Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and no infringement is intended. Thanks very much to Charlaine Harris and Alan Ball for being the creative geniuses they are.

It had been two months since the last time I saw or heard from Eric Northman. The memory of that night hurts like nothing I've ever felt before. My best friend, Tara, was lying across my lap when he and Bill knocked on my door. I guess I was screaming for help, which they luckily heard. My memories are dim of what happened next, which is something that I will always be grateful for. I knew the moment the bullet hit Tara that she was dead and that there was no way she was coming back - not even Eric's rich, thick blood could save her. He had tried and failed, and held me as I came to the realization that there were now two dead bodies on my kitchen floor. Eric picked me up in his arms to take me away from the mess and laid me down on my bed as he started the shower for me. He slowly and gently removed all my clothing while I was in my catatonic state. It was not sexual at all, and the look in his eyes was that of concern and caring. The shower did nothing to calm me down. I just couldn't stop crying and thinking about Tara's lifeless face. That bitch Debbie Pelt had ruined my life once again and I felt absolutely no remorse for shooting that sad excuse of a woman. Eric had dressed me in my favorite nightgown and tucked me into bed, lying next to me above the covers with his fingers entwined with mine. I heard Bill downstairs, no doubt disposing of the bodies and cleaning up the mess in my kitchen. Eric started stroking my arm soothingly as he began to speak for the first time in a few minutes.

"Sookie. Sookie, I knew you are in great pain. But you must listen to me and trust that everything will be ok. We will get through this together."

His voice carried sadness. I couldn't meet his gaze.

"No one will know what happened here tonight. I will ensure that the werebitch is never found. I will also ensure that Tara has a proper burial." He placed his fingers underneath my chin to pull my face to his. "Look at me, Sookie. I promise to take care of you. I promise that I will never let anything happen to you ever again."

I was absolutely furious that he was promising me things that I knew he could never deliver. Being around supernaturals was once a joyous experience. I didn't have to listen to mean and disgusting thoughts and I felt that I could finally be myself. But now it brought violence, heartbreak, and death. I couldn't stand it anymore. I said something to Eric that I came to regret.

"Eric, you can't protect me. Your world is... dark. I can't fucking stand it anymore. I want you to stay out of my life forever. I never want to see you ever again. After tonight, you don't exist. And you can go tell Bill the same thing."

"Sookie, stop this. You're upset. And rightfully so. I can protect you, my lover. I can make you happy..."

"Eric, stop. Stop right now. I don't want to hear this shit. It means nothing to me! I just killed Debbie Pelt and watched as my best friend died!" I was livid and I started to pull away from him. I stood up and looked down at him lying on my bed. "Eric Northman, I want this all to end. What we had... is something neither of us can ever have again. I rescind your invitation."

His expression was awful. He was hurt, angry as all hell, and I could swear I saw his eyes lined red with tears. He was off the bed then and out of my home before I knew it. I went downstairs to check up on things. Bill was standing there in the kitchen, obviously concerned.

"I know you heard what just happened. The same thing goes for you too Bill Compton. I can't have either of you in my life. I appreciate what you have done for me, but I have to rescind your invitation." And then he was gone too. I was left alone. I began to sob uncontrollably. The bodies and blood were gone. The shotgun as well. Bill had done a good job of erasing the evidence.

And then I heard the most awful sound. I knew without a doubt that it was Eric, howling with rage outside. I was scared to death. He was not used to being denied, but I couldn't help that. I peeked outside the window to see him standing there, fuming with rage. And when we locked eyes for the last time, he was gone in a flash.

That was two months ago. At first, I was absolutely inconsolable over Tara's death. Sam and Lafayette were devastated as well, but we helped each other get past the initial shock, rage, and sadness. I knew that I hadn't been in my right mind when I told Eric those things, but I couldn't bring myself to take them back. Frankly I was relieved to be away from the madness, but my heart ached every time I thought about his beautiful face contorting with sadness and fury. Two weeks after that day, I got a knock on my door. It was Pam, Eric's progeny. I opened the door with caution and let her speak first.


"Pam. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to ask you what the fuck you did to my maker."

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean, even if it was your business."

"Don't play fucking coy with me, little girl. Things have not been... well at Fangtasia as of late. Eric has been in the foulest mood I've ever witnessed. He barely speaks, and when he does... Well, let's just say we've had a lot of girls quit. And a lot of our customers have ended up with bruised ribs and egos."

"I don't see how this has anything to do with me, Pam"

"You are the only one who can make Eric this way. Every time I mention your name, I get an object thrown at my face. He even took my credit card privileges away for a few days. So, you can see that I'm desperate." I smirked at that, which was obviously not very smart. Pam dropped her fangs and leered at me in the doorway.

"I'm sorry for that. But Eric will have to tell you himself. I'm going back to bed now Pam. I'm sure things will get better." And then I slammed the door and climbed under the covers.

I never thought that Eric would still be upset. I thought for sure he would just find himself some slutty fang-banger and get over it. Knowing that my words had such a longstanding effect on Eric made me sad. Very sad. I cried myself to sleep that night.

In the weeks after that, Pam had visited me almost every day. She would ask me the same questions. Beg me to tell her what had happened. Told me how awful Eric was doing. She was mostly pissed and was trying to bully me into talking. But one night, last night to be exact, she finally realized that being pushy wasn't going to work.

