Rise or Fall

Chapter 334: Headmaster Theatre

Chapters to Check: 320, 332, and 333.

NOTE: So, Fam, you know how RoF's most recent story arc involved the X-Men dealing with a mysterious disease poisoning Hank? How he had to be isolated from most of the others because they weren't sure at first if they were dealing with something airborne or how contagious it was in general? How they had to make regular use of disposable gloves and even install a sanitation machine in the infirmary? Most bizarre, unrealistic story-line depicted thus far, right? Also, I go on hiatus and suddenly, practically the whole world decides to do the exact same thing. That's life in the Internet Age for you. No originality.

Alright, all wit aside, I just had to get this update out to check in with all of you. How are you and your loved ones holding up? I'm fine and so is the rest of my family. We actually have a lot less to complain about than many others out here, all things considered. Listen, Fam, as insane as everything is right now, I have to urge you all to keep going strong so long as there is breath in your body. For those of you counted among the essential workers, thank you so much! Whatever compensation you're receiving is not a fraction of how valuable your life is yet you take the risk. As soon as this is over, whether you're in the medical field or the food courier business, don't you ever let

anyone make you feel lesser or put you down for whatever it is you do to make a living. Not even you yourselves are allowed to entertain those thoughts. Again, thank you!

For everyone at home, I know you must feel the walls closing in, but please, don't give in. Don't even consider it. Here are some things that have kept me afloat since my layoff last year. Wake up, get your behind out of that bed, make that bed, take a shower, scrub your teeth, and get dressed. Pajamas are not getting dressed. Living out of sweatpants every single day is not getting dressed. No, make yourself presentable; shave, put on makeup, run a comb through your hair, put on some deodorant- basically, if Kayla wouldn't let you come into her classroom, turn right around and try again. Really important, do

not fall into the bad habit of overeating. If anything, use this as an opportunity to keep track of your calories and try to get your health and fitness in order. That goes for you hyper metabolism types, too. Try to eat and work on your muscle strength.

Most of all, Fam, I want all of you to be not only physically but mentally healthy as well. Take it from someone really working on that last thing. Remember Charles' wisdom and hang onto the hope. I'm not here to promise you everything will be okay because I don't know that anymore than the rest of you do. However, I am beseeching you not to give into fear and despair. I love you all so much. Again, join the Rise or Fall Fam group on facebook and as some of you have, look for me on tumblr under alwaystigersgirl. Crisis or none, this Fam remains.

As for the hiatus, I'm hoping for August for regular updates. Hopefully, I'm able to check in again with you all before then. For now, please stay home, stay safe, stay strong, enjoy, review, and re-read (seriously, this will all probably be over by the time you get to Chapter 100 alone)

Behind the lavish Xavier Estate, the dual motorized machines floored along the empty road. The sun's rays caused the recently washed and polished scarlet-silver and sapphire-silver paint jobs to glimmer. Each rider wore leather jackets and headgear that matched their vehicles' color schemes with X patches adorning the shoulders and sides of the helmets. When the red one activated his brakes, the more reluctant blue slowed down.

Activating the button that allowed him to peel back his mouthpiece, the ruby quartz shielded rider looked towards his comrade. "What'd you run out of, gas or guts? No way are you tired already."

With a scoff, Frank removed his helmet entirely. "Only thing I was tired of was waiting around for you to come to your senses, Summers. We could've been crusin' on these choppers."

"Ah, shove it," Scott blocked the playful punch he aimed at him, "Lehnsherr."


Once all mansion youths received a ride around the block in the jaw-dropping Chevy Bel-Air, the Birthday Havok whisked the Cyclops away. After one look at Erik's gift, Scott could not believe his older brother wanted to end the evening with a stroll. Still, there they walked alongside each other- when not stomping down on the other's foot in jest- through the familiar path.

"Bet you're just itchin' for me to show you how to drive now, right?"

"Whatever," Scott rolled his eyes dramatically. "Who has the highest score in the flight simulator again? Besides, my wheels are still badder than yours. But if you're really nice to me, I might see about giving your motorcycle a good home…"

"Oh, no," Alex promptly shot down. "You wish. I'm not about to trade in my old baby for the new one."

As soon as a gathering of fireflies came into view in the open area, Scott's features lit up along with the insects'. "What're we doing here?"

"I come out here at the end of every birthday." Alex continued their trek until they reached the edge of the stream. "Ever since I came here." He rethought that. "Well, not last year, obviously."

"Right," Scott spoke with fond recollection of the farmhouse trickling in. At Alex's cue, he sat in the grass with him. "What do you do out here?" The brunette formed a smirk. "Don't tell me you actually try to think or something."

The more somber blonde replied, "To talk. To Mom, Dad, you." Scott eyed him with significantly less humor present. "At least, before we found each other. I know it's stupid and corny, but after that, I wondered maybe… if you ever heard me. Somehow."

Unsure what to say to the unexpected information, Scott responded as earnestly as he could. "Maybe I did- somehow."

