Thanks to:
BigTimeFan50- Kendall might be turning up and saying hi soon :') at your first review I was like, 'you think Jett and Echo are better?' I thought you meant it in the friendship way. Well, Echo has been avoiding Gustavo –with good reason- but she's going to have to face him soon. Thanks for the review : )
Blackraven77- Well, I'm not going to give anything away but anything is possible! Thanks for the review : )
EvilMonkeyBabyD- I'm glad you like Skylar. I think everyone is happy about their breakup but true to Jett, he did treat Echo right. Don't worry I wear glasses to when I have to concentrate. I love the geeky glasses, they're amazing. And mate, I'm already ahead of you; I'd already planned that out for her! Haha, Frog...interesting name :') thanks for the review : )
TheNamesMrsSchmidt- Aww, I'm glad she's being accepted by everyone! Here's the update you wanted, it's building up to something... thanks for the review : )
Carla- Yeah, things really are changing! Well you know wherever I take it there will be drama and lots of it! Thanks for the review : )
annabellex2- possibly! I'm glad you're still enjoying my story! Here's the update, thanks for the review : )
Kiki on The Momo Tree- I'm sorry, when I reply it takes me so much longer! And I've got a bio exam, a physics exam, an R.E exam and a German exam next yeah... Aww, bless! That's well cute! Well I spent my valentine's day alone, depressing much? There was a guy but...well it's a long story. Haha, well everything is going to hit off next chapter, this one is the build up. Aww, thank you again! Yeah, Kendall is just unpredictable. Here's the update! Thanks for the review : )
Mad-happy- I think we all do mate! I agree, she really does deserve it. Thanks for the review : )
whatIfeel- Thank you, haha, everyone is happy it's over. I'm the only one that's not! I think they were good together in the circumstances they were in. Tracey is slowly filling in as Echo's true mother because right now she's still a bit foreign to Echo. Skylar's being accepted so quickly by everyone, it makes me really happy. Well, this chapter is the build up to everything you're waiting for! Thanks for the review : )
anonymous Reviewer- Aww, thank you, that's really sweet. Maybe...who knows! Thanks for the review : )
Laura- I was quite apprehensive about how people would perceive Skylar but she seems to be having a warm welcome to the story. Kendall and Echo really do need to talk and they will. Thank you again and thank you for the review! : )
Katerina Lopez Diamond- Thank you! Well here is more of the story, thanks for the review : )
Ileana- Everyone seems to be happy about that but I feel kinda sorry for them both, I think their relationship was quite cute to be honest! Things are really changing for Echo, I guess you could say she's finally re-built her life. They aren't in this chapter either, I'm building up to something, trust me. Thanks for the review : )
TheCooliest- Thank you. Things are positive for Echo at the moment but it's only so long that it can last. She has to confront both Kendall and Jo and you know it's not going to be pretty. Here's the update and thanks for the review : )
Anonymous Skrtle- Aww, I'm glad you like her! I wanted her just to be extremely different to show you don't have to be perfect to be a star. She's definitely going to be causing some drama! Thanks for the review : )
socoolio- Thank you. I don't think I could give Echo another terrible break up that will scar her. Jett isn't like that. Well, one thing for sure is the party is going to be dented in everyone's memories for a long time. Thanks for the review : )
anonymous reviewer- I aim to please. Here's the update! Thanks for the review : )
anomyous reviewer- Oh believe me when I say sexual tension is on its way! Thanks for the review : )
TheClaire24- Everything is going good for her, yes. But how long can it last? There's a link on my profile, check it out. No it's not weird! Anything can happen... Thanks for the review and I hope you like this chapter : )
We all want to know, how it ends.
We all have a story to tell.
Whether we whisper or yell.
We all have a story, of adolescence and all its glory.
We all have a story to tell.
Happily Ever After- He Is We
The dye had been applied to which Skylar was constantly stuttering out incomprehensible words and parts of sentences throughout.
It was nearly time for the dye to come out, me and her lounging around for nearly an hour to make sure it had really bleached her hair while Marco disappeared into the clothing area upstairs, sorting out a few outfits for Skylar.
Skylar was thumbing through a magazine and I was casually on the internet on my cell when I got a text from Camille.
Echo, Logan's leaving party has been changed to today and he's moving out tomorrow night, Bitters was oddly nice and told us we could move in earlier.
How did the auditions go, have you got someone?
