Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Woo-hoo! The first fics are done already! Happy Ides of March, everybody! And thanks yet again to Mellie Erdmann for editing!

Chapter Seventeen: The Man with Two Faces

It was Quirrell. The wizard smiled as he turned to face Percy. Quite calmly he observed, "I wondered whether I'd be meeting you here, Potter."

"Oh, really?" Percy tried to remain calm by telling himself that at least it wasn't You Know Who he had to confront.

"Yes," he smiled coldly, snapping his fingers. Ropes appeared out of nowhere to wrap themselves tightly around Percy.

"So you tried to steal the Stone from Gringotts- and unleashed Fiendfyre on the school," Percy demanded.

"Of course," he shrugged with a frigid, jagged laugh. He went on to note, "You're too nosy to live, Potter. Scurrying around the school with your friends on Halloween like that, for all I knew you'd seen me coming to look at what was guarding the Stone."

"That was your fault as well?" Percy replied, trying to squirm to see if the ropes had a weak spot.

"Certainly. I have a special gift with trolls- you must have seen what I did to the one in the chamber back there? Unfortunately, while everyone else was running around looking for the troll, Snape must have already suspected me because he went to the third floor to head me off."

He frowned, his face oddly overshadowed by his vast purple turban. "That was a poor night. Not only did my troll fail to beat you and your friends to death, but that three-headed dog didn't even manage to bite Snape's leg off properly. Now, wait quietly, Potter. I need to examine this interesting mirror."

Percy gulped, seeing that this chamber was the new home of the Mirror of Erised.

While Quirrell was busy muttering to himself, Percy struggled with the knotted ropes to no avail. So he decided to distract Quirrell as the professor circled the Mirror.

"So Snape suspected you?"

"Yes… he didn't trust me from the beginning. Of late he was trying to pressure me into revealing how much I knew. Snape even tried to frighten me- as if he could, when I had Lord Voldemort on my side…"

Having come full circle Quirrell stared at the Mirror with unabashed hunger. "I see the Stone… I'm presenting it to my master… but where is it?"

Percy wracked his mind for something else to distract Quirrell with. "I thought someone was frightening you a few days ago. If it wasn't Snape, who was it?"

Fear flickered across Quirrell's face, and Percy's scar gave off a matching flash of pain.

"Sometimes, I find it difficult to follow my master's instructions- he is a great wizard and I am weak…"

"You mean he was in the classroom with you?" Percy got out, disturbed how close he had come to encountering You Know Who.

Soberly Quirrell gave his attention to Percy. "He is with me wherever I go. I met him while I was traveling the world. Back then I was a foolish young man full of simple-minded ideas about good and evil. Lord Voldemort showed me how wrong I was. There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it."

Percy rolled his eyes. But Quirrell didn't notice, instead continuing his monologue.

"Ever since I have served him faithfully, although I have disappointed him many times. He has had to be very hard on me." Suddenly he shuddered. "He does not forgive mistakes easily. When I failed to steal the Stone from Gringotts, he was most displeased. He punished me and decided he would have to keep a closer watch over me…"

Aggravated, Percy tried to wiggle his fingers loose. He had to get loose and stop Quirrell. You Know Who could not get his hands on the stone.

"I don't understand- is the Stone inside the mirror? Should I break it?"

Percy tried to hop but only toppled down to the ground. At least Quirrell had been too busy talking to himself to notice. As he flopped around like a dying fish, attempting to get back up, Percy tried to figure out a new plan.

"What does this mirror do? How does it work? Help me, Master!"

Percy froze when a voice answered, seemingly coming from Quirrell. "Use the boy… use the boy…"

Quirrell wheeled around. "Yes, Potter, come here."

He clapped his hands once, causing the ropes to fall off Percy. Carefully Percy got to his feet but did not heed Quirrell's order.

"Come here," he repeated. "Look in the mirror and tell me what you see."

Slowly, deliberately, Perseus walked to the Mirror of Erised. He decided instantly to lie, because there was no conceivable way telling the truth would help in this situation. Closing his eyes, Percy took a deep breath, ignoring the odd odor the turban was giving off. Then he opened his eyes as he stood right in front of the Mirror.

