First story, please allow me to taste the waters of victory lord of lords God King Xerxes. Since I messed up quite badly the first time here is the "fixed" version that does not have a fucked up format.

I would like to think the reviewer which let me know of this obvious writing flaw.

Also, I am hoping this story will be one of the few porn with a plot stories.

Naruto Demon Fox Revolution

Ero-Kitsune reveals himself

"Naruto, Naruto, wake up, god dammit Naruto" says a man with brown hair and a scar over his hose.

"Huh, oh Iruka-sensei you found me. Does this mean know I have to show you the jutsu I learned for extra credit to pass the exam?" exclaims a short blond haired twelve year-old with three whisker like marks on each side of his cheeks.

"Extra credit, Naruto what are you talking about?"

"What do you mean Iruka-sensei, Mizuki-sensei said that if I took this scroll and learned a jutsu, you would pass me."

"Naruto, Mizuki said"

"Ah, it amazes me how it is always you who finds the demon brat the fastest, Iruka." "Mizuki-sensei, do you want to see the jutsu I learned?"

"Ha, like a dead last could learn a jutsu from the forbidden scroll, now Naruto be a good little demon and hand over the scroll."

"No, Naruto don't do it take the scroll and run."

"Naruto do you want to know the reason why, the entire village hates you?"

"No, Mizuki don't you know it's against the law"

"Huh, what are you guys talking about?"

"Naruto, the reason why everyone hates you is because you are the nine-tailed fox, the fourth didn't kill it he sealed it into you and know I will get revenge and be revered as the hero who killed the demon." "Naruto run get out of here and get to the hokage."

"Oh no you don't" says Mizuki as he throws some shuriken at Naruto which Iruka interrupts by throwing some of his own.

"Hurry Naruto I will distract him." Naruto then takes off into the woods.

"It's just like you Iruka to protect the demon, which killed your parents." "You are wrong Mizuki, Naruto is innocent he did nothing wrong it was the Kyuubi that attacked our village not Naruto."

With Naruto in the bushes outside the fight

"Am I really the Kyuubi, I guess that makes sense though sense everyone in the village hates me. But if I am the Kyuubi wouldn't Sarutobi-jiji hate me as well, along with Ayame-neechan and Teuchi-jiji? Wait Mizuki-teme said the Kyuubi was sealed in me, then that means I'm me and Kyuubi is the Kyuubi, so I'm not a demon. But then why does everyone else see me as one?"

"For one so young you are quite smart" says a deep masculine voice.

"Whose there, show yourself coward, I'm a ninja, or at least a hopeful one so show yourself" says Naruto.

"I may have to take back that smart comment "Hey" but you can't see me at the moment because I am inside you."

"So you are inside me" says Naruto quietly

"Hey, then that means you are the Kyuubi" yells Naruto.

"Dear Kami kit there is no need to shout I'm inside you so that means I can understand your thoughts and we can communicate that way, so people do not think your even more crazy then you are" says kyuubi.

"How come you are able to talk to me know and didn't do so before this?"

"I guess for many reasons like I was sleeping, did not feel like it, and in order to establish a link you needed to know about me."

"So is there a reason you are talking to me know?"

"Well beside the point of your life being in danger and you learning about me, I guess I wanted to alleviate my boredom and actually help out my host this time."

"Wait, you mean there were previous people like me?"

"Ai, there is no need to feel like you're the special one in this situation but yes, there were."

"Well why didn't you help the other ones but are willing to help me?"

"They were women."

"Hey, are you sexist fox or are you playing for the other team?"

"What, oh kami no kit while I may enjoy some bi situations, it would just be weird being a guy and seeing and feeling sex through the point of view of a women."

"So you're a pervert then."

"Hey, don't say it likes it's a bad thing, I will have you know that when you are the strongest being alive your sexual activities are absolutely delightful. It has been so long since I last felt the warmth of a woman's body. Ah I can feel it the time is coming when I delight in those sensations again."

