Chapter 8:
Basically, as you know, this was SUPPOSED to be the last chapter but... it isn't. I lied again. Sorry for my sinfulness. ;)
Disclaimer: I am not Julianne Moore, or JK Rowling (wish I was…), and I'm not the Brothers Grimm. I don't own Sonia! Just her name! and no, I'm not the EPICALLY PUCKTASTIC Michael Buckley either...
Sabrina's POV:
(A.N. Oh and I just thought I'd tell you, the 'I 3 ?' thing was supposed to be 'I –heart- ?', but you can't do the 'less than' symbol on Fan Fiction... Stupid default systems…. }:( And also, this set as if Council Of Mirrors NEVER existed… Because I started this fanfic before I'd read the book!)
I lazed away on one of the ancient sofas in our even-more-ancient lounge room whilst working my way through 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' by JK Rowling. It was kind of weird really, (not the book!) I'd never really had time to ever read just for the sake of reading.
But I guess my new lay-back attitude was to blame. It was as if my paranoia, worry, and responsibility had left along with Puck.
Just the thought of him sent a shiver of anger down my back, and the need to murder the annoyingly attractive fairy was overwhelming. Putting the thick book down, I closed my eyes and thought up lots of different and… creative ways to kill him.
I wondered what Granny would think of my sadistic thoughts…
I opened my eyes and as I looked around the aging room for no particular reason,and my gaze fell onto a tiny wooden sword.
It was Puck's.
I couldn't really help remembering Puck and all his absolutely pathetic attempts to fight me with it. I tried not to remember how he beat me every time, no matter how pathetically.
Before I could stop myself, I felt a small wave of sadness come over me.
No. No.
Not now. Not after I had blocked him out of my mind completely.
I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.
I washed my face and breathed in deeply.
I didn't miss him.
Of course I didn't.
Well… I hope not…
I literally jumped out of my skin as three sharp knocks echoed from the other side of the door. Behind it stood an angry Daphne.
Yep, now that I'd obviously gotten over the heartbreak, Daphne and Red were back to being mad at me for what I'd done to Red's clothes and Daphne's dictionary.
They could be like that sometimes.
"Are you done?" my PMSing little sister snapped.
I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the bathroom, as if my near emotional breakdown had never happened.
"Yeah, yeah. And Daphne, look, I'm sorry about the dictionary and all, but –"
The door had already been slammed in my face.
"Well, when you gotta go, you gotta go" I muttered.
Jonas' POV:
It was impossible.
It had to be. I couldn't fall in love. It wasn't right. It was unnatural. It was against all my rules.
And yet, somehow in the short space of time that I'd gotten to know Sonia, I suddenly didn't ever want to ever have to continue life without her.
"Jonas? Um… Jonas…? Are you okay there?" Sonia was looking at me with a confused and slightly embarrassed look, and was now clicking her fingers in front of my face trying to get my attention, which I can assure you, she definitely already had.
I tried to somehow get out of the rather pathetic trance I was in.
"What? Um… Yeah… Wait… What?" I managed to somehow divert my thoughts back to whatever it was that Sonia was trying to say.
"Uh… So… um… Do you plan on finding Puck or are you going to just sit here all day? 'Cause I seriously doubt that that'll get either you or Puck like, anywhere."
Despite myself, I went red. I silently prayed that she hadn't noticed me staring – even though that was probably impossible.
'What's wrong with you? Get yourself together, you idiot!' said the stupid voice inside my head. I scowled. Voices in my head? Great.
"Um, yeah… I should probably do that…" For some reason talking without stumbling over every sentence seemed like an achievement.
I turned to start walking away, but something inside me – probably some stupid hormone or something – made me stop and turn around.
"Thanks," I said sincerely, "for everything".
'What? Why did you say that, Jonas? You're supposed to be a jerk! You don't say thank you to anyone!' the stupid voice in my head insisted on making itself clear.
"Oh, um, it's fine" she said, looking surprised at my sudden burst of gratitude, "...It was nothing".
She looked at me skeptically, as if she was trying to figure out if I was on drugs or something.
I wondered why she had helped me in the first place. I had just been some random person sitting in a doorway! Sonia had gone out of her way to even just talk to me!
"Sonia," I said, suddenly realizing that it was the first time that I'd actually said her name, "You know, you didn't have to help me. So why did you?"
Sonia shrugged, "Well, what was I supposed to do? Walk past you as if I hadn't noticed the random depressed dude on the side of the street?"
Again, the feeling of utter stupidity washed over me.
