A/N Hopefully you guys like this and you can choose any ending you like! Merry Xmas people!

Alternate ending #2

Randy's POV

"I choose both of you" Raven said simply looking dead ahead. She never looked at either of us, she just looked ahead the entire time.

"What?" Punk looked at her then at me "You can't choose both of us Rae"

"Sure I can. If either of you are honest with your words you will make it work. In order for the three of us to work we have to acknowledge each others needs and wants. I want Randy and Charlie wants Punk"

"You can't choose both of us" Punk stood up not wanting to believe what she had just said. I however was open to the concept, no I didn't want to share her but I wanted her so badly that sharing seemed like something I could do.

He shook his head in disbelief "I can't believe your asking me to share you with him" Little tears sprung in those green eyes, something I had never seen ever. "I can't believe I thought I was stupid enough to think that one day you would love me" He stomped his way out of the room leaving me alone with Raven.

"I guess suddenly no one wants me" Raven said sadly bowing her head.

I instantly grabbed her hand "I want you even if he doesn't and if he can't get over himself then maybe he doesn't love you as much as he says"

"But your here with us?"

I kissed her temple "You have me and the voice"

"Thanks Randy" "Yes thank you Randal" "Why doesn't Punky love me?" "He does Charlie, he just doesn't want to share you" "Can I still have sex with him?" "Charlie!" "What if Raven gets to have sex with Randy then why can't I have sex with Punky?" "You can, I'll give you control to do that if you give me complete control to bang Randy" "Done"

"See its all sorted" I grinned at her, I was just happy to have her even if I did have share her.

Punk's POV

I couldn't believe she expected me to share her, I didn't want to share her I wanted her all to myself. I loved her with all my heart, why couldn't she see that.

"Ooh someone isn't happy" Iziah teased coming up to me fresh coffee in hand. "Did she tell you her news?"

"Yeah. How can she expect me to share her?"

"The same way I'm expected to share you" Iziah said darkly, her eyes flashing with angry sadness.


She let out a sigh "Do you really think I liked sharing you with her? I used to get so jealous when she was with you. I was her sister, the one she was meant to come too but no that was you and I was fazed out. But then I grew up and I realised that Raven is always going to need me no matter what. I know that she loves me and it would never change"

"This is different" I practically snapped. I expected her to smack me one, instead she just smiled.

"I know it is Punk but you love her right?"

"Yeah I do but seriously how do you share someone you love with one guy you just can't stand?"

Iziah shrugged "I don't know Punk maybe its just one of these things you man up and power through. Its not like shes asking you to like him"

Just as I was about to point something out Randy came up to us. Just looking at him made me wonder if we could do this. I knew he hadn't forgiven me for sleeping with Sam, neither had I. Yes, I was sorry for what I did to him and yes I realised what I had done was wrong.

"Raven would like to talk to you" He said tightly, weirdly enough he turned to Iziah and smiled. "Hey any coffee left for the rest of us?"

"Yeah I think I left some coffee for you Randy"

"See you like her why do you have to have Raven?"

"Because I like Raven and no offense but isn't Izzy married, seems like the sort of chick you would go for"

Iziah turned her giggle into a cough "Sorry I should stop being mean to Raven's boyfriends" Iziah didn't bother to hide her laughter this time. "This is classic, imagine if you three had to have sex altogether. That would be so awesome! Ooh can I watch?"

"Sure you can Izzy, we've already got me, your sister, Charlie, Sarge, Punk and my voice. Should be one hell of an orgy"

I walked away before I could punch him, I'm glad he thought this was funny.

"You wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah" She fiddled with her blanket looking really nervous. "So?"

I just stared at her, those silver eyes lacing with nothing but love. She did love me. Yeah she loved Orton too but still I couldn't help the sudden joy.

"You do love me don't you Raven?"

"Yes I do but I love Randy too" She let out a stray tear "I don't know what to do anymore Punk. I thought I knew but then all this happened"

I could only hold her and somewhere inside my weird twisted head I knew this was right. Maybe I was just as twisted as Raven and Randy.

"Can I just ask one thing Punk?"

"Sure babe"

She smiled when I said that "Why did you sleep with his wife?"

"Because I was depressed"


"You had just met Chase, you seemed so happy, you didn't care that I loved you."

"So you slept with your friends wife?"

"Yeah. Believe me if I could change it I would. I'm not proud of my actions" I lent in and lowered my voice, there was no way in hell I wanted Orton to hear this. I would take this to my grave, "I'm sorry that I did that to him."

She clasped my hand "That sounds more like the Punk I know and love"

I lent in and kissed her, for the first time in ever I felt whole again.

"Hey give me some of that" Randy joked sitting on her other side. He lent over and kissed her cheek.

She closed her eyes blissfully "I am so happy" "Me too Raven" "And for the first time since losing Chester, I'm happy too"

Me and Randy glared at each other, quietly we said the same thing "You hurt her, you die"

We both loved her and she loved us, maybe this could work and if not I guess I could always tell Iziah that he hurt her and she would kill him. Yeah, maybe this could work.