Transformers: Operation Earth





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A/N: This one is the third of my Movieverse stories to get a massive edit/overhaul. By about chapter 12 of this one, Riella's character had started developing along different lines than I originally thought, so most of the changes are to make her characterization match the one in later chapters, "Diabolus Ex Machina", and the edited versions of "Transformers: Technorganic" and "Expecting the Unexpected". The basic storyline hasn't changed; this still takes place a few weeks after the end of the first movie, Jazz is still alive, Prowl is still closer to the TFA version than G1, et cetera. Individual chapter changes will be summarized in author's notes in the appropriate chapter. "Transformers: Technorganic" and "Expecting the Unexpected" are already done, so be sure to read those for a more consistent storyline!

Usual disclaimers apply. Riella is mine, but everybody else is a canon character and thus doesn't belong to me.

Chapter 1: Waiting

The young technorganic woman sat outside the newly built Autobot hangar in Diego Garcia, eyes closed and head tipped back, enjoying the warm sunlight and the slight breeze that stirred her hair. A shadow fell across her, and without opening her eyes, she said, "Hello, Jazz."

"Man, you're good." Jazz sat down next to her, wincing as the movement jarred not-completely-healed wounds in his torso and limbs.

"I should be. I've had enough practice. Besides -" she opened her eyes to look up at him "- you're not exactly stealthy right now. I can hear those panels on your chassis clicking from fifty feet away, and I'm hardly the only one. Prowl was complaining about it this morning."

"Damn." Jazz poked at the paneling, meant to protect the join line at his midsection while his self-repair systems finished fusing it together.

"Speaking of damnation, does Ratchet know you're out of the medbay?" Riella arched one eyebrow. "I thought you weren't supposed to leave without express permission and a medical escort?"

"Um..." Jazz looked distinctly uncomfortable. "If I say no, 'r ya gonna drag me back in?"

Riella smiled. "No, not as long as you promise not to strain anything. It's good to have you back on your feet." She became serious. "We almost lost you, you know. That was far too close."

"Yeah, yeah." The silver mech grimaced. "The Hatchet's lectured me just 'bout every day on how stupid I was, takin' on Megatron by myself."

"Rightfully so. It was spectacularly moronic." Riella smirked at his expression. Jazz rolled his optics behind the visor.

"'K, fine, I get it. Where's everybody else?"

"Prowl and Ironhide are out on patrol, but they should be back soon." Riella ticked off names on her fingertips. "Ratchet is arguing with someone about getting a proper medbay built. Bumblebee's still with Sam and his parents. And Optimus is in a meeting with the U.S. government to figure out some details of the new alliance between them, the U.K. government, and us. I don't envy him. Working with Simmons gets really old after…oh, approximately thirty nanocliks." When Jazz gave her an odd look, she added, "You remember Simmons, right?"

"The guy with the nice undershorts?"

"Ugh." Riella groaned. "Thank you so much for that mental image!"

Jazz cracked up laughing at her expression, and then winced in pain. "'Course I remember. Entire reason ya don't like humans, I'm thinkin'?"

"Close to it," Riella admitted. "I am not fond of most of them, but Simmons I genuinely dislike. He is…well, what a Vulcan would call an or'nai'ga." When Jazz gave her a confused look, she clarified, "A pest. An annoyance. There really isn't a good equivalent word, but that's the gist."

"Gotcha. Sooooo..." Jazz drew the word out. "Any word from other 'bots yet?"

"Yes, actually," Riella told him, remembering that he had missed the news of the night before "Arcee, Chromia, and Moonracer are on their way."

"Bet ol' 'Hide's happy about that, huh?" Jazz grinned. "Been too long for them."

"Any time apart from a bondmate is too long," Riella agreed with a half-smile. "He was the one who got the comm; we couldn't get a coherent phrase out of him for five cliks. A fact he will be denying in front of any and all humans."

Jazz laughed. "Ha. He c'n deny all he wants, we all know anyway. Any word from the twins or Blue yet?"

Riella's smile disappeared, and her shoulders slumped almost imperceptibly. "No."

Jazz winced and put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. "Sorry. I shouldn'ta asked. Ya okay?"

"Don't worry about it. I appreciate the thought." She stared off into space. "They will be here – I know it. As Prowl says, you can't keep them away for long."

The silver mech nodded quietly, obviously thinking. Riella resisted the temptation to check what, telepathically. She had to get used to not knowing what everybot around her was thinking, now that it was more than just her and Prowl.

"Hey, Riella? In the Academy, there were 'bots who kinda got like Simmons. That or-whatever thing. A pest. Wouldn't go away."

Riella gave him a strange look. "Or'nai'ga. I'm sure there were - you find them everywhere. Why mention it?"

Jazz shrugged, too casually. "Well. There's a solution to that. Ya make 'em wish they hadn't ever bugged ya. Temp'rary, but it works. Wanna try it? Ya know, 'cause the Twins aren't here?"

She looked up in surprise. "Are you suggesting we pull a prank on him?"

"Well, yeah." Jazz grinned. "Nothing too drastic, y'know? Jus' something to make him think twice 'fore he starts in on us again."

She thought for a moment, then looked up and leaned closer conspiratorially. "What did you have in mind?"

Jazz explained, and Riella frowned. "I know Sideswipe did that once at home, so I know it works, but I'm not sure we can do the same thing to a human. Magnetized metal won't hurt us, but Primus knows what would happen to an organic. The base doesn't have air vents set up the way they did on Cybertron, anyway..."

"Ratch' has this pipe stuff," Jazz said cheerfully. "We can jus' build the whole setup. Won't take more'n five minutes. And I wouldn't use magnets. I was thinkin' Silly String."

Riella arched an eyebrow. "'Silly String'? Dare I ask?"

"Looked it up on that Internet," Jazz grinned. "Liquid sticky plastic in a can. Should work just fine long's we fix the pipes right."

"Hmm." Riella thought for a moment. "The flaw in your plan is that we won't find that on base, and Prowl is in charge of all store runs for the time being."

"Aww, why?" Jazz pouted slightly. Riella rolled her optics.

"Because Prowl and I are the ones who held an actual job for three months back before you came to Earth. And because Optimus decided to put the one with the best decision-making skills in charge of the finances." She shrugged. "Long story short? He'd need to agree."

"Well, get Prowler in on it, then!" Jazz gave her his best evil grin. "He'll go for it, right? I mean, it's not like he actually likes that Simmons punk, not long's ya don't."

"You might be right. But let me tell him." Riella paused. "And don't call him 'Prowler'."

"Why not?" Jazz picked himself up and held out a hand to Riella. "Pretty sure I've heard ya do it."

"Maybe once," Riella said with another raised eyebrow. "And even if I did, I'm allowed. I'm his sparkmate. You're not."

"Thank Primus," Jazz quipped. "Not sure I could take livin' with him. So you'll handle Prowler – sorry, Prowl - and I'll go get the -"

"No," Riella's tone left no room for argument. "You are not going anywhere. You can assemble the other supplies where we need them. Prowl or I will go get the Silly String."

Jazz sighed in frustration and looked down at her pleadingly. "C'mon, Ri, I ain't left the base since we got here."

"And you aren't going to do it now. I'm pushing it as it is, letting you out of the medbay." Riella shook her head as he opened his mouth. "You're off active duty. Don't you dare try to pull rank on me, because I won't listen."

"Fine. Sheesh." Jazz offered her a rueful smirk. "Worth a shot."