Maybe it was the four days of canoeing, or maybe it was the mega long car ride with annoying bitches who seem to have nothing better to do than ignore anything I say until someone else says it, but I came up with this X-Over because I thought it had sexy/dramatic appeal.
Chapter One: Mistakes Are The Gateway To The Beginning
Defense Against the Dark Arts was very hands on in 7th year. After so many lives were lost in the war, dueling had become a large part of the curriculum. Hermione didn't quite understand it. In her opinion making the children fight against each other was promoting House rivalry, and causing more problems for the still unsteady future. The fact that her class was with Slytherins only made it worse.
"Give it up Granger, you may be the brightest witch of the age, but I'm still a better dueler!" Malfoy taunted as he easily deflected her curses.
"Shove it, Malfoy, you prat!" Hermione retorted as she turned red from both agitation and frustration at his accuracy. She was struggling to fight him. Despite her extensive knowledge of spells, she couldn't deny that his protective spells were superior, and that his skill in dueling was definitely smoother than her own.
"Just give up! Let go of that stupid Gryffindor pride! You know you'll never win." He said with a lazy smirk as he deflected yet another of her spells. He was moving towards her, going on the offensive.
"Now, now, there's no need for insults, this is a friendly duel between our Heads, please keep it polite." The professor said uncomfortably. The pair ignored him, continuing their battle as if nothing else existed, save for their competitive nature, and each others' potential loss.
"Come now Malfoy, you're a coward not a war hero! I don't think I've ever seen you pull out your wand when you actually needed it!" Hermione mocked, her need to win pushing forth words she didn't mean.
"Shut your mouth Granger, if it weren't for me, you'd be dead on my living room floor!" Draco hissed, his face going red. There was a collective gasp from both sides of the room at those words. Hermione was clearly affected as well, because her movements became fiercer, more dangerous. It wasn't like he wasn't telling the truth, but having those memories brought up made her burn.
"And if it weren't for me, you'd be in Azkaban where you belong!" She screeched, throwing rougher spells his way.
"You take that back you ugly little worm!" He seethed, his curses steadily gaining vigor.
"You started it you bouncing ferret!" She retorted with a scoff.
"Children calm down! I demand you stop this instant!" the short professor yelled, standing as quickly as he could, and drawing his own wand. They continued to ignore him, eyes and minds focused solely on their opponent. They were closing the distance between them, and the spells were getting harder to block.
The spells hit each other. Hermione and Draco were only about three feet apart. The explosion. It was all so fast, who could have saved them?
"Hu-?" Hermione came to, and wished she hadn't. She screamed in terror. A hand grabbed her's. He pulled her into his chest and rolled swiftly.
BAM! Crack. Her scream was blood curtailing and filled with pain.
"Draco, Draco! Please, please be okay. I didn't mean it, I'm sorry!" She moved off of him as quickly as she could, fumbling with her wand as she tried to heal him. She needed help. She looked all around her. They were in a small clearing, but definitely in the woods.
"Help! Somebody help him!" She cried. She kept turning, making herself dizzy. There! There it was! It was just a small ways, a light! She tried to calm herself, she couldn't risk splinching him, not now. She grabbed his hand and popped into the house a couple hundred yards away. They landed on the carpet in what appeared to be the living room.
"Help him please, he's going to die!" She wailed helplessly.
"What the fuck?" A strong male voice growled
"Cheese and rice." A breathy voice. "Eric, you have to help him." The same voice, now rushed.
"They could be an enemy!"
"I swear, I'll do anything, please save him!" Hermione cried, her eyes blurred to the figures.
"I can't, blood won't be enough!" The male voice again. "I'd have to turn him."
"Yes, anything!" Hermione begged desperately. "He saved me, please!"
"Eric, please." That soft voice again.
"Alright." Hermione smiled watery, before promptly passing out.
"What the fuck is she?" He growled.
"I don't know, she looks human." Sookie responded with a shrug.
"Her little friend didn't taste very human to me." Eric continued as he paced the room.
"What did he taste like?" She asked.
"I can't place it." He ground out in frustration. "But she smells like a witch, there's magic all over her." He seethed.
"Maybe you should ask her friend, he is your child now." Sookie reasoned.
"Regrettably." Eric scoffed. "Besides, that little piss head is chained up right now, with good reason. He tried to taste what is mine." He growled.
"I'm not yours Eric." Sookie huffed.
"Not yet." Eric grinned, his usual playful, sexy demeanor partially returning.
"Now is not the time." Sookie turned to head upstairs. "I'm gonna check on her."
"Be careful." He was serious again.
"I'll be fine." She waved him off and headed to her room.
