Delfim: Hey everyone a new chapter just so you won't feel so lonely.
Lust: I hope there is sex.
Delfim: You always hope there is sex.
Ego: Can we get on with this story.
Delfim: What's the rush? I haven't written in a while, in fact as we speak I am still writing this story.
Delfim turns to the computer and starts typing at a very slow pace.
Ego: Is it done?
Delfim: No.
Lust: Is it done?
Delfim: No.
Delfim: Oh for fuck's sake NO it isn't!
Lust: But we are tired of waiting!
Delfim: Go rape his ass for all I care. Just let me finish it!
Lust: Okay!
Delfim: Ok! I think it is done!
Delfim turns around to see two skeletons looking at him.
Delfim: … guys?
Ego shows up and yells: Ok who the fuck left a skeleton in my seat?
Delfim just sighs as Lust appears to try to take a peek at the story.
Chapter 14 Rituals, Sex and demonic PMS
The journey to return to the village was actually better than the one to leave the village, which considering the desire I had to leave the place is saying something. But nonetheless it was pleasant.
I praised Hinata a few more times, stroking that still fragile Ego while trying to make her desire more, which succeeded in making her blush colors that would make her the Power ranger Red without a suit. Now that is something you don't see every day, a Hyuga ranger… Go Go Hyuga Ranger!
Shino made a comment here and there but kept quiet for most of the walk. This, coupled with all the distressed bugs that were flying around her head, made me think that we might not have as much time as she lead us to believe.
"Hey you okay?" I asked her as I saw that she was starting to blush, and not the cute blush of embarrassment, but the 'I am not feeling so well' blush, the one when it is too hot or you ran so much that your lungs are ready to pop out of your mouth.
"Y-yeah, the queen is a bit impatient." Answered Shino quietly. "Fortunately, we are closing in on my father. He should take it from here."
"Okay, just ask if you need anything." I said to her before I turned to Victoria. The kid had her big ass book opened and was readying it while walking, avoiding any and all obstacles as if she was used to it. Man how does she do it. I know I would have hit a tree by now.
"Shino." A quiet voice called as Shino's father appeared. He gave a one look and then turned to us and said "I am sorry, but I have to take him now. Clan business."
"We understand." I answered him with a nod. "We can make it the rest of the way."
Shino's father nodded himself before he grabbed Shino and disappeared. As he did, I turned to Hinata and said "Well, looks like it is just you and me."
Hinata nodded with a blush before she asked me "Is Shino going to be o-o-okay?"
"What Shino? Yeah of course! Why wouldn't he?" asked Naruto.
"… I-I-I-I know that Shino is a g-girl, and that… her bugs…"
Yeah, I know that she knows, but telling her that I already knew would not be good. Because that would mean that I know of the rest of the conversation, which may be a bit too embarrassing for her.
"Good for you, but we are starting to close in on the village and I don't want them to know. If Shino doesn't want to reveal her gender than it is not my place to do it for her."
"I guess…"
"As for the bugs… don't worry, Hinata, Shino is tough. If he said he is going to be alright, then he is going to be alright."
Hinata nodded, not trusting her own voice. I can't wait for Hinata to turn into a Fallen Angel so she will stop being so shy. It's cute, but makes it that much more difficult to talk with her. I mean if every time you try to talk with a girl she turns away and blushes, a lot of conversation will be lost. Just saying.
"I can see the village." I told her, making her look forward. As she did, I put my arm around her and said "So let's go meet the Old Man and then we can have that training session I promised you."
"B-b-b-but we just got back…" damn that shuttering.
"Yeah, but I am still brimming with energy…" I knew that she was tired, but we have a tight schedule with all the things I have to do, so I have to get her in a training field the fastest I can. Well, time to go through reverse psychology. "… unless you are too tired… it's okay, I can wait for tomorrow, really…"
"I-i-i-i… I guess I can…" she turned away from me, blushing. "…train a bit…"
Nothing gets someone to do something faster than trying to be considerate of them. Works every time. "GREAT! Then let's go!"
Reaching the Hokage's office was dull. People glaring, Hinata shivering because of all the attention, the only thing interesting was a purple haired beauty wolfing down dango… might have to look into that one later but I think her tits were showing…
Then there was the secretary who tried to yell our ears off, particularly mine, with things such as "Demons don't belong here!" and "Crawl back into your hole!" No boobs, no ass and no cute slim figure either, what a waste. She should be hired as a cold shower for all those that have those bombshell secretary dreams.
I just ignored her, though Hinata often looked frightened between me and the secretary. I had to calm her down, so I smiled at her. "Don't worry, that hag over there is harmless. All bark and no bite, throw a stick and she will fetch it for you."
This resulted in far more screaming, of course. Stupid hag. So we kept going until when we reached the door to the office, four Anbu surrounded us.
"You may not enter."
Seriously, how drone of them. Let me try something. I raised my arm and passed it in front of their eyes as I said "These are not the droids you are looking for." Behind me, Hinata giggled. Guess she saw that movie too.