"Ero-Kitsune! Quit trying to corrupt me, I won't be like you, Sarutobi-jiji, and that crazy snake lady that licks me. Wait if you are made up of only chakra how did you gain a physical appearance to do those perverted things"

"Oh are you trying to learn some of my moves then, but I will answer your question, since I am a demon and the lord of all bijuu I have many talents one being using my chakra to change my appearance and grant me a physical body. But enough of this it appears that human who tricked you is on his way here."

"Ok but I still have questions for you."

"I will answer them later, now is the time to fight."

"Demon come out and show yourself" says Mizuki.

"Where is Iruka-sensei traitor" says Naruto

"Oh, I disposed of him when you deserted him, but it's understandable since I was always the stronger teacher and you being a demon who has no sense of loyalty"

"For hurting Iruka-sensei I will pay you back a thousand times over"

"Those are some big words coming from someone who was the dead last in an academy that was watered down" Mizuki reaches for his star shuriken and throws it.

"Kit dodge and use those two jutsus you learned." Naruto jumps up onto the nearest tree and says "Kage-bunshin Jutsu" with multiple puffs of smoke 100 clones of Naruto appear.

"This is for Iruka-sensei" says the nearest Naruto clone that kicks Mizuki into the air. Naruto then yells out "Mass Naruto Explosion" with that all 100 clones jump up and surround Mizuki, while the one that kicked him grabs him and explodes and starts a chain of explosions.

"Naruto, where is Mizuki" says Iruka as he lands near where Naruto is standing. Naruto points to the ground nearly 20 ft away where a smoldering pile of limbs lay.

"Iruka-sensei I did not mean to kill him, but I really underestimated the power of the new jutsu I learned."

"Sigh" "Naruto, you should not be using a jutsu, which you do not know the strengths and weaknesses of. I thought I taught you better than that."

"He he, it felt like a good idea at the time."

"Naruto it would have been better if he was alive so that way we can know exactly how much of a threat he posed and if there was more to what he did. Naruto, if you want to become hokage then you are going to need to be aware of this. But I guess for your first real fight you did well since you managed to beat a chuunin. And you also deserve this." Iruka reaches over and gives Naruto his own headband.

"Sensei this is really mine."

"Yep that was given to me by my father and I want you to have it."

"Thank you, sensei" says Naruto as he tackles Iruka in a friendly loving hug (Which is not in any way similar to Guy and Lee hugging).

"Well Naruto we need to go see hokage-sama. I am sure you have many questions for him"

In the hokage's office

"Now Naruto I am sure you have many questions for me, but let me first tell you how proud I am of you for protecting the forbidden scroll from Mizuki. In reward for this I will be listing this as a successful S-rank mission, since it was the forbidden scroll, which contains all the techniques of the past hokages" says an elderly man with a kind face of a seasoned grandfather, who could defeat all the other kages in a one on one battle in his prime.

"Sarutobi-jiji, I guess my only question is why the villagers believe I'm the Kyuubi when he and I are different beings?"

"Ah, the million Yen question. It is most regretfully them transferring their blame to you since you are a reminder of what happened that day, but in time when they see what an amazing person you are they will change their views."

"Well I hope you are right jiji."

"As do I Naruto but it is late and you have team placement tomorrow so you need to go to sleep soon since school starts at 7 which is in 3 hours."

"Ok, bye jiji, Iruka-sensei" Naruto then jumps out of the window and heads home.

After Naruto has fallen asleep

"I hope the kit does not mind the changes I have made. Ahahahahahahah"

"Ero-kitsune go to sleep"


After Naruto wakes up

Later, that day Naruto wakes up and eats his morning dose of 18 cups of ramen. He then heads on to school while ignoring the glares and curses of the civilians. As he reaches his classroom he notices that Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Kiba, Sasuke, a blue haired girl who he keeps forgetting is there, and some creepy dude in the back of class with glasses and a trench coat. As Naruto goes to take a seat, he is stopped by a fellow student.

"Hey, you know that this is only for the students who passed Naruto."

"See this Shikamaru (points at headband)"

"Troublesome" When Naruto finally reaches his normal seat stops and notices Sasuke is next to it and wonders what he should do. Option A take the seat since he usually sits their but he would risk his health by taking that seat due to the violent nature of fan girls or option B choose a different seat and sit by a civilian, who hates him outwardly, or by the weird kid in the trench coat. He decides for option A because it would take less movement and he may get a chance then to talk to his crush Sakura Haruno.