-C xx
"Hey, Skylar you planning to do anything tonight after your makeover?" I asked her, looking up at her while I asked her.
"No, just go to bed really, why?"
"There's a party, a leaving party for Logan. Interested in going?"
"You mean Logan from Big Time Rush?" Skylar asked slightly wide-eyed.
"Yeah," I smiled.
"Will Carlos, James and Kendall all be there?" She asked, I could see she was getting slightly star-struck.
"Yeah, why? You like them?" My eyebrows rose as a smirk placed itself on my face.
"Yes!" She said instantly. "Not in a needy way-not in a fan girl way either-"her lips clamped shut quickly. "...Yeah." She said again.
"Well what if I said you'd meet them all tonight?" I said grinning.
"I'd get really excited-but not in an excited way that I'm a little kid." She gritted her teeth together again so she cut herself off slightly.
"Why do you like them so much?"
"Because I love their voices, they're all so pure and perfect and how Kendall can play the guitar, I always wanted to get tips on how to play from a star, how James' voice has so much passion in, how Logan's can get so high and how Carlos' sounds so good live."
"Ah, so you've seen them in concert?" I questioned.
"8 times," she admitted bashfully.
"But I've never been lucky enough to meet them or brave enough to go to a CD signing." She said with rosy cheeks.
"Well, tonight that's all going to change."
"Will they hate me?"
"Hate you? I highly doubt that, how can someone hate you?" I asked incredulously and she just bit her lip.
This was going to be a big step for her when pushing her out of her comfort zone and getting her to talk to people without blabbing on.
"Whatever you do tonight, just try not to stutter, okay? I won't be with you the whole night."
"What, why not?"
"Because I want you to socialize on your own." I said to her with a little smile, she was like a lost child.
"But I'm not good with talking to people..." She trailed.
"It's alright, I'll just get you with someone who talks a lot one second and hardly speaks the next." Truth is I didn't know anyone like that but I wasn't going to tell her that. I just wanted her to talk to someone without feeling so self conscious.
"Okay, let's get this dye out, Ja?(yes)" Marco came bounding down the stairs, his hair that was jet black and styled into a large quiff bouncing as he hoped down the stairs.
Skylar nodded and put the magazine on the shelf in front of her before standing up and following Marco over to the shampoo section. I just turned back to my cell.
Sounds good Camille, what time does it start?
And yes, I've found someone actually. Female, great singer and can play guitar. I think you'll all love her, bringing her tonight actually. Though she's an extremely nervous person and babbles on a little. She's having a little makeover right now. I want her to be edgy, sexy rock chick.
-E xx
I watched as Marco washed all the dye off and then lather on a large amount of shampoo over Skylar's head. She was clutching onto her silky hairdresser gown like her life depended on it. As Marco moved onto the conditioner Camille had already texted me back, she was quick.
Well it's 6pm now, so round about 9pm? Don't worry if you're late I know the party will be going on till early in the morning.
She sounds cute! Can't wait to meet her, I'll make sure Carlos doesn't scare her! Can't wait to see what she looks like tonight then
-C xx
Marco washed out the conditioner and then repeated, trying to prevent Skylar's hair from being too damaged.
Wow, 6pm already? Well Marco was very thorough when putting on the dye, which is nice to see but it did take up a lot of time.
Well we're nowhere near finishing yet and to be honest, I can see us being another 3 hours. Where's the party?
And her babbling is cute, she's so unique, it's refreshing to see. And believe me, Carlos won't scare her, we've got a little Rusher. She's seen them live 8 times but never met them!
-E xx
Once Marco had finished conditioning her hair for the second time he put in a colour seal to keep Skylar's hair glossy and the colour bright.
Don't worry, be fashionably late! Party is at the guy's apartment, they were going to rent out a club but it's just too much effort to get there and then possibly all of us getting shitfaced and not being able to get home.
Aww! She's sounding more likeable by the second, I bet she's freaking over tonight then.
-C xx
Marco turned off the little shower head ad wringed Skylar's hair out before wrapping it up in a towel and squeezing the excess liquid out of it and bringing her back to her chair.
"It's looking white," I commented and winked at Skylar. She just swallowed and nodded nervously as she sat down.
That's true, is the whole of Palm Woods going then?
She is she wants to talk to all of them. I think she idolizes Kendall because he plays guitar and so does she.
Just too cute!
