A/N: Chapter One... Not much to say really...

Chapter One: Lady Black

The Order of the Phoenix was an old group of wizards and witches who fought against dark wizards. At this time, that wizard was Lord Voldemort. Voldemort had returned after kidnapping Damien last year. Not that the public accepted it.

At the moment, the Order sat in Number 12 Grimmould Place, which was being used at the headquarters. For some reason, Madam Walburga, Sirius' mother, had mellowed out a little, and allowed them the use. Grimmould had the best protection shy of Hogwarts and Gringotts.

They were sitting at the table discussing plans when suddenly the door opened. As everyone in the Order was present, this caused disturbance. Walburga sat at the head of the table. The other Order members looked at her.

"Expecting anyone Walburga?"

"Yes actually Dumbledore, I am. My heir."

"Heir? I thought I was your heir?"

Sirius' head had snapped up when his mother spoke. If it was true, he would be incredibly happy. He didn't want to be in charge of the Noble and Ancient house of Black.

"Technically, and heir can be decided even by the smallest of relation."

At that moment, they heard a young woman's voice echo down toward the kitchen. Her voice was soft, almost bell-like.


Instantly, the Order heard the pop of a house elf. They were shocked. The elf only ever popped in so quickly when it was Walburga calling. Had anyone been paying attention, they would have notice Severus Snape, Madam Augusta Longbottom ( who they discovered was not teaching Neville), and Susan Bones( who had joined under her mother and Aunt's permission), all were smiling or sneering in Snape's case, as they already knew who the woman was. The Order was shocked when Kreature replied.

"Mistress calls Kreature?"

No one had heard him call anyone mistress other than Walburga, or be nice to anyone other than Walburga.

"Where is Aunt Walburga?"

"Mistress be in kitchen with Order Mistress"

"Well done Kreature."

The Order could hear the woman approach. Some took out their wands; other's looked at Walburga, who had risen from her chair. They all focused their attention to the door when it suddenly opened.

Several of the younger, single males' jaws dropped. The woman in the doorway was simply described as stunning. She wore, instead of the normal wizarding robes, muggle clothes. (Muggles were non-magical people). Starting from the bottom, as everyone did, they found her to be wearing black stiletto heels. They added to her height a good 5 inches, making her reach 5'11. She had on black skinny jeans, which hugged her legs like no tomorrow. She wore a silver belt, with some strange mark. It was an E, and was boarded in a strange design. Some, who recognised it, turned to Susan, who was sporting the same design on her own belt. Turning back to the woman, they found her wearing a silky green halter neck, with a low dropping V-neck. It was short in length, and showed at least 3 inches of her stomach, which they noticed was flat, and toned, and sported and emerald belly-button ring. Lingering on that for a few of the men, they returned to scrutinizing the girl. She had the same design only it was sort of like a pendent. Though this time they noticed the E was gold. Moving on, she had long black hair that cascaded down her back. Her skin was pale, but not so much as to question her health. She had pouty lips, and a slight rosy complexion. Long eye-lashes framed emerald green eyes while her forehead was covered lightly with a right sided fringe...


Only one family was known to have that particular shade of green eyes. And only one female of that family had black hair with those colour eyes. And only one female would be 15 almost 16, have black hair and those colour eyes. And said person was...


Lily had not been expecting much to occur during their meeting. The kids had joined much to her, Alice's and Molly's dismay. She had expected Dumbledore to drone on about plans, and Severus to make some snarky remark to James. What she hadn't expected was to face the daughter she told wasn't important, and hadn't seen in almost 10 years.

Bella barely paid the Order and more specifically her family any attention. Instead she smiled at Walburga, and embraced her in a hug. They kissed each other's cheek, smiling at each other as Walburga held her at arm's length.

"You look incredible my dear. Every time I see you you're changing."

Bella laughed, echoing around the room. Her laugh was light and peaceful, and made everyone comfortable.

"Well, I should hope I changed. Wasn't the last time you saw me when I had just completed a training course for Magix and I was covered in mud?"

"I forget the details"

Walburga and Bella laughed as the others blinked in confusion. The Potter's had yet to say anything, as they were afraid she would run. They stared at her as she turned around.

"Am I interrupting something Aunt?" She looked at Walburga questioningly.

"Of course not my dear. Simply just discussing believed attacks from the Death Eaters."

Several members startled as she spoke about Order business, but immediately quieted as Bella spoke.

"You should focus you attention on Northampton."

Lily blinked. How could she possibly know that?

Dumbledore got a curious twinkle in his eyes, as he thought this exact thing.

"How could you possibly know an attack on Northampton will occur?"

As Bella noticed the accusatory glares she was getting she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a Death Eater if that's what you're wondering. As if. You're not the only one with a double agent in Voldemort's Inner Circle. Mine just so happens to be more trusted."

