Here is the last installment. The secret relationship doesn't hold anymore. Enjoy! This one takes place just afetr "A dance with death".

"What about you? I mean, we know you became a cop because your mother was murdered, but there had to be something before that. What did little Kate Beckett want to be when she grew up?"

"At Stanford I was pre-law."

"So your dream was to argue a case in front of the Supreme Court."

"Yep. I was on my way to becoming the first female Chief Justice," she asserted, grinning.

"Wow," he said to cover the fact that he wanted to kiss her so badly. "Not bad."

They continued taking the murder board down in silence. The talk about dreams had him thinking.

Castle was persistent. Beckett had to go with him to the morgue. Even if they didn't catch a case yet.

"I have paperwork, Castle," she growled as they walked in.

At the sound, Lanie turned around.

"Hey? You have a case? Because I don't have a body."

"No. Castle is...", Beckett turned to him. "Well, you explain, because I have no clue."

Castle beamed at Lanie. He approached her, taking both her hands in his.

"Lanie, how much do you love me?"

"Hum..." The ME bent sideways to quirk an interrogative eyebrow toward Kate. The detective shrugged.

"Spill, Castle."

"Fine!" He let go of her hands and fished an envelop out of his inside pocket. "Ta da!" He handed it to her, bouncing with excitement.

"What is..." Lanie started as she took some tickets out. "Oh my god!" One second later she was hugging the life out of Castle.

Alexis chose that moment to walk in. She took in the scenery. Lanie in her dad's arms, a puzzled Beckett.

"Ah, he gave them to her, at last!"

"Gave her what?" Beckett was confused.

"Ticket for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. He got us all four tickets to go this week-end."

Lanie had finally let go of Castle.

"I thought taking six for the boys too, but..."

"Nay," The three women agreed, scrunching their faces.

"Got them tickets for the Knicks game instead."

"Thank you so much, Castle. But why?" Lanie was staring at the tickets, in awe.

"After our last case, I thought dreams and stuff. Thought you would like it," he shrugged.

"I love it, thank you," she repeated.

"And I also thought it would be nice to all go. Trips are no fun alone."

Lanie's squeal in the first class section of the plane didn't go unnoticed. Castle and Beckett kind of forgot their relationship was still a secret they kept from their friends. It was easy at the precinct. But when Castle handed her the flute of Champagne, he had to lean in for a quick kiss. Beckett returned it, on automatic mode. Hence the squeal. Alexis hid her grin behind a magazine, until Lanie tore it from her hands to swat Kate's knee.

"Girl, when did that happen? How did I not know!"

If anyone ever managed to pull off angry and delighted at the same time, it was Lanie at that moment.

The rest of the flight and cab journey to the hotel was spent explaining and making amends.

Castle and Alexis were checking-in at the counter of the fancy hotel in DC. Beckett and Lanie were hanging back, still discussing the big reveal.

"I can't believe you kept that for all those months!"

"I'm sorry, Lanie. It was just less complicated. We..."

"No, no, I get it, don't worry. Scrutiny isn't the best recipe for a relationship. Still, I just can't believe I didn't see anything," she said, disappointed in herself.

"Don't beat yourself up. We're cunning," Castle cut in, grinning. He pointed to the valet next to him. "Bruce is gonna take care of our bags. The ballet starts at 6. Let's meet around 5 at the center. In the meantime, Kate and I have something to do," he said, taking her hand.

"We do?"

Without answering, he started walking to the door, dragging her behind.

"See you in a few hours," he called over his shoulder for Alexis and Lanie.

Outside, a car was already waiting for them.

"Castle, where are we going?" Beckett started to be annoyed.

"You'll like it. I promise." He squeezed her hand and pushed her in the car.

They were planted in the street in front of the massive white building.

"It's a supreme court building. Why are we here?"

"Come on," Castle simply said. "We can't be late."

Beckett was taking it all in as they passed security. It was saturday but there were quite a few people at work. Castle gave their names. Apparently they were on the list because they were let in.

The author had to hurry her up through the corridors because she wanted nothing more than to wander aimlessly along them. Until...

Castle made them enter some outer office space. They were greeted by a young woman.

"M. Castle. Right on time" She got up and stepped inside what looked like a big office. When she reappeared, she smiled at them. "Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg will see you now."

Beckett's jaw hit the floor.

"I pulled some strings," she heard Castle whisper before he pushed her forward.

A hour later, they were descending the stairs. Beckett felt like she was floating. At the bottom of the stairs, on impulse, she launched herself at Castle, fusing her mouth to his.

"Thank you, thank you. That was a dream come true," she mumbled against his lips.

His heart did a summersault.

"About that..." He fidgeted, struggling to take something out of his pants pocket while still keeping her in his arms. He managed to snuck his hands between them, holding a little velvet box in front of their eyes.

"Would you make mine come true?" His voice cracked. He nearly let the box fall as he tried to open it with the hand holding it. "Will you marry me?"

It was Kate's heart turn to speed up. She looked into his eyes. So full of love and hope.

"Yes," she whispered, afraid a louder answer would make her tears fall. "Yes!"

They kissed in the street until they heard some throat clearing. Castle pulled back.

"Shut up, we're engaged!" He shouted toward the man.

Beckett laughed. "Lanie's gonna be so mad we told a stranger before her!"

The end.