First he saw his real self's reflection, looking as nerve-wracked as Percy felt. But then the reflection smiled at him. It put its hand into its pocket and pulled out a fist-sized blood-red stone. With a wink it replaced the Stone into its pocket- and as it did so, Percy felt something heavy drop into his real pocket. Somehow, he didn't have a clue how, he'd gotten the Stone.

"Well?" Quirrell pressed. "What do you see?"

"The death of your master," Percy smirked, despite his heart pounding.

Aggravated, Quirrell shoved him aside. Percy backed up, trying to decide if his elemental powers could protect him on the way out or if trying to escape with the Stone in his pocket would just get him killed. But as he edged towards the black flames the voice came again.

"He lies… he lies…"

"Potter, get back here!" Quirrell shouted. "Tell me the truth! What did you see?"

The high, icy voice spoke again. "Let me speak to him… face to face…"

"Master, you are not strong enough!"

"I have strength enough… for this…"

Percy froze, too stunned and curious to move. What in Merlin's beard was going on? Quirrell reached up and slowly unwrapped his turban. Finally the turban fell away, Quirrell's bald head looked small without it. Then he turned around on the spot to reveal a horrifying, hideous sight.

Where the back of his head should be was another face. It was chalk white with glaring red eyes. Once Percy had fought down his gag reflex, he swallowed to moisten his mouth enough to say: "Wow, you're ugly."

"And that is your fault, Harry Potter. Because of you I am mere shadow and vapor, only having form when I can share another's body. There have always been those willing to let me into their hearts and minds."

The second face, You Know Who, continued. "Unicorn blood has given me strength over these past few weeks, with Quirrell drinking for me as you yourself saw."

With a terrible smile the voice concluded, "Once I have the Elixir of Life, I will be able to create a body of my own. Now… why don't you give me that Stone in your pocket?"

Percy stumbled backwards, panicked that he knew. Trembling, he got out his wand and pointed it at Quirrell and You Know Who. "Not… not another step forward, you hear?"

"How touching… I always value bravery. Your parents were as brave as you… your father died first, after putting up a courageous fight… but your mother needn't have died… she was trying to protect you… Now give me the Stone, unless you want her to have died in vain."

"No," went Percy before running, having decided that discretion was the better part of valor in this case But he had barely began his dash towards the flame-filled exit before a drenched Quirrell grabbed at his wrist. Pain shot through his scar, making Percy yell furiously as he struggled against the adult's grip. To his shock, Quirrell actually let go which caused the pain in his head to decrease. Looking around in bewilderment, he saw Quirrell had hunched over in pain. The professor's fingers were blistering before their very eyes.

But You Know Who shrieked again, "SEIZE HIM! SEIZE HIM!"

So Quirrell lunged, knocking Percy off his feet. He landed on top of the boy, wrapping his hands around Percy's neck. Despite the pain in his scar, Percy could hear Quirrell's screams of pain. Gasping for breath he returned the favor, encircling Quirrell's neck with his hands. This made Quirrell howl in agony, before getting out as he released Percy's neck, "Master, I cannot hold him- my hands- my hands-"

Percy felt sick as he saw how raw and shiny said hands had become, but tightened his grip on Quirrell's neck despite his light-headedness. His neck was also starting to blister and turn red like his hands. As Quirrell struggled to raise his wand, Percy kneed him in the stomach and switched their positions. Quirrell kept trying to get free in order to kill him, but Percy desperately maintained his grip on the older man's neck. The pain was growing, blurring his vision. His ears were full of Quirrell's shrieks, You Know Who's demands for Harry Potter's death, and a voice crying out 'Harry!' again and again.

Harry felt himself freed from a flailing Quirrell and fell down into the darkness…


Blinking several times, Percy woke up to the sight of a smiling, bespectacled Albus Dumbledore. The elderly man greeted him with a pleasant, "Good afternoon, Perseus."

"Good afternoon, Headmaster," Percy replied cautiously. Baffled he went, "What's going on, exactly? The last thing I remember is fighting Quirrell…"

"Ah, indeed. You are in the hospital wing- have been for the past three days."