The girl had been out for a few days now, and the boy, now vampire, was chained up in Eric's cubby and had been since yesterday. She sat next to the bed the girl was on, and took her hand gently into her own. She stayed that way for a little while, occasionally squeezing the smaller girl's hand.
Hermione stirred. She made to open her eyes, but sqeezed them tight a millisecond later. She turned her head to one side, then the other. She felt disoriented. What had happened. And then it flooded her mind. The duel, magically appearing hundreds of feet above the ground, Draco cushioning her fall...She screamed, startling Sookie beside her, and Eric downstairs. There was a feral roar.
"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt ya'." Sookie said with a smile. Hermione whipped her head in Sookie's direction, her brown eyes were bug-like in their frightened state.
"Where am I? Is he okay? I have to - have to help him." She scurried to get out of the bed, but her legs were weak.
"You're in Bon Temps, in my house, I'm Sookie Stackhouse. You don't need to worry right now, but I think we should talk about what happened, and about your friend." Hermione sucked in a breath and her eyes welled with tears.
"Is he- he can't be...?" She couldn't finish her sentence.
"He's... Well, he's not exactly out of this realm." Sookie said, choosing her words carefully.
"I've got to see him, this is all my fault! I should have just given up, he was right! My stupid, stupid pride!" Hermione cried.
"I think you need to tell me what happened." Sookie said firmly.
"We-we were dueling, it was just class. It got a bit heated, the teacher, he tried to stop us, but, but our spells, they must have mixed. Mine must have lifted us off the ground, we were at least a hundred feet up before, before... It was like quidditch, I always hated flying. He-he grabbed me. We're rivals, we used to be enemies, but he saved me, again! He turned us and took the fall. He's always taking the worst of it! I apparated when I saw the light from your house. Oh Godric, did I splinch him?" Her words were panicky and watery, Sookie could tell she was the verge of tears. She also noticed the odd words the girl used.
"Where do you think you are?" Sookie asked.
"A small wizarding town, right? I've never heard of Bon Temps, but it sounds French maybe." Hermione supplied, not really seeing the point. "It's the only way he could be alive." She reasoned shakily.
"I'm gonna go downstairs and talk with my friend, his name is Eric." Sookie said slowly.
"Wait! Take me with you, I have to see Draco!" Even though his name felt odd on her tongue, she couldn't call him Malfoy just then. Sookie bit her lip.
"I don't think that's a very good idea." Sookie started slowly, but Hermione wouldn't have it.
"I have to!" She pleaded.
"He's too young. I don't want you to get hurt." Sookie said a bit more forcefully.
"We're nearly the same age! I'm a bit older sure, but that should make me safer! Besides, I don't even think he has his wand." Hermione reasoned, desperately trying to get out of the confines of the blankets.
Sookie looked confused. "You- you asked us to turn him, didn't you?" Hermione froze.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"You might want to stay in bed for this." Sookie said, sitting down once more. "Your friend, Draco? He was too badly damaged, vampire blood wasn't enough to heal him. Eric, he had to change him." Hermione's breath caught. It was all her fault. She had told them to do it. Draco, poor, poor Draco! She let out another loud cry of despair. That growl again. Hermione took a few deep breaths.
"Your friend sounds worried, you should go back down." She told Sookie.
"That's not Eric." Sookie stated.
Draco awoke covered in dirt. What the fuck? What kind of spell was this? If that bloody Gryffindor had gotten mud all over his expensive robes, he would be pissed.
"It's time." He heard a voice next to him. He turned, but he barely saw the blur before their was a hole above him. He crawled out slowly, taking in his was in a grave yard.
"What the fuck is going on!" He shouted in anger.
"Shut up. Where are you from, what are you doing here?" He turned to see a tall man with ice blue eyes and dirty blond hair.
"Who gave you the right to talk to me that way?" Draco seethed. "I'm Draco Malfoy you scum." He spat. The taller man growled and bared his fangs.
"A vampire? What the bloody hell is this shit? I have a wand you know, so you better back off, I don't fancy being dinner to your kind." Draco sneered. "Where's Granger? That little goody goody is going to get a good hex when I find her." Suddenly the vampire was right in front of him.
"That girl saved you from being in that ground forever you ungrateful little shit. Now, as your maker, I command you to tell me how you got here." Draco opened his mouth to retort, but he suddenly couldn't control his words.