"Well, thanks again" I said, feeling idiotic and hoping I sounded grateful enough.
Wait, why would I want to sound grateful?
Sonia smiled in a shy sort of way and looked at the ground.
I really do wish that all girls could just be ugly. I mean, why do they have to be so perfect, so nice, and so… lovable?
Ugh, sh*t no! Since when do I ever describe anyone, as lovable! I wouldn't even call my own mother lovable! Well… maybe…
I suddenly found myself stroking her dark, silky hair and when I realized what I was doing, I pulled away quickly.
"Uh… sorry… I just kinda… Um…" I'd never felt the urge to kick myself this strongly.
Sonia looked surprised and shocked, and then she turned away slightly, and I wondered, on a scale of one to ten, how creeped out was she?
"Uh… It's okay… I guess…" she said finally, "So… I guess you've overcome your 'girl phobia'…?" For some reason it came out as more of a question than a statement, as if she was trying to have a perfectly normal conversation without acknowledging the awkwardness in the atmosphere right now.
I felt the blood rush up to the tips of my ears, and again the feeling of idiocy came over me.
I was going to finally leave in search of Puck, but instead I stood rooted to the spot. I just felt like I couldn't leave Sonia - not yet.
Ugh! Idiot! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! That's what comes from getting counseled by pretty girls, Jonas!
Sonia was still smiling at me, as if she was desperately trying to think of something to say. A sort of 'Why do I get myself into these situations?' smile.
I thought of Puck, the way he saw Sabrina, how he had given up his kingdom for her… Would I do something like that for Sonia? Could I do that for Sonia?
"Um, okay, seriously, are you like going to go or not?" asked Sonia, blushing madly.
Did she have the same feelings about me that I had about her?
What are you talking about, Jonas? You don't have any feelings for her! Just go and get on with your life!
(A.N. Ooh… evil voices…. Mua ha ha ha ha… Oh and the link was determined not to work in the last chapter, so basically just search up "The Wise Little Girl The Brothers Grimm" and it should come up...
The Wise Little Girl is a Russian story… sorry random fun fact!)
But I couldn't just 'get on with my life'. Not without Sonia. Geez, am I possessive or what?
I looked at her again, and knew for sure that I was in love with her. I really didn't want to be, but I couldn't help it.
She muttered something in Russian, absentmindedly fiddling with her hair, and managing to knot it up.
I watched as she desperately tried to undo the knots, her muttering getting louder and louder.
I hate love.
I sighed. "Oh God, why couldn't you be ugly?" I said in a giving-up tone, and then, not waiting for her response, I kissed her.
She struggled against me, from the surprise and shock that I'd given her when I'd randomly kissed her.
A sensation of pure happiness rushed through me as I suddenly realized she was kissing me back.
We stood like this for a while, kissing in front of an ancient doorway in a forgotten street.
I couldn't help partly mocking myself; Jonas the Betrayer huh? Yeah, more like Jonas the soap opera star. Yeah, whatever. Go die stupid voices.
After a while, we pulled away, and I couldn't believe that I'd just kissed a girl. Ew.
Sonia stepped back to look at me in her 'analyzing' way again, still looking a tad flustered.
"I'm… uh… sorry… about that…. Just… Just pretend it never happened…" I said, stumbling over practically every word like an idiot.
"Um… well… err… You know", she said, like she was mentally throwing a bucket of water over herself to calm down, "I-I never really would have thought that my… er… my first kiss would be with some punk who I'd never met before in my life."
For a few seconds I stood there trying to process the fact that she hadn't punched me or ran away screaming.
Then I wondered whether or not what she had said was a good thing.
"Some punk who you'd never met before?", I said, not knowing how I even found the words, "So is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"Um… well, for me I guess it's a bad thing, but for you… I, um… I hope it's a good thing". She was blushing madly, that was easy enough to see.
"How's it a bad thing for you?" I asked, partly mocking and partly worried.
"Well, like Julianne Moore said, 'To love is to give someone the power to break your heart, but trusting them not to'. So I guess that means I supposedly trust you, and you're not actually supposed to trust strangers."
Wait. Did that mean she loved me back? I wanted to party and puke at the same time.
"So I'm a stranger now?" I said, deciding that it would be best not to puke all over the girl I'd just kissed.
"Well…. Yeah. I guess so."
"That means that you're a stranger too, for me. You were the one who started talking to me in the first place." Yep, of course I had to start some kind of pointless argument right after I'd kissed her.
