A/N: I unexpectedly got the next manga book early, as I saw it in stock when shopping with friends. Funny how things work, eh?

I also found some tiny plot holes that I'm fixing up. Seeing as I have books 24 through 28, I have a pretty good idea of where this is going now. Instead of receiving a sword from Fai, Kurogane got a bracelet with the same properties. This is because I realized that since Kurogane never lobbed off his left arm, he still has Souhi at his disposal. I do love twisting canon.

I was planning to get to Clow in this, but I decided Fai needed some love. xD

Warnings: Yes, this is a crossover with Yuugiou (Yu-Gi-Oh). You do not need to go and read/watch that series. Everything that needs to be explained will be explained. You'll just have a smidge of an advantage if you know the gist of Yuugiou.

Disclaimer: I don't own Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle or Yuugiou (Yu-Gi-Oh).

Sacrificium Amoris

Written by Fenikkusu

Moment VII – The Past

When Kuriboh suddenly stopped hopping around, Fai knew something was wrong in the Realm of Light. He knelt down upon the wisps of darkness and brought the small creature close. He turned his head to the mechanical bird and asked, "Do you know what happened?"

Even Horus looked weary. "My Master has a dark past which spans over thousands of years," it began with a sigh. "I presume his ghosts are haunting him again. Nihon… it holds a special place in his heart."

"Has it something to do with this Precious One he mentioned earlier?"

A nod. "Love makes one do drastic things, magician. Everyone has something that they are not proud of… He has been fervently telling us about this task of his for some time now."

For some reason, Fai wasn't surprised. "Is Atem a dream seer?"

"No. Others have… meddled. You know them quite well, at this point."

"The Dimensional Witch?"

"Among others."

"But… why?" Fai asked, eyes narrowing. "He does not know us."

"I do not want your story to end in darkness," was the sudden baritone voice. Kuriboh squeed and leapt out of Fai's arms into a shadowy figure. The Shadows dripped off of Atem, who was now dressed in his royal garb. "In my time waiting in the Shadow Realm, I have been on various journeys across many worlds. In each of those, I changed what might have very well been apocalyptic tales into happy endings. I want you to be happy, Fai, even if I myself cannot be. I have had my happiness with my aibou."

That left Fai silent, mouth hanging agape. He was truly selfless, as the Dimensional Witch said.

Atem's spell had left Fai teetering between sleep and wakefulness. He felt a cold, calloused hand wipe his tears away with infinite care. "Why must you go through the same pain as I?" Atem asked, his voice nearly breaking. Fai felt him move away and whisper a spell. A burst of magic told the blond it was successful.

"Ah, the once-nameless Pharaoh," the Dimensional Witch commented.

"Yuuko-san, I have a wish. I would like to accompany Kurogane-san and Syaoran-kun in the last arc of their journey. If possible, I would like a way to communicate with Fai-san."

A hum. "That's a large demand, Pharaoh. Your price?"

"I shall prolong the meeting planned between my Precious One and myself." Atem paused as his voice dropped. "I have been waiting for… even time escapes me now. A few more weeks will not break me."

"Are you completely sure you are willing to pay this price?" Fai vaguely heard Yuuko say.

Atem replied, "It would not be a suitable price if it were not precious to me."

"Then why? You have only just met Fai and his companions," Yuuko continued. Her tone of voice gave away her curiosity.

"Because," Atem whispered, and Fai felt a piercing gaze. "I do not wish my fate upon anyone else, in any world or dimension. If I can take what I have learned and attempt to change the future, I will."

"Hmph." Atem turned back to the Dimensional Witch, who now sported a soft smile. "You truly are selfless, Namonaki Pharaoh."

Fai bowed his head. "How can I ever thank you enough?" He felt heavy hands upon his shoulders. Looking up, he found himself staring into pools of crimson. "Please, if there is anything I can do…"

"All you can do at this point, Fai-san, is wait. In a few days' time, Yuuko-san will send us to Clow. Your journey draws closer to its conclusion," Atem began as he allowed his hands to drop. "Tell me, wizard… How much do you long for Kurogane-san?"

It was a good question. Fai took a few moments to gather his scattered thoughts. Everything that happened in Celes occurred so quickly… But when he felt Kurogane let go of him, he immediately knew that the shinobi was going to sacrifice something for his sake. Since Fai could not let that happen, a quick burst of accidental magic came to the wizard's rescue. Fai didn't even need to think twice. Were the situation to repeat itself, Fai wouldn't have changed a thing.

Fai's eye widened as he recounted the events of that fateful day. "He… He said my name…"

Atem smiled at Fai's realization and dumbfounded expression. "For one like Kurogane-san, that's quite a feat." He caught Fai's gaze again. "His heart is conflicted. There is no doubt that he loves you, Fai-san. No doubt. However, he himself is confused about what specific kind of love he harbors for you. That is why I insisted you remain here when I confronted him. Do you understand?"

A nod. Although the information eased the pain, it still stung immensely. "Do you know…" Fai croaked, "Do you know when I might be able to return to them?"

"Although I do not know the exact moment, the Shadows do. Kurogane-san's soul searching is proceeding more quickly than Yuuko-san and I had expected." A smirk came upon the tanned one's mien. "I happened to ask him if he wanted you to return to him, from the deepest depths of his heart. His answer was immediate."

"Really now…"

"Do you realize he has shed tears over you?"