"Speaking of girls did you see the rack on the Hyuuga, I mean they're like D size on a twelve year old, I imagine she can give a wonderful breastjob, and not to mention her face is pretty when she blushes like she is doing now."

"Yeah, I mean she is pretty but whenever I get within five feet of her she faints, dammit ero-kitsune enough with your perversion."

"Ha Ha, oh kit this is too good to be true you are a pervert also but you're trying to hide it. But alas I will bring your pervision out it will only take more nurturing. Ah now there is a beautiful girl or should a say woman if I have ever seen one (Ino walks into the room)."

"What you mean Ino, she is alright but her bitchy attitude to her only friends is a turnoff, I mean she is really beautiful with curves in all the right places especially that ass which I would love to destroy. Dammit Kyuubi what the hell did you do to me?"

"Me I did not do much, I may have just raised your hormone levels and started a merging process."

"NANI" the class turns to look at Naruto, he blushes and looks away and the class shake their heads and go back to what they were doing.

"Kit you are hilarious I told you people would think you are insane if you talk out loud. But for your info the merging will allow you to break all your limits if you want to be hokage you can now be the ruler of the entire elemental nation. All this merging will do is making you more demonic by giving you demonic instincts, our strength, our chakra, and our abilities. For example, you now will be able to do genjutsu and the ability to shift to a purely chakra form. But for now our mate is getting ready to enter the room." As Sakura Haruno enters the room Naruto's eyes glaze over with lust and he thinks

"look at those delicious pale pink lips, that glossy beautiful hair, those soft looking breasts which are big enough to fit into a hand, those hips that make you just want to grab them and never let them go."

"Right you are kit and we will be doing just that. We will make her ours by the end of the week and we will delight in the form known as Sakura Haruno."

"Naruto move" says Sakura. "Sakura-Chan there is a seat on this side why don't you sit here" replies Naruto.

"Like hell I will Shannaro" says Sakura as she hits him and he sails across the classroom and lands in the front near Iruka as he enters the classroom.

"Ok class settle down and Naruto return to your seat" "Hai, sensei."

5 hours later

"Dammit, where the hell is our sensei he was supposed to be here 4 and half hours ago"

"Kit while I agree your sensei is one late bastard, we have accomplished a lot in this waiting period since we now have a training schedule setup along with general ideas about what we will do in the future."

"I know but this is ridiculous Sakura will not talk to me and I have an easier time talking to a deaf, blind, and mute person than Sasuke."

"Kit I sense a presence behind the door so that should be him."

The class door opens and in steps a tall silver haired man with gravity defying hair, his headband over one eye, and an orange book in his hands. "I don't know how to say this, but I hate you" says the man as the group of kids look at him like he is insane. "Well then meet me on the roof."

1 hour later

"Dammit, did our sensei get lost again" says Naruto.

"Baka how the hell would our sensei get lost trying to reach the roof obviously he abandoned us" says Sakura.

"How little faith my possible students show in me well then let's start this meeting with our names, likes, dislikes, and dreams. Why don't you go first pinkie."

"Sensei you should show us how it is done since you have made us wait" says Naruto.

"Well I guess that's reasonable, well my name is Hataki Kakashi my likes are many, my dislikes are few and I have a great dream for the future" Kakashi says with a shining star in his lone visible eye. "Next Pinkie"

"My name is Haruno Sakura (since we have seen this many times I'm putting what Naruto hears) my likes are sucking Naruto's cock, getting my tight asshole fucked by him, and having him fill up my pussy until it is ready to burst." By this point Naruto is blown back by a massive nose bleed and faints. After Naruto reawakens and Kakashi looking on with pride at Naruto while the other two do not understand what happened.

"Well then now it is Sasuke's turn"

"My name is… Uchiha…Sasuke. I have very few likes with many dislikes and my dream no ambition is to kill a certain man." "Well that was sobering, next Naruto."

