A/N: Hey all! So this is my first NCIS fic and I am desperate for some feedback. I've been getting up the courage to write an NCIS story for a while and when I finally got inspiration for a story that wasn't absolutely horrid I decided I would go ahead and give it a shot. As I said before I would love some feedback, good or bad but please no flaming. Now quit reading this author's note and read the actually story! ;)

Chapter One

Tony DiNozzo walked slowly into his classroom flipping on the lights and made his way to his desk. After acquiring a teaching degree ten years ago he had found a job in Virginia teaching eighth grade history. Tony was happy where he was in his life, though he sometimes yearned for the thrill and excitement that came with working at NCIS. He shook these thoughts from his head and turned on his computer, preparing for the first day of the school year. A day he both loved and hated. He enjoyed meeting his new students but in true Dinozzo form he dreaded having to wake up so early. He pulled up the syllabus he had been using for the past few years on his computer and set it to print two hundred copies so he wouldn't have to run to the office in the middle of the day to print out more.

Tony rubbed a hand over his tired eyes, waiting a moment before leaving his room and walking down the hallway to the office. He made small talk with the secretary and glanced around the room. Everything was in its usual place; the same old chairs were pushed against the wall opposite the secretary's desk and the teacher's mail area was still as cluttered as ever. But as he looked around the room his eyes stopped on a shelf that had been in the office for as long as he could remember. On it were little trinkets and jewelry that had been left behind the year before and had never been claimed. What had caught his eye though was a necklace. It was a gold chain and on the end of it hung the Star of David.

In an instant Tony could see her in his minds eye. Her dark brown hair hung down in ringlets, a white long-sleeved blouse and cargo pants hugged her body, the gold necklace hung around her neck. She smiled widely at him and he smiled to himself; for a moment he felt like the memory was real, but then the copier beeped and she was gone. Tony sighed grabbing his papers and headed back towards his room.

"This is going to be a long day." he muttered to himself.

"So if you could please have your parents sign this and get it turned in by the end of this week I would appreciate it." He said to his fourth period class after going through his syllabus.

The bell rang shortly after he finished and the students filed quickly out of the classroom. Tony began walking towards his desk but stopped as he heard a scuffle outside his door, then what sounded like books being thrown to the floor. He turned back around and strode into the hall, finding a girl on the floor hurriedly scooping up her papers and books.

"Ha ha! Looks like Tali-ban is a klutz too!" A boy taunted from the end of the hall, but a look from Tony quickly shut him up and he continued on his way.

Tony bent down helped her gather her things. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just tripped." She answered looking up at him.

He could tell she was lying not only because her knees were skinned, but he could also see tears in the rims of her dark brown eyes. Eyes that suddenly looked extremely familiar to him. Tony looked her over and began to find even more familiarities, from her hair that was a sandy brown color rather than dark brown, but was still curly to her slight Israeli accent. He couldn't help but think of one woman.

Tony shook his head pushing these thoughts away. C'mon DiNozzo get a grip.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before." He asked curiously.

"Yes, my Mom and I just moved back to Virginia this year. I was born here but my Mom thought I should spend a few years where she grew up, where my roots are." She answered, but her face began to grow red. "Sorry I didn't mean to tell you my life story, I should probably be getting to class." She stood up and Tony handed her the things he had picked up.

"It's fine. Where's your next class? I'll write you a pass since I kept you here."

She pulled her schedule out of her pocket and unfolded it with her free hand. "Um I'm going to history."

"Eighth grade?" he inquired.


"Well I won't need to write you a pass then, that's my class." Tony smiled gesturing towards his classroom.

She gave him a polite smile in return and walked into the room sitting down in an empty seat near the back of the room. Tony grabbed the stack of syllabuses off his desk and began passing them out. The bell rang and he quietly shut his door after having passed everything out, and then walked back to his desk to grab the attendance sheet.

"Now if I get your name wrong or you go by something else please let me know and I'll try to remember, but it will probably take me at least a week to get it right." Tony said as he walked to the front of the class.

"Ben Aster?"


"Maddie Bell?"


"Kaitlyn Binns?"


"Thomas Butler?"


"Nathan Daniels?"


"Talia David?"

"Here, but I go by Tali and…" said the girl he had met in the hall, but she was interrupted by the class snickering. At first he didn't understand why they were laughing but then he made the connection to the name she had been called out in the hallway. "And my last name, it's pronounced Dahveed, not David."

There was yet another snicker, but Tony stifled it with a glare. He nodded at Tali and continued down the list, but for the rest of that period and the rest of that day his mind wasn't completely focused. Why? Because Ziva David's daughter was in his fifth period history class.