"We warn you that you may not enter, the Hokage is busy at this point." Replied the purple haired Anbu.
Wait Purple hair? "Okay, first do you have a sister that wolfs down dango and has her hair in a pineapple, cause purple hair isn't really that common."
"You would be speaking of Anko Mitarashi. No we are not sisters." Seriously she spoke as if she was a robot or something. Geez, Anbu sure are weird. Then again they are supposed to be faceless ninja ready to do the worst and most gruesome missions.
"Okay, next question, what is old man doing that has him so busy."
Oh, a response. The four Anbu seemed to shiver, or at least it looked like it. "We are not at liberty to say."
"Oh yeah? Why the hell not?"
Before the purple haired Anbu could answer, another Anbu with a mask of a… rabbit, answered: "It involves a certain adult manuscript and the incessant movement of hand." "Yeah, up and down up and down and repeat." Joked a bear masked Anbu.
Oh god the image of Sarutobi beating his meat… shit I need to puke…
"Quiet." Muttered the purple haired and the Anbu went silent. "As you can see, he is busy. You will have to return at a later date."
"What wewe they talking about?" Forgot the Chibi was with us. I can only guess where this is going. "What is an adult manuscwipt?"
I could see the purple haired Anbu sweating. "Hum… it's hum… something that Adults read from time to time."
"Can I wead it?"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Wow now that is surprising, a yelling Anbu. "I mean… you are still too young, and it is a very complex manuscript."
"But I am smawt! I can count up to 10!" replied Victoria. God you could see the sweat pooling around the Anbu's feet.
"I-huh-I…" She turned to me, as if to ask for help.
I smirked and crouched down, looking at her in the eyes. "No one can read that manuscript until they reach a certain age. It pertains knowledge that requires one to be old enough to read it. As such, you can't read it yet."
"Moh, I am nevew old enough." Sulked Victoria.
And the best duet performance goes to…
I could hear the sight that escaped the Anbu's lips. "Thanks, I own you one. I will make sure to warn you when it's okay to go in."
"Alright, we will wait over there." I then walked to a row of chairs and flopped down on one. Hinata nervously sat to my right while Victoria sat to my left. I decided to try and get Hinata out of her shell while waiting.
"So what do you like to do, Hinata?"
"Your hobbies? What are your hobbies? I myself like to see a good movie when I am not training."
"Yes, I could see that by the… the reference…"
I snorted. Time for a Darth Vader Impersonation. "*Deep Breath* Hinata, I… am your father!"
Hinata giggled as I kept taking deep breaths. This is going well, at least she is laughing. "You… must join the Dark Side… for we have cookies on Fridays!"
"What awe you doing?" way to ruin it. I turned to the chibi and smiled.
"I am mocking a character from the Star Wars Saga. Since you didn't recognize it, I guess you don't know about it."
"No, you will have to show me."
"That sounds like a good idea. How about it Hinata? Me, you, Shino and Victoria, sitting down watching Star Wars with a few handfuls of popcorn."
Hinata nodded at me. "Sounds fun."
I sighed. "Yeah it does." If only there was time for all of that.
"The Hokage is ready to meet you." I turned to see the Anbu looking at us.
"Oh okay. Let's go guys!"
We walked up to the door and entered the office. If it wasn't obvious before, it sure was now. The old man had fapped. Despite the windows being open, there were remnants of the smell you never want to smell… that or it's just my nose coupled with the fact that I KNOW THAT IT HAPPENED! DIRTY OLD SON OF A
"Ah, Naruto, Hinata, what a surprise." Yeah, surprise we caught you mid-wank! "I didn't expect you back so soon. And who is this?"
Right, time to introduce the Chibi. "Her name is Victoria, she was an orphan I found at Wave. I decided to take her in." as I said this, I ruffled Victoria's head a bit, for effect.
"Moh! Stop messing my hair, bit bwother!" Ack! I almost fell for that one!
"Take her in?" Oh uh, he seems worried. "Naruto aren't you a bit too young to adopt someone?"
I can see why he says that but it makes me feel so… I don't know, like a kid being told of by the headmaster of his school. "But old man, she has nowhere to go!" Play the homeless card… "She was all alone, I… I had to take her in." Appeal with the 'desire for help'. "I promise I will be responsible, old man." Show a little maturity… "And how could I refuse her? She is just like me when I was little!" Play the similarities.
"Mistew Hokage!" Kill it with Chibi acting… "Is something wong?"
Oh Kami! Her teary eyes… her chibi voice… that quirk of the lip… oh Sarutobi is done. He is done! No chance Sarutobi has to fall for this!
And there are the first signs of a fall… the trembling lips… the tear in the corner of the eye… a small smile yeah he is done…
"Oh alright." BINGO! "But you must understand that taking care of someone is a huge responsibility. I want you to at least change where you live."
Ah what now? "Change where I live?"
"Yes Naruto. The place where you live might not be the best. It is isolated, you live there alone and I have a sneaky suspicion that not all is in proper condition there."