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like ramen, training, and Sakura-chan. My dislikes are how people look down on me. And I will become Hokage and make Sakura-Chan my wife."

"Well we learned valuable things today, now onto the reason I brought you guys up here. Out of all 27 graduates only 9 become genin so tomorrow we will have a test and I promise you I will enjoy it. Also, if you fail you will be sent back to the academy. Now remember children I advise you not to eat breakfast in the morning. So I will see you at training field seven at 8am, ja."

"Sakura-Chan, will you go on a date with me?"

"Fuck you, Shanaro" and off Naruto flies into the night sky.

Next morning

"I think this will be a common occurrence from kakashi-sensei" thinks Naruto.

"Well you could always start those chakra control exercises that you stole from the library last night."

"Hai" says Naruto as he heads over to the nearest tree. He then looks up at the tree and wonders how it is possible to walk on a tree but shrugs it off as it is one of the many things shinobi can do. He then channels some chakra to his right foot and just as he places it on the tree he is thrown back and a massive hole appears in the tree which causes it to fall over and narrowly miss him. As this is going on Sasuke and Sakura originally look at what Naruto is doing with curiosity, which changes back to indifference from Sasuke and fury from Sakura, who walks up to Naruto and grabs his jacket's collar and strangles him while saying

"Baka, what the hell are you doing if you injured yourself Kakashi-sensei would send us back to the academy because of you. Shanaro!" which is followed by Sakura throwing Naruto into a tree and unconsciousness warmly embraces him.

In Naruto's mind

"Well if this is death this is very disheartening" says Naruto as he looks around and only sees black.

"Kit turn around" as Naruto does he notices a red haired boy that looks exactly like him.

"Who are you?" "Kit surely you could not have forgotten me already, I did tell you I could change how I look but I guess our mate did throw you really hard, I am surprised her taijutsu scores were not very high with that type of strength I mean one hit and your down for the count."

"Kyuubi? But where am I?"

"We are in your mind as for why I wanted to have a face to face conversation about how to get our mate to quit hitting us and start liking us."

"Well I have tried everything I can think of but she either turns me down then hits me or just hits me, do you have any suggestions?"

"Ah I have many possible ideas of how to get her, but I believe the best one is to force her to realize how deep our feelings for her are and to put her in a position that she herself has allowed to happen."

"Well how would I do that she rarely talks to me and I don't want to force her to do something she does not want to do?"

"I imagine this test would give us the opportune moment to put my plan into motion, so just listen to me during the test and you will pass and we will have our mate."

"Will do ero-kitsune."

3 hours later

"Now that everyone has decided to show up (angry look from all three) we can begin the bell test. Now there are two bells and if you cannot take a bell from me by noon and it is ten you will be tied to these stumps and not receive lunch and I will send you back to the academy now I suggest you attack me with everything you have if you do not want to go back to the academy. Now begin" when he ends all three jump away Sasuke into a tree, Sakura into a bush, and into the tree directly behind Sakura.

"Kit are you ready for the plan?"

"hai" Naruto then jumps down and lands next to Sakura.

"Baka, what the hell are you doing are you trying to give away my position."

"Gomen Sakura-Chan but I know how to beat sensei so we all pass."

"Ha, like a dead last like you would know how to beat a jonin like sensei, anyways I'm sure Sasuke will get the bells and at least he and I will pass and you will go back to the academy." Naruto looks down sadly, but the Kyuubi reminds him of what he is doing, which steels Naruto's resolve.

"Sakura-Chan how about a bet then"

"Baka, are you stupid, we are in the middle of a test."

"The bet is for the test Sakura-Chan, I am betting I can get the bells from sensei and have him pass all three of us."

Sakura looks contemplative for a moment then says "you're on but if you lose, you drop out of the ninja program and never bother me again."

Naruto looks sad after she said that but the Kyuubi tells Naruto to remember his reward for winning. "And if I win I can kiss you three times anywhere I want."

Sakura looks put off a little bit but remembers what would happen when he loses because there is no way he would win right "Shanaro the baka has no chance in hell of ever wining" says inner Sakura then Sakura says


Naruto jumps out of the bush and says "Kakashi-sensei fight me fair and square right now one on one."