Percy looked around at the hospital wing. He was lying in a bed with white linen sheets, with a table piled high with various sweets next to him. Beaming, Dumbledore explained, "Those are tokens from your friends and admirers. What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so of course the entirety of Hogwarts knows."

The headmaster continued, "Your friends Mr. Ronald Weasley, Mr. Longbottom, Miss Granger, and Mr. Malfoy will be most relieved that you have revived. They have all been most worried."

"Is the Stone safe?" frowned Percy. He did not want to have been asleep for three days for nothing.

"If you are asking if Voldemort obtained it, then no, he did not. I arrived in time to prevent that, although I must say you were doing quite well on your own."

"So you got Hermione's owl?"

"No- we must have crossed in midair. I and the House Heads had no sooner reached London before it became clear to me that I had just left the place where I should be. I arrived just in time to pull Quirrell off you-"

"That was you?"

"Yes. I feared I might be too late, but you are here safe and sound."

"And the Stone not being misused."

"That as well," agreed Dumbledore. "And the Stone, to prevent any more much attempts, has been destroyed."

"But- but what about Nicholas Flamel?" gaped Percy. "And his wife?"

"Oh, you know about them?" Dumbledore smiled. "You did do the thing properly, didn't you? Well, Nicholas and I have had a little chat and they agreed it's all for the best."

"But that means they'll die…" frowned Percy.

"They have enough Elixir stored to set their affairs in order and then, yes, they will die."

Percy thought about it for a minute before concluding immortality really wouldn't be all it was cracked up to be. Dumbledore nodded.

"Yes, death is but the next great adventure to a well-organized mind. The Stone truly is not such a wonderful thing- as much money and life as you desire! The two things most human beings would choose above all, yet the same two things are the ones that are the worst for them."

"Is You Know Who gone, then?"

"Call him Voldemort, Perseus. Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself," Dumbledore told him. "But no, Voldemort is not gone. He is still out there somewhere, for not being truly alive he cannot be killed. Quirrell was left to die; he shows as little mercy to his followers as to his foes. Nevertheless, it will take only someone to fight what appears to be a losing battle next time- and if he is delayed again and again Voldemort may never return to power."

Percy nodded slowly, partly because it was a lot to take in and partly because his head still ached from his fight with Quirrell. Quietly he asked, "Why couldn't Quirrell touch me?"

"Because the protection Harry's mother, Lily, gave Harry now extends to you as well. Love is among the foremost of things Voldemort cannot understand. To have been loved so deeply, will give us some protection forever." After a pause, Dumbledore added gently, "It presumably does not hurt your own mother would undertake any sacrifice for you."

Percy managed a wobbly smile.

"So that love is in your skin. Quirrell, being so full of hatred, greed, and lust for power as well as sharing his soul with Voldemort, could not touch you for this reason. It was agony for him to touch a person marked by something so good."

Weakly Percy sank back into his pillow. Remembering, he commented, "Some of the things he said down there- it sounded like he wanted to kill Harry even more than his parents. Why was that?"

"Ah, what a difficult question." The twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes dimmed. "I know the answer, I'm afraid, but you are still so young, Perseus…"

"I'm twelve going on thirteen," Percy replied indigently. "Besides, if I can face You- Voldemort I'm old enough to know why he's trying to kill Harry."

He half-expected a thunderclap to accompany the mention of You Know Who's name.

Dumbledore was quiet for a moment. "In all honesty, you have gone through far too much for a single year, Perseus. And I still find myself hoping in a horrible way that you will not have to take up all of Harry's burdens."

Percy stared out the window at a blindingly blue sky. Softly he said, "Well, I have a feeling I left behind some burdens for Harry that I didn't know existed- kind of like how I'm pretty sure Harry didn't have a clue he was even a wizard."

"Indeed," murmured Dumbledore.

Percy decided to change the subject. "Any word about my life and Harry?"