"Well excuse me for not being able to pay for a new house!" I did not predict this, but maybe… "And besides, who would live with me? Most people pay to avoid me!"
"Don't be melodramatic. Besides I do have a solution."
Yes! Free house!
"I know of someone who has a few rooms free. You can stay there provided you pay your part of the rent."
And deflate. Living with someone else? That is going to put a damper into some of my plans.
"What about my old house?"
"Bah, best demolish it and build something new." Said Sarutobi. "We will see what comes out of it."
Shit shit shit, I have to go back and remove the seals before they attempt to destroy the place.
"She will be here later to take you home. I will send for you when she arrives." Yeah, keep talking like you haven't made a huge dent in my plans. "Now why are you two here and where are Kakashi and Kurenai?"
Oh crap. This is the part where I have to explain what happened is a way I don't get in trouble.
"Well, as you know, we found some… trouble in this mission."
"Yes, I know that, Naruto. It was on your letter." Said Sarutobi.
"Alright, so…"
I launched myself in an explanation. Lots of "We did our best." And "There was no time for teamwork exercises with people that don't want to work with us." And finishing with a nice touch of "No one got hurt, mission was done and even got a bridge named after us."
"So I suppose that Shino is back with his clan." Said Sarutobi.
"Yeah, something to do with his bugs."
"Very well, do you have something to say, Hinata?"
Oh crap. I hope she sticks with me on this one.
"I-I-I-I think that Naruto and Shino di-di-did the right thing." Aww, so cute, she is babbling. "Naruto m-m-m-might have been impolite… bu-bu-bu-but they did save all those p-p-p-people."
The Hokage is in deep though. Shit, that can't be good. I hope that he is not planning anything. I have had enough of surprises from him… which reminds me that I have no clue what to do about the situation I am in… I mean me and chibi living with someone else? She is bound to find out what we are, and raise a huge fit about it.
"Very well, I will await for your senseis for a full debriefing. In the meantime, you may leave. The money from the mission will be delivered to you at the full debriefing."
Uff, no more surprises. Thank kami for that.
"Come on, Hinata, I know a training ground that is always free." I grabbed her hand and started to run.
"Wha-WAIT NARUTO!" she really is cute, yelling like that.
The rest passed as a blur as we raced through the streets, though I know I felt her hand squeeze mine more than once. Good old Hinata.
Racing through Konoha was more of a chore than anything else, people just kept getting in the way, only to glare at me like it's my fault they get in my front while I am running. I should have pulled Hinata up to the roofs and just ran there, that way I would only bump into other ninjas or birds.
We finally arrived at the training ground with Hinata all red, but not from running since she isn't even sweating. One thing is for sure, this girl has been training her body.
"So Hinata, why don't you tell me about what you can do?" I can guess she knows the Jyuken and little else.
"Well, I know the Jyuken…" no shit. "And a lot of exercises about chakra control…" that is good, never know when those may come in handy… wait why did she stopped?
"… I can use the Byakugan."
Dear Kami, this is worse than I thought. I can feel the headache forming. In reflex I rub in between my eyes, and I can see that she is sad. Time to get her out of this sorry state…
"Okay Hinata, now is there something you would like to learn?" It is obvious that I can't just start pushing her on and actually train with her until she gets a bit more variety in her arsenal.
"Heh? What do you mean?"
"I mean, besides what you know, do you want to learn anything else or just train what you already learned?" I hope she asks for something else.
"But… my clan…"
"FORGET YOUR CLAN!" Wow, she jumped two feet in the air. "Right know you are Hinata, no Hyuga, no Ninja Village, nothing! You and only you. Is there anything you would like to learn?"
"Hum… I…" Damn she is so nervous! But I have to be patient! Patience is the key with her. "I wanted to learn medical jutsu…"
ALELUIA! Something I can work with!
"Okay, why medical jutsu?" I ask out of curiosity. I am still gona help her learn, but I want to know why.
"Well… I think that as a medic nin, my eyes could become a serious advantage…" She's got a point, with her eyes she could see the problem without any expensive or time wasting exam. "I… also learned of a technique they use called the chakra scalpel and… I thought it would…" She is twirling her fingers again... actually that is kinda cute. "…well… compliment my jyuken."
Oh that is whicked! "So not only would you be able to close chakra points, but cut the muscle. Do you think you are up for that?"
"… not yet but…" wow what is that fire in her eyes? "I need to grow stronger."
Yiekes! Call the fire department, this girl is on FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Still, I like this too, it makes training her easier.
"Okay, but medical jutsu is not my specialty." Especially considering that the last time I tried to eat a fish I had fried tuna for lunch. "But I know someone that can teach you."
Here goes: boar, dog, bird, monkey and ram.
"Summoning jutsu!" Man I always feel a rush when I use this jutsu.
… but the damn smoke is irritating as fuck… cough…
"Why have you summoned me, Naruto?" At least I got the right one. Emerging from the smoke, the image of Yue, in her Taoist robes, staring at me with a smile.