-E xx
"Do you want me to cut her haare (hair)?" Marco asked as he took the towel off Skylar's now diamond white head and put a comb through it.
"No, I think the style is nice. Keep the short layers, maybe cut her fringe into a more 'swoopy side fringe' and just take her dead ends off?" I suggested.
"Ja (yes) that's gut (good)." Marco nodded and picked up his scissors from a little belt he was wearing with multiple hair instruments in each little pocket.
Pretty much the whole of Palm Wood's teenage population. Jo's going and so is Jett, just a heads up for you.
I can't imagine how nervous she's feeling right now, has she said anything about the break-up or the stuff you've gone through?
Who's her favourite?
-C xx
Skylar was pretty much eating her lip, she was constantly chewing on it with worry. I knew she was feeling uneasy but I knew this was all going to pay off.
The thought that Skylar hadn't actually asked about what happened to me the past year suddenly hit me. She was sensitive, she understood that it was a difficult topic and hadn't even mentioned anything to do with it once. I didn't even know if she knew that me and Kendall were friends now either.
"Hey, Skylar, you okay?" I asked and Skylar's eyes connected with mine when she looked up at the mirror to see my reflection.
She had mercy on her lip for a few moments to speak. "Yeah," she looked like she was in pain and I knew why. She wanted to look good for tonight, every girl does –including me- but tonight is a big night for her and we both can see it. She doesn't want to be 'ugly' in front of them when she has a beautiful face and Marco is a high class hairdresser, he wouldn't ruin Skylar's hair...well if he did, I'd sue.
"Who's your favourite?" I asked her.
"In Big Time Rush?"
"For what, voice, talent, personality, looks, overall?"
"All of them; voice?"
"I think they are all good looking."
"Ooh, how come?" I asked with a cheeky wink.
Her cheeks reddened. "Because he's so pretty yet masculine at the same time, he has such a passionate voice, he seems like a lovely person underneath all that hair product and...ah, he's got a nice body." Skylar admitted with a red face.
"Aww, little Skylar got a crush on my brother?" I asked with a grin.
"No! Not that I don't see him in that way-not that I do-just that he's good looking-well I'm not shallow, he seems lovely too-but...his abs...they're just so...perfect and-"
"Okay, okay! Calm down Skylar, just cause you love my brother!"
"I do not!" She protested.
"Mmmm, sure." I rolled my eyes and grinned.
"Just go for it, Darling." Marco chimed in and I grinned victoriously at her.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep it in mind. It's not Jett that worries me, we're cool. Jo on the other hand...
And she likes them all on a different level; voice- Carlos, talent- Kendall, personality- Logan, looks- all of them, overall- James.
I think she may have a little crush on James, I don't think I've seen her babble on so much before, about James' abs no less!
-E xx
Marco got the hairdryer out so the conversation was cut to a minimum for the time being as we couldn't really hear each other clearly. Skylar was still fiddling with her robe as Marco dried her hair.
Just try to avoid her tonight, focus on Skylar.
Well, I sense Echo is going to be evil tonight and put Skylar in an awkward position in front of I right?
-C xx
Halfway through drying Skylar's hair, Marco decided he didn't want Skylar to see what she looked like till the end result so I covered up the mirrors all around for him in silky salon robes which Skylar fussed about and got anxious about.
I am, Skylar is definitely my priority tonight.
You know me! I love awkwardness as long as I'm not the one who is in the situation directly. And I'll make sure she's drop dead gorgeous and catches James' eyes...or even better, all the single male population at the party so he has a little competition!
-E xx
Marco had finished Skylar's hair and stood her up and took her robe off, Skylar looked to me.
"Does it look alright?" She asked.
"Well, it's definitely bright." I acted awkwardly and Skylar looked like she was going to cry. "Just wait and see." I told her. I personally think that it suited her and looked gorgeous on her.
"Sit back down, Darling! Lucy is going to do your make-up next!" After Marco hung the robe back up he beckoned Lucy over and sat Skylar back down as Lucy collected her make-up supplies.
"I'm thinking not a lot of make-up. You don't need it. Eyeliner on the top lid, a small amount on the bottom and some mascara, a hint of blusher and red lips, pluck her eyebrows too." Marco told Lucy as she set her supplies on the little shelf at the salon station. "I'll be sorting out more clothing." Marco announced before strolling upstairs.
I'd love to see the day where James Diamond stutters over his words! Aha!