"I was a real piece of work when I first came out here," Alex recollected, gazing out on the water. "Getting you back helped me believe in a lot of things I'd given up on."

Scott initially stayed quiet until he collected the necessary words to ask, "Were you happy when Charles brought me here? I want the truth, Alex."

"When don't you?" Facing him, The older male then placed serious blue eyes on him. "Of course I was. Did things get more complicated? Yeah, because I thought I made peace with my past then suddenly, I had to face it again. And I'm glad. I'd never trade this second chance for us, Scottie."

"Yeah, same here." Scott made a fist to bump with his.

After pulling back hands, Alex further informed, "But I have made peace. With our past, anyway. Not with what happened to the Lehnsherrs. Erik's given me way more than whatever my car's worth."

"… You want him to adopt you, don't you? Signatures and all?"

Alex nodded. "Apparently, Jam's been researching on his own; worrying about Lee. You don't have to change last names."

Scott's posture perked. "You're gonna stay a Summers?"

"Yeah, man." Alex grasped his shoulder and strengthened their eye contact. "We are the Summers. But I told you two birthdays ago that we can't seal ourselves off in some private club. We have family and responsibilities with the X-Men."

"I know," Scott inserted with equal resolution.

"You should also know that this family is looking out for you and your future more than you realize," Alex told him. "I would never push you into anything, Scottie, but Lee's not wrong. We can't chase ghosts forever."

Scott bowed his head for several silent seconds before offering an encouraging nod. "If you want this, I'm with you. Promise."

Alex released a breath through his nose and squeezed the thin shoulder in gratitude. He then used his other hand to point. When Scott glanced in the indicated direction, he popped up to go after an entire platoon worth of fireflies.


Off to the side away from any other potential moving vehicles, the two teenage mutants sprawled over their motor scooters. Other than a passing car here and there, they stared at nothing in particular.

"You think Phil might pull something?"

Frank waved a hand in dismissal of the notion. "Word can't reach him in time for him to actually do anything to stop us."

Scott then questioned, "Do you want him to? Not to stop it, I mean- just to try?"

Frank shook his head with uncharacteristic firmness. "I'm not playing games here, Scott. This isn't about him, anyway. It's not like I hate him. I just love Erik more. My mom might not want to make that crystal clear, but I do." He peered the younger boy's way. "Do you get that? At all?"

"Hey," Scott sat up straighter on his bike, "I'm with you. All of you. Promise."

The two slapped hands as they picked up on another motor headed their way.

Bringing the magnificent black and white machine to a stop, the rider raised the visor on his helmet to reveal the hazel eyes beneath. "Staying in bounds. I'm impressed with your will power, laddies."

"Forget the will," Scott brushed off, "how 'bout our skills?"

"That's to be reviewed," Trick lowered his visor and revved up again, "if you can keep up for the trek home. What say you, Eye Screamers?"
The brunette pair wasted no time donning their own helmets once more.


As soon as dinner dispersed and with the newlywed Cassidys giddy to tidy the kitchen together in cutesy fashion, Cordelia, Angel, and Samantha holed away to the latter two's bedroom. They piled their assortment of photographs and other privileged information on Angel's bed while Cordelia used Samantha's to make the layout. She made the print as neat yet eye-catching as capable by someone with years of etiquette lessons crammed into her cranium.

"I'm glad these nosy folks will be busy tomorrow," Angel piped up. "We can get this stuff to the printers without getting held up."

"They've been preoccupied in general," Cordelia mentioned, grateful for that for more than one reason.

The trio of girls worked diligently until the unmistakable ringing telephone sounded. Compliments of feline senses along with reflexes, Samantha beat the older two to the door.

Supporting Brian on her hip, Emma turned to them from answering the hallway extension to announce, "And the winner is… Fabian Cortez."

While the others drooped, Cordelia puffed her shoulders haughtily. "Can I call him back in your room? Pretty please, sis?"

To that, Emma slyly informed, "Charles is preoccupied downstairs."

"Thank you! Let him know for me." With that, the blue-eyed teen merrily headed for the master bedroom.

Emma spoke into the receiver again. "She's calling you back momentarily, Fabian." After hanging up, she continued to the bathroom with Brian for the on-going potty training effort.

At her sister's monumental eyeroll on their way back in, Angel shut their door and remarked, "I thought you liked your future Uncle Fabian."

Resuming going through pictures, Samantha responded matter-of-factly, "Well, I love my present-future Collin."

"Do you really?"

When the question came without even a hint of tease, Samantha peered up at her. "Yes. Mama will think it's stupid. Even more than everybody around here."

"It's not stupid," Angel stated sincerely. "Dri likes Collin or you already know she'd have y'all living on separate planets."

"True," Samantha had to agree.

"And don't worry about everybody else. The X-Men don't want you going out with anybody and the X-Women just think we're all being cute." Angel looked to reconsider that. "Okay, not Queen Kayla. To her, this relationship stuff is a waste of youthful energy."

