Hey everyone! This is my new story and this is my solo story! I hope everyone enjoys it! Thanks to my awesome group of girls who help me with everything! Siobhan, Teamalltwilight, and toocute24, thanks you for everything!

I also I have to say thank you to everyone for all the support from yesterday! Every single one of you that reported my story stolen thank you so much! Lets just hope this doesn't happen again!

I own nothing but the plot proudly!

Once you join or marry into the mafia, it's for life. That was something I didn't know. If I did, I never would have put my family in such a situation. Mike would be rolling over in his grave if he knew the choices I've made without having all the information. My name is Isabella Marie Cullen, and this is my story.

In 2007, my life was turned upside down when I lost my husband to brain cancer. He was diagnosed two months before we found out I was pregnant with our third child. Mike died when I was seven months along. The stress of his death and having two other children to care for, put me into early labor. Rachel was born a month premature. I knew Mike was watching over me when there were no complications. He had named our daughter while on his death bed. I knew at that moment that I'd never find another love, despite the fact that he gave me his blessing to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. All he asked, was that our children were never mistreated and they kept the Newton name. He knew I would never let anyone mistreat our children or change their identity.

I married Mike the summer we graduated from high school, and gave birth to our first son, Mikey, the following spring. Two years later, Jacob was born, and my plate was overflowing. In 2007, little miss Rachel was born. I was sad Mike couldn't be with me; I hated him for leaving this world, for leaving me. I knew he never would've left if he had a choice, but it still hurt like hell. I would lay in bed at night and cry; I missed him so much.

Mike was the only person I had ever trusted. I had major trust issues growing up, all stemming from my parents, who never had a stable relationship. My mother and I moved from Forks, Washington, to Phoenix, Arizona seven times during my childhood and adolescence. My mother's family was from Phoenix, and whenever my parents fought, we left my dad. Every time she wanted to come back, my father would welcome her with open arms. I lost all respect for my mother because she would always ran away from her problems, and my father for letting her walk all over him. I only saw my parents once a year after I moved out, and that was always at Christmas. They were crappy parents, but they were very good to my kids. My mother wanted to move in with me after Mike died, but there was no way in hell I would've let that happen. I will say, however, that my mother helped me heal. I knew I was the only one that my kids had left, and I planned to give them the best life I could.

Since I had such trust issues, I never wanted to put my children in the care of someone else. Mike always thought of the what if's, and he had set up a life insurance policy when he started working. When he passed away, I was awarded his fifty thousand dollar policy. After paying for all his arrangements, I was left with about forty grand, and I knew I had enough money to get by until I could find a job. I was always the homemaker, staying home to raise my children and care for my family. I became friends with my neighbor Tori after Mikes death. She was a lifesaver. Tori needed a sitter for her son Seth. That was when I decided to become a certified care giver. Tori's former sitter was charging her over two hundred dollars a week, despite the fact that he was nine years old and in school most of the time. She was a friend, so I only charged her a hundred a week.

Paul and Leah were friends of Mike. They had a one year old daughter named Lilli. I really couldn't stand the parents, they reminded me of my own, but I loved Lilli. I'm pretty sure Leah went through her contact list and asked everyone she knew to watch Lilli. I was going to say no, but she said she would pay two hundred a week, and I wasn't in a position to turn down any kind of money.

Then there was Alice Whitlock. I took care of her three year old son, Cash. She heard about me from Tori, having gone to high school together. That woman scared the shit out of me. She had more money than any one person needed, and when she said her last name, she said it as a threat. I didn't know if she had a hard life growing up, but I was pretty sure she could kick my ass. I really couldn't stand the woman, but when she said three hundred a week, I started to like her more. Her kid was a brat, and could make me cry if he tried hard enough. He was a spoiled rotten kid, who was never told no or punished for anything. I had even watched him hit his mother in the face once. I'd never met Cash's father, but I really don't think any father would allow their child to hit their mother. Cash was good for me, though. He and Rachel got along really well, but he definitely wasn't Jake's favorite person. The two of them gave me a headache constantly. It was the happiest day of my life when Jake started school. For the most part Rachel, Lilli, and Cash all got along. I think Cash liked being the only boy. Rach liked to play baby house and Cash was always the daddy. I figured his parents let him watch any kind of movie he wanted, because he get one of the boys' toy guns and stuck it in the waist of his pants. When I asked what he was doing, he told me he had to protect the ones he loved. I laughed; he was such a boy.

I knew I wasn't the greatest mother, but I did the best I could. I believed in spanking my kids when they needed it, and they knew so. I had good kids for the most part. They were respectful, grateful, and had very good manners. I was with my kids almost all the time. Tori would watch them if I had to go to the store or something, but that was it. I couldn't even remember the last time I had gone out without kids. I should have moved back to Forks after Miked passed, but that was too close to my parents. I stayed in our house in the suburbs of Seattle instead. The kids went to a great school, and I'd made a good life for the four of us. If they were good, I took them out to eat every Friday. Sometimes, I just wanted to get out of the house, so we would still go even if they hadn't behaved. As punishment, I would make the bad kids sit at the table while the other played in the play area.

On a Thursday afternoon, Alice called to tell me her brother was going to be picking Cash up. She said he was a tall, good looking man, and to ask to see his ID before I let him in the house. Sometimes she would ask me to do the strangest things. I was glad Cash was being picked up at a decent hour, though. There were times when I would have him until eight o'clock at night. Lilli and Seth always left between three and four. Just as Paul was leaving with Lilli, a charcoal gray car pulled into my driveway. A man jumped out looking extremely pissed off. In all honesty, he scared the shit out of me. I figured then that it was Alice's brother. I watched through the window as he walked up to the front door, and pounded on it.