"We were dueling in DADA, Granger and me always get partnered, because we're the Heads. I was just teasing her a bit, but I took it too far. The professor tried to stop us, but I guess he didn't make it. We were only a few feet apart, and I cast Evanesco out of anger, I just didn't want to see her face any more. Some how we ended up a hundred feet above the air. She hates heights." His voice sounded airy, and he mumbled the last sentence. "I grabbed her on instinct, I didn't want her to get hurt. I never want to see her hurt, not after..." He trailed off and shuddered. "I pulled her into me, and rolled us over so I could cushion her fall. I can't remember anything after that." He finished up coming out of his daze, he locked eyes with the vampire, who was smirking slightly.
"Sounds to me like you want her." Draco made a disgusted face.
"Like I could ever want the Gryffindor Golden Girl."
"But you saved her. You sacrificed yourself for her."
"Who the fuck are you anyway? You don't know anything!"
"Eric Northman, sheriff of area 5, and your maker you insolent child."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Draco growled.
"My kind is your kind." Eric said with a sinister smile.
"I-I'm a vampire?" Draco's voice went weak.
"Best not to dwell on it, you are a vampire. I am your maker, yada yada." Eric said simply. "We should hurry up and get some blood in you, you'll need it." Eric said before zooming off. Draco didn't know what to do, but he tried to fallow, and found himself zooming towards an old looking house.
When he got to the door where he was sure Eric had gone through, he found himself faced with a barrier.
"What kind of magic is this?" He asked.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot." A pretty, feminine voice said. The voice was soon partnered with a pretty blond. "I'm Sookie Stackhouse, won't you please come in?" She said.
"I can't you dumb cow, there's a barrier!" He growled out.
"Don't you dare talk to her like that!" Suddenly Eric was beside him, furry on his face. "Get inside you rotten child!" Draco took a step and found that the barrier was gone. He was then over whelmed by a glorious smell. He sniffed once. Then again, and again.
"What is that smell." His voice sounded airy.
"Sookie, get up stairs, now!" Eric barked. Sookie ran up the stairs, towards the room the girl was in.
"It smells so good." Draco whispered, his eyes going towards the stairs. He zoomed, but was stopped by another body hitting his.
"You will not touch her!" Eric growled, his fangs looking menacing as he held Draco down.
"Just a taste, it smells heavenly." Draco moaned. Eric could feel the younger boys cock hardening. "She must be pureblood, it's divine!"
"Don't you dare touch my fairy." Eric's voice was quiet, but firm.
Draco found himself in pain hours later. He was chained with silver in a room that looked like a plush dungeon. He had been fed with bagged blood, but the smell from before still wafted around. It intoxicated him, taunted him. He craved it.
A day later he felt as if he was going crazy. He hadn't felt this way since he was 17. He had come into his Veela genes and all he wanted was sex. He never did find his mate, but he supposed it didn't matter now. He was a vampire, he could fuck around with anyone he wanted now! He would never have to settle on one woman. He grinned at the thought.
He awoke to a shout. It was such a familiar sound. He roared. If they were hurting her, he's tear them to shreds! It was quiet, and his un-beating heart ran colder than ice. A million thoughts ran through his head. The vampire had drained her. The fairy had killed her in her sleep. The vampire had raped her. The fairy had her under a mind torture. The vampire-
Another scream of anguish and he could not be contained. He thrashed wildly against his restraints. Let the blasted things cut through him, he would heal, and he needed to get to her.
He heard someone enter his room and he snapped his fangs at them. "What did you do to her?" He boomed, his struggle never ceasing. "I swear if you so much as touched her, I'll rip your precious fairy limb from limb before I cut your head off and bury it!" He snarled.
"Calm down you fool!" Eric zoomed till he was directly in front of Draco. "And if you ever threaten my Sookie again it will be your life." He said quietly, but menacingly.
"I heard her scream! I know it was her, I know her scream! If you don't let me out of these right now, I'll-"
"Do nothing, because you're trapped." Eric said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Draco growled, he slumped, acknowledging defeat. He looked down. He thought of her. Of their second year when she had been petrified; he'd told Crab and Goyle that he wanted her to be taken, but when he saw her in the Hospital Wing, he was scared. He thought of their fourth year, when Krum had taken her to the Yule Ball, how pretty she looked, how jealous he had been. He thought of their fifth year, when he had been so happy to discover the D.A. until he saw her punishment. He thought of their sixth year, when he had been so terrified, and she had protected him from Potter. He thought of that night in the Manor, and how closing his eyes couldn't hide the screams he knew too well. He had saved her that night, he had saved her tonight as well, but now he couldn't do anything; he was failing her.
"You're crying." It wasn't a question.
"I am not!" Draco yelled looking up. "Why would I cry over a filthy mudblood like her?" He screeched.
"Vampires cry blood." Eric's calm demeanor didn't change.
"I'm crying for myself! If I hadn't saved that little witch, I wouldn't be a vampire right now, I'd be home! And now that she might be dead it was all in vane!"