Samantha released a chirpy snicker. "What about you? Do you love Ben? At least as much as everybody else in this house does?"

"For the longest," Angel replied. "I'm just not sure if it's up there with what you and Cordy feel for Collin and Fabian." Arms folded, Angel paced a bit. "I'm all-new to this, too. I've never been anybody's lady before. Not for a legit man like Ben."

"Yeah, I know," Samantha sympathized.

With a shrewd glint in her expression, Angel brought up, "And I know you can't wait for me to move into the Scheherazade House so you can make this room your own little rendezvous spot." Samantha held a group photo in front of her face in response. Sobering, Angel moved a few pictures to the side to sit. "For real, Sammie, stay out of trouble. It's not worth it. Repeat: it is not worth it."

Lowering the picture, Samantha bobbed her head twice.


After getting into a comfortable position in the center of the massive bed, Cordelia used her sister and brother-in-law's phone to dial her beau's private line.

Two rings later, she heard, "Bueno?"

Forever furtive Fabian. "It's me and the next word out of your mouth better not be 'quién'."


"Perfecto." Cordelia reclined against the plump pillows. "The chicas and I are still working on our project, but I'm guessing you want to hear about yours?"

Fabian dryly requested, "Could you not make him sound like a vinegar and baking soda concoction for a remedial science fair?"
"My apologies, but honestly, no changes since the flowers that I can tell."

"Alright. I wanted to see how that went over before moving forward. We'll give it a few days more, but ideally, this will be done before we have to be in Boston."

"However sweet and sour that prospect," Cordelia put forward. "I'll keep you posted."

After they finished talking, Cordelia next made use of the balcony. Though she yearned to join the scampering youngsters below, she soon returned to assist the other older X-Girls.


Cued by the steadily descending sun, the Headmasters made their way across the backyard to propel their fledglings back to the indoors. Having only recently returned from accompanying his parents to the Underground Academy, Cody did not balk at not receiving as much playtime with his fellow X-Kids. He wanted to avoid adding even minimal more stress to Joey's clearly loaded shoulders for the day ahead.

Erik looked to where Frank carried Trav on his back to ask, "Did Tommy go in already?"

"What?" Frank did a quick glance around. "I swear he was just here."

Walking with Kiki between herself and Scott, Becky used her free hand to touch her temple. "He's in the woods, Papa. He didn't go far."

"Thank you, Ladybug." Erik followed his daughter's mental directions.

When his father made the indicating gesture with his hands, Joey gladly raised his arms to be plucked up by the Englishman.

"Don't tell me the hounds are actually off-duty," Charles remarked.

"Nope," Trav shook his head briskly, "but they're sure glad Doc Sullivan is. They're in the living room with him."

"And Grandma," Kiki added brightly.

Charles only uttered, "Ah," as he ran a hand along Joey's taut back.


Nosing through a row of shrubbery, the fanciful black-haired youth happened upon a clover patch. Though he did not find a four-leaf among them, he did discover a pair of red eyes attached to a frog. Sticking vertically to a tree, the green creature extended his tongue, making the child topple in a giggle over the unexpected tickling sensation. Once even closer to the ground, he waved his arms and legs and inhaled the scent of the grass.

"I know who'll be first in line for the tub tonight."

Tommy promptly sat up at the adult's voice. "Daddy." He laughed when Erik dropped to roll about with him. "There's more of you to clean, ya know."

"Good thing God made the dirt." Erik laid on his side, facing the short boy adoringly. "And the setting sun."

Tommy sunk melodramatically. "Already?"

"The sooner you get clean, the sooner you can have a little more fun before bed. Storytime."

"You and the Prof, right?" When Erik nodded, Tommy arose with keen interest.

Once Erik returned to his full height, he hoisted his boychick to enjoy the view from his shoulders.


In a black undershirt and blue sleep shorts, Scott deposited the outdoor clothes that did not quite reach his hamper when he hurled them on the way to the shower. He started out of his room and managed to stop short of colliding with a noticeably larger, blonder figure.

"Hey, Shades," Victor gently prodded him back into the room, "stick it in reverse a sec. I want a word."

At the vehicular terminology, Scott wanted to know, "Did you talk to Trick? My Cyke Eye can't hold a candle to my helmet's visor. Maybe in-flight, but the open road was something totally new. It was incredible. Trick says if we handle as well tomorrow, he'll stretch our boundary point."

Though he delighted in the amorous way the young teen detailed his latest sporting endeavor, Victor told him, "No chance to talk to Spec yet, but good goin', Shades. Just don't get too dodgy out there yet. Either one of you Eye Scream Eggheads."

"Frank made sure we stayed in bounds today." Scott sat on the side of his bed with a false begrudging expression. "Seems to me, you're all just conspiring to ruin my fun."