"You were the one who kissed me."
"Yeah, well….. You kissed back!"
"What else could I have done?"
"Ummm… Wait, so why are we arguing?" I asked, suddenly wanting to change the subject.
"Because it's in your nature to argue with people."
"Oh… right…"
Sonia laughed at me and I couldn't help smiling with her.
I kissed her again, making sure that she wouldn't be able to make anymore smart comments that made me realize how stupid I was.
Maybe love wasn't so bad after all.
Puck's POV:
You know, I really don't get love.
I mean seriously! I am a king! The king of the Farie and the king of all Tricksters. I'm so awesome that people probably want to go and commit suicide after realizing how un-awesome they are compared to me!
So why exactly, did love have to go and stuff my life up? I mean, falling in love was bad enough, but then Jonas, Mustardseed, Jack and Arthenis had to come. And then Jonas started having spaz attacks at me.
I've never done anything wrong! Okay, like besides terrorizing people and making their lives miserable, I haven't done anything wrong. That doesn't give love any reason to destroy my awesomeness.
I missed Sabrina, which was well… in my case, pretty bad…
I still couldn't believe I loved her…
I just wanted it to be like old times - her yelling at me, me pwning her, ect ect ect.
She'd been so mad when I'd left… I couldn't help wondering if she had loved me – what if I'd just thrown away her love when I'd left… What if that had been my only chance…
If there is anything I hate more than Peter Pan, it's shame.
I never regret, or feel ashamed of myself for what I do. I just never have.
Until now.
How could I just abandon her? Me of all people! I'm the only one who knows how unappreciated Sabrina often feels, and now I'm the one making her feel more unappreciated than ever.
And I still hadn't gone back.
Why? I don't know…
I just couldn't help thinking about Jonas… and my Trickster kingdom… What was going to happen to me?
What would I be known as throughout the world of juvenile delinquents? The Trickster King who fell in love? That sounded like the title of a book written to make fun of me, or maybe one of those old boring ironic-y fable things!
I scowled. Why couldn't I just make a decision? Why couldn't I just go back to Sabrina?
I wondered through the streets of Ferryport Landing, with no particular destination in mind.
I am Puck. Puck! As in the Trickster King! What was wrong with my messed up life?
I walked down a random street that I remembered was once full of life. Now it was deserted and empty, with cobwebs clinging to walls.
Okay, well maybe not completely deserted and empty.
I saw two other people – a couple, and my Trickster instincts told me to run past them yelling, 'Get a room!', but I stopped myself.
Because suddenly I recognized them, and I felt anger and blood start pumping through my veins double time.
One of them was Sonia, the creepily-smart wise girl.
And the other one was Jonas.
They were kissing.
Millions of words started to pour into my mind as I gaped at what I was seeing. Words like hypocrite, jerk, WTF, and I-want-to-bash-your-face-in.
But instead I just said; "Jonas?"
Jonas and Sonia jumped apart as if they were both north magnets and they were repelling each other.
Jonas' face was bright red, which I would have found funny any other time.
"I… um… Puck…"
I felt so angry I could have murdered him. Literally.
"Look, Puck, I'm, uh, sorr-"
How dare he! How dare he get all mad at me for liking Sabrina then go off with some girl himself! I was so going to make sure he felt the wrath of the Trickster King! Everything was his fault – the dare, the date, me leaving Sabrina – it was all because of him. And now here he was, making out with Sonia!
"Puck!" It was Sonia who spoke.
"What do you want?!" I said, sneering at her.
"Look, I, uh, know you're… um, upset, and all, but-"
Sonia sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear, reminding me a little of Sabrina and sending a jolt of pain through me. Wait a second, pain?
"You know what I mean. And, I know that Jonas was a complete idiot about all this," Jonas frowned when she said this, "but you've got to see it from his point of view. You're supposed to be best friends. Arguing like this is... well, pointless. It's not going to get either of you anywhere and it'll only make things worse. Just forgive each other for being idiots, um, I mean, uh... 'mislead', and just try and fix things up."
I managed to calm down slightly. Don't you hate it when people are so logical?
"What would you know?" I sneered, and only just remembering that it was a pretty stupid thing to say to the Wise Girl.
"A lot more than you, actually," she muttered before continuing, "Puck, I know this is unfair on you, but just, for Sabrina's sake, let it go. I know it's hard to forgive people when you have such a big ego, I mean, when things like this happen, but still, it would be stupid to hate each other."
I hated how she was right.