You should see it in here, me and Steph are watching as Logan is going crazy trying to organize his party. James has gone to fetch the alcohol and Carlos has gone to get food. This is so amusing
-C xx
I watched as Lucy stripped Skylar's make-up off, Skylar was looking more uncomfortable by the second but she was a natural beauty, she didn't need to wear the amount she was wearing.
The foundation came on first.
Well that's Logan for you and you're his girlfriend...or should I say fiancé? You should be helping him out, not watching him go crazy and laugh at him!
And if James is getting the alcohol tonight everyone's going to be smashed. And why did you let Carlos go get the food on his own? All he's going to do is get corndogs!
-E xx
Then came on the blusher, then the eyeliner, then the fake eyelashes and then the mascara.
C'mon Echo, I'm an evil bitch! You should know that by now.
You're going to get smashed anyway, you're a shitty drinker.
And don't worry, Steph has given Carlos a list and said if he gets it wrong then she's not having sex with him for the next month, I think he'll be okay.
What you wearing tonight?
-C xx
Finally, the last thing that Lucy put on was the red lipstick that made Skylar look strikingly beautiful. Not only were her lips enhanced, but so was her hair and her beautiful green eyes.
Her eyes were a few shades darker than his...
"Now, go up to Marco upstairs. I've been given strict instructions to do Echo's make-up too. Marco is sorting you out a dress for tonight."
"Wait, how do you know we're going out tonight?" I questioned.
"Marco knows everything, believe me." Lucy chuckled. "Alright then, Skylar, just go upstairs Marco is waiting for you and Echo will be up in a bit."
Skylar nodded and got out of her chair, fingering her hair doubtfully as she walked.
Shh, no one knows how much of a lightweight I am!
Aha, aww poor Carlos. I feel sorry for him!
I don't know, I'm getting my make-up and getting in a dress here but I don't know what I'm wearing yet. Having my make-up now so I'll talk later.
-E xx
"Do you know what I'm wearing?" I asked her as she took off my make-up I threw on quickly this morning.
Lucy shrugged. "I don't know, it's a dress."
"Do you know what it looks like at all, is it short?"
"No I think it's a modest length, I'm sure Marco mentioned something about white...I'm not sure though." Lucy shrugged again as she applied foundation over my skin.
Lucy was swift about putting my make-up on, she didn't put much on. Just eyeliner, fake eyelashes and light pink lip gloss, then she quickly curled my hair into a messy style before sending me upstairs.
"Ah, Echo! Your make-up and hair look beautiful. Go in that changing room, there's a dress in there for du (you)."
"Where's Skylar?" I asked as he ushered me into a spacious changing room.
"She's all ready darling, we just need to get you into your dress and you're both ready." I was slightly bewildered as Marco closed the curtain and I was left in the large box shape a little confused.
I stripped quickly and looked at the dress, it looked really nice and definitely expensive.
On me it looked even better, it was a heart-shaped neckline with a thin strap either side of my shoulder encrusted with diamonds. At the waist it flowed out into two white layers of silk-like dress material. Plus it made my boobs look bigger than they are which I was quite smug about even though I didn't really care what size they looked. The shoes were simple peep-toed white stilettos and I had diamond, dangly earrings to wear too.
I could definitely see how Marco was a professional in the business.
Well now I was finished, it was all about Skylar now.
I stepped out of the dressing room to see Marco fluffing up Skylar's hair the other side of the room.
I couldn't believe what I saw. A girl that was shy and nervous suddenly changed into a sexy and seductive woman.
She stood tall –though she was only about 5ft 5- in black skin tight jeans, a black lacy see through top that her black bra was clearly evident through and a black leather jacket with black heeled pumps. She didn't even seem uncomfortable in the revealing top and push up bra that gave her a great cleavage view.
"Wow, look..." I said with a proud smile as I approached the two. Marco looked up and grinned at my appearance then beamed proudly at Skylar's look.
"Do I look alright?" There was the worried Skylar I was used to.
"You look amazing!" I told her happily.
"Really?" She asked.
"Yes." I assured her.
"I think it's time to see your makeover." Marco grinned again and jumped over to a mirror near Skylar that was covered. I took Skylar's arm and led her to he covered mirror.
"Are you ready to see the new you?" I asked her, squeezing her arm in a comforting way.
She looked at me and nodded, "I'm ready."