"Nope, that's Erik's gig." The tall leonine mutant went to one knee before the highly amused boy. "Alright, so you know how the girls are goin' to stay with Dri for a while before Angie moves into her new WU spot?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah, that pink palace Rebecca and Kiki want to invade."

"I bet." Focused on the topic, Victor went on with, "Well, I wasn't so sure about goin' with 'em after everything that went down around here."

"But you want to," Scott automatically guessed.

"Only if you're along for the ride."

The lad gaped. "Wait, what? You want me to go? All the way to San Francisco?"

"We do," Victor corrected. "Me and Dri. The new place will have rooms for you, Sam, and Ang. Charles and Em already gave the OK, but it's up to you, pal."

"She's getting a whole new house?"

"Half, anyway." Victor then clarified, "We're goin' in on it together."

Scott's enlarged eyes threatened to go through his lenses. "Are you guys getting married? Are you moving? What about—"

"Son," Victor clamped down on his shoulders in a calming but strong grip, "take it down a thousand notches. It's just a house. I'm not goin' anywhere. I have a whole life here, the same as Dri does out there."

Scott next put forth, "But if you put a baby in her like Charles did Emma, you'll have to get married. What then?"

"Jesus H…" Victor sent his vision in the direction of the name he petitioned in dismay before facing the all-too-bright boy again. "You twentieth-century tots either got too many brains or too much mouth to keep up with 'em."

The thirteen-year-old smiled audaciously. "Is that why it took you nineteenth-centurians forever to wrap your heads around indoor plumbing?"

"Not as long as it takes you lot to remember whose turn it is to clean the bathroom." Victor gave him a slight look. "The pitter-patter of little feet are a non-issue here. That's the beginning and end of this discussion, got me?"

Grasping the gravity in the man's tone, Scott responded, "Yes, sir… but, um, I'm just not sure about the rest. What am I supposed to do in that girly fashion world? None of the guys will be around and Sam will be all about Angel. I won't fit in for a second."

"You really think the two of us can't track down a few escape hatches? Especially if we bring our bikes along…"

"Really?" Despite his own grin and Victor's nod, Scott remained reluctant. "I still don't know, Coach. Don't feel like you have to squash your plans to make sure I feel good or whatever. I don't have to go."

"Neither do I," Victor said in turn. "This ain't me tossin' you a bone. I can easily visit the girls for a weekend or somethin'. I want you there with me or here with me." He brought his large right hand to the side of the child's face. "Either way, I'm good."

Scott instantly relaxed against the purring sensation that developed. "Could I think about it a while?"

"You bet," Victor assured. "No pressure, Shades. Whatever you want to do, we'll do." Scott nodded at him. "Now, come help me throw a snack together for Headmaster Theatre."

Scott agreed with a chortle and clamped onto the elder's offered back to be carried on all-fours.


To save time, Cody, Joey, and Tommy loaded into the ample Howlett bathtub together. They got to splash clown around more than usual since the already clean and tucked in baby trio did not join them.

When Cody resurfaced from under the water with his mane of hair completely cloaking his face, Tommy laughed, "Hey, Cousin Itt."

Cody growled and made a path for him, striking up an aquatic wrestling tournament between them.

At the water that spilled over profusely onto the floor, Joey remarked, "Now, we have to mop up even more. Kayla will go nuts if we make baby hazards."

"Forget about it." Cody gave Tommy a noogie as he spoke. "I'll clean up. You need more sleep than me, anyway."

Tommy lightly jabbed Cody and swam away from his grasp. "Don't you guys have to be in the city at the same time?"

"Only so we don't make two trips," Cody explained. "Joey and Laci start at nine, but me and Becky don't get goin' til ten. And ours ain't so special; just meet-and-greet with the troop and stuff."

Tommy said, "Still gonna be weird not having you guys around during the day."

"I wish you could be there, too," Joey replied, "even if I'm lucky to be going with Laci and my cousins." With a thoughtful countenance, he hopped out of the tub.

"Hey, where ya goin'?" wondered Cody.

"Just to check my supplies one more time." Joey toweled off and slipped on his robe and house shoes. "I'll be downstairs in a bit."

"Wait up." Tommy slapped the water to splash Cody once more before scampering out. "Have fun, clean-up crew."

The oldest stuck his tongue out after the departing younger pair.


Erik magnetically dragged and unfolded a cot inside the parlor to provide extra seating. It along with the loveseats gave the space a U-shape. When the fledgling X-Men started filing in, Maya, Becky, Cordelia, Angel, and Samantha managed to squeeze together on one loveseat, where Raven claimed one arm. Hank chose the floor blankets with Kiki, Trav, and the dogs. He also noticed when Edna came in and took the corner of the other loveseat with Jed taking over the arm right beside her.

As soon as he appeared with his mother, Frank claimed and brought over Erik's chess chair. Alana perched on the arm and played in Frank's hair when he leaned against her.

With mock disapproval in place, Charles reacted to the in-coming babies with, "Weren't they fast asleep last I checked?"