"Naruto usually the weakest bark the loudest" says Kakashi as he pulls out an orange book and begins reading.

"Kit I was right about that book it is a good thing I had you steal it from the library along with those scrolls. But I must say that book is literature written by the Gods my new goal in life is to meet the divinely man who wrote this master piece. It has given me wondrous ideas that we can use with our mate."

While Naruto is blushing profusely from mental images the fox is sending him he decides to start operation beat sensei. "Sensei if you won't take me seriously then I will make you pay."

"Hm, did you say something Naruto"

"Grr, Kitsune-Henge" a poof of smoke reveals a semi naked girl with long black hair d-cup breasts and a hourglass figure.

"Sensei won't you play with me I always get lonely in the castle since Kin-Kun never plays with me" Kakashi with hearts in his lone eye says

"Of course Natsume-Chan, I will take you away from your dirty husband and play with you." As this is going on Sakura looks at Naruto and Kakashi with disgust and Sasuke fainted due to it being his first time seeing a top less girl. More importantly, Naruto has a clone behind kakashi while he is flirting with Natsume and the clone takes the bell. As the clone did that Natsume says

"Kashi-Kun can I see that book, please?" Kakashi nods dumbly and gives her the book and with that Naruto drops the henge.


"Nope just me Kakashi-Sensei, and look at what I have" says Naruto as he raises the two bells and the book. Kakashi looks at the bells then the book then thinks over what happened.

"Hmm. It appears you surprised me by taking advantage of my one weakness Naruto, but what of your teammates will you let them both fail then." Says Kakashi as both Sakura, who has a depressed look on her face, and Sasuke, who has a massive blush and scowl on his, come into the clearing.

"Nope" says Naruto as he tosses Sasuke and Sakura a bell

"We all pass since they have your bells and I have your book, which has some writing on it (from Lord Jirayia to my most loyal fan) ah this most be the writer it would be terrible if something happened to this book don't you agree Kakashi-sensei?"

"Fine, you all pass. Meet back here tomorrow at nine for training and team seven's first mission. Oh and Naruto give me back my book." Naruto tosses it to him and then Kakashi quickly snatches it and pulls it into his lovely embrace "Oh my baby I will never let you out of my sight again. Yes my precious. What's that? Oh, he is that's interesting. Well ja" and with that kakashi leaves while the three look at him like he is insane.

Sasuke is the first to snap out of it and leaves as well which leaves just Naruto and Sakura in the clearing. Naruto turns to look at Sakura and says "Well Sakura-Chan it seems like I won the bet, so now it is time for my reward unless you want to back out." She turns and looks at him and actually looks at him and notices he is actually fairly attractive and wonders how she missed that before and then decides it wouldn't hurt to reward him once for actually doing something right since it's not likely to happen again and it's not like he has ever kissed before or knows what to do so there is nothing to worry about

"Shanaro, we will give him a pity kiss since it is not like he will ever get this chance again."

"Well I disprove of how you did it but I guess I should thank you for helping us pass. So I will honor our bet." Naruto smiles at her then steps toward her, while Sakura looks on with curiosity about where he will kiss her. She notices him leaning in and finds that she can't actually wait for the kiss and she closes her eyes in anticipation, Just then she feels something warm and wet touch her forehead and her eyes spring open and she sees Naruto smiling at her. Sakura's mind is in overload about what happened.

"What did he do? Why did he kiss me there? Why waste one kiss there? Everyone knows I have a huge forehead so why? It is my most hideous part of my body." Naruto notices Sakura is about to start crying and he begins to panic

"Kit kiss her again now" Naruto leans forward again and captures her lips in a kiss. Sakura then notices the warm pressure on her lips and begins to kiss back and she opens her mouth as Naruto slips his tongue into her as she gives out a low moan. As Naruto is exploring her mouth he begins adding his chakra to the kiss which soon makes Sakura give out more of those delicious moans and causes her to start panting as her face takes on a rosy color blush. Naruto then pulls back and notices the color of her face, the parting of her pink swollen limps and the glazing of her eyes.