"Sookie. Please just listen to me. Eric is doing... worse than ever. As his child, I can feel his emotions. It is darker and more intense then I can bear. I have never felt this before and it is breaking me that my maker is so miserable. He won't speak to me. He yells and breaks things constantly. Please, I am... begging you. Meet me at the coffee shop down the street from Fangtasia tomorrow night at nine. Explain to me what happened. Only you can make this right again."

And with that she was gone. I sat down on my couch and thought for a long while. Eric was miserable. As much as I hated to admit it, I felt guilty and sad. I had said things that I didn't mean. And the fact that Pam was literally begging me meant that the situation was dire. I decided right then and there that I would meet her. For one, I didn't want Eric to hurt or kill any of his customers. I didn't want Pam to suffer any longer either.

So we met at the coffee shop at nine. She was dressed in her Fangtasia get-up and was scaring the hell out of all the customers. She was also evoking some pretty dirty thoughts from the men, and one woman. She smirked at me when I walked in and sat down. I'm sure I looked completely underwhelming compared to her in my white cotton dress and sandals.

"Hello Sookie. You look lovely as always."

"Cut it out, Pam. I will tell you what happened. I don't want this situation to get any worse."

"I'm relieved. He has been an absolute nightmare. I've had to take his place on the stage for the past month, and fuck... those dopey-eyed fools are more annoying than ever."

I explained everything to her. Her expression was blank, but I could tell that she was angry that I had hurt her maker. But then she got a look on her face and shocked the hell out of me.

"Well then. I can see an easy solution. You must apologize and submit to Eric, Sookie. Before you start with your attitude and protests, know that I can tell that you still have feelings for him. He would treat you like a princess. You would want for nothing. You must reunite with him and end this silly human shit."

"PAM! No! Eric and I are done! I'm sorry that things have been so crazy, but I am not 'reuniting' with Eric. I told you this tonight so that you would know what's been going on. To help you help him."

"Listen you ungrateful little brat. Eric is over one thousand years old. He is the richest and most handsome vampire in America. Much better than Bill Compton who, by the way, left for Argentina after you denied him. Eric has nothing but good intentions when it comes to you." I giggled at that. Good intentions? Eric? Never. "He... he cares about you. Loves you, I think. As much as I hate your guts right now, I know that without you he will be miserable. And then so will I."

I stared. How to follow that? Pam started again,

"Just think about things, Sookie. Think about how you really feel. You love him still. You are meant for one another." I looked down at my hands, a bit freaked out that Pam of all people was saying this. "Tomorrow night he will be at Fangtasia. Come see him. Apologize. Admit your feelings, or whatever the hell you foolish girls do these days." And when I looked up, Pam was gone.

What. The. Eff. The entire car ride back home to Ben Temps was interesting. I relived all the memories I had of Eric. When I got home, I came to a very distressful conclusion. I missed Eric. I still loved Eric. Our time together when he had amnesia was amazing. I would not have that exact Eric back, but I knew that somewhere he was still in there. I would give Eric another chance. Fuck. Had I learned nothing?

And that brings me to today. At night fall, I started getting ready to see Eric for the first time in two months. I was nervous as all hell. Would he take me back? Would he still love me? Guess it was time to find out and use that Stackhouse backbone of mine.

I parked my crappy, yellow car next to Eric's red corvette. I got so nervous. I sat in the car for a whole five minutes before I heard a tap on my window. It was Pam, of course.

"Sookie. You came."

"Yes... Pam, what can I expect?" She was silent for a few seconds and gave me a weird look. Now I was really scared.

"He... is in a mood. I'm sure that once he sees you, everything will be fine. Don't worry. Get your sweet Southern ass inside and work your magic." She helped me to my feet. She walked in first and I followed slowly behind her. The bar was full of fang-bangers who were all surprisingly hoping to see one of Eric's outbursts. I took a few steps forward towards the bar. I saw him then. Eric was sitting in his chair on the stage. His face was absolutely grim and he appeared angry and annoyed. He was dressed in all black, wearing that sexy leather jacket of his. I stared openly, unable to look away. So many emotions were going through me. Adoration. Fear. Lust. Concern. Fear again.

And then he looked at me. His face became blank as he returned my stare. I saw the tick of his jaw and he pursed his lips. He got up from his chair and before I knew it his hand was over my arm as he dragged me into his office in a matter of seconds. The door slammed behind us loudly and I looked up to see his face.

It was the most frightening expression I've seen on him. His eyes were piercing into mine. He was staring down at me, overwhelming me with his height. He began to speak.

"Just what the fuck do you think you're doing in my bar?"

"Eric, I came to see you...We need to talk." He smirked, but was still fuming.

"Talk? I believe you said that you never wanted to see me again."

"I was upset, Eric."

"Do not speak to me like you are my equal. My kind behavior towards you is something of the past. You are lucky that I don't drain you where you stand. Now get the fuck out of my bar before you find yourself in an unfortunate position."

"Eric... I miss you. I know things have been bad. For the both of us..." I took a step towards him, which was obviously a huge mistake. Before I knew it, his desk was being thrown across the room.


I stumbled back towards the door. He had his back towards me, leaning against his chair. He couldn't even look at me. As I was leaving, I saw the chair get crumbled in his grasp and heard a string of angry words that I assume were in his native language.

What a mess I've made.