"Until they figured out they were bein' left out of somethin' somewhere in this universe," Logan dryly explained, entering with Todd.

"Astounding, really." Erik sent a wink Brian's way as the blonde tyke sat with Emma.

Kayla found herself in possession of a squirmer once Mira spotted the dogs and attempted to get down. "Heart, no, settle down."

"They won't harm a hair on their heads," Jed promised.

"She's extra cautious," Logan said apologetically. "I had to convince her that cat-baby-breath thing was a load of malarkey."

As if wanting to provide a middle ground, Sandy stood to allow Mira to stroke the top of his head.

Trick caught the attention of the small ones next when he appeared through the floor and opted to flutter above them all.

"Melissa," Maya happily acknowledged when she walked in a short distance from Leon.

The petitioned one took the free arm of the girl-packed loveseat. Leon went to stand by the floor lamp not far from his father's position near Charles. With a slight twist of his fingers, the quiet long-haired youth got Bruiser to look up then trot over to him. Squatting, Leon left an arm draped around the black hound.

"What'd you do with the ball-and-chain?" Melissa asked Maya.

"Right here," Sean fielded with an utmost wriggly Tommy in his grasp.

Behind them, Alex, who transported a marginally more agreeable Joey under his arm said, "You can hyper-obsess over your stuff in the morning." He pointed out the shorter blonde. "I don't know where he gets this first-day-of-school mania from."

A wordless glance passed between all present instructors.

As soon as Sean let him down on the blankets, Tommy began trading mock punches with him. Sean dipped and Tommy immediately pretended to choke him. The older Cassidy made gagging noises and toppled over dramatically.

Alex placed Joey down near them and the McCoys then used Hank as a recliner.

Charles mentally sought out Scott's location, who assured him they were on their way. The missing youth came in with Victor, who he helped hurl wrapped popcorn balls at the men and boys. They courteously handed the ladies theirs.

"Alright," Charles rang out once everyone settled comfortably, "are we re—" He peered over his shoulder at the munching taking place. "Sorry, brother, shall we wait?"

Erik came back with, "Some of us didn't have two pieces of pie at supper, brother," but placed the rest of his popcorn ball on the mantle.

Atmosphere better established and with their on-lookers displaying varying degrees of curiosity and enthusiasm, the Headmasters started to spin their yarn.

Charles: We open on a manor on a hill in the Romanian countryside. While set in 1750, the house itself is centuries old. Our band of travelers count their lucky stars to happen on it. Though a naysayer or two fear the foreboding but magnificent estate, their dilapidated wagon and horses ready to collapse from thirst leave them with little option but to approach. As if they needed further motivation, the dark, starless sky begins to rumble.

(Most of them gasp from Erik suddenly causing every light in the room to flicker. Kiki notices a slight jump on Leon's part and quietly makes her way over to clasp hands with him while Bruiser remains nearby)

Erik: Before they find themselves washed away by the ravenous rains, they hasten their path to the stone twin doors. The manor's attendant, Stefan, answers and ushers them into the entryway. Despite his masters being away from home, he grants the young bunch lodgings. He has the stable boy, Luca, see to their team while the housekeeper, Mrs. Eder, shows them to their rooms. Even with such comfortable accommodations, the group has trouble sleeping in the strange location. Between the roaring rain and claps of thunder (Charles imitates the sounds with his powers), they're eventually driven from bed, meet up in the hallway, and by the light of their lanterns, they decide to explore the mysterious dwelling. With every creaking step they took, they hoped not to awaken the staff. They found almost every door they passed either led to a closet or locked entirely. As they continued, the storm began to lighten. This gave them the nerve to venture outside- only to check on their horses, should they be questioned.

Charles: Nearing the barn, they heard more strange sounds but far less frightening. Inside, they saw Luca swinging a broad sword about, seemingly slaying an entire horde of make-believe dragons. Luca did not react well to their laughter and threatened to tell of their roaming until the girls apologized profusely. The boys, however, beseeched him to teach them swordplay. Flattered, Luca shared his skillset long into the night. They all became so captivated, they ended up falling asleep right there in the barn. Come morning light, 'WHAT (Several of the kids jump) is the meaning of this?!' belts out, startling them all awake.

Scott: (Leans towards Frank) That sounds way too much like him when my homework's late.

Frank: (Equally covert) Seriously.

Erik: They awoke to find that the master of the house, Lord Vulpe and his wife had returned prematurely. Stefan rushed to see what caused such ruckus so early. He tried to explain about the group's plight, but Lord Vulpe was more interested in who had taken one of his swords from the house. Before the young ones could say a word, they were all-including Luca, who turned out to be Stefan's own son- commanded back to their quarters. There, they waited in absolute silence, none daring to utter so much as a squeak. Though, Lady Vulpe made sure they all received breakfast.