The Order continued to stare at her in disbelief. She turned her attention toward Snape.

"And Severus. I wouldn't suggest attending the next, nor the following meetings. Lucius informs me he has orders to kill you on sight. After ripping your memories from you of course."

Three things became apparent to Lily at that time. Severus knew Bella. Bella's agent was in fact LUCIUS MALFOY. And SEVERUS knew her daughter and DIDN'T tell HER!

Severus inclined his head, giving a small smile, which further shocked the occupants in the room.

"Thank you for the warning Isabella. I had begun to suspect that I was found out."

Bella nodded, smiling.

"I was planning on seeking you out after my business with Aunt Walburga. Lucius spent the better part of 2 HOURS insulting both Voldemort, and your incompetence. It was both amusing and highly annoying. Especially as I was attempting to brew a post-Crutiatous for him as we had run out of stock. I almost through the cauldron at him. If it hadn't of been for Narcissa, we would be cleaning a rather dead Malfoy off of the wall. Honestly... He drives me insane sometimes."

The Order started changing their facial expressions from one of shock, disbelief or amazement into amusement. Bella had started ranting, choosing to sit in a chair beside Walburga and Lily, across from Augusta.

"Did you know he spends over an hour in the bathroom? On his hair alone! And I'm not even going to bother telling you how much product the man put's in his hair, I myself lost count at 25. It's a surprise his hair isn't as greasy as your own Severus."

Severus narrowed his eyes as Sirius and James coughed to hide the laugh. Had it been anyone other than the woman in front of him said that, he may have killed them.

"I'm telling you, and I will continue to until he admits it. But I'm fairly sure he used to be a woman once. I don't know how Narcissa puts up with him."

It was then that Augusta decided to join the conversation. Standing, and to the shock of the Order, she hugged Bella.

"I heard it was because of his...rather enlightening...performance in bed."


Frank had all but screamed, yet the two women completely ignored him. Bella rolled her eyes.

"Good morning Augusta. And if that were true than there would be more Malfoys in the world. I haven't once been asked to brew a contraceptive potion since I've been staying there the last 3 years. And Narcissa is still in perfect shape."

Augusta grinned, while Susan decided it was time to make her association with the once missing Potter known. Copying Augusta, she stood and hugged the girl.

"Could you imagine more Draco's in the world?"

She sat down, but yet she, along with everyone else in the room noticed the strange glint in Bella's eyes.

"While there may not be anymore Draco's in the world, there's rumour a new Nott will appear soon."

"Nott? But Theo's parents are much too old to be having another baby."

"It wasn't his parent's I was talking about."

Susan's eyes widened, as did Augusta's and Walburga's. The Order watched in fascination and amusement as they four began gossiping.



Sara frowned, thinking hard.

"Isn't Theodore Nott 15?"

The two teenagers turned to Sara, making her shift in discomfort.

"16. His birthday was last month. Which is where it all started."


"Oh Yeah. Quite the scandal really. They're supposed to wait until marriage. They're to go before council to decide what they will do."

Susan shook her head, sighing. Madam Bones looked at her curiously. She had no idea her niece was a friend of the previously missing Isabella Potter.

"I wonder what will happen. And Pansy! God what must her parents think?"

"I think they were actually quite relieved really."


Yes Isabella. Why would parents be relieved their only daughter was pregnant? Thought Minerva as she watched. Clearly, the two were content with ignoring the others in the room. She noticed Severus had moved closer to Isabella, glaring at anyone who looked at her funny. Almost like a guard he was. And she wasn't the only one to notice it.

"Honestly Severus. They are not going to attack me. Do you really think they will lose their chance? And I'm sure Moody would love to know the going's on in the pure-blood rising so stop playing guard and listen to the gossip. You might be able to use some of it as leverage over Lucius. And as to why, I think they thought that Theo and Pansy had decided to go Dark."

At the last part, she turned back to Susan, who was smirking at Severus.

"I'm afraid to interrupt in case of a scolding like that. But, what do you mean by afraid? Aren't the Parkinson's dark families?"

It was Damien who had spoken. The first Potter to do so since Lily. He was quiet. Unsure of his own reaction to seeing his older sister in nearly 10 years.

Bella and Susan were silent, staring at Damien. They then started to shake, as they suddenly burst into laughter. Soon, they were joined by Madam's Longbottom and Black, along with a small deep chuckle from Severus.

"Please... Barely any of Voldemort's Inner Circle is truly on the Dark side. The only true followers he has are Nott, Crabbe, and Goyle. The rest are simply spies, or there to deflect any pain."


Clearly, Moody wasn't happy with the second eldest Potter.

"And how were they all killed Moody?"

Her voice was cold, and icy. It had completely changed from the light, bubbly tone she had previously had.


"And were they tortured?"