"Yue, Hinata would like to learn about healing jutsu. Could you teach her?"
"First that girl, Shino, now Hinata… normally I would scold you about clan techniques and whatnot, but I don't think you would care much for that." Of course not, some things aren't meant to be kept private! Yue seems to be studying Hinata. "You do know you need at least some bases of anatomy to learn medical jutsu, right?"
"A-ah, well… I can… l-l-learn." Poor girl seems frightened out of her mind.
"Well, that is a start. I guess I will try to teach her." Said Yue. "We will start right away… but I want my reward later."
Okay, that sounds like this problem is solved. "Great. Well then if you girls excuse me, Chibi and I still have a few things to deal with. So I will see you guys later."
Time to leave the scene, I walked out even as the two girls started talking about… well, body stuff and whatnot, I don't get that shit.
"Finally we left them. Hearing you be oh so helpful was going to make me sick." And look who finally decided to talk.
"Nice seeing the real you again, though I would prefer the sugary version."
"Tsk, you do realize you got us one hell of a problem, right?"
"If you are talking about living in a new house, I did not plan for that. Heck I didn't know that he would take this so seriously. Now I wish I hadn't awaken him from his soft self."
"Quit whining, we got to figure out what we are going to do!"
"Well, I was planning that we could collect the blood in advance, unless it needs to be fresh for the…"
"Thank hells no, we can collect it now." Well at least those are good news. "Are you sure you are up to it?"
"Hey, I am a demon too, you know, I can handle this."
"Tsk, fine I will open a gate to the first circle of hell, we should get a few fresh spawns for you to fight.
"Hell yeah! Now we are talking."
"But we need some place more… quiet before we pull this off." She's got a point. If I do this in a place where others might see us… well considering my reputation things could spiral out of control.
Hum… maybe the training grounds? No too risky, any ninja could just come in at any time. My old apartment? Not much space of maneuver. The Hokage monument? The entire village would spot us. I'm running out of places where we could… wait a second…
"Can you summon them inside a summoning realm?"
"Yeah I can, can you reverse summon us there?"
"Duh, why do you think I suggested it in the first place? We can do whatever as long as we can keep things under control… you will make sure nothing bad comes out, right?"
"Tsk, who do you think I am? I ain't you!" Damn Chibi insulting me all the time!
"Fine then! I will make the reverse summoning. You better hang on to me though, or else your ass is staying behind!"
Damn that glare! Were I not me, and I would have shit myself. This kid has a serious bipolar disorder that is the only explanation. Someone this poisonous cannot be so sweet at any given time! Wonder if she could do both, like stare at you but using the sweet tone, cause then I'm out, the book is scary enough!
Soo I did the reverse summoning hand signs. In retrospect, it is almost identical to the original Summoning Jutsu signs: Monkey, bird, dog, boar and ram…
And then you feel like the world just went for a spin and left you out of the loop. Seriously, the feeling of reverse summoning is nauseating, it's like someone just takes the floor from beneath you, traps you in a bubble and shakes the bubble with you inside, all you wish is for it to stop, to end…
Which normally happens with your face on the ground, as usual…
"Au…" Landing on your face, especially on a rocky road, is not funny.
"hugh…" AHAHAH! Chibi can't even get up! She is just flopped on the ground, hair hiding her face like someone through a doll in the ground. "Yu culd hav warn me… sto laughng!"
How could I stop? Even her mumblings were funny as hell! AHAHAHAH!
… crap, that isn't Chibi! That is!
And suddenly I meet the ground again.
"Naruto you're cruel! When are you going to repay me for my good work on the bridge you stupid asshole?"
Shit, it's Acid! And she is horny! I say that because I can feel wet in my pants! Horny Acid is bad! Very bad!
"Hum… I have been… busy you know.
"Well you could repay me right now! I'm sure no one would…"
"We would mind yes." Thank kami for Keisei! "The smell would make us all go into heat, and I don't think Naruto has the energy to deal with all of us."
"BUH! GO AWAY, HE IS MINE NOW KEISEI!" yelled Acid. "Once he smells my arousal, he will be a prisoner of his own lust BWAHAHAHA!"
Before you consider her delusional ladies and gentlemen, know that she produces two types of scent: the one she uses in battle, which is nasty as shit… and the one she produces when she is horny. A cocktail of pheromones, sweet scents and kami knows what else it could make even the biggest prude accept a public orgy.
Fortunately Keisei's paw just stomps Acid, quieting her for now. If you are worried about Acid taking on a pawn that must weight tons don't. Knowing that crazy vixens as I know her, she will be back with no scars or marks from this. She survives the most miraculous situations.
"What do you require summoner?" Damn, there is always this feeling of how small you are when the one you are talking to is bigger than a freaking mountain!
"Ah yes, me and Chibi needed a place to invoke and slay demons. Thought Konoha wasn't the best place." Damn this actually sounds bad. "Hope there isn't a problem with us doing it here."