"We've had to be very careful, as we do not want anyone else finding out your secret," Dumbledore smiled in a way that told Percy he knew that Hermione, Neville, and Draco knew. Then the smile slipped away as he continued, "But so far, alas, it looks like you truly are from another world…"

"Right," gulped Percy. He joked, "Not that it would have done me much good since I came from 2005 and it's just 1992 now…"

Dumbledore sighed and nodded. He reached for a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. "Now, enough questions. I suggest you make a start on these sweets. Ah, Every Flavor Beans. I was unfortunate enough in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've had lost my liking for them- but I think I'll be safe with a nice toffee, don't you?"

Percy nodded as a smiling Dumbledore popped in the golden-brown bean into his mouth. It was all he could do not to laugh when the venerated wizard choked on the candy before lamenting, "Alas! Ear wax!"


The nurse, Madam Pomfrey, was pleasant enough but very strict.

"Just for a few minutes," Percy requested yet again.

"Absolutely not."

"You let the Headmaster in…"

"Well, of course, he's the headmaster, quite different. You need rest."

"I was asleep for three days! How much more rest do I need?" went a baffled Percy. With a long sigh Madam Pomfrey conceded, "Very well. But for five minutes only."

Draco, Hermione, Neville, and Ron came in meekly behind her.

"Hello, Harry," grinned Ron. Hermione looked ready to hug Percy, but resisted. Neville got out, "We were so worried- we thought that you might…"

"The entire school is talking about it," Ron shook his head. "What really happened?"

"Yeah, what did Hermione and I miss out on?" Draco egged on Percy.

Haltingly at first, Percy told the whole story. About Quirrell being the thief, the return of the Mirror of Erised, the Sorcerer's Stone, and of course You Know Who. Percy found himself quite pleased with how the four reacted in the right ways at the right places. He finished with his earlier conversation with Dumbledore.

At the end Ron gaped at Percy. "So the Stone's gone? Flamel's just going to die?"

"Well, apparently if you look at it the right way, according to Dumbledore 'death is the next big adventure' or something like that," shrugged Percy, trying out a Sugar Quill.

"I always said he was off his rocker," observed an impressed Ron. Dryly Draco said, "So does my father, but I think you two mean it differently."

Neville poorly disguised a laugh as a cough while Ron glared at Draco. Hurriedly Percy asked, "So what happened with you all while I was battling You Know Who?"

"Well, Draco and I got back to the chess chamber all right. It took us a bit to bring Ron around, from there we got back past Fluffy."

"Percival and the twins got the truth out of me eventually," confessed Neville. "We had just gotten to the door when Ron, Hermione, and Draco burst out. All of us were running like mad to the Owlery-"

"When we ran into Dumbledore in the entrance hall," continued Draco. "He already knew, saying something to effect of 'Harry' going after the thief before running off to the third floor."

"The House Heads wanted an explanation, so we gave it," finished Ron. "Well, Percival and the twins wanted one too. That took a while- by the time we had finished, you were up here."

Neville wondered, "It's odd how it worked out we had to go after You Know Who."

"Maybe Dumbledore intended it that way," offered Ron. Hermione turned bright pink. "If he did- I mean to say- that's terrible- we could have been killed!"

Percy shrugged, the pain in his head nearly gone. "I think that I- or rather Harry- needed a chance to face You Know Who while he's still weak. Because now I'll be ready if he ever does return…"

"I hope not," muttered Draco.

"He really is off his rocker," grinned Ron. "Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup, which pleased all of Gryffindor to no end. Plus Mum had the baby- a boy, of course. She sent a picture, do you want to see it?"

"Of course," went Percy. So Ron pulled the photo out of his robe pocket. It showed Mrs. Weasley in a hospital bed, holding a bundle with a scrunched up face and a tuft of fire red hair. Mr. Weasley was to her left, waving and grinning.

"My little brother's name is Uther Jonathan Weasley," Ron informed Percy as he put away the photo. "Bill and Charlie will be arriving on the first of July for a two weeks' stay."

"Great," grinned Percy.

Draco commented, "This has been bothering me- how did you get the Stone out of the Mirror, Percy?"

"I asked Professor Flitwick that," Hermione told them. "He said it was part of Dumbledore's enchantment- only someone who wanted to find the Stone opposed to use it could get it out of the Mirror."

"That's bloody brilliant," Ron marveled.