Charles: Thanks to the narrow gaps between their walls and Luca and Stefan's private chamber being directly beneath them, the girls came up with the idea to pass notes between their rooms. A small crevice on the edge of the ceiling allowed Luca to join the unspoken communication. The stable boy revealed Lord Vulpe to be a highly skilled weapons merchant and practitioner. While the master and his father occasionally allowed Luca to exercise with weaponry, he only received the privilege under strict supervision. Clearly, he considered Lord Vulpe's time away and Stefan's preoccupation with the household to be a golden opportunity to bend that rule a smidge. Once summoned to the main hall, the young ones hid their notes and made haste. The much calmer Vulpes agreed to let their unexpected guests stay for however long it took them to get back on their feet. Lady Vulpe then offered to show them around the manor and iron out the rules.

Erik: Only Luca was made to stay behind when Stefan ordered him back to their chamber. For a much shorter wait, this time. As for the others, they would soon learn that the real mystery hadn't even begun.

At the odd pause, Trav piped up, "Wait, that's not where it ends, right?"

"It is for tonight, Valiant," Erik informed.

"Yes," came from Charles, "thank you for joining us, but a busy day awaits."

Through the wave of youthful groans, the large group dispersed.

Amidst the departing affection and wishes for a good night, Hank looked to see his children kiss their grandmother's cheeks. When they gestured at Jed, the veterinarian stooped to receive one-armed hugs from them.

"Big Bear?"

At the voice and gentle pressure on his wrist, Hank turned and lowered to accept Becky's embrace. "Sweet dreams, Little Bear."

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Hank released her and she sought out other family members.

Frank dutifully placed Erik's chair back in its original position facing the chessboard.


"Night, Mom."

"Sleep well, sweetheart." Emma withdrew her hand from finger combing Leon's hair and briefly glanced at the one standing just behind his shoulder. "Missy."

Once the matron turned to make her way for the master suite, Melissa stated, "Your mom's the mistress of the double meaning."

Leon responded, "Cool, huh?" before leading the way through their door.

Emma met up with her baby and barefoot husband on route for their room. "Do I dare ask about progress?"

"He pooed for Erik, but 'accidentally' doused my slippers." Emma hid a grin as Brian giggled impishly. Charles tugged on his little ankle. "And laughing that way is exactly why I left them in Uncle Erik's hamper."

"Careful." Emma coyly nudged him. "You're treading into Frost sibling territory."

"Uh oh," Scott piped up from where he relaxed in the center of their bed.

"Worry not, my little Cyclops." Charles deposited Brian by him on top of the linens. "I believe my system's developed more than enough icy-immunities by now." Almost.

Emma reacted to the coy mental message with a quick seductive gaze in the mirror as she sat down at her vanity.

When Brian made a move for his shades, Scott did not have to peer away from the ceiling to block the bitty fingers, "No touch, you misfiring midget," and gingerly pushed him back.

Charles warningly named, "Henry," when his small son appeared ready to get huffy.

Lips still protruded, Brian quietly flopped onto his belly.

"Scott," Charles retrieved a clean pair of slippers from his closet before going to lay beside the overly contemplative lad, "what's the trouble?"

"No trouble," Scott claimed. "Not really."

The Professor countered, "There is when that princely expression of yours looks older than Erik."

Scott snickered while Emma mildly chided, "Charles."

"So I owe you two free ribs at Adrienne." Charles looked at Scott again. "Speaking of, did you and Victor talk?"

"About San Francisco?" At Charles' nod, Scott said, "Yeah, he told me about it. He says it's up to me whether we go or not."

"We feel the same way," Emma interjected, working the brush through her hair.

Scott looked between the adults. "Do you want me to go?"

Charles replied, "If you'd like to, we support you."

Sitting up, Scott reiterated, "But do you want me to?"

"No." All males peered over at Emma lowering her brush. She shifted on her vanity bench to face them. "I have absolutely no interest in sending you clear across the country from me. To my older sister of all people is just the cherry on top there. But considering how long Sam's stayed with us, I'm forced into fairness."

"As for me," Charles spoke next, peering directly through the boy's shades, "I really don't want you so far away, either. The Connecticut countryside with Erik is one thing, but this… if you were going to see California, I'd have liked to be the one to introduce you to it, as I did with the others before you arrived. And to be absolutely honest, what I want is what Erik is receiving from his boys in the courtroom soon."

"Charles…" Scott bowed his head a bit regretfully. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean—"

"Shh, Scott," Charles cupped his cheek delicately, "we're not trying to make you feel guilty whatsoever. We only want to be truthful with you. Your relationship with Victor is a very good thing- for both of you. Yes, sharing you in that way is difficult, but we are the adults in this scenario. Our comfort comes last to what's best for you."

At the incoming voices, Emma broadcasted to the two, we can continue this in the morning.

No, they can hear about it, Scott said of the blonde pair, they're already going to before long, anyway. It's no big secret.

"Thanks for letting me hog your phone all day," said Joey, eying the instructor he walked hand-in-hand with.