"Not at all, as long as you do it away from our village. Less damages that way." Pfew, that is one problem solved. "There is something I wanted to discuss with you, Na-ru-to." Oh CRAP, she looks pissed. "You have yet to start your senjutsu training."
Damn, I had forgotten about that. "Hum… can't we talk about this some other time? We are in a bit of a tight schedule."
"What is Senjutsu?" Now Chibi is curious.
"Who is this?" Oh right, Keisei didn't meet Chibi yet. "Don't tell me you already have a child!"
"No Keisei, no this is Victoria, she is an imp demon I met in Wave. She is the one that is going to summon the demons."
"I see…" hum… what is that look in her eyes? "Well, to answer your question, little one, senjutsu or sage arts are specific powers taught by the summoning clan to their summoner in order for him to reach sage status. It is different for every clan but it usually ends revolving around nature energy and it's use."
"Oh, is it powerful?"
"Very. A master of Senjutsu can call upon the power of nature itself, his strength, speed, durability, everything is increased to a new level. They can do things that they could never do before, like feel everything around them."
"Sounds awesome, why haven't you learned this already?"
Why that little bitch! Does she think that it's that easy?
"Senjutsu takes years to learn. Naruto has started on that path, but has made little progress on it as of late…"
"It's just that I don't feel ready for the next stage yet!" Seriously, the first steps of senjutsu Vixen style were deadly! "I want to train and learn more before I tackle Senjutsu."
"If training is what you need, we could provide you with it." Yeah, but then I would have to reveal that I am actually scared as shit of senjutsu training. "But I respect your decision. Know that you are expected to reach senjutsu. How would you promote our image as a summoning clan if you, as our summoner, cannot reach Sage Mode?"
"I get it, Keisei, I will reach it, okay? Trust me, I just have a lot in my plate right now!"
"So I see. Do what you gotta do, but remember we will finish this later." She then turned and walked away… making the earth shake with each step. Seriously, she is huge! What happens when she has gases? Global Warming?... That was a terrible joke.
"Guh… stepping on me like that, she is cruel…" CRAP, Acid is getting up. "… moh, I'm dizzy, I think I will crash here…" Seriously? ALELUIA! She is! She is going to sleep here! AH!
"Come on Chibi, we need to get going before Acid wakes up again!" I grab Chibi's hand as I ran away from there… I am running a lot today…
"B-b-but she was just crushed under…"
"Don't ask! Acid defies logic, physic, science and nature. Don't try to understand her, don't try to study her, and remember the two golden rules: One, she is crazy, two, stay away from her ass!"
"I don't understand!"
"Good, that means you haven't spent enough time with her yet!"
I only stopped when I thought we were far away from the village that Acid wouldn't find us… I hope…
"Right, let's get this over with. Summon up the spawns!"
"Wait!" What the… "We need to prepare things before we start the slaughter!" Huh, what is she talking about?
"Huh, prepare? Prepare what?"
She stuck a hand in one of her pockets and took a few chalices. At least 5! "These are where I will collect the blood. Now how do you plan to kill them? Cause we need as much blood from each as possible!"
"So no burning and leaving them with as few wounds as I can right? Well, I guess I could snap their necks, break the back of their skulls, stuff like that…"
"Which will make it even more difficult for you. Furthermore, we will need 5 of these, you up to it?"
"BAH, I can do it, summon the first one!"
She sighed as she opened her big ass book… seriously, where does she put that thing when she is not using it? It's freaking huge! That and the cups! Someone as thin as her could hide maybe one cup, she had 5! Bitch has some secret pocket dimension shit or something, I swear!
Now she is mumbling something, it sounds cool and all, but I can't understand shit!
"Erec shu nem va bataka mariu nolote oborite obscuras!"
Yeah, you try to decode that! I don't get shit of what she is saying!
Wow, something is appearing next to her. It's big, black, with bumps and spikes, circular, blood red lines all over it… no that is blood flowing through it. It's obviously metal, just not any that I know of, and not of this world.
Is this what a gate of hell looks like?
"Behold the gate of the first circle!" Great, now she is feeling theatrical. "The gates are different depending on the circle they are connected to. The deeper the circle, the bigger the gate." Okay, I can believe that since this gate is half my size.
"So where is the demon?" Seriously, now I am just itching for a battle!
"Patience! To summon the demon first we summon the gate! Now I will convince the gate to release a demon for us!"
"Convince the gate? You talk as if the gate is alive!"
"Who says it isn't?"
Okay now this is getting freaky. She is turning to the thing and BOWING to it? Holy shit she is!
"Mariven Astuleva, obscuras ventras nos gidani!"
More gibberish! As if we didn't have enough of that!
Wait, the thing is breaking at the middle! Seriously, a crack just went down through the middle of it, purple smoke coming out of it. The two sides of it are starting to slide away from each other, more smoke coming out of it…
And then a scream echoed from within the gate.
