Mercedes's P.O.V.
It has been one month since Kurt died. It was in a car crash. Today was Friday, but I was home for Thanksgiving break. I usually would have been at the malls in long lines
while sipping coffee and gossiping with him, but of course I couldn't. I woke up exactly the same time I did every year. My mom had taken us every
year untill we were old enough to go by ourselves. She came in my room just to check if I wanted to go with her but I said I was not in any mood. I mean how could I go
without Kurt? I was alone in my house at two in the morning. I started crying just thinking of him.
"Oh Kurt," I cried.
Suddenly my lava lamp started flickering and then shut off. I blinked a couple of times and wiped my eyes. My door now began shaking. Maybe someone was knocking?
"Umm... Hello?"
The door opened and then I saw... Kurt. I felt like my heart stopped. He looked the same as he usually did in an amazing outfit and had his same brown hair and had those beautiful eyes, but had some glow to it all.
"Hey 'Cedes. Sorry for the shaking and flickering. Us ghosts can't just come on in with out shaking stuff."
I couldn't be scared anymore, I mean he just makes me laugh. He sat on my bed and gave me this sad but understanding look.
"Now what's all this crying about?" He wiped off a tear that came off my face. I now had been tearing up just from seeing him.
"Well how could I not? I miss you Kurt... I mean I just love you so much and want you here and.."
I started crying again. He now looked more sad. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.
"Now stop that. You think I don't miss you like crazy? You know that when you die you really are on Earth still, but as a ghost of course. You just can't visit who you
want untill they call you. Which why didn't you call me? That hurt me inside... But still I didn't cry now did I boo?"
I sat there shocked.
"No I didn't think so," He rubbed his nose on mine.
"Alright now how the hell was I to know all I had to do is call you to get you here? I would of that very day! Also call you? I never called you. "
He laughed. "I'm just messing with you. Plus now that I'm here I can stay." He started lifting up my sheets and got in with me pushing me to the edge.
"Umm leave room for the queen."
I pushed him and smiled. He gave me a wink.
"And how could I forget that?"
Oh my God.. I must look terrible let me get ready. Let me primp-"
He rolled his eyes. "Mercedes I have seen you without makeup and messy hair before. You have spent the night with me you know."
I blushed.
"Sooo. A girl still needs to look her best."
"Oh I think you already do. Your natural beauty needs to be left like it is."
"Oh shut up."
He laughed and kissed my lip quickly. "Mwwwaaah."
I rolled my eyes. "You know you don't have to make that noise."
He smiled but then had a scared face.
"Oh Mercedes I have to tell you. Well to this ghost thing there are rules you see. First: Only you can see me, (and people who I want to see me) Second: I come to you when
I feel that you are in danger or you need me, and last: I can't have you telling everyone about how you see me. They will lock you up in some crazy house."
I looked at him a bit strange, "Alright."
He looked puzzled. "That's it? Just alright?"
"Well yeah. I mean what else did you want to hear?"
"Maybe some questions?"
I kissed him on the lip quickly, "Mwwwaaah," I said laughing.
"I need my sleep to stay pretty right? So see me at ten in the morning."
He laughed in a kind of rude tone. "And leave you alone in this house? Nuh-ugh girly. I am staying here protecting you."
I only smiled. He was so sweet. I didn't know how I could love him any more. Soon we cuddled together so I was resting my head on his chest. "Love you." He said watching the door in case an intruder came in.
"Love ya." I said with my smile slowly going away until I fell asleep.
/Please review! I have updated the story so it is more Kurtcedes friendship then romance. Also updated for grammar errors. :) 7/27/13