Ohayo its me coming to bring you an update anyway I apologize for my absence I was working on different venues of fanfiction however before I start I have an important message for the sake of a fellow author you all know bunji the wolf right well he tells me some of you are flaming him for that story that's been going around the net but I just want to tell you all bunji had nothing to do with that sasuke x kushina story that's been going around his purpose when he wrote two lights in a dark world was to write a extremely dark naruto fic he doesn't support sasuke x kushina in any way as a matter of fact he hates sas-gays guts! So please stop flaming him for it flame the writer who wrote the story but leave bunji out of it. Now on to the update.
Naruto ducked under a kick that would have snapped his neck only to receive a punch to the face that sent him flying across the room that's what he hated most about his sparring sessions with orochimaru the snake sannin seemed to bend his body in any direction he wished like a snake Naruto often pondered if he was even human at all what with his slitted eyes and inhuman flexibility.
Pulling himself off the ground he casually dusted off his bloodied gi robes before reentering his stance he wouldn't stop yet he could tell orochimaru was doubting him in this field just that brought pain to his chest he would not fail his lord he would not disappoint orochimaru. Nodding to orochimaru he charged his foot steps a blur to the eyes of civilians but easily seen by orochimaru he charged regardless of injury regardless of fatigue. He failed once again he was blocked his strikes nothing but a petty annoyance to the sannin and his taunting smirk.
"you have to try harder than that Naruto-kun…" orochimaru taunted squeezing naruto's wrist tightly to get his point across. Naruto grit his teeth in pain before he felt his legs give way beneath him he collapsed to his knees as orochimaru tightened his grip upon his wrist.
"surely that isn't all you've got Naruto-kun how will you ever destroy konoha when you can't even hit me once!" he goaded looking down at Naruto apathetically as he twisted his wrist to the breaking point. A loud crack filled the room.
Naruto couldn't help it he screamed in pain as his wrist was shattered into pieces looking up he noticed his lord looking down at him with mirth.
"let that be a lesson to you Naruto in battle one should never charge blindly into their opponent." Orochimaru releasing naruto's wrist which fell limp to the blondes side Naruto growled low in his throat as he pulled himself to his feet his wrist flailed limply at his side.
Orochimaru smirked and turned away from his pupil "that's enough for today Naruto, go to the infirmary and get that patched up" he ordered walking away. Naruto grit his teeth when he heard orochimaru's foot steps growing weaker. Naruto bared his teeth in anger a choked sound escaping his lips. He glared at the ground below his feet. His vision hazy he thought back to his life in konoha pain far worse than his broken wrist flashing before his eyes he felt moisture barely contained ready to burst from his eyes.
"don't turn your back on me!" Naruto shouted in rage tears burning in his eyes.
Orochimaru stopped in his tracks a smirk forming on his face he looked back over his shoulder carelessly. " what did you say Naruto?"
Naruto growled "don't turn your back on me," he paused to briefly wipe his eyes " all my life people have done that to me I wont allow it to happen again!" He shouted looking up at orochimaru his eyes changing and becoming red with slitted pupils " never again…" he muttered his voice resolute in its promise, he reentered his stance his muscles tightening as he forced his chakra through them as his style called for a style Orochimaru had formulated only for him due to his chakra reserves and their ocean like depths.
Orochimaru gave a brief chuckle before he turned and faced him a serious expression on his face he examined his pupil critically "sigh, I guess it cannot be helped, very well Naruto-kun let's continue…" he muttered reentering his stance. which was the traditional hebi stance his hands forming in ways that reminded one of snakes slithering amongst the earth.
'do not disappoint me again Naruto-kun…' he thought before an sinful glint appeared in his eyes upon remembering the last person that disappointed him and the untimely tragedy that be fell them.
Naruto noticed that look it was the last look many of his friends saw before orochimaru made them vanish a look of disappointment expertly blended with a sadistic urge to kill those that worship him. a look only he was capable of giving a look all of Oto feared. Naruto suppressed the urge to panic that was welling up inside him like a raging torrent of despair attempting to swallow him whole, he had no time for panic nor hesitation, sweat dripped from his brow and fell into his now crimson eyes, he its minor sting no heed. due to the dark realization he had reached.
His life his dreams for revenge if not his very essence his very being depended upon this match if he failed in the very least he would lose his lords favor at worst his end or the operating/ experimentation table awaited him. his hands flexed on their own taking the form of claws his finger nails lengthened and a red hue began to cover his body in light wisps of chakra.
releasing a growl he felt his broken bones snap back into place with a loud crunching sound before they popped back into the joints with a sickening sound that would have made even medic nins shudder.
yet Orochimaru was unfazed by the gruesome display. instead he watched the blonde with ever growing amusement a sickly grin spreading across his face at the site of the power that not too long ago had killed hundreds of his comrades back in the leaf village.
"that's better Naruto," he started his eyes shining brighter than they had moments ago, the sinful glare that had dulled them seemingly forgotten he took on a more serious tone before he continued,
"let your hatred for them guide you to your goals" he said with the faintest hint of a smile. " You must use whatever power available to reach your goals even if it consumes you in the end" he continued when a memory struck him "even if it consumes you..." he muttered. Solemn
" orochimaru-sama,?" Naruto asked uncertain of what to say.
"it's nothing naruto-kun, let's continue your training " he reassured in that same quiet tone.
Naruto looked at him for a moment concern clearly visible on his face before he bowed "h-hai " he muttered quietly, before doing as he asked allowing more of the red chakra to flow through him. Even if it consumed him this power or the other one that resided within him Konoha was his target and he would consume it first.
Without needing to be told he charged ahead. The energy that coated him made him feel lighter than before much lighter. He reared back his fist orochimaru side-stepped as he punched his fist grazed orochimaru's shoulder
Orochimaru grunted in mild pain as his skin was burnt by naruto's chakra laced punch, before he brought his hand up and with well practiced ease brought it down on the passing boys neck, Naruto gave a startled grunt like sound stumbled forward for a moment his red eyes turned back to a cloudy blue and he collapsed in a heap. Upon the hard wood floor. A confused expression on his unconscious face.
The moment his student hit the floor Orochimaru lost his solemn expression
"so that's how it must be," Orochimaru muttered looking down at his unconscious pupil then his wounded arm indifferently.
'show the boy kindness and he will die for you with a smile?' he mused almost disbelieving.
'act like you have regrets and he will do whatever you say will help' a voice inside his head called back. Before it cackled madly.
Slowly a smirk formed across his face " and so Naruto-kun, that's how it shall be."
"you will use it's power" he paused briefly and looked back down at his fallen student "or you will die" he said with a slight smirk
Before he went over to Naruto and picked him up swinging him effortlessly over his shoulder.
"but for now you will rest Naruto-kun your training will only get harder from now on" he said grinning . he then carried the boy out of the dojo.
once again I am horribly sorry for how long it took me to write this I've as I said been experimenting with different venues and different styles of writing my teacher says my strength lies in poetry and first person yet I've convinced her to help me learn third omniscient style so hopefully I will improve I thank you for your patience.