Full Summary:

Clary incurs the wrath of a psychotic killer after discovering the whereabouts of a young boy who's been missing for five years. At age six Adam Crystal was kidnapped from his home on the night of all nights. A stranger broke in their house, and bound his parents up in the living room. In the time being Adam made an attempt to hide his 2-year-old sister Abigail, after slaughtering the parents the stranger- known later as Jim Graham- finds the children hiding in Adam's closet. Graham strangles the toddler, and shoves Adam in a giant sack, and carries him away. Wanting to train him in the "business". In the years that followed, Graham kept Adam locked up in a deserted Up-State New York pig farm, all the while forcing the young boy to witness and participate in the most cruel forms of torture imaginable. Five years later; 17-year-old Clary Fray is partying on Halloween in the country when she catches a glimpse of the young boy in one of the factory windows. Informed by the taxi driver that the factory has been abandoned for years, curious Clary returns shortly thereafter in an attempt to find the young boy, only to discover that what she has done is open a can of worms that she may never be able to close again...

Disclaimer! I do not own the characters, just the plot line! The Boy, and Graham belong to Steven Mena, and the TMI Characters to Cassandra Clare! Please enjoy! -

I Abducted

When I was little, I never thought once that I'd be a mother. Other little girls would come over and play, and they would want to play with baby dolls. One day, a little brunette child came over to play. She was shy at first, but softened after some time. Her mother met my mother in a parent teacher conference, and for some reason they both thought we would be good candidates for friends. Not that she was a bad little girl; it's just that we had nothing in common.

She brought over a baby doll, and handed it to me. From the moment she put it in my hands I felt sick, like the thing I held was a pile of vomit. I dropped it from my arms, and backed away.

"I don't wanna play this game!" I hadn't meant to be cruel, even back then, I just liked playing with Simon better. He had action figures, and toy dinosaurs. I liked playing video games, and pretending to slaughter dragons, and shooting zombies. I didn't like playing house, dolls, or dress-up.

"And that's precisely why I love you!" Jace kissed my temple, and pulled me closer with his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I smiled sweetly at him, I loved him for loving me… all of me.

But when I was a little girl, I couldn't help but think that there was something wrong with me. Why did I find baby dolls stupid? Did that mean that one day I'd be a bad mommy? And whenever I was around real babies, I didn't know what to do. Should I hold them? Play with them? Tickle them? Should I be happy to see one? See, for me my reaction to a baby would be; 'A baby? Oh… cool.' I didn't think anything of it. Like it's a baby, cool whatever. I never told anyone these feelings; in fear that I would be told that there was something wrong with me.

But then I got older, and the idea of there something being wrong with me slowly swept away. Leaving nothing behind, but a grain of memory. I learned that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me. I'm just not maternal I guess. And there's nothing really bad about that, right?


Well Halloween is just around the corner, and Simon and I have planned to watch some horror movies this weekend. I had gotten Jace into our so-called Fright Nights, but Simon threw a hissy fit about Jace being around during our quality time. In the beginning, Simon and I saw less of each other than usual, but now I have made it a priority to spend time with him for some time now. And the one time I invite Jace to spend time together the three of us, and Simon nearly bites my head off.

So Jace and I enjoy our very own horror movie night. Besides, they're the only kind I can get him to watch. I was able to get him to watch 2012, and Iron Man, he enjoyed 2012, but Iron Man wasn't his forte. Every once in a while, a movie outside of the Horror genre excites Jace, it has to be good, or else Jace finds every little thing to nit pick at the flaws. Not that I can blame him. Some movies out there deserve such criticism.

"Okay, I say The Good Son."

"Simon, that's not a horror movie."

"What are you talking about? Of course it is."

He took the movie out of the 'old' movie cabinet. Why do I call it old? Well it's an inside Joke, you see. Since everything is either DVD or Blue-Ray these days, most kids younger than us don't know what a VHS is. Or whenever they talk about it, they say it like this. "Oh yea, my mom still has a bunch of those from when she was little." Um.. I'm younger than your mom, Kiddo. So Simon was going in the old movie cabinet to retrieve the VHS version of The Good Son.

"It has all the horror movie elements. Creepy music up till death. Hidden silent killer. A bit of a slasher, and a hero."

"No, it's a thriller!" I argued. "No one technically dies, and the killer is a little boy, who manipulates, and charms his way through the movie to convince everyone that he is absolutely innocent until the end."

"Why can't this be labeled as a horror film?" He whined.

"Because it doesn't fit the rules!"

"Well screw the rules for once!" He chuckled, and slid the VHS from its cardboard box. "Well, I'm in the mood for an evil child horror movie, so we're watching this, and then The Omen! Okay?" I laughed at him

"Now that's a horror movie!"

"What!" Simon nearly yelled.

About half way through the movie, on came more discussions and arguments. We watched as Macaulay Culkin sent an arrow through a poor cats head, and Elijah Wood watch in horror. We watched Macaulay throw his little sister into a frozen lake. We watched as the little sociopath taunted and manipulated Elijah Wood.

"Okay, tell me. What is the difference between evil Macaulay Culken, and the Anti-Christ?"

"Damien never speaks."

"Yes he does!"

"Oh my God!" I playfully gasped. "Two freaking lines."


"Okay, Damien is evil to his very core. He's the son of Satan for crying out loud, Simon!"

"And Macaulay Culkin isn't evil to the core? Just because his father isn't Satan?"