Jonas looked at me apologetically and sighed. "I'm sorry bro. I just didn't really think that… you know, all of this would happen… But, I am sorry."
I was so surprised that Jonas had actually apologized, that I could hardly say anything.
Jonas looked at the ground. "And… about Sabrina… um…" He looked like he was about to give his own death sentence. "You can you know… like, be with her. I guess if you really can't go on without her… then… yeah…"
He looked at me in a depressed sort of way and sighed.
"Jonas," said Sonia, "That was a pretty pathetic apology, but coming from you, I guess it was okay. Puck?" she asked hopefully.
As much as I wanted to continue yelling at Jonas, I couldn't. I knew I should be angry at him; I should be doing things to him that were so cruel that people would die from just hearing about what I'd done to him.
But I just couldn't stay mad at him. And besides, deep inside, I knew that forgiving the moron would be the right thing to do.
Not that I liked doing 'the right thing'. It was just that… Well, once best friends, always best friends. I could almost die from the cheesiness.
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I guess I have to say something cheesy like 'I forgive you', right?"
Jonas gaped at me in surprise, not believing that I'd forgiven him, as did Sonia. They both reminded me of fish.
Then, for the first time in a while, they both grinned.
"Yep." They said at the same time, which was honestly, the creepiest thing I have ever seen in my whole life. They both went red and I rolled my eyes.
I was about to say something that would leave a permanent scar in Jonas' pride, as revenge for his teasing about Sabrina, when Sonia marched up to me, and slapped me across the face. Hard.
My face felt like it was on fire.
She walked up to Jonas and did the same thing.
"And why did you slap me first?!" I muttered, rubbing the side of my face.
Sonia looked down sheepishly. "Sorry guys, it's just that, well… I know that you've like, apologized and all, but both of you just seemed to be in need of being slapped".
"I'm the king of the Farie! You do not go around slapping the king of the Farie!"
"Who cares about the king of the Farie?! I'm her boyfriend!" Jonas said, also rubbing his sore cheek.
I smirked as I saw the perfect opportunity to start annoying Jonas.
"Her boyfriend? Ooh, are you now, Jonas?" I said, trying not to grin like an idiotic two year old.
Jonas scowled, suddenly realizing his mistake of saying that last sentence.
"You're the one who's too scared to tell Sabrina that you like her".
"You're the one who was smooching Sonia like it was the end of the world".
"You're the one who got all dramatic about Sabrina! Seriously - 'Maybe because I love her!'", he said, imitating me in a high pitched voice.
"You're the one who was like 'Oh, I hate girls', and then went off with Sonia!"
"You're the one who –"
"STOP IT!" yelled Sonia, cutting off whatever Jonas was about to say.
"Jonas, you are a stupid, hypocritical moron, and you," she said to me, "are a cowardly, pathetic idiot with too much pride. So you're just as bad as each other. There's no need to start arguing like mentally instable seven year olds!" she said exasperatedly, sighing and tucking her hair behind her ear - again reminding me of Sabrina.
I scowled. Why did signs of Sabrina have to be everywhere, as if someone was mocking me or something?
"I'm not cowardly…" I managed to mutter, not wanting Jonas or Sonia to know how much I missed Sabrina. Well, Sonia, being Sonia, probably already knew.
She raised an eyebrow at me, in her Sonia-ish way. "You are so cowardly! Why else haven't you gone back to Sabrina already?"
"Because… I didn't feel like it"
Jonas snorted and Sonia gave me The Sonia Look.
And it was at that exact moment that Arthenis and Jack decided to come walking down the street.
Okay, yes, I lied again. I'm sorry, I really am. But as you probably already know, I've been taking ages, and ages, and AGES to update, and therefore, I decided to cut short this chapter, and post it now.
Don't worry, the possibly-last-chapter has still yet to come, and is in fact almost finished, but sadly I'm suffering from serious writer's block... :/
Do you like what's happened so far? Or does it make you want to punch your computer screen? If so, please tell me. For me, the Jonia/Sonas/WhateverYouWantToCallThem scene was literally made out of cheddar cheese. You know, the kind of save-me-now cheesiness... your thoughts?
I'd like to thank SaphireDragon15 and BeevasRock for helping me with this chapter and being awesome friends! :)
Review if you love any of the following: Puckabrina, this story (review if you hate this too, I want your opinion), Taylor Swift and her new album Red, chocolate, free electronic food ;), or Percy Jackson. If you don't like any of these things, but you are a wonderful person who loves to go around reviewing stories, feel free to review also! ;)