When Percy first brought Audrey home the whole family stopped, Molly dropped a dish of carrots, George spilt his butterbeer over the table and Ginny just stared. Audrey was anything but what they expected Percy to bring home. They had all turned to the door expecting a tall, blonde, perfectionist that they would have to pretend to like for Percy's sake. Audrey didn't need their charity; she could earn friends and love herself. She was the exact opposite of anyone person had dated before. Audrey was short, a brunette with little curling wisps of hair falling out of her ponytail and most importantly for the Weasleys, she had an ear to ear grin.


"I don't know what to do Audrey!"Percy was sitting on steps, blurred by memory, his head in his hands, indecision eating him.

"You know what's the right thing to do, Percy" Audrey's voice was firm and even for once, her hands on her hips, the usual air of excitement missing from her voice. "Don't let your pride kill your conscience," Audrey left the words lingering in the air, before slamming the door.

Percy knew what he had to do


Audrey was standing at the kitchen window, watching as her youngest daughter and her niece played a game that was unknown to anyone but them. From Audrey's point of view, the point seemed to be to get as dirty as possible. Audrey laughed suddenly causing Percy to divert his attention towards the two children playing outside, before looking at his wife, bemused.

Audrey turned towards him, laughter still shinning in her eyes, "Dom is nothing like Fleur." Percy nodded as he again glanced at the two children playing,

"But Lucy is all you and I wouldn't wish her any other way"


an/ for the Anything you wanna write competition