"Hey, if you and Laci can't give each other status reports, we all suffer." Alex then playfully flung him onto the bed, making him as well as Brian laugh. "Alright," Alex got a good look at his other brother, "what's happening, Somber Summers?"

"Oh, come on!" Scott then insisted, "My face is not that obvious."

Alex came back with, "It is when you have Erik-Face in place."

"Doesn't he?" Charles seconded, indicating Scott's countenance. "Same chiseled jawline and everything."

"Wait, chiseled?" Scott rubbed both his cheeks. "Really, no fooling?"

"Back on topic, gentlemen," Emma pointedly requested. "As immensely handsome as you are, Scott."

The quite satisfied teenager explained, "Vic asked me to come out to San Francisco with him, Adrienne, Sam, and Angel before she has to move into her sorority. They're getting a new house with a room for me and everything."

Nestling against a pillow with Brian and Dickon, Joey raised his eyes in intrigue.

Alex glanced around the room inquisitively. "When exactly did Vic bring all this up?"

"He told me today," Scott answered. "Things have been sorta hectic."

"Only a lot," Alex admitted, taking a seat on the mattress. "Still, it would've been nice if somebody filled me in on this whole thing."

Scott eyed him importantly. "You don't want me to go."

"Look, it's just that…" Alex trailed a moment, attempting to explain. "Other than a couple of big-guy weekends, we haven't gone on vacation or whatever away from each other since we were brought back together."

"Yeah," Scott realized as well, "I know."

"You're right, Alex," Emma agreed as Charles said, "we should have considered that."

"This whole thing's becoming more trouble than it's worth," Scott asserted, crossing his arms. "Besides, I'd never fit in over there, anyway. You see the big fuss Sam makes just when her mom and grandpa visit. I don't want to think about how prim and perfect they keep their own houses."

"I see. So, I take it, this is the official cool house?" Charles deduced.

Scott looked momentarily thoughtful. "The country house then this one."

"Fair enough." The Englishman slapped palms with the boy genially.

"And hey, I didn't say don't go," Alex quickly clarified. "Yeah, this thing's a swerve for me, but well, I'm not exactly surprised Vic wants that time with you. And come on, Winston's not all stiff. You saw him here on Prom Night and stuff. He can really be one of the guys sometimes."

"A man's man he can be," remarked Emma, applying cream to her neck. "It's more his girls he likes to keep in prim doll formation."

"Give Adrienne a little credit, too," Alex went on, not about to meet Emma's gaze there. "She got into helping with Frank's party and supplied all that loot to his 'friends'."

"Hm," Scott hummed, "I guess. I still want to think it over some more."

"As for right now," Charles put forth, "it's time we all rested," the telepath got up and went around to nuzzle noses with Joey, "for this little winner's big day. I'm going to do a quick walkthrough the floor and be back, alright?"

Joey gave his father a small smile. "Kay, Dad."

Alex came around next, kneeling at his bedside. "See you first thing, Joe and don't forget, I'm picking you up on Tuesday."

Glee coursed through Joey's eyes. "In your new Chevy, right?"

Alex scoffed. "Like Emma will let me floor you around the city on my motorcycle."

"You're lucky I let you go around the block," the woman in question piped up.

With a snort and thumps to his brothers' bellies, Alex left out with Charles.

Scott laid down on his side and reached his arm across to cover both short blondes.

Emma finished at her vanity and turned off the lights that outlined the mirror. After getting in bed beside her boys, she read by the glow of her lamp until she sensed Scott drifting. She removed and secured his frames to her nightstand. When she attempted to switch off the lamp, she withdrew her hand at the bulb flickering.

Emma cast her gaze and mind Joey's way. Treasure.

Eyelids parting a bit, the unsettled child laid still as he felt his mother's palm against his forehead. Soon, the coaxing mental waves she expelled pacified him internally and guided his eyes shut.


Shlof mayn feygele,
makh tsi dayn eygele
Shlof mayn tokhter

Shlof mayn kindele
Bayushki bayu

Shluf mayn tokhter
Shluf mayn feygele
Makh tsi dayn eygele
Shluf mayn feygele;
makh tsi dayn eygele.
Ay-liu-liu-liu Liu…

At the lullaby's conclusion, Becky whispered, "Adank, Papa."

"Eyshr, meyn Anya," Erik responded from her bedside.

When a knock came to her mostly closed door, the telepathic lass acknowledged, "Uncle Charles."

Erik moved to lounge beside his daughter against the headboard while his brother took the spot on the mattress to directly face the girl.

"Princess," Charles addressed, "we want to go over tomorrow with you."

Resisting a heavy sigh, Becky instantly deduced, "Teachers' minds aren't mine to mold like play-doh."

Charles also kept signs of impatience out of his tone as he came back with, "I give you credit that you've retained that particular lesson. Give me a little as well, hm?"