Slowly coming out from within was a creature the same size as Chibi, but bulkier. It stood on four legs like a dog, only his front two legs had heavy muscles and claws. The reddish scaly skin looked burned in a lot of places, where it was pitch black. A mouth full of protuberant teeth snapped a few times in challenge. From it's head, two horns curved backwards until they nearly touched it's rear.
Overall, it looked… weak.
"What are you waiting for? Kill it!"
"Are you kidding me? This is a spawn?" Seriously, she was concerned over this?
"Yes now kill it!"
"But he couldn't harm a fly! I thought I was facing a demon, not a pet! This doesn't even look like the one you showed us!"
"You fool! Kill it already!"
Tsk, Chibi is all worked up for noUFFF!
I was sent hurling back as the thing head-butted my stomach. KAMI did it hurt! It's stronger than it looks, I'm telling you. I think I would rather be hit by a bull… and he is coming again.
Rolling to the side to avoid the coming charge, I quickly got up only to have to block his clawed hand coming for my legs, which is not an easy part to defend. He kept trying to claw my legs even as I steeped back after each strike he made.
Maybe I overestimated this little bugger, but at least it doesn't seem like I will have any other surprises from him.
I grabbed one of his paws and hurled him over my shoulder so that he would fall head first into the ground. The result wasn't what I expected: He turned midair and landed on his feet. Great, now I am dealing with a reptile goat-cat hybrid of sorts, lovely.
He didn't lose time to come back and attack me, though. He was already charging again! I jumped over the little fella, trying to think of how I was going to do this.
"Come on, hit him in the head! Break his neck! Do SOMETHING!" Damn Chibi is annoying me! Can't she see I am trying?
I knew that I needed my tails, I needed my power or else I was doomed. Letting my two tails out, even as the power flew through my veins, I grabbed the demon by his horns. The impact was strong, but I held firm even as my palms burned with the pressure. He tried to claw at me, and almost did a few times, but I used my tails to hold them tight.
With a grip on his antlers, and knowing that this was the moment for it, I twisted his head, a snapping sound echoing through the place. Finally, the beast fell dead on the ground.
"Finally! You were taking your sweet time, you baka!" *twitch**twitch*I couldn't help but let my eyebrow twitch even as she collected the blood.
"Well excuse me, you didn't tell me they had different forms!"
"Does it matter, they are weak anyway! You should have killed it before it could react!"
"Whatever. I killed it anyway and I'm ready for the next one. Hit me!"
"Tsk, baka." She mumbled as she started the chant again.
This time, the creature was exactly like in the book: spikes all over his body, a scorpion tail, and ugly as fuck.
I wasted no time using my chakra to envelop me in the chakra fighting style and grab onto his spikes. What I didn't count on was the tail, which cam rocketing to prick the shit out of me and only because I leaned to the side did I avoid it.
"SHIT!" I had to let go as the tail was faster than I though. Bitch scratched my clothes! I jumped back even as the creature turned to face me. "This is gona be tough." Once again I rushed forward, this time using my tails to swat away at the incoming stab as I grabbed onto his throat again.
I couldn't get a decent grip to snap his neck, there were too many spikes. So I started to use chakra to power my arms as I slowly crushed his throat.
His tail tried to prick me a few times, but luckily I was able to keep it away from me with my tails. The beast struggle in my grasp and if it wasn't for the chakra protecting and empowering me I would be skewered.
But it eventually died in my arms. "Alright, you can collect the blood now."
"Good, two down, only 3 to go."
"Is there a reason why we need 5 of these?"
"Not really, it's a matter of quantity. We will need all of this blood, some for the drawing, some to be drank by her."
"Wait what? You said nothing of drinking blood!"
"It's a show of power to Kami that she drinks the blood of his enemy now get ready, I'm about to summon the 3rd!"
God this creature was even uglier: Instead of horns, or a scorpion tail, his skin had small mouths that spilled acid all over. And it spewed acid as if it was puking, same sound and all! I felt sick…
"Damn, disgusting motherfucker!" I finally hit him in the back of the head, knocking him out. Then I broke his neck for extra measure.
"Puff, well, you are doing good…"
What the… Chibi doesn't look so good.
"What's the matter Chibi? You are looking blue."
"Ha… ha… summoning spawns is… not easy…"
"I thought they were weak!"
"Yeah… so am I. I am an imp, we also exist on the first circle."
Damn, sometimes I forget that she isn't as powerful as she tries to look like.
"Do you need a break? We could go take a breather on the village, rest a bit…"
"NO! We need to finish this." Damn, that is some fire in her eyes. "We can rest afterwards. Besides I told you I can summon 5 of these. So let's go, 2 more to go!"
Okay, I will admit, I respect the little Chibi. She is annoying as fuck, but she is not shy when it comes to work.
"Alright, hit me!"
And hit me she did: with another spawn. This time it had hammer like hands and could jump fast and high.
"DAMN, HOLD STILL!" I was losing my patience. The thing kept jumping all around like a circus act and I was in the middle of it all, getting hit from hammers from any direction.