"She's crying for you." Eric said, a look of disgust for the young vampire marred his features. Draco's head snapped up.
"She's okay?" He asked, not caring how desperate he sounded. "Let me see her!" He pleaded, pulling once more on his confines.
"You're too young, we don't want your...sacrifice to be in vane, isn't that right." Eric sneered.
"You bastard, let me see her!" Draco fumed, but Eric had already left. Draco let out one last roar.
"What do you think of 'em?" Sookie asked.
"The boy is a petulant brat, but he doesn't seem like a serious threat." Eric concluded with no emotion.
"The girl uses strange words." Sookie said calmly, a curious expression on her face.
"The boy too. He called you pureblood when he smelt you. He called her a mudblood not long ago." His words gave nothing else away.
"She used the word 'Quidditch' when she mentioned their fall. Spells too, and a wand."
"DADA, and Heads. A spell as well." Eric recounted.
"What do you think it means?" Sookie asked. She didn't want more drama on her plate, and the last thing either of them needed were more supes.
"I want to question her." Eric stated with firmness that left no room for argument, well not with anyone else.
"Wait till tomorrow at least, she's still coping with what happened to her friend."
"They aren't friends." Eric's simplicity irked her.
"Well what would you call them?" Sookie asked irritatedly.
"They're just like us." He cracked a smile. "Destined for each other, never quite friendly enough to be friends, fighting for no reason other than to deny what is so obvious." He took a step towards her so that he towered over her smaller frame. His voice turned husky. "They aren't friends, min älskling, they are fated." His lips were soft, and Sookie couldn't pull away. Things were going to get heated, and they both knew it. Eric led her to the couch, and lowered her gently onto it. He kissed her lightly once more, before moving down her neck. She gasped, and the noise made him growl. She was his, he knew she was, and he wouldn't let her forget who she belonged to.
"Mine." He growled as he went lower. He kissed over her collar bone, moving quickly to her chest, removing her offending articles of clothing as he made his way down her luscious body.
"Oh." They both whipped their heads around. Hermione stood there looking embarrassed, but not at all perturbed. "I'm sorry, I was just getting a drink." She said slowly, her eyes never leaving the scene, even as she pointed towards the kitchen.
"Oh you poor thing! You haven't eaten since you got here!" Sookie's hostess instincts kicked in and she quickly straitened up. She pushed an irate Eric off of her, and made a dash to the kitchen.
"I'll, just, um, yeah." Hermione said lamely. Eric smirked.
"I can smell your virginity." He smirked. Hermione turned scarlet. "That's not all I can smell." He grinned roguishly. Hermione humphed.
"I'll have you know, that it is very regular for the body to respond physically when even one sense is stimulated you brute! It's not like I was peeping or anything! I am only responding the way you claim I am, because I saw you two in an intimate embrace, which triggers my hormones to react of their own accord. Furthermore, it is rude to speak of such things, even if your special senses allow you to know them." She finished her rant with her nose in the air.
Eric just kept on grinning. Suddenly he was in front of her, and Hermione squeaked in surprise. "You're quite the spitfire, aren't you?" He smiled.
"I-I've been told." She said crossing her arms over her chest.
"I like it."
"H-how can you say things like that! You were just doing...those kinds of things with Sookie Stackhouse." Hermione blushed furiously, but kept her ground.
"You smell divine, especially when you blush." He winked, before sauntering past her into the kitchen.
A little while later Hermione and Sookie were finished eating and the three of them sat quietly in the kitchen, Hermione looking at her lap, and the other two looking at Hermione.
"When can I see him." She asked. The other two shared a glance.
"Not for a while. He's not quite stable. He's angry." Eric said calmly. Hermione snorted.
"Of course he is. I bet he hates me even more now." She shrugged. "But for the record, he's always had a short temper." She gave a weak smile. "I'd really like to see him." She tried again. Eric let out a sigh at her persistance.
"He could be a danger to you." He tried to reason with her.
"I'm not afraid of him." She said surly.
"Tomorrow night, you can see him then." Sookie answered for them.
"Thank you." Hermione said, letting out a breath of relief. She went back up to bed with worry in her heart, but also anticipation for tomorrow.
"It won't be safe for her." He reasoned.
"I think she'll be okay. I got a look into her mind. She's stronger than she looks." Sookie nodded surly.
"We'll see tomorrow night." He kissed her once on the cheek, before zooming out the door, and towards Shreveport.
Not quite how I'd planned it, but not too bad if I say so myself. It'll grow I hope. I didn't want everything to happen at once, but I think I let it get out of control. Please review!