REMILIA WAS TIED up in Hallowen land which ws in Gensoko in underground. "Where am II?" Ask Remilia but evil Unclke Harry laugh evol. "HAHAHA! I WIL RAP YOU AND YOU BABY WILL BECOME NEW BODY SO GILFRED VON BAGGANS CAN BE REBORNN IN NEW BODY!"

Crep, Reimu, and Maris goat to Halloweenland, which is land that look lik dead forest from Evil Dead III; it have many gnarl teres that has feces like a humnan but look scarier like a ork face. ther ezombies with rotting run arounfg the woods and they also on fire and really mean and agresive! It always night in Halowen land because of underground, and giant moonrock in ceiling was like full monn, so werewolfs and vampires. "We ned to find Remili FATS!" sad Crepe as run and look at rocks. "But she take you kidnap away!" Reimu protest, and she right Remilia did take Crepe away from Reimu! "But Evil Uncle Harry is worse we need to stop him!" They all saw a blu fire on a hell, so they went to it and that where Evil Uncle Larry was hitting!

"EVIL UNCLE LARRY STOP AND FICK YOURSELF " Crepe yeled really angru at Evil uncle Hairy, but he laugh again! "I will KILL!" Evil Uncle Larry pull out a gun it was a S&W .46 and he shot Crepe. "NO!" screm Marisa and she grab Crepe out of way so she didn' getshot! "DAM YOU!" Evil Uncl Larry shouted and he shot Marisa! "AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGH!" Marisa scram and fall! "NOOOOOOOOOO!" Cfrepe and Reimu scream and they go to Martisa. "Im sorry its all my failt" Marisa crie, "If I didn'y have a drunk and have a sex with Alice Magratroid, then Ctrepe would be with us and not with Remilii!" "No, don't say that," Remilia said to Marisa, "Its not you're fault." SHUT UP!" Uncl Harry yell, "LOVE MAKE ME FUKING SICK!" Uncle Larry trid to shoot again, but Reimu grab his hand and broke it in half. "OWWWWW" Uncle Harry hand shout in pan! "Now to finish you!" Marisa yelld and shot a super chainsaw master spark out of her hands at Evil Uncle Larry who yelld "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" and he exploded into blod and gore. Uncle Harry was in hell witn Gilfred von Baggins who said "you too, huh?" "yeah..." Uncle Larry cried and the devel shove a fire hydrand up his asss even tho it too small so his anus broke in half.

Remilia was free and not rape so Evil Uncle Larryplan had fail just like his life lol! "You shouldn't save me I am bad person and I wanted to kill you but I dont now." Remilia weeped. "No, iot my fault," Reimu cried, "I kill you're sister Flander Scaret and you just trying to revenge her!" "It doesnt matter now," Crepe pointed out, "Evil Uncle Larry is dead and in hell like a pig fucker and we all OK!" Everyone smile, "OK! Lets go home for halloween partyy to celenrate Hallowen!" so they go home!


P:SSSSSSSSS: Thios hallow party is great they gibe me a beer instead of cadny!