"Yes. It does matter. Because those 'slimy snakes' stopped the incredible pain they would have endured by Voldemort instead. They gave them a painless death. While Voldemort would have tortured them for fun instead. Someway...Somehow... Those innocent people would have met the same eventual end. This time though, they didn't have to face Voldemort to do so."

As she spoke, faces began to drop. Moody stared in disbelief as Bella stood.

"Do you honestly think that those Death Eater's (who have done nothing but help you) don't regret what they had done. That Lucius Malfoy doesn't need Level 4 Dreamless Sleep because he wakes screaming at the sight of the 9 year old girl he was forced to kill so Voldemort didn't get to her. That Bellatrix Lestrange doesn't cry in agony every day from the constant 3 hour, 2 minute interval, Crutiatous session that she had to endure because she refused to kill the 3 month year old baby girl. Or that because of him, Adrian Zabini was forced to offer his own wife to be raped in return for the 15 year old girl he manage to get to me as an escape. Or that Katherine Zabini willingly agreed with her husband, and as a result spent 4 months on a trauma relief potion to be taken 3 time a day."

Moody visibly deflated with every word spoken. Horror etched itself onto many of the occupant's faces. Susan, Walburga, Augusta and Severus all wore expressionless masks as Bella spoke.

"You probably didn't even realize what you're having Severus do. Sometimes he would have to resort to asking for my help in brewing a simple pain-relief. He now has to take said potion every day, three time a day, until I can declare him with a clean bill of health. This procedure started a little over 2 years ago. And before that he resorted to himself doing them. They have their own allegiance first, and it is not to Voldemort."

It was silent as everyone processed what she had said. Clearly she was close with several of the people mentioned. Deciding to ignore the Order, she turned to Susan and the two older woman.

"So...Have you decided what to wear to the party?"

Dropping the mask, the 4 women talked excitedly as Severus avoided many other's eyes.

An hour later, a brilliant black and gold phoenix flashed into the room, startling the Order who had begun to have lunch.

Bella looked at the bird, smiling. She stroked its feather's, before taking the parchment addressed to herself. The bird trilled, looked at Fawkes, who was on Dumbledore's shoulder, then flashed away. She opened the scroll like parchment, frowning as she read the last line.

"What's the problem my dear?"

"It's nothing Aunt. Harry wishes to meet Susan and I in Founder's Lane. He said Neville and Draco would be meeting us at the Leaky Cauldron for extra protection."

Looking up from the scroll, she noticed the shocked and hopeful looks of the Potter and Longbottom families. Ignoring them, she looked at Susan.

"I think it's rather important. He imprinted the Elite Signet Signature. The entire Council is meeting us in Godric's Horde."

"We'd better go then. Walburga, Augusta, Severus, Order. We'll see you later."

As the two stood to leave, Lily called to them at the doorway.

"Bella. Do you think...Maybe... We could talk to you and Harry?"

Bella raised her eyebrow, thinking. Nodding, she called for Kreature. She wrote something on a piece of parchment, before calling for Kreature. Giving Lily the paper, she turned to the elf.

"Have the dress I left here a few weeks ago sent to Malfoy Manor."

Before the two left, Kreature said something that shocked the Order.

"Of course Lady Black."

As Isabella and Susan left, Walburga and Augusta both sat down, excitedly discussing the obvious pregnancy scandal. The Potters and the Longbottoms sat in complete silence, staring at the door Bella had just left. Lily stood, turning slowly toward Severus. The room fell silent, as Lily produced her scariest glare.


Severus raised his eyebrow, slowly standing. A classic Snape Sneer spread across his face, as he stood to full height.

"Were you not listening Potter? Isabella just said that my allegiance wasn't with Voldemort. It most certainly isn't with the Order. Not completely. If you had listened at all instead of staring at her the entire time you would have deducted that Isabella has helped me countless of times, so therefore, my allegiance must be with her and her brother. Don't pretend to know anything about the Old Families, as you will never understand. And yes, I care about you Lily, but I care about Isabella, and her brothers more."

With that said, he turned, and left the dumb struck Order. But Damien had caught onto something his Potions professor had said.

"What did he mean 'brothers'?"

Lily looked at her son, her face still shocked. Walburga spoke up, gaining the attention of the room.

"Isabella and Harrison officially adopted Neville as their brother, even going so far as to endure the blood sibling ritual."

Augusta continued to speak to her, as though she hadn't just said something shocking.

Albus watched it all, deep in thought. He had seen that symbol somewhere, he just couldn't remember where.

Lily looked at the parchment in her hands. Tracing her finger over the familiar script. Her daughter wrote like she did. The g's and the s' were the exact same.

Godric's Horde. 10 am. Neville will be accompanying us. Do not be late. Bring whoever you wish.

She looked up, catching the eyes of her husband. She will do anything to get her eldest back. No matter what it took...

A/N: Reviews?