"What? Kurogane? Weep? You must have the wrong ninja," Fai insisted. He shook his head so violently that the strands from the eyepatch and his hair flew about his head. "Kurogane wouldn't…"

Atem narrowed his eyes into a glare. "Fai." The blond stopped rambling. "Why must you deny yourself a shred of happiness? Your past defines you in the present and thus also helps determine your future… but you cannot let it rule your every decision."

A memory, unbidden, flooded Fai's mind. A small room, warm and damp. The children, sleeping. Fai knew this confrontation was coming long before it actually did, giving him some time to prepare a response to Kurogane's accusations. Unfortunately all of his preparations were for naught.

"Then why don't you answer me?" Kurogane demanded.

"Answer what?"

"Your whistle… In the country of Koryo or whatever it was called, we were up against death. But you didn't use your magic. And you said something. 'There's this guy sleeping underwater who, when he wakes up, will probably come after me. So, I have to run to as many worlds as I can find'."

Perceptive as always… Fai threw on a fake smile. "Kuro-rin! You've got a great memory! Just like a daddy should!"

Kurogane's glare told Fai that he wasn't falling for the usual tricks.

"Say something mean! Otherwise, I'll get depressed!" That wasn't all false.

"You could be a criminal running from prosecution, or you could be running for some other reason. It isn't my business."

Fai's smile twisted into a soft line. "That's just like you, Kuro-sama."

"That's what you want, isn't it?" Fai didn't need to open his eyes in order to know that Kurogane was glaring hard at him. "Underneath that constant grin, you're keeping everyone away. So that no one gets involved with you," Kurogane began in a low voice. "But look. Just now you checked to see if the kid has a fever. And you're relieved that the princess doesn't see the wretched condition of this world. And in the last country, you used your magic."

Fai opened his eyes, betraying no expression. "I said it, didn't I? I wasn't going to die. And so…"

"Yeah," Kurogane interrupted, "but that was all about you not dying on your own account. Dying for somebody else… that's a whole new question. Back then, if you hadn't done anything, we would have been captured, and if we handled it wrong, we might have died. But you decided to use magic on your own.

"You involved yourself… in their lives."

Fai bowed his head, blonde fringe covering his eyes. "I... I don't want to make anyone unhappy because of their involvement with me." Fai quickly regretted the revelation, but he knew he wouldn't have gotten out of this conversation without it. It was then that he realized he was the one looking down upon Kurogane. Perhaps it would be the only time when he had the upper hand. Do you think any more lowly of me now, Kurogane? Fai subconsciously found himself waiting for an answer from the ninja.

"Do you mind if we talk for a bit?" Fai turned his head to see two of the tower inhabitants.

"Oh! They're sleeping already," the other commented.

"It's fine. Kuro-sama has time to talk to you." Fai turned around completely, intending to get as far away from Kurogane as possible. He didn't get far when the shinobi latched onto his arm.

"Don't think that this will distract me from our conversation."

Fai froze. He quickly gathered his composure. "That hurts!" he whined, shaking his arm.

A shadow came over Kurogane's face. "I said it before. It's no business of mine."

"Yeah, I heard you. That's why you don't have to trouble yourself with me."

"Your past is no business of mine." Fai's eyes widened as Kurogane let go. "So… shape up and figure out where you stand!"

As soon as Kurogane and the others exited, Fai found himself collapsing against the far wall. He slid down onto the floor, his hand cradling his face. Dry laughs echoed through the large room. "But that's the hard part… at least for me."

"I guess that you're right," Fai whispered as he shook himself out of his memories.

The Shadows suddenly gathered at the pharaoh's feet, causing him to sigh. "My time here is up. I must return to Nihon to prepare for our departure to Clow." Atem nodded to Fai. "Continue to hope, my friend. That way the Shadows cannot feed upon your soul. Who knows how the rest of this will play out? You may get to see your Precious One sooner than expected." With that Atem disappeared in a cloud of Shadows.

The moment had finally arrived. At least, that's what Atem told everyone a few days later. Yuuko confirmed the information, and they were all to meet by the sakura tree. Kurogane donned his original clothing with a sigh of relief. The armor was durable but light, just the right combination for battle. He turned to see Atem walk in wearing the same odd clothing he wore within the kekkai. The only difference was the presence of the sakabatou on his right hip.

Kurogane glanced down at his own waist. Ginryu sat snug on his left hip while Souhi remained dormant in his left hand. The bracelet with the precious stones wrapped around his right wrist.

"Good morning," Atem announced once he stood next to the warrior. "You do realize we are heading to a desert, yes? Your clothing may hinder more than help."

He scoffed in response. "Yeah, well, I do what I want to."

Atem dared to laugh. "Just a fair warning, ninja."

Another set of footsteps caused them both to turn around. Syaoran walked in, wearing the same clothing that his clone chose to wear. "Kurogane is wearing his original clothes," Mokona said. "And Syaoran…"

"I had them," Yuuko answered. "Those are Syaoran's original clothes. Mokona?"

"Yes?" the white thing replied from Kurogane's head.

"You can go to the kingdom of Clow at the point where time is stopped… but the chance will only come once," Yuuko stated.


"Watanuki paid for this chance and the location of Fei-Wang by forfeiting his memories. Do not waste it!" She raised a hand toward them. "Go to the kingdom of Clow!"