Rise of the Demon King
By Revelias
Author's Note: I don't in any way own Naruto or anything contained within the Naruto universe.
I am only borrowing the characters for the duration of this story so please don't sue me.
Apologies for the long time between updates but I've kinda wrote myself into a corner with this story and have been trying to find my way out. But don't worry loyal readers I seem to be back on track and will continue on until the very end.
As always reviews good or bad are welcome.
Chapter 16: A clans betrayal
As with the village itself each clan of Konohagakure is controlled by a governing body. For the majority of the clans this comes in the form of a clan council consisting of select key members who serve as advisers to the clan head.
In the case of the Hyūga clan this concept is taken a step further in that each member of the council may also serve as the head of a specific area of the clan's interest.
For example Kenzo Hyūga serves as the clan's chief political adviser. It is his responsibility to negotiate with both foreign and domestic organizations on behalf of the clan.
During his tenure Kenzo has gained the clan many powerful political connections which has allowed the clan to expand its' influence inside and outside of Konohagakure. Unfortunately, like many others power and greed have caused Kenzo to lose sight of the reason he originally chose to serve the clan.
Another example is Eita Hyūga. Serving as the clan's chief financial officer it is his responsibility to invest, monitor, and grow the clan's already immense wealth through sound trades and business ventures.
Eita's position is well suited to him as he has no love for politics and no desire to expand his influence in that arena.
A final example is Saburo Hyūga who serves the clans' head of security. As the title implies it is his responsibility to ensure that the clan compound remains secure and that high level members of the clan are properly protected when outside of the village.
It can be noted that with the exception of the attempted abduction of Hinata Hyūga by Kumogakure, more commonly known as the Hyūga Affair, there has been no major breach of security on clan grounds. A fact that is both his greatest achievement and most dubious shame.
Under this system the Hyūga has prospered since the clan first joined Konohagakure. However, regardless of how well a system of government works for its people there will always be those who are dissatisfied and desire some sort of change.
Whether that change be in the form of a different governing body or in the method which the government operates someone somewhere will always want something different.
"Are you sure that nothing can be traced back to us? If anyone were to discover what we have done then our lives are over." Shigeko anxiously asked as she quickly scanned the are with her Byakugan.
"For the last time, there is nothing to worry about. No one outside of us three knows anything of our intentions. And for those who might suspect there is no evidence that directly connects any of us to anything." Kenzo offered.
"So you say. But can you be absolutely sure?
What of those that will carry out the deed? Should any of them be captured and talk..." Shigeko questioned.
"They have no knowledge of who their true employers are. They were contracted by agents in the Land of Waves who were retained by another though one of the clans extensive dummy businesses based in the Land of Wind.
Therefore even if one of them were to be captured any information they gave would lead to a dead end. We have nothing to worry about."
Having listened inattentively to his co-conspirators Saburo stood and made to leave before saying; "Until this business is over and done nothing can be certain. Keep on your guard and pray that everything goes as easily as you seem to believe it will."
"It's settled then. Gatō and Aimi will leave for Konohagakure first thing in the morning. Once there they will report directly to Naruto-sama concerning what we have learned about the Hyūga." Aiko told her sisters.
"I pity those fools once master learns of this." Akia replied shivering at the thought of being on the receiving end of Naruto's fury.
"It cannot be helped. After Mika discovered their plans for Hinata-chan it was only a matter of time before Naruto-sama acted. After all, even though he tries not to show it, he does truly love her. I just hope that there is clan left when it's all over." Aiko returned just as Gatō entered the room and bowed towards the triplets.
"Mistresses, the arrangements have been completed per your request. The convoy will depart at five tomorrow morning and will arrive in Konohagakure three days later." The one time crime boss reported.
"And the tasks we assigned?" Questioned Aimi.
"Most have been completed. What remains will be ready within the hour." Gatō humbly said.
"You've done well Gatō-kun.
When this is all over I'll be sure to tell master of your service and how you were the one that discovered the Hyūga elders plans for Hinata-chan.
I have no doubt that he will reward your actions." Aimi smoothly said.
"Thank you mistress but service is its own reward." Gatō replied as he bowed once more and returned to his assigned duties.
After finishing the last of the days paperwork Hiashi was preparing to retire for the evening when a subtle movement near his study door alerted him that he was no longer alone.
Looking in the direction of the intruder Hiashi remained calm. Instincts telling him that had this person wanted his life then he would probably already be dead.
"You must posses great skill to have come this far without detection and since you have yet to attack I can only guess at your purpose for entering my home uninvited." Hiashi stated calmly as he waited for the person's reply.
"Forgive my unorthodox means of seeking an audience Lord Hyūga." Returned a soft feminine voice as the shadows near the door shifted to reveal a small purplish Vulpine bowing towards him.
In his life Hiashi had never been privileged to be in the presence of summon such as the one before him. Not that he had never had the opportunity to speak with a summoned creature. In fact during the years prior to Minato's death he had meet and become familiar with several members of the Toad Clan.
However, as rare as a summon contract was there were those contracts that were in and of themselves legendary. Specifically, those pertaining to celestial or demonic beings. In fact, Hiashi had never actually heard of anyone holding one. At least not until Naruto was revealed to be able to summon members of the Vulpine Clan.
"It is quit alright. I assume you are here on Naruto-san's behalf?" Hiashi asked, returning his thoughts to the moment, while motioning for the Vulpine to rise and approach.
"No my Lord. I come on behalf of my mistress and clan head Lady Yukiko." Mika explained as Hiashi nodded in understanding.
"I see, and what would your mistress ask of the Hyūga?" Hiashi curiously replied.
"Several weeks ago yourself and Naruto-sama entered into an agreement by which if certain criteria were met he would agree to take your eldest daughter as his mate. After learning of this my mistress, given Naruto-sama's position within our clan, took it upon herself to judge you daughter's worthiness of my masters hand." Mika explained causing Hiashi to fears for the plans he had made for Naruto and Hinata.
"Are you here to tell me that Lady Yukiko has rejected my daughter?" Hiashi cautiously asked hoping that his assumption was wrong.
"On the contrary. My mistress has become very fond of Lady Hinata and believe her a very suitable match for Naruto-sama.
Yet, despite her fondness towards Hinata-sama Lady Yukiko's sentiment does not extend to the rest of your clan.
Therefore before approving of the potential union my mistress chose to learn all she could about the Hyūga." Mika stated as Hiashi's eyes narrowed in concern.
"I see, and how exactly was this accomplished?" Replied the clan head.
"As easily as I entered your home tonight others of my clan with greater skill have done the same. We have been watching you for some time and have learned much." Simply answered the Vulpine.
"Vulpine, spying is not something ones does to garner the trust of another." Hiashi admonished.
"True but we do not seek your trust. We sought only to learn of your clan."
"I assume that your efforts were fruitful?" Harshly replied Hiashi as he restrained the anger he felt towards the creature.
In fact it is the reason that I was sent before you." Replied the messenger.
Suddenly intrigued by what the creature had to say Hiashi for the moment forgot his anger and offered his full attention.
"Lord Hiashi, members of the Hyūga are plotting to kill yourself and your daughters. We do not know when they plan to act but we know it will be soon."
"Who among the clan would dare to raise a hand against the head family?" Hiashi angrily questioned.
"I am sorry but Naruto-sama expressly forbade from answering that question." Said the messenger while shaking her head.
"If you can not tell me who it is that's plotting against me then..." Hiashi began before four powerful chakra signatures appeared around him.
Turning about himself the head of the Hyūga clan watched in fear as four medium sized ebony vulpine appeared in each corner of the room.
"My Lord, regardless of how you my view our methods or our clan we of the Vulpine are a proud and honorable race. Since we first allied ourselves with Naruto-sama we have watched over him. We know who has shown him kindness and who has caused him pain. We know what you have done for him, how you have looked out for him, have tried to protect him. We know how you, Hiashi Hyūga, have defended him when others would not.
The Vulpine are an honorable race. We protect those that would protect us and we slaughter those that would do us harm.
And it is for what you have done for our master that we now stand with you. So have no fear of those that would cause you and your children harm for as long as you remain loyal to the Vulpine the Vulpine will remain loyal to you.
Naruto-sama and Yukiko-sama have plan to deal with the traitors in your clan. They will be used to teach a lesson to all that would threaten those under our protection. But it's not enough to punish the betrayers to the Hyūga. My master wants everyone involved in the conspiracy to pay for their crimes.
Therefore until the threat has past these warriors will be hidden at your side as will additional teams be with your daughters. My master only ask that you do nothing and wait for events to unfold." Explained the messenger as Hiashi's protector faded back into the darkness of the room.
Hiashi showed little emotion as he pondered all that he had been told. True, he would rather face those that would betray him head on but he couldn't deny that the Vulpine's words had merit. Besides considering that he and his children would be under the protection of beings who couldn't be detected even by the Byakugan was a great incentive to do as he was being asked.
"Very well Vulpine-san I will do as your masters ask. Please allow me to offer my deepest gratitude to the Vulpine for their assistance in this matter." Hiashi humbly said as he bowed towards the messenger.
"I will relay your message to my masters.
One last thing before I go. Share what you have learned tonight with no one, not even your daughters. When the time comes all will be revealed." Replied the vulpine before slipping back into the darkness and fading from sight.
Looking over the village Sarutobi frowned as he considered the reports sprawled over his desk. Since informing the council of his belief that Sunagakure and Otogakure planned to invade measures had been taken to protect the village and its' people.
Unfortunately, despite whatever counter-measures were put into place there was no way of knowing if they would be effective against the actions of the enemy. But as the saying goes 'failure is only certain if you do not try'.
"My Lord." Ami called breaking the Third from his mental wanderings. "Naruto-kun has arrived and wishes to see you."
Knowing that Naruto had only left on his mission a few days ago Sarutobi immediately fear the worst.
"Send him in Ami." Sarutobi replied from behind his desk.
As the door to his office opened whatever apprehension Sarutobi might have had vanished as he watched Naruto and enter with two others close behind.
"Mission accomplished Hokage-sama. As ordered I have located and safely returned Lady Tsu..." Naruto began before he was harshly pushed to the side by a tall large breasted blond woman.
"What's the ideal of sending the kid after me Old Man! You promised that after I finished training him I could do as I pleased!" Screamed the woman.
Offering the blond a warm smile Sarutobi replied; "Welcome home Tsunade. There's a great deal we need to discuss."
To be continued