Pumping chakra once again, I decided to go Kaioken on the little bastard. So when he swung his hammer hand at me, I grabbed it. Then I grabbed the other and put my legs on each side of his head. A little turn, and a broken neck.
"Nice… one." Chibi said between pants as she collected the blood. "One more and we are done."
"Yeah, finally." I said as I cracked my neck. Damn was I sore. "Seriously though, what is up with this spawns? They are so diverse!"
"Of course they are, they are the base of demons! A spawn that gets enough power will evolve into another demon and he may evolve into whatever!"
"Get's enough power? How do they do that?"
"Mostly by drinking blood of fallen demons, they are kind of the cleaning service of hell."
"Nice… Alright, ready for the last one."
"You better be."
As the last one stepped out of the gate, with it vanishing behind him, I couldn't help but scratch my head confused. This last one wasn't muscled, had no spikes, no scorpion tail, no hammer hands, no horns… nothing. Looked like and orange scaled monkey.
"Is this a joke?" I said as I turned to Victoria, who seemed just as confused. "This last one is…"
Before I could finish, a ball of fire nearly hit me in the head. I looked back to see the thing forming fireballs in his hands. Of course the last one had to throw fire. With one orb in each hand he started to throw them at me like a kid throwing balls at the bottles.
"You picked the wrong element to throw at me! That is one of my own elements!" I said as I did a few hand signs. "Fire Style: Dragon Breathing Jutsu!"
I let out and enormous amount of flames out of my mouth, covering him from head to toe. I was hoping to hear some cries of agony, but didn't hear them at all.
I only realized my mistake when the fire converged in a much bigger ball in front of me, held over the small creature's head.
"Ha… he uses fire… didn't thought that one through…"
The little fucker threw the ball at me and I barely had time to jump back, grab Victoria and substitute away.
"You… idiot…" for this once, I actually agree with Chibi as we stared at the destruction from a tree nearby.
"Yeah I kind of deserve that. Got a bit cocky there."
"Just… kill it already… no more jokes…" Damn she looks too tired to even insult me.
"Fine, no more fooling around…"
I jumped out of the trees and rushed at him. He spotted me and started to throw fireballs… only for each to fail as they fell around me in a hip.
"That's some bad aim you got." I mocked as I got close enough to him and grabbed both hands, pulling them to the sides. "No more fireballs from you…" He opened his mouth but before he could do anything my tails ensnared his throat. "I mean it, no more fire today."
He struggle in my grasp, kicking with all his strength and trying to fry me with his hands. Sadly for him I was too much and the guy fell down at last.
"Yo Chibi, this one is done!"
Victoria seemed to struggle as she came closer to the corpse. "Good… Now I only need to take his blood…" She did so with shaky hands. "Ah… ah… done…"
"Alright, ready to go back?"
"Yeah… just… give me a second would you?"
She was caked in sweat, her hair stuck to her head, her clothes were wet, her face was flushed and her arms were shaking. She slowly put the chalices… somewhere and proceeded to sit down on the ground. I know she is going to hate me for this, but I couldn't just leave her like that.
"Come on, you." I said as I holster her up to my shoulders.
"WOA what are you doing?" she asked, frightened.
"I am walking you back. You are too tired to do that."
"What about you? You were the one that fought!"
"Yeah, but I am used to this shit. So sit back and rest, I will be your legs for now…"
"I don't need help put me down!" I ignored her as I started to walk back into the village. "…tsk, damn baka…"
Somehow, I couldn't help the smile that graced my face at that moment.
I don't know how this happened. All I know, is that I had just arrived at the village, put down Chibi and then, out of nowhere, I was hit in the head… really hard. Now I don't know what is going on! I can't see shit! It's all black!
"Well… you finally wake up…" That voice… Acid! "You thought you could escape me? HA! I said you would be mine… I meant it!"
Damn it, her voice echoes all around me! I can't tell where she is! Only that she is close that is all! I tried to move but I should have expected her to tie me up if she blindfolded me.
"Hahaha~, Bad boys don't get to watch Na-ru-to!"
Damn, her breath is in my ear. I can feel her hot breath in my ear. Her hand is rubbing across my chest, claws trailing the skin delicately as I felt her nude form conforming to my back.
"You know the best part of not seeing anything? Is that you feel things oh so much more… wonderfully." Her whispers accompanied by her soft tongue, licking and nibbling at my left ear.
Shit shit shit SHIT! She is making me hard! I want her so bad and I can't even see her! This is torture!
"Haha! Look who is all ready for me! Too bad I'm not ready yet." I felt her leave my back, the cold air hitting it and making me shudder. NO! Don't stop now!
I feel something wet in my face, the smell that hits my nose is extremely erotic and my boner gets even more uncomfortable. "Would you get me ready, Na-ru-to?"
I couldn't stop myself as I reached with my tongue and started to lap at her pussy… Kami it tastes so good, the more I lick the harder I get. She is blasting me with her pheromone shit I know it! And the moans she is making don't help at all!