He can't help but to say "Sakura-Chan you are beautiful, I promise to take care of you and fulfill all your dreams for eternity." As Naruto is talking Sakura is in a conversation of her own with her inner.

"That was amazing, I want to feel it again, I hope he kisses my lips again. Oh kami, I am getting so wet I hope he does not notice."

"Baka, we want him to notice so he can kiss our lower lips. Who knew the dead last would be such an amazing kisser I mean two kisses and were already in heat." During her conversation Sakura does not realize that her legs are spreading and that a wet spot is becoming noticeable. But Naruto sure as hell does going by his prideful smirk at what he did and how she smells absolutely wonderful. Naruto then asks her to lay on the ground so he can give her his third kiss. As she lowers herself to the ground she can't help but thinking he is going to kiss her "there."

Naruto then gets on his knees and lifts up Sakura's dress and pulls down her spandex shorts and notices the glistening of a small tuft of pink pubic hair over what he has to say is the sight of sights as he notices how beautiful her pink pussy is. He then looks up and notices how she is panting again but the difference this time is she is looking down at him with emerald eyes full of lust and he can't help but hope there is love somewhere in there.

"Fuck, Naruto hurry, kiss my pussy it is aching for you please give me your final kiss."He then looks back at her pussy and lowers his head a takes a long lick of it and then begins kissing it from the top to the bottom ignoring the little pearl at the top for now.

"Oh, fuck yes Naruto there, yes that's the spot please suck my clit. Please kami suck it."

When he is done he looks at her rosy face and she looks at him and says "Naruto why did you stop please finish me, I can't go on please allow me to cum. I will do anything you want but please allow me this. If you want you can fuck me just as long as you make me cum."

Naruto looks at her in awe at what she is allowing him to do, he then grins and says "Sakura-Chan are you sure you want me to fuck you. I know that you hate me. Maybe we should quit so you won't regret it since I already got my reward."

As Naruto is talking Sakura stops panting and her eyes change from lust filled to eyes filled with anger as she sits up and hits Naruto across the clearing and stomps up to him.

Naruto is looking up at her in fear thinking "this is not how it's supposed to go the kyuubi said that after I do that with her pussy over time she would gradually want more. Did the Kyuubi lie to me so he can put me in more misery?"

As Naruto is thinking Sakura looks down at him and thinks "Why did I hit him now he is scared of me and wont fuck me and I have this weird aching feeling in my pussy like it needs to be filled and he is the only one that can fill it. Maybe if I give him pleasure he will quit being afraid of me."

Sakura then gets down on her knees and pulls down the zipper on Naruto's pants and then reaches into it and feels around and with that her eyes grow large "kami what is this it is extremely hard, thick, and long if I had to guess I would say it is 7 inches. But kami he is only twelve. I wonder what it will be like when he is done with puberty."

Naruto notices something warm touch his penis and can't help but get extremely hard it feels like he is ready to burst with how soft and warm the hand is that is touching him there. He looks up and sees Sakura but instead of anger in her eyes he sees unadulterated lust in them and lets out a low moan as she begins moving her hand. Sakura after hearing the moan snaps back to reality and notices what she is doing and begins moving her hand faster. She the notices a liquid coming out the tip and leans down and kisses it and can't help but think it is salty but in a good way and quickly thinks that this may be her favorite foodand she places the tip in her mouth and begins sucking it.

"Oh kami Sakura-Chan you are wonderful I think I could get use to you doing this every day." Sakura looks up at him and smiles and with a blush on her cheeks. She then focuses on her task at hand of getting him to cum and with that she opens her mouth wider and takes five inches into her mouth and continues trying to get more into her mouth.

After five minutes she almost has it when Naruto says "Sakura-Chan I'm going to cum" and with that Sakura's eyes widen as the first spurt of cum goes down her throat and she is unprepared for the volume of it and coughs some up as Naruto's cock breaks loose from her lips and the next spurt hits her face and the following her dress.

"Sorry Sakura-Chan I did not know it would be that much please don't hit me" Sakura looks at him curiously as she licks some cum off of her fingers and swallows it.

"That was delicious I hope I can get more in the future" she thinks.