"Well… what is wrong with Macaulay is he has a disorder in his brain. One of which is Sociopathy." He rolled his eyes at me; maybe it was because I sounded smart. Hey, being around Jace rubs off on you, and whoever said it was all a bad thing?

"Not all sociopaths are serial killers."

"I know that, Simon." I sighed. "But he clearly is a serial killer, he has many disorders. His brain his dysfunctional, Damien had a perfectly normal brain, but an evil soul." In all the while I was saying this; Simon continued to shake his head.

"I still disagree."

"Why!" I shouted, while still laughing.

"What is the difference?" He shouted, and shoved popcorn in his mouth. "Damien is a sociopath too! He may not be human, but he is a sociopath. What makes you say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with his brain?"

"BECAUSE HE'S THE SON OF THE DEVIL!" I shouted in frustration.

"EXACTLY!" He countered. "There is no way to cure a sociopath! Or a psychopath! SO therefore, Macaulay is EVIL!"

I was about done arguing with him at that point, I was going to get into how sensitive your mind is. If you injure the wrong part, you could go crazy and start killing people, without even knowing it. There are ways to injure your brain, to cause delusions. You could be normal one day, and a car accident later, just as crazy as Charles Manson.

But Simon wasn't going to budge; besides, I was saved by the bell when my cell buzzed. I looked at the screen to see Izzy's name, ugh what could she want? Reluctantly I answered.


"Clary!" Izzy's voice rang on the other end. "Remember when you told me you wanted to look sexy this year for Halloween?"

"Yeah sure, what of it?"

"I found the best thing! You're at Simon's right?"


"Good I'm coming over!"

Every night it's the same. He sleeps and he dreams of being far away, he has dreams of a woman, whose face is vague, and it's incredibly hard to see. But her voice is soft, and soothing, and he knows that he is safe. She sings, and hums beautiful tunes, while stroking his cheek. Then suddenly she stops.

He hears screams, and cries, please for mercy. He and her hid somewhere, hopefully somewhere safe. He made her duck below him, knowing that she would be safer beneath his wing. Just like she did.

The cries stopped, and suddenly there was silence. He thought silence would be a sign of comfort, and freedom. The sign that it was over and it was safe to come out, but something inside him told him otherwise. The silence wasn't good; it was probably the worst thing that could happen. Then suddenly thudded footsteps.

1… 2… 1… 2… 1… 2

They were coming closer, and their breathing became erratic. The monster was so close, what was he going to do? He had to protect her, she was smaller than him, and even though he was small too, he always knew the hero protected the smallest, of the small.

The door flew opened, and they screamed in terror, at the fright of being found. He remembered her cries, as he took her into the hair, and suddenly his tight grip silenced her, and she was gone. Tears fell down his cheeks as he was shoved into a sack… and the last thing he heard was a faint name from her lips.


That was the last time he ever saw her, or heard her small voice. Now his world was full of shadows, and monsters. He was trapped, and no matter where he went, they were there. Watching, waiting.

"They abandoned you." The man always told him. "I saved you." Soon he lost track of time. He remembered in school that they taught him days of the week… Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

But what day was it now? The sack was so dark, and he was there for so long. When he finally came out, it was raining, and it was night. He tried to escape when the man wasn't looking, but he had found him. When he did, he warned him about the monsters. He told him they were dangerous.

"They will use your vulnerability, and weakness against you." He would say. "Bury them." He sighed and stroked his hair, almost like she use to. "I don't want to see you hurt." The man soothed. "I don't want to hurt you. I just need you to help me, okay?" He nodded at the man, not sure what else to do. He could try and escape again the next day, whenever that was he wasn't sure, but he would try.

"They will make me hurt you, if you disobey." The man looked like he was trying not to cry.

He would try to escape, but every time they were there. They must be real, because he always knew where to find him. As time went on, he swore he could see them move, and point at him every time an idea came up in his mind to run away.

Soon, the place became the only one he knew, and the man became his father. At this point he knew years were going by, and yet no one came for him. No one came to take him home. He just wanted his mother, father, even his sister. But with each passing day, no one would come. Perhaps he truly was abandoned, and the man saved him.

Maybe he was all alone. Soon he couldn't remember their faces, just sounds and blurs, he knew that soon they would fade completely, and he would no longer remember. It scared him. They may have left him, but he wanted to remember, because at least back then monsters didn't watch his every move.

Maybe they loved her more, he always thought they did. They were ashamed of him, afraid of him. She was normal, she could feel. They wanted her, not him, and they finally made the choice to give him away, and keep her. They never really loved him, and so be it. One day he'll escape from this place, but he could care less if he ever saw them again…

This was suppose to be a Halloween special, but it took me too long to write since I'm trying to write a bunch of chapters down for my other stories before updating. Plshshshs. lol. So instead I am posting it ON Halloween, instead of a month before, AND it'll just have to continue after Halloween as well. *Sigh* The story starts off as disturbing, bloody and somewhat scary, but it turns into something softer and nicer, for a happier ending. I also know most of you are like... "STOP WRITING SO MUCH STORIES!" I know, I know, I know! lol. I have soooooo much more in my notebook you don't even know. hahaha. It's hard not to post it on here to see what others think. OKay I hope you guys like this, I really like it. It's based off a movie I saw that had an incredibly sad ending, so I HAD to write my own version to make myself feel better. There is a photoshop'd poster pic of this, just go to my profile underneath Bonus Features and Benevolence is the link, with more to come. I also posted Clary's tat from Slut Year. So go check it out!