

Dear Journal,

Another horrid day. Another wasted hour. Another forgotten person.

Another added scar. More for my collection, I guess.

Oh, and a few more bruises. Yep, they thought I was Alfred, again. But, they always do.

Nothing of interest has really happened. . .to me. But nothing rarely does.

Ludwig and Gilbert (The new exchange students from Germany) are getting along quite well since their arrival two months ago. Feliciano Vargas is still clinging to Ludwig's arm, Lovino cussing out the German and Antonio trying him grope him causing more havoc. But, Ludwig never seems to notice. Yep, he's got his sights set on Russian students, Ivan Braginsky. And I'm pretty sure Ivan has noticed the staring.

Gilbert is still as annoying as ever. But, he seems to notice me. Or. . .more often then everyone else(Which is never).

Suicide. I've been contemplating it for awhile now. But, I've never been able to quite follow through. Probably because I'm still trying to convince myself that someone will notice. See the pain I endure each day. But, that day is far from now, or may never even approach.

This person better hurry, and quick.

Everything's been bothering more than usual. Making me breakdown in a mess of tear streaked cheeks and blood stained wrists. My mentality can't take it much longer, I'm going to brake sooner or later. Sooner being closer. I can practically see the end. And soon, I'll be falling down, tumbling over the edge and into a slumber of which I will never awake. I can tell, that soon, all I'll want from this world is to leave it.

Until tomorrow.


With love and such,

Matthew Williams

~ ~ ~ ~The End (. . .of this part) ~ ~ ~ ~

First story and such. Trying my best, so sorry if this really does not turn out as good as I would hope.

Comments on how you all like it so far. . .would be much appreciated. 3

I couldn't think of abetter title.



Stuck with this horrid title.

