In Love With A Ghost
Just a little halloween inspired fanfic I thought of last minute. Please enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own the anime or any of the characters in it.
Karin- 16
Kazune, Himeka- 16
Jin, Miyon, Yuuki- 16
Micchi- 17
Kazuma- 18
Kazusa- 12
Karin was in the car with her parents. She sighed as she looked out the window.
Her mother, turned around slightly from the front seat to face her unhappy daughter. "Can't you try to at least be a little happy?" She asked.
Karin looked at her mother and frowned. "How can I be happy when I have to start a new life somewhere new knowing I left all my friends back home?"
"I'm sorry sweetheart, I really am. But this new job is a wonderful opportunity for the family. There was no way I could pass it up." Karin's father told her jumping into the conversation.
"Why couldn't you? We were doing just fine..." She folded her arms and mumbled in response.
Kaito sighed. "Yes, but with this new job we could do so much better. Isn't that right, Aya?"
Aya nodded. "Of course. You could have a better, more secure future Karin. It's not like you'll never see your friends again. You can still talk to them on the phone and video chat with them. You'll make new friends and have more companionship. Besides, you might also meet a guy." Her mother winked at her daughter.
Karin blushed and shook her head. "Mom!"
"Hey hey hey, no boy talk in front of the dad." Kaito said getting rather uncomfortable.
Aya laughed. She loved teasing her daughter about boys and making her husband feel uncomfortable in the process.
Once they had finally reached their new home, Kaito pulled over with the moving truck not too far behind them. Kaito and Aya both got out of the car and smiled at their new house and went in.
Karin got out and looked at the place she's forced to call home now. Karin got rather of an eerie feeling. She didn't think much of it though and sighed going in and joining her parents.
"Couldn't you find a more... not so creepy place to live in?" Karin asked her parents.
"What's so creepy about it?" Aya asked as she started unpacking in the living room.
Karin sat on the couch that was already brought in. "The place is all victorian and what not, it's all dark, and just... a strange feel to it. What were the previous owners like anyway?"
Aya placed her finger on her chin trying to remember what the moving agent had told her. "Weeell, I was told the previous owners were a married couple with a son. Some kind of incident happened and they moved away." She said.
All she got was an 'are you kidding me'look from Karin.
"So we just moved into a place where an incidenthappened? What kind of incident?" Karin asked.
"I'm not sure. The moving agent didn't go into detail. She said it was nothing to worry about though." Aya said.
Karin smacked her forehead. "That's what they all say to get people to buy the house and move in. Haven't you seen all of those scary movies?"
Aya laughed a bit. "Karin, relax. Like you said, they're just movies."
Kaito walked in with more boxes. "Why don't you take a look around the place Karin? Go see your room and start unpacking your things. I put some of your boxes in your room already."
Karin sighed again and went upstairs. She walked down the hall. She could have sworn she felt a piercing gaze on her.
'Must be my imagination or something...'Karin thought, shaking it off.
She went to her room and opened the door slowly. She dropped the bag she was holding when she saw a boy standing by the window. He looked about her age.
He had on a dark blue dress shirt, black jeans, black and blue sneakers, short blonde hair, pale skin, and the most gorgeous sapphire colored eyes Karin had ever seen.
She assumed he was one the moving guys that were helping bring the rest of the furniture inside the house.
He turned and looked at her. It felt like the same gaze she felt a minute ago in the hallway. He remained silent.
"Y- you scared me..." Karin crouched down to pick up her bag. "Are you with the moving guys or something?"
Unable to hide his surprise he raised his eyebrows. "You can see me?"
Karin lifted her head up a bit to find the boy kneeling down in front of her, inches away from her face.
"Ah!" Caught off guard, Karin fell back with her skirt going up, exposing her panties. It didn't help that her legs were slightly spread apart either...
The boy stood up, looking away and blushed. "S-sorry... didn't mean to startle you..." He looked at Karin again and smirked. "Polka dots?" He folded his arms.
Karin realized her skirt had gone up and got red. She quickly got up and fixed herself. "Pervert! Why would you look!"
"You're the one that flashes me, and somehow that makes me the pervert?"
Karin wanted to punch the smug smile off of his face. "Who are you?"
"Usually one introduces themselves first before asking the other person for their name." He said.
She glared at him. "My name is Karin. Who are you?" She repeated the question feeling nothing but irritation at the stranger in her room.
"I'm Kazune."
"Well Kazune, are you here with the moving guys or what?" Karin asked.
Kazune's eyes widened a bit. "Moving guys? Are you living here now?" He asked her.
"Duh." Karin rolled her eyes.
He looked at the floor. "What year is it?"
"Excuse me?"
"What year is it?" Kazune asked again.
Karin thought that was an odd thing to ask. "It's 2011..." She answered.
"I should go..." He said.
"Wait- " Karin tried to grab his arm but he stepped back so she wouldn't touch him.
Karin didn't know what to make of the teenage boy in her room. "Wait right here." She went downstairs where her parents were still unpacking.
"Mom, Dad!"
Kaito looked at Karin. "What is it? Did you see your new room? Do you like it?" He asked.
"Huh? Oh... um, besides the guy, everything else about the room is alright I guess." She said.
"Guy? What guy?" Aya asked.
"There's a guy in my room. I'm guessing it's one of the moving guys?" Karin asked.
Kaito and Aya looked at each other with puzzled looks on their faces. "Karin, what are you talking about? No one has gone up there but you. All of the moving guys are here downstairs arranging the furniture." Her mother said.
"But... I was talking to him just now." Karin said.
Kaito got a bat from one of the boxes and went upstairs with his wife. Karin followed them to her room. Kaito looked around the room with the bat in his hands ready to hit whoever it was Karin saw. He checked in the closet, the bathroom, and under the bed. He also checked the window. It was still locked.
"Are you sure you saw someone?" Aya asked.
Karin nodded with certainty. "Yeah, he said his name was Kazune. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was standing by the window when I came in."
Kaito looked at Aya and shrugged. "There's no one here sweetie. The window is still locked so there's no way he could have gone out without leaving the window open. I'll go check the rest of the house." He left Karin's room and went to the other rooms with the bat still in his hands.
Aya laid a hand on Karin's shoulder. "Are you alright?"
Karin nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. This is just so weird..." She said placing her finger on her chin.
"Don't worry. If he's still here, whoever it is, your father will find him and teach him a lesson." Her mother told her.
Karin shook her head. "No... he didn't hurt me or anything. He looked just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. I don't think he knew the place had sold and that we were coming. He seemed harmless." Karin said.
"Harmless or not, it's still breaking in." Aya said.
Kaito came back.
"Well?" Karin asked.
He shook his head. "There's no one here. I checked all of the closets, the other bathrooms, all of the rooms. You probably scared him off Kare-bear."
"There's no way he could have escaped..." Karin mumbled.
Kaito put the bat down. "Only way to exit is through the front door, the back door to the garden, or the windows and they were all locked and your mother and I were downstairs the whole time. It was probably just some punk who used the empty place as a hangout spot or something. He's gone now. Don't worry."
After they left her room Karin sat on her bed. She still couldn't shake the feeling that something felt off.
She laid down, thinking about her mystery intruder.
End of Chapter. 1