Five in the Bed

"The rain's getting heavier Pa; I really think we should seek shelter in the cave up ahead and wait out this storm." Adam stressed in concern as the rain pounded down on his head.

"I agree. I can hardly see the road anymore. You lead and I will follow."

Ben and Adam approached the familiar cave and lead their horses in to dry. Ben rubbed his hands vigorously trying to stay warm.

"This storm blew in much faster than I thought it would, Adam. I had hoped we would make it home before dark."

"Yes, me too Pa," Adam agreed as he shook the rain from his hat and coat. "Unfortunately, the sun will be down before this shower let's up. We may not make it home in time for dinner or the children's bedtime."

Adam walked towards the entrance of the cave looking out into the storm. He tried to conceal his worries for his five children that were left at home to fend for themselves.

"I know how much you have missed the children, Son. I'm sorry the trip and convention took so long this time." Ben offered Adam a comforting pat on the shoulder.

Adam grinned at his father with a wink, "The children are fine Pa; it's not the first time they've stayed home by themselves. I do feel badly that our trip was extended and we stayed away longer than planned. I just wish we hadn't wired the children saying we would be home shortly after day break."

"I feel badly too, I'm afraid they will worry when we don't show." Ben added.

"Hopefully not too much, I'm sure they will understand that we are held up by this storm."



"Time for bed and not another word," John exclaimed as he scooted his siblings up the stairs.

"Oh' you can be so bossy when Dad's not here." Jack complained to his big brother.

"John is not asking you guys to do anything more than Daddy if he were here." Kate assured her little brother as she ruffled his hair and moved him along.

"But Katie, I miss Daddy and Granddad. I'm scared of the storm. What if they don't make it home?" Molly whined.

"Don't say things like that Molly. You can be such a baby." Michael accused shoving his little sister into the banister.

"Michael, watch your mouth and keep your hands to yourself. I have a list a mile long for Dad when he gets home regarding your behavior and that goes for you too Jack. Now up to bed; all of you," John demanded.

"Come on Molly, I'll read you a story to help you fall asleep." Kate encouraged her little sister as they walked up the stairs.

The twins still lagged behind…

"John, are you really gonna tell Dad everything that we did?" Jack asked in a most sincere voice.

John peered down at his twin brothers and pointed his finger at them like a loaded gun. "The two of you made your bed and not without warning either."

"But John, you know what Dad said to us before he left. He'll kill us for goin into town. Can't you just forget about it this once? It's not like you never broke the rules a time or two." Michael pleaded.

"When I broke the rules, I paid for it. Besides, if I don't tell Dad everyone else in town will. The two of you can be so stupid at times."

Jack tossed over to Michael who then threw it at John.

John lifted up from the chair as if he was about to pounce his brothers. The two boys ran quickly up the stairs and into their room slamming the door behind them.

John knew that he was being short tempered with his siblings; it had been a long two and a half weeks taking care of the ranch and family. He decided to wait in Adam's room and read a book hoping that the Cartwright men would come in the door any moment.

The storm grew stronger as the thunder pounded on the rooftops. Strikes of lightening flickered in the windows. John knelt down near the fireplace and threw on a few logs. The crackling sounds brought back memories of the first time Adam showed John how to build a fire. He was about twelve years old then. John held on to the memories of his real father, still feeling sadness for his loss but found the time that he had spent with Adam profound. Adam had a way to connect to life and teach John about living like no other man did. John was just a young boy when his father and mother died and it was Adam who raised him to be a man. Soon to be sixteen, John knew he was born a 'Scott' but raised to be a 'Cartwright'. He was very thankful for both fathers and proud of his heritage.

John sat back in Adam's chair and said a quick prayer asking for his father and Grandfathers safe return. He knew by the way of the storm that they would not be coming home anytime soon.

A large bolt of lightening struck followed by several more. It was no wonder that he was startled when the twins came bustling in the doorway.

"What in tarnation are you two doing in here", John hollered as he leaped from his chair and grabbed the two by the neck. "You about scared me half to death."

The twins squirmed to break free of their brothers' grip. "Let go you big lug," Jack protested.

"We just wanted to see if Dad made it home yet." Michael answered.

A sudden roar of thunder and flash of lightening sent the twins plummeting into Adam's bed and under covers.

"Now, what do you think you two are doing in there? Get on out and go back to your own room."

"We ain't hurtin nothing John. Besides, why aren't you in your own bedroom?" Jack questioned holding tight beneath the blankets.

"I came in to start a fire so Dad's room would be warm when he gets home. Not that it's any of your business what I'm doing. Now scat!"

"Come on John, we're getting a little scared of this storm and we're worried about Dad and Granddad. We just want to wait here till they get home." Michael reasoned.

"Don't you think you're a little too big to be scared of a silly 'ol storm?" John teased as he pocked at the fire.

"I didn't say that I was scared," Jack retorted popping his head out from the covers.

"Suite yourselves, you can stay as long as your quiet." John surrendered. The fact was he really didn't mