Hello everyone!
This is the last chapter of the story. I'm sorry if it's going to be disappointing, I just really think it's about time and honestly, they've reached their peak.

I really had a hard time with this, so I hope you don't murder the living crap out of me.

So, for the last time - enjoy,

TheLionGate ;)

Chapter 14 – Revelations

Kurt woke up on Sunday morning and automatically looked over to Blaine's bed only to realize that Blaine was indeed gone.

He could feel his heart squeezing at the sadness of the realization that his week without Blaine has officially begun just as his phone began beeping.

He looked at the caller I.D and his heart leapt in his chest as he answered.

"Hi," he breathed, a smile already formulating on his lips.

"Good morning, beautiful," came Blaine's silky voice from the other side of the line. "You have no idea how difficult it was for me to wake up and not be able to see your beautiful face. How have you spent the day yesterday? How did you sleep?"

Kurt smiled bashfully at Blaine's concern, "Jeff and I sat together on my bed and we just talked for a while. And I slept rather awfully, it's weird being in the room alone at night. It's strange. You'd think I wouldn't have minded considering I've been doing that before I came to Dalton. You spoiled me," he admonished playfully.

"Hmm, well, I can't say I'm sorry. It's quite difficult for me, as well. Look, I know that you will probably go mad if you stay at Dalton the entire day, how about you go visit your parents again? You might be able to hang out with the girls, Carole, or maybe even Finn."

Kurt's heart broke at Blaine's concern for his sanity at his absence and choked a sob before saying, "Yeah, I might. God knows I haven't had a good girls' day out with Mercedes and Tina and I heard that Carol likes to cook on Sunday, so I might be able to help her, I like cooking with her."

He could hear Blaine's clear laugh before he said, "You do that. We actually have half the day devoted to practice before our game in the afternoon. I'll call you before the game and after, alright? A little pep-talk from my favorite good-luck charm."

Once again, Blaine made Kurt blush simply by talking, without even being present.

They said their goodbyes and Kurt set to preparing for his trip down to Lima.

When he arrived at LAX, Blaine knew he was in for a long week.

His arrival at California made the realization that he will not see Kurt till Friday finally sink in and he did not like it one bit.

He looked around at the enormous airport and sighed. The place was impressive, there was no doubt about that, but he could not fully appreciate it without having Kurt there to share the experience with.

David came up behind Blaine and placed his arm across the boy's shoulder.

"Blaine, stop being lovesick for a couple of hours, ok? Yeah, you miss your boyfriend, we get it. We understand that you're in love and can't live without him. We do. But we need you now to focus during practice and the game or else we're not gonna make it to the next level, ok? And we need that next level."

Blaine nodded miserably and smiled sadly as Nick passed him, an equally devastated expression on his face.

This is going to be a long week.

Kurt pulled up at the Hummel-Hudson household around 10 in the morning and sighed as he remembered last week, as he introduced Blaine to his family, as Blaine confessed his love to him.

He tried his best not to let his emotions overcome him, but he couldn't help let a few teardrops escape the perimeter of his eyelashes and leak down his cheeks as he walked up the path to his father's house.

He walked inside, wiping his eyes, and called out, "Carol? Dad? Finn? It's me."

Carol emerged from the kitchen, an apron tied around her waist and smiled warmly at Kurt.

"Honey, it's so good to see you!" she exclaimed while hugging him tightly.

Kurt returned the hug and was surprised at himself for letting out a small sniff and backed away quickly, dabbing at his eyes with his sleeve.

Carol frowned, "Kurt? Are you alright?"

Kurt shook his head and clung to Carol tightly, "I miss him, mom."

Both froze in place.

Kurt looked up at Carole and smiled meekly, "Sorry, I meant, I miss him, Carol."

Carol patted his shoulder weekly, clearly flustered, "No need to apologize, dear. I understand. Why have you come here, though?"

Kurt shrugged. "Blaine called me this morning and suggested I spent time here or with the girls rather than be cooped up all Sunday at Dalton where everything will remind me of him."

Carol nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, I was just about to start on lunch, do you want to help?"

And the two fell into their usual Sunday pattern that, ever since Kurt's transfer, was interrupted by Kurt's residence at Dalton.

The week passed agonizingly slow for the two boys.

Even though the Pirates had won every single game, Blaine could not bring himself to care; the only thing on his mind was a certain pale boy who was currently in Lima, Ohio.

Kurt was trying to do as he was told and spent as much time as he could with his family, his friends from McKinley and Jeff, but nothing could turn his mind from the curly-headed boy that had his heart.

When Thursday night rolled around, Kurt thought his heart might just burst from anticipation for Blaine's last long-distance call before his flight back to Ohio.

When his phone finally rang around 9 pm his heart jumped like an erratic rabbit in his ribcage and he picked up the phone immediately, plopping on Blaine's bed in their Dalton room.


"Hey, Kurt," he heard the breathless reply and immediately his concern came to the surface.

"Why do you sound so breathless, honey? Is everything ok?"
"Yes, I'm fine. It's just that I'm trying to avoid Nick cuz he wants to talk to Jeff and his phone died. Never mind that, how are you?"

"Can't wait for tomorrow," Kurt admitted, not caring how desperate he sounded. "This week has been pure torture."

"Same here. The games were great and all, but it's nothing if I can't share it with you… shut up, David!"

Kurt chuckled and sighed as he sank into Blaine's voice. "Did you really win every game?"

"Yeah. Those teams really sucked. I have no idea how they made it this far. But enough about me. What have you done today?"

"Nothing," Kurt admitted, "except for school and homework, nothing. I'm much too excited for tomorrow to be able to do anything else."

"Hmm, well, I guess we'll have to change that, now won't we?"

Kurt's eyebrows shot up and his eyes narrowed as his mind began to whirr at Blaine's words. "What are you talking about, Blaine?"

There was a soft chuckle and then,"Look outside your window," and the line went dead.

Kurt stared for a moment at his phone before turning his gaze to their window and making his way slowly to it.

He opened the curtains and nearly gasped at the sight in front of him.

Blaine, in his Pirates' uniform, was standing outside on the vast expanse of grass and smiling up at him like a fool.

Blaine was standing outside the Dalton dormitory building and was waiting for Kurt to come to the window.

He saw the boy open the curtain and saw him register his presence but then he was gone.

He waited ten minutes and nothing. He was beginning to fear that maybe he had done something rather silly and began making his way towards the building, his head hung and staring at the ground, before he was knocked off his feet and found himself literally on the ground with a weight on top of him.

He looked up to see a brilliantly smiling Kurt looking at him and he nearly passed out with shock. Kurt's face never ceased to amaze him.

After being let up, he was engulfed again in a hug, slightly gentler this time and was able to relax into Kurt's embrace.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Kurt demanded, smiling up at him.

Blaine looked at him and said, "Well, I couldn't stand being away from you anymore so the moment the last game was won I took the first flight to Cleveland."

Kurt shook his head disbelievingly, "You're crazy."

"Yup, crazy in love."

Kurt's eyes widened and he smiled widely before closing the distance and finally pressing their lips together.

Kurt and Blaine found themselves in their room, sitting together, cuddling.

Kurt was sitting in Blaine's lap, his head rested comfortably in the crook of Blaine's neck while Blaine's hands were wound tightly around his waist and his cheek was rested on Kurt's hair.

Blaine's fingers were drawing circles into the silver of skin that was exposed due to the hitch of Kurt's shirt and Kurt was humming softly and placing soft kisses into Blaine's neck.

At one point, Blaine's fingers stopped and Kurt looked up to see him staring down at him.

"Everything ok?"

"Everything is amazing," Blaine smiled at him.

Kurt lifted himself slightly and turned to fully face him before attaching their lips together and wrapping his arms around his neck, whispering, "I love you," into his ear before resuming their kiss.

And Blaine knew, knew that he would never be alone, knew that he would forever be grateful to his hate of Valentine's Day.


So? How do you like the ending?

I really thought I could extend it further, but then I realized that - screw this. THIS is their story. Yes, I didn't get to introduce Blainers' parents, but don't worry - they are super-fond of Kurtie!

I hope you liked it.

I don't know if I'll write more, I'm super-busy at the moment.

Hope you liked it,

TheLionGate ;)