"Moh, aren't you a clever little foxy?" Don't taunt me like that! "Well… should I start?"
Then her pussy left my face. I don't even want to imagine how I look right now, mouth covered in pussy juice, panting like a little bitch. I needed her, and I needed her now.
And that was before something furry started to stroke me.
"Oh, disappointed? You thought we were going to start?" God damn it, this bitch is killing me! "Too bad, you will have to be happy with my foot."
Her… her foot? She is using her foot? This is humiliating! It's like I am nothing but a cockroach to her…
And yet it feels so soft, rubbing the side of my cock so sweetly…
"Oh, it seems like you are enjoying it…"
AH, another foot joined the first. She is rubbing me in between the two, krrr, this is too much!
"Well then, enjoy my feet as much as you would like…"
Enjoy it… you were the one to force me to this! I'm not, stop teasing me!
"Ha, you are moving your hips! How lewd can you be?"
Her question makes me pant even more, I don't know why but I can't talk, can't think, I just want to CUM! Her insulting me is only making me more desperate. I need to cum. I need to cum. I NEED TO CUM!
And I did…
"MAH! You dirtied my feet, how disgusting!" Gah… feels so good… "Moh, what am I going to do with you?"
For a while I heard and felt nothing, just the soft sound of licking and the occasional footsteps. Then suddenly I felt her grab my cock and something at the tip of my cock, wet and tight.
"Guess I have no choice, I will use you to sate me, you disgusting fox."
She then enveloped me. It was so tight, so good! I couldn't help the moan.
"AH, you feel really good. I guess we are both really disgusting, huh?"
She started to move slowly, too slowly. The cool air hit my cock and all I wanted was to go back into her hot tight insides. Only for her to drop just as slowly, enveloping my cock very carefully.
"Kuhuhu, you should see your face, do you want more? Faster?"
I couldn't help but nod. I needed it, badly!
"Then go ahead, fuck me!"
With that said, it was like a damn broke. I started trusting my hips as fast as I could, going as deep as I could with each stroke.
"Ah, ah ah that is really good, you are so rough." Her sweat pants sounded far away until I could feel her body on top of mine, her mouth close to my ears. "So tell me, is it because you want to impregnate me?"
I froze. What did she say?
"You heard me, you want to bloat me up, fill me with cum and make me have your vixens don't you? You perverted boy."
Impregnate her? My Vixens? Something in me snapped and I just went overboard, fucking as hard and as long as I could.
"That is it, fuck me." Her voice so sweet in my ears. "Fill me with cum, make me have your vixens, mate with me!"
I came at least 3 times after that, not stopping even as I came, my mind filled with "impregnate" and such ideas. By the time I had my third orgasm I was too tired to move.
"That… was quite the mating." Through it all, she never screamed like others would, but moaned all the while. "All because you wanted to make me pregnant. But I think it's time you knew a little secret, my little pervy fox…"
Suddenly, I felt the blindfold being taken off. When I was able to look, I saw Acid on top of me, sweat covering her body and a grin in her face. "Look down, my disgusting little fox." As I did I saw something that made my heart fall…
My dick was firmly stuck in her ass.
"BUWAHAHAH! Your face! You look so sad!" She mocked me even as she raised and fell on my cock. "What is the matter, did you really want to impregnate me? To fill me with your babies? AHAHAHAHA!"
I couldn't answer. At any other point, I might have laughed at her prank, gone along with it. But her smell, her pheromones, made me desire that yes I had gotten her pregnant, that was what was driving my hips all along.
Now I saw as she pulled herself off my cock, with a trail of juices falling down her ass.
"I put a bit of lube so you would never suspect a thing. I knew that with my scent and the blindfold you would drive yourself insane, I just didn't know how much."
She then had an evil smirk. "How about it? Shall I use this ass you adore and bring you more pleasure, my dirty little fox?"
For the rest of my time there, I was used time and time again by the overly ecstatic fox.
Author Notes:
Delfim: Hey Guys Delfim the Black Kitsune here, thank you for readying the new chapter.
Ego: What the hell man, it took you like 2 years and this was short!
Delfim: Do you have any idea how much work I put into this? I had to rewrite it several times because I just didn't feel it was right and when I finally finished, which is what you are readying now, I still didn't feel satisfied.
Lust: Why is that?
Delfim: I don't know. For a while, Naruto just lost a bit of the shine it once had. But I will strive to finish this one. I do know how things are going to go on from here:
Hinata demonification.
Meeting the new demon girl.
Chunin exams.
This is what I have planned so far.
Ego: So hope you guys out there aren't mad and enjoyed the chapter.
Lust: I sure did…
Delfim: Everybody out there: I don't know when I will be able to upload this story cause life is getting tight, I have a lot of stories now and the inspiration for this is sort of running on fumes.
As such I would like to announce that while I will not give up on this story I give anyone that might want to try to write their own version of this story the free reigns to do so… if they tell me so on the reviews or in a private message.
If I receive any I shall make reference to them on the next chapter.
Peace Out.