Becky nodded. "Sorry."
"We do need to emphasize that Scott and your brothers will not be at this school with you," Erik mentioned, getting her eyes on him. "You're the eldest this time, Sweet Imp. Don't think we're expecting you to keep an itemized list of their every infraction. Their teachers can reach out to us for that. You all know the rules in and out of this house."

"Safety is the priority here," Charles asserted. "If that is jeopardized, we must know about it, especially with you children at such a further distance from us."

Becky sent her gaze his way. "And if our safety is jeopardized…"

"That is the time to be a telepath," Charles affirmed.

That ascertained, Becky somewhat tentatively asked him, "Do you really think I can take care of them the way you do?"

Charles brought soothing fingers to her right temple. "That matter is still too many years away for you to fret. As for now, I believe you capable of holding strong for however long you need to be."

"As do I," Erik agreed. "Also remember we're trusting you."

Becky nodded her understanding between them.

Charles kissed her temple then left to continue around the floor.

Fingers gliding through her curls, Erik started one more song to send her off for the night.


Flexing his right hand after he finished exercising it with the pair of stress balls, Leon put forth, "Out of everything going on, you know what keeps eating at me?"

Stationed at the desk with a slew of educational materials before her, Melissa sardonically guessed, "The fact that you're dating an awe-inspiring scholarship winner while you look forward to slumming it at community college this fall?"

"Hm," Leon appeared temporarily contemplative, "no, somehow I don't think I'll ever have that stressor on my plate."

Melissa blindly threw a paperback at him. "Then, what's your beef, nerd?"

On the bed with his back to the headboard, Leon let the book bounce off his shoulder as he replied, "The worst outcome is all but guaranteed at this court hearing."

"We've elevated to all-but-guaranteed," Melissa noted. "Don't morph into a dreamy-eyed doe on me. Not trying to gag up my popcorn ball."

"Give me a little credit, cheese head," Leon said before going on. "At first, this was all a 'why the hell not?' allegiance with my dad. Joining him tenfold in the never-ending battle against this senselessly shitty world."

Melissa turned her head to eye him fully. "And now, what? It's too weird the other boychicks want in?"

Leon shook his head. "No way. The only thing weird there is that I'm the one who got that ball rolling after Becky. But everything Alex has been saying… it's like I'm part of this whole Lehnsherr Legacy. Like regardless of whatever drama brews from Frank's military brat brood, I'm expected to keep our line going." His brown eyes met hers. "… We are."

"We are," Melissa echoed in agreement.

Leon searched her face. "And you're not crying retreat because…?"

She regarded him unfazed. "You honestly think this doesn't invade my thoughts constantly? I do know what being around your family- being allowed in that Cave downstairs means. My head's screamed retreat since the beginning, but the rest of me can't even try to compute that."

Leon flipped his legs off the mattress to stand. "Even if I can't keep the line going?"

With a slight shake of her head, Melissa asserted, "You're not the problem there."

"Yes, I am," Leon insisted. "You know there's something wrong with me."

Melissa rushed to her feet. "No, there's not. It's me." She ran a frustrated hand through her wavy hair. "I can't even kiss you."

"Having you here is more than enough."

"And that's great, but I should be getting you more… excited."

"Melissa," Leon released a sigh, "what if I can't? Even if I can, what if I can never make a little girl for you?"

Melissa turned incredulous. "You think I'm after a replacement daughter?"

"Haven't you ever seen yourself around Mira or Kiki?" Leon brought up. "Even the older girls at times."

"Okay, fine, stupid random hormones," Melissa waved off. "Something way bigger and- clearly, more sadistic- than that brought us together. We'll figure stuff out eventually and all that. Let's just get you adopted and/or burn down the courthouse."

To that, Leon commented, "I enjoy your use of the open-ended conjunction."


The soothing breeze wafted in, lightly batting at the clump of messy black bedhead. The fanciful child's view of the impeccable grounds became abruptly hindered by the large hand clamping over the bedazzled blue eyes.

Touching the strong wrist, Tommy recognized, "Daddy."

Veering him around, the Polish Headmaster squatted and the outdoor lighting brought some illumination to his countenance. "What's become of your stealth, boychick?" He pointed to the window. "You leaned too far out and alerted Eye Spy."

Looking from the spot to the man again, Tommy reacted with a realizing, "Ohhhhh!"

"Ohhh," Erik mimicked him before growing firm. "Why are you star-gazing after two in the morning? Out of bed at all for that matter?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give off any security blips." As if Cody did not warn him about such things already. "But I woke up and I couldn't get back to sleep. I flopped around so much I fell off the bed twice."

Masking his glint of amusement at that mental imagery, Erik wondered, "Did you nap earlier?" At the headshake he received, the man sighed faintly. "If I had but a tenth of your excess energy…" He hefted him to hold and carry back to the mess of bed linens. "Try to relax." The metal wielder laid down with him on his chest and tapped his bottom to cajole him into slumber.

Though his head remained active a while longer, the favorable position secured by the strong arms of the elder kept Tommy from tossing about further.