Hermione smiled. "Yes, that's what Flitwick said was Dumbledore's opinion of the idea."

They all laughed as Madam Pomfrey approached firmly. "You've had nearly twenty minutes, now LEAVE!"


Percy had had restless dreams of an evil… something in a dark pit most of the night. Still, he felt nearly normal in the morning. While Madam Pomfrey was neatening his numerous candy boxes, he asked cautiously, "Can I go to the end of year feast?"

"Professor Dumbledore says you are allowed to go," she sniffed. Apparently she felt feasts could be dangerous to recovering patients. Percy smiled up at her. "Great!"

Nonetheless Madam Pomfrey held him up with her fussy last check-up before letting him go down to the Great Hall. It was decked out in Ravenclaw colors- bronze and blue. A huge banner showing the Ravenclaw eagle covered the wall behind the High Table.

When Percy walked in, there was a moment of silence before everyone resumed talking. Awkwardly he sat down at the end of the Hufflepuff table and pretended not to notice how many people were getting up to look at him.

When Dumbledore arrived, the students fell silent. Standing before them, he made a speech. "Another year gone! And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully, your heads are all a little fuller than they were… you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next term starts… Now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding and the points stand thus: in fourth place is Hufflepuff with three hundred and seventy seven, Gryffindor has four hundred and twelve points in third, in second is Slytherin with four hundred and twenty three, and first is Ravenclaw with four hundred and sixty."

The Ravenclaw table burst into cheers and stomps. Quite a few people from the other three tables joined in as well. Percy thought Draco went overboard by banging his goblet on the table, however.

"Yes, yes, well, done, Ravenclaw," stated Dumbledore as the noise died down. "However, recent events must be taken into account."

The room went silent, so silent that Percy was tempted to drop his fork just to see if the whole room would hear it.

"Ahem. I have a few last-minute points to dish out. Let me see. Yes… First to Mr. Ronald Weasley of Gryffindor…"

Ron turned a fascinating shade of maroon. Percival clapped him on the back.

"For the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor fifty points."

The Gryffindor table roared in response, and as the racket died down Percy could hear Percival bragging about Ron even from the Hufflepuff table.

"Second, to Mr. Draco Malfoy of Slytherin. Fifty points for the ambition to stay the course on a dangerous quest."

Draco turned bright pink as his fellow Slytherins cheered. Well, some of them looked disgruntled, but now they had more points than Ravenclaw. However then Dumbledore continued.

"Third goes to Miss Hermione Granger of Ravenclaw… for the usage of cool logic in the face of fire, I award Ravenclaw fifty points."

A lot of Slytherin looked put out, but Ravenclaw and most of the remaining two houses cheered as their lead was reconfirmed. Dumbledore held up his hands for silence.

"But lastly, to Harry Potter of Hufflepuff… for pure nerve and loyalty to ideals in face of darkness, I award Hufflepuff seventy points."

Hufflepuff let loose with cheers, and some of the other three Houses joined in as well. Admittedly this left the standing the same but now the lowest score was 407 and the highest was 510. Professor Sprout shook Flitwick's hand, and Professor McGonagall was clamping onto his shoulder in recognition. Professor Snape just gave the other, older man a curt nod.

Percy exhaled, hoping that next year would be a bit quieter. Somehow he doubted life at Hogwarts would ever be boring… but since he liked it that way, he didn't mind.

It was a great evening, full of food and reminisces. And once in bed, he commented to Catalina, "This world… is worth protecting, you know?"

"Yesss. Ssso is yoursss… and I am certain Harry isss aware of that," the snake replied sleepily.


In all the chaos Percy had forgotten about his impending exam results. To his relief, he passed with good marks as did Ron and Draco. Hermione, of course, had the best grades of the first years. Neville's Potions grade was a bit lacking but his excellent Herbology score (just a handful of points below Hermione's) made up for that.

Down in the Potions classroom the day before their departure, the five were hanging out. Playing chess against Neville, Ron sighed, "It's a shame about Crabbe and Goyle passing, but you can never have everything in life."

Draco snorted. "I suppose that's true enough."

