.
"I'll be fine." I reassure again.
"You'll only be taking the antibiotics for however long they last. You won't need to get them refilled and only take the pain medication if and when needed. You probably won't be in much pain as it is so if you can get away with taking something else, take that before the proscribed pain medication." Dr. Seborg gives me a few papers about the medication. Once I approve he leaves.
Dean sits on the bed and I pull him back into my arms so his back is flush against my chest. "I won't OD or have a bad mixing of pills, I promise." I kiss the back of his neck.
"I don't want to lose you again." He sighs. "I love you too much."
"You won't lose me Dean." I try to convince.
"That's what you said before, now look." Dean emphasizes.
I kiss his neck again then the tip of his ear. "I love you." I whisper in his ear.
Something sparks in Dean's eyes. "Were you serious about wanting to be tied to the bed blindfolded while I have my way with you?"
"Oh yeah." I whisper seductively then bite his ear gently.
"You are really turning me on but tying you up? I don't know Cas." Dean looks skeptically.
"Oh come on Dean, I want it." I lick his ear and I feel Dean shiver in my arms. "Look at that, you want it just as much as I do." I growl in his ear this times and palm his crotch.
"Cas!" Dean squeaks and jumps half an inch. I hold him tighter, keeping him plastered to my chest.
"Or how about you tied to the bed?" I ask and Dean swallows. "I'm just kidding. I like the thought of you tying my wrists to the bed post, putting a blindfold over my eyes, and taking control, doing anything you want." I blow into his ear causing him to shiver again.
I continue my assault on his crotch, feeling Dean gradually getting hard. "C-Cas n-not here." Dean squeezes his eyes shut. He lets out a low moan.
"Why not Dean?" I bite his neck then lick the bruise. "Doesn't it turn you on to be doing this in a forbidden place?"
He's beginning to breathe hard and he lets out another moan. "C-Cas."
"Shh." I kiss his cheek. "It's okay Dean."
He reaches behind himself and reaches between my own legs. I bite his neck hard. Dean jerks away, hand flying to the bite mark. "Owe!" He pulls his hand away from his neck, looking at the red blood that smeared onto it. "You broke the skin!" He looks at me, bewildered.
"Don't touch me Dean." I squeeze his crotch eliciting a groan from Dean. "Just you. Let me pleasure you." I unzip his pants and snake my hand into his boxers, grabbing the base of his dick and stroking slowly.
"Cas oh shit." Dean moans out.
"A whole month, have you even touched yourself?" I ask.
"It's… um… hard to get off when I know you're in the hospital…" He moans. "…in a coma." I squeeze harder and Dean bucks his hips, leaning into me. A few more pumps and Dean is coming undone right in front of me. "Son of a bitch!" He bites his bottom lip to stifle the loud moan but it doesn't do much. Once he's down from his high, he leans into me a little more gently. "Damn that felt good."
"Well it has been a month for you." I mention.
"And you." Dean points out.
"Yeah." I admit.
Dean turns over so we are chest to chest. "Let me help." He pecks my lips.
"You need to zip yourself back up." I point out.
Dean sighs and chuckles, resting his forehead on my shoulder. ""You're evil." Dean says, muffled by my shoulder.
"You like me like that." I kiss the side of his head.
"Why won't you let me help you? I can feel that you're hard as well." Dean sits back up to look me in the eyes.
"Because it was for you." I explain. "I wanted to give something to you."
Dean gives me his best flirty smile. "And I want to give something to you."
"Then tie me to a bed and blindfold me." I smirk. "Punish me for making you wait."
"You really are serious, aren't you?" Dean confirms and I nod. "Okay then," He leans into my ear. "Just wait till you're out of here." He whispers.
As promised I'm let out the next day. I ended up going back to the psychiatric hospital and had to stay there for another year and half until they gave me a psychological evaluation.
Lucifer and Chuck were let out sooner than I was and ended up moving in with each other. They came and visited me every day while I was there. They had to come after school hours though because the hospital let me go back to school for my senior year of high school. I somehow ended up with all my classes with Dean and even had lunch with him. I always wondered who could have gotten the school to do that but, you know, I have my suspicions. Senior year went quite well, with no one bothering me or Dean about our sexual orientation and us dating each other. Lisa also dropped out her senior year because she got pregnant from some guy named Carlos.
I turned eighteen a few months after the shooting and turned nineteen for graduation, Dean complaining that he wishes he could be nineteen also. Bobby showed up to our graduation with Sam in tow. I half wished my mother would show up but of course she didn't. Dean told me not to dwell on it but it still hurt.
Soon after graduation I had my psychological evaluation and they deemed me well enough to leave but they told me to stay on the antidepressants, just a lower dose. That kind of bummed me out but what can you do so I moved in with Chuck and Lucifer once they bought a house. Eventually Dean moved in with us too, of course Sam with him.
Dean and Lucifer are constantly going at each other with the rare occasions of them being civil to one another. The fighting does get old but I love the two of them so I wouldn't have it any other way. Sam and Chuck hit it off right away, Sam finding his books fascinating and sharing some of his books in his collection.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm happy. My brother and Dad are together in heaven, I have Dean, I have my two best friends, and I have my soon to be brother-in-law, that is if I can convince Dean to finally marry me but that's a different story all together. I continue to take the antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills but I'm finally content in life.
"Cas would you get off that computer and come to bed already? You're the one that wanted to be the angel taken by the demon so hurry." Dean's voice comes from our bedroom.
I chuckle. "Coming Dean." I call back.
Goodbye and live life to the fullest.
I hit save and then print. As the printer is printing I walk into the bedroom to have Dean tackle me down to the bed, dressed in an all red demon outfit. "I love you Cas."
I smile up at him. "I love you too Dean."
A/N: So there's the end. I hope it wasn't too disappointing. Again I'm sorry it's so late and short for that matter. Thank you all who stuck with this through the whole thing, it makes me really happy to know that you all liked it that much. Thank you any of you who review this chapter since there won't be another chapter to say thanks, so I want you all to know how much I appreciate the reviews. Of course, also thank you all who read and favorite this.
The sequel isn't going to be too long. I'm planning five chapters but you never know. It's going to be mostly about Castiel trying to convince Dean to marry him. Please read that one if you want I won't be mad if you don't. It is called, to stick with the heartache theme (even though there won't be much pain in it), Heartache: Abyss of Emerald and the Azure Flame. I actually got those from a story title generator so I can't take credit for coming up with it. I'll be posting the first chapter right after I post this chapter so feel free to go and read it whenever.
Thanks again for reading, favorites, and reviews.
Favorite line: (It's cliché I know.) "I love you Cas." I smile up at him. "I love you too Dean."