Chapter 1: A Change of Mind

The moonlight spilled through the windows filling the room with an eerie glow. She lay, completely still, in the king sized bed next to her husband, listening to his breathing and heartbeat. After everything they had been through together such as joining the death eaters, murdering people and even going to Azkaban, Bellatrix wondered for the first time is she had done the right thing. Bella slipped out from under the purple, soft covers trying not to wake Rodolphus.

She walked silently out the room and down the gothic spiral staircase until she came to the library where she noticed some photographs scattered across the floor. Bella carefully picked them up and smiled when she recognised them. The first was of her and Rodolphus when they were 16 and they were smiling and dancing around her family manor at their summer ball. The next was of their wedding day and she remembered the happiness she had felt when she heard Rodolphus say I do. The last one was again her and Rodolphus which was taken just before they were arrested. They were dancing around in the snow in their garden and every now and then they would kiss and then continue dancing. Tears slowly fell down her pale cheeks as she thinks back to how in love they used to be. And then the Dark Lord came. Bella knows she shouldn't feel the way she does as it means she is a traitor but being a death eater doesn't seem right to her anymore.

A crash from behind her causes Bella to sharply turn around but she relaxes when she sees Rodolphus picking up the books which had fallen of the shelves. Bella bends down to help him and then, once they the books were back, she looks at him.

"I'm sorry, Bell, I didn't mean to disturb you" he quietly says, taking a few steps away from her. For some reason the move seemed to make her so angry until she couldn't hold it back.

"Why are you always so shy around me, you never touch me, you never kiss me and you never even talk to me anymore. I know I haven't been the world's best wife and I know you have a lot of doubts about me but don't you see I love you!" Bella didn't mean to shout at him and she certainly didn't want to cry in front of him but she couldn't help it.

"You never gave me any sign that you still loved me and then everyone talks about how you are so obsessed with the Dark Lord so I decided to keep me distance. If you told me you loved me then I would have done anything you wanted me to do. I love you, Bella, I always have and I always will" Rodolphus gently took her hands in his and she felt shiver run down her spine at the touch she so longed to feel. Bella started to cry even more when she pulled her closer and wrapped his arms strongly around her. She breathed in his musky scent and clinged to him, never wanting to let him go again.

"I don't want to do this anymore, Rodolphus" Bella whispered softly "I don't want to be a death eater. We have done so many wrong things which, only now, I regret and the Dark Lord has ruined our lives."

"The lets leave Bella. We can runaway and never look back!" Rodolphus says as he sits her down upon the couch in the corner of the room and kneeled before her, holding her hands.

"You know what happens to traitors Rodolphus. Every one of them has always been caught and killed" Bella said but Rodolphus was already one step ahead.

"You are not going to like this idea but it's our only chance if we ever want to have a normal life. We can go to Dumbledore and seek protection! If we apologize for everything and prove we have changed then maybe we can be rid of the Dark Lord" Rodolphus explained, never once taking is eyes of hers.

"And if it doesn't work?" Bella questioned. Rodolphus sighed before replying.

"Then we come back here and carry on destroying every little piece of love and happiness we ever had."

Silence spread throughout the room as Bella took in what he had just said. Rodolphus, as patient as ever, calmly waited for her answer. After a while he heard her quietly whisper "We have to try even if it doesn't work. But promise me you will never leave me no matter what."

Rodolphus took in her words and whispered back "I Promise"

She threw her arms around him and he lifted her up, carrying her back to their room. He gently lay her down upon the bed where he joined her and they allowed their dreams to take them to another world whilst lying in each other's arms.