"Are you worried about your father?" asked Hermione tentatively, looking up from Hogwarts, A History. With an overly casual shrug Draco said, "As long as he doesn't hex me about it I think I'll be fine. Merlin's pants, I was quite the prat before becoming friends with you all, wasn't I?"

"Yes," they affirmed.

Faking a sulk Draco said, "You don't have to be so blunt about it."

As Ron captured Neville's queen the boy sighed, "I don't see why we keep playing against you, even now."

"You're gluttons for punishment?" tried Ron, propping his head up with his hands. Neville just stuck his tongue out at the redhead.

Snape exited his office, a black broom in hand. "All right, out, you lot. I need to clean up a bit and you all need to pack."

There was still daylight after packing so they went down to visit Norbert one last time before the summer. Hagrid was there as well. The huge man had apologized several times about accidentally betraying Fluffy's weakness to Quirrell. They had kept telling him that Quirrell would have found out somehow eventually and to stop beating himself up about it, but it had taken a while to convince him.

"So, Charlie said he'll be stopping by to make sure Norbert's all right," commented Ron, watching Neville climb a tree.

Hagrid nodded. "Just ter make sure little Norbert is healthy."

Draco eyed the snorting dragon as it attempted to batter his cage to pieces. "Right. Of course."

The notes warning them not to use magic over the holidays were handed out to everyone, and Hagrid led the fleet of boats back across the lake. Together they boarded the Hogwarts Express, talking and laughing as the countryside outside became tamer and more orderly. Percy shared the last of the candy he had received in the hospital wing with his friends as the train went past Muggle towns. Percival reminded them to change out of their robes, so they got back into their Muggle garb.

"Funny, how weird it feels after just nine months of wearing the Hogwarts uniform," commented Percy as the train neared London. "I mean, I wore stuff like this for the previous, say, ten years at least."

Ron shrugged as he put Scabbers in his cage. "I guess it got to be a habit."

"I guess so," sighed Percy.

"Don't worry, Perseus, it was the same way for me," Hermione assured him. He managed a weak smile of thank you in return.

The train pulled into King Cross's Station, and then Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Getting their luggage, they all got off the train. Draco hastily left to join his pale, sniffy mother and Hermione happily rejoined her parents who looked a bit uneasy to be surrounded by so many wizards. The twins left Lee to join their brothers and Percy.

Some students said farewell to Harry Potter, to which Percy waved at. An elderly woman was up at the ticket barrier letting them go through the gate in small clusters in order to keep the Muggles unaware.

"There they are!" came Ginny's voice, and they followed it to her and Mrs. Weasley, who had tiny Uther in a paisley sling.

"Say hello to your little brother," she urged them.

"Hi, Uther," went Percival. "Nice to meet you."

"Hi, Uther!" the twins chorused brightly, clearly elated when the infant sneezed in response.

"Excellent, Uther. I am no longer the youngest boy!"

"Ron!" Mrs. Weasley laughingly scolded. "Harry?"

"Oh," went Percy in surprise at his inclusion. "Hello, Uther. Nice to see the newest member of the Weasley clan."

"This is going to be a most excellent summer," proclaimed Ron as they got into line to leave the platform. Percy gave him a wide grin. "You know something, Ron? I think you're right."

Preview for Percy Jackson and the Chamber of Secrets:

The summer after his first year at Hogwarts' is better than ever for Percy Jackson. The Weasleys reach new highs of familial comfort and he even attends Neville's birthday party at a magical zoo! But just when Percy thinks the endless vacation can't get any better, a panicked Draco Malfoy with the house-elf Dobby in tow to warn him against going back to school. Of course, Percy doesn't listen. But Hogwarts isn't as fun as he remembers it to be. Almost immediately a student is found petrified, and then another. And somehow Percy stands accused, despite his secret of not being the real Harry remains safe. Could it be that Harry Potter is the long-feared heir of Slytherin?

Percy and friends are stretched to their limits dealing with the likes of Moaning Myrtle, a spirit who haunts a girls' bathroom; the outrageously conceited new professor Gilderoy Lockheart; and the diary of Tom Riddle (a boy from Hogwarts' past) which gives terrifying new meaning to the phrase, "a compelling read".