"Who is it?" I yelled through the door.

"Edward Cullen, I'm Alice's brother," he said.

"I need to see ID." I heard him grumble under his breath as I cracked the door open. He handed me his license and I was shocked to see an extremely hot man in the picture. I looked up at his face and back to the picture. He was the hottest guy I think I'd ever seen in my life. His eye color had to be fake. They were green! Like an emerald green. Like I said, they had to be fake. He had perfect teeth and a gorgeous smile. His lips were kissable and his jaw screamed for me to bite him. He was the first man, since Mike, that I thought of in a sexual way.

"May I come in?" he asked in a softer voice.

"Oh! Um," I stuttered, looking at the name on the license. Yup, he was definitely Edward Cullen. "Yes." I moved out of the way of the door and thanked god I had put a bra on that morning. There were days where I didn't get dressed at all. If I didn't leave the house, there was no sense in putting on clean clothes, right? "Cash, your Uncle is here," I yell toward the living room.

"Was the little fucker good for you?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, today was a good day," I said with a smile.

"Good, I don't know how you watch the brat. You must be a strong woman." Was he flirting with me?

"I don't think strong is the right word. Now, if you would've said crazy, I'd have agreed," I said as we laughed.

"Mommy, Mikey hit me," Jake said crying.

"He did! Popped him in the arm," Cash said as he ran to his uncle. Edward picked him up and Cash hugged him tightly.

"I'll be right back," I said as I told Jake to sit on the couch. I walked into the boy's room and found Mikey playing the X-box. I should've known that was the source of the fight.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" I said, making Mikey jumped.

"What? He turned it off in the middle of my game," he said, trying to defend his actions. Without saying a word I pulled the plugs out of the back of the box and grounded them both for the weekend. "Mom! You could have broken it again!"

"I really don't care! I'm sick of the two of you fighting over that fucking game! Go sit in the living room away from your brother," I said in a stern voice. I walked back to the kitchen and thew the cords on top of the fridge. "I'm sorry, I'll get his things." When I got to the living room, I grabbed the little bag that Alice always brought.

"You have to shit or anything before we leave?" Edward asked.

"Yup," Cash said as as he hurried to the bathroom.

"So, you married?" Edward asked as I laughed.

"No," I said still laughing. I was pretty sure he was trying to pick me up.

"RA GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM!" I heard Cash yell. I ran to the hallway bathroom and scooped up my little girl.

"I just wanna play," she said crossing her arms.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to walk in on people going potty. Besides, Cash is leaving in just a minute," I told her.

"But, he's my best friend. Oh wow! You're pretty," Rach said to Edward. Great, my three year old was a better flirt than me.

"Hi, little lady. You are just as beautiful as your mom," Edward said. If I was one to blush, I would've been beat read. "What's your name, Princess?"

"Rachel Marie Newton," she said with a big smile.

"Perfect name for a perfect girl," Edward said, kissing her hand.

"Go sit and watch TV," I said, setting her down. She waved her little hand bye to Edward, and then skipped her way to the living room.

"Go out with me tomorrow night."

"Excuse me?" I asked, thinking I must have heard him wrong.

"Tomorrow night, you and I should go out to dinner together," he said. He gave me a smile that probably got him whatever he wanted.

"No thanks," I said as Cash came out holding up his pants. I bent down to help him while Edward kept talking.

"Are you going to give me a reason why you can't?"

"I don't want to," I said as he laughed.

"You don't want to go on a date with me?"

"No, not really."


"I don't date."

"Bullshit," he said as I stood back up.

"I have dated one guy in my whole life, and that was my late husband, Mike. I really don't have any interest in starting a relationship with anyone," I said as he stared at me.

"He's dead?"


"When did he die?"

"Three years ago. Why is that any of your business?" I asked getting mad, more at myself than anything. I had no idea why was I talking so candidly to this man.

"You haven't been with anyone in three years? That's kinda sad. You're hot," he said as I glared at him.

"It was nice to meet you. Cash, I'll see you tomorrow," I said as I opened the front door.

"Go out with me," he said one more time.

"No. Even if I was one of the many girls to fall to your feet and say yes, I still wouldn't have a sitter," I told him as he smirked.

"Fair enough. What are you going to do tomorrow night for dinner?" he asked as I rolled my eyes.

"I take my kids out to dinner every Friday," I said as he smiled at me.


"See you later, Edward," I said as he moved to the door.

"Bye kids! Be good for your mom. I'll see you tomorrow at dinner," he said as I glared at him.

"You're going to Good Burger with us?"

"Jacob!" I said. The poor kid looked so confused.

"Yay! My Edward is going to dinner with us!" Rachel said as she squealed.

"What time?" he asked, loud enough so that the kids could hear him.

"You need to leave," I said. When Edward was laughing and being all playful like that, it was hard to stay mad at him.

"Five three zero!" Cash said, jumping up and down. I pushed the door closed and leaned against it.

"I'll see you tomorrow at five thirty, Bella," he said through the door. His voice gave me cold chills. I was kind of...excited?

Okay, you have now met Bella and Edward, what do you think of them? Please remember that this story is not going to always be playful and happy all the time. This may go a little slow at first, but it is all needed. I will put up a warning of sorts when things start to change.

I have a twitter, blogspot, and facebook. The links are on my profile. Teaser are done on my facebook!