Marco pulled the cloth covered the floor length mirror and I had the pleasure of watching Skylar recoil from her reflection, stare at it for a few seconds with her hands cupping her mouth. She hesitantly pulled her hands away from her face and waved at the mirror with her left hand slowly, like she couldn't believe it was her.
"Is that me?" She finally breathed out.
"Yes, it's the sexy Skylar who's confident and doesn't stutter." I said to her next to her.
"Oh my-thank you so much Marco! And you Echo, I love the hair! I wasn't sure about it but I actually really like it...I mean, it's really white and you know..."
"Try not to babble on either." I reminded her, but I didn't blame her. She looked just so sultry and edgy. Her look was complete, now tomorrow I could work on her confidence.
"It was a pleasure, Skylar. You look wunderbar(wonderful)!" He nodded.
"How much is this gonna cost me, Marco?" I asked him.
"Nein, nein (no, no)! No money." He said, "free for you both."
"Can't I at least pay for my dress?" I questioned, feeling like I was robbing Marco.
"Nein. (no)" He repeated. "Just tell anyone who asks Marco Strauss made over Skylar and we're even."
"Are you sure?" I persisted.
"Positive." He nodded once more.
"Well, its 9.15pm I think we'd better get to this party Skylar, don't you?" I asked her and she nodded, still staring at her reflection.
"Alright then, goodbye Echo and Skylar." Marco nodded as a goodbye and waved as we walked over to the stairs that led down.
"Goodbye Marco, thanks again." I called out to him as I walked down the stairs.
"Thank you!" Skylar said to Marco over and over again as she came down the stairs behind me, I counted 7 times that she said it just as we reached the bottom of the stairs.
"C'mon, Skylar, let's get you to meet your favourite stars." I grinned to her.
"Thank you."
"Okay, Skylar I get it, you're thankful!" I laughed lightly as she said I for the umpteenth time just as we arrived at the Palm Woods. "Just remember tonight, act confident, sexy and try not to babble or stutter." I told her. I knew she would babble once, one day of working with her isn't going to stop but I was just hoping she would keep it to a minimum.
"Okay, I'll try." She nodded. I think she had stopped babbling and stuttering so much around me because she's not as nervous around me anymore.
We both got out of the car and began to walk inside the Palm Woods, I glanced at Skylar; she was biting her lip...again. She was nervous.
But who am I to blame? She's about to meet her idols, her favourite celebrities. I would be nervous if I was her, too.
We reached the elevator and got inside as I pressed the 2nd floor button I heard Skylar take in a shaky breath.
"Look, Skylar there is no need to be nervous."
"Nervous? What gave you an impression that I'm nervous? I'm never nervous! In fact I have never been, I'm nervous." She sighed.
"Because I'm afraid everyone will hate me." She said self consciously.
"Hate you? Skylar, honestly no one is going to hate you, in fact I'm sure everyone is going to love you!"
"But what if Big Time Rush doesn't like me?" She said like a little child, just begging to blend in.
"Believe me, if they can like me then liking you will be easy. This is where you need confidence, okay? Cause this is what's causing your babbling and stuttering, your lack of self confidence. You're beautiful, inside and out. Just believe that yourself, Skylar." I said to her and the elevator doors slid open as soon as I finished my sentence.
"Okay." She said with a little more assurance in her voice.
"Are you beautiful?" I asked her as we walked down the hallway. I could hear the thumping of BTR's music from the end of the hallway. Typical how they were playing their own music, such modest guys they were.
"...Yes." She breathed. Her eyes scattering around the hallway as she heard the music and felt the drum and base dully hit her body.
"Look at what you're wearing, Skylar? Who can pull that look off with white hair? No one. You look sexy, just enjoy yourself tonight and if you're not enjoying yourself just tell me. We can go back to mine and call it a night."
"I would hate to drag you away from the party."
"Then you better enjoy yourself then." I smiled to her as we reached the door.
Well, here we go.
Oh, happily ever after, wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know.
Oh, skip to the ending, who'd like to know, I'd like to know.
Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?
Happily Ever After- He Is We
Big stuff happening next chapter!
I'm sorry I've been sloppy with updating but I have a bio exam, an R.E exam, a physics exam and a German exam all next week.
I'm glad everyone seems to like Skylar!
Remember to Like my facebook page
Link of Echo and her dress on my profile, check it out.
Thank you for all the love and reviews!
Review? I promise the next chapter will be worth it. : )