"Naruto why would I hit you it's not like you knew you would cum this much. Also, I liked it your cum is very delicious and I hope you will let me have more in the future. But right now you owe me an orgasm since you did not let me cum."

Naruto looks at Sakura in awe then says "All right Sakura-Chan" as he tries to get back on his knees. Key word being try as Sakura pushes him back down

"Naruto you are staying on bottom as punishment and this time we are going straight to the main course." And with that Sakura takes off her dress and then crawls onto him and puts her knees on either side of his waist.

"Are you sure Sakura-Chan"

"Dammit Naruto enough. We will do this. You will fuck my pussy and I'm not letting you go until I milk your balls for all they are worth." And with that she lines up his cock with her drenched pussy and slams her hips down and screams as he pierces her.

"Sakura-Chan are you alright."

"Hai, it is just painful on the first time it will get better soon." And with that she starts moving her hips up and down while moaning uncontrollably.

"Oh, Kami it's so deep, I can feel it touching my womb. Fuck, Naruto you are amazing please fuck me every day please fill me up soon I can't take this. Oh yes." And with that Sakura has her first orgasm. Sakura then lowers her body and begins kissing Naruto. During the kiss Naruto rolls them over onto their sides and raises Sakura's leg and pulls nearly all the way out then slams back in during this time Sakura's a nearly b-cup breasts are bouncing around and Naruto reaches around her and starts playing with her nipples adding to her sensations of pleasure.

A minute later with one stronger thrust Sakura cums again. As she is laying there Naruto wraps his arms around her in a loving hug and she says "Naruto are you quitting"

"Well yeah, why"

"Baka, why you haven't cum yet. I said to fill me up and use me."

"But what about you Sakura-Chan"

"Naruto listen I want you to fuck my pussy, pound it in until it is in the shape of your cock, I want to be your personal sex toy, you can do whatever you want with me all I ask is that you use me. Just fuck my pussy raw and if you get disgusted with my pussy you can fuck my asshole."

Naruto looks into her emerald orbs and sees she really means this and says "Sakura-Chan I don't want you as a sex slave I want you as my mate to be by my side forever. I want you to share in my joy and help you accomplish your dreams. And most of all I want you to be my wife and grant me the family I never had." "But why I have only been mean to you why would you want someone with a big forehead like mine and small breasts." "The reason is simple Sakura-Chan, you are beautiful. You're forehead shows how smart you are since you are the smartest person in Konoha. And as far as you're breast go I like them because they are yours."


"Hai, Sakura-Chan"

"Arigatou. Can you do me a favor"

"Hai" "It would make me feel better if you came since I have three times and you have only done so once?"

"Okay, Sakura-Chan get on your hands and knees." As Sakura does this Naruto positions himself behind her and positions his cock at her entrance and with a smooth push it enters into her core and both let out a moan.

As soon as he is well lubricated he pulls out and Sakura looks back at him and asks "why did you pull out" and with that she feels a pressure on her anus and she braces herself for pain. She feels an absence of that pressure and thinks he must of realized he is too big for her and with that thought she relaxes And with that Naruto thrusts right into her anus and all seven inches go in in one thrust and Sakura lets out a piercing scream as tears are coming down her eyes. Naruto then leans forward and begins kissing them and telling her how it will feel better soon. Naruto then channels his chakra to massage her anal pathway and heal some of the stretched muscle. He then begins thrusting in and out slowly. Soon Sakura begins moaning again.

"Yes Naruto this hole is amazing please pound me harder yes this is amazing I want you to fill me up please fill up my ass."

After five minutes and two more orgasms from Sakura Naruto then says "fuck, Sakura-Chan I'm at my limit your ass is wonderful it is so tight. I think this load will be bigger than the first one." With that Naruto cums into her anus and Sakura's body starts shaking in unbearable pleasure from anther orgasm as her vision becomes blurry and she loses her strength and begins to fall but Naruto catches her and he lays down and puts her on top of him. He realizes she may get cold and before sleep overtake shim he places his jacket over her and soon he falls asleep thinking about how lucky he is to finally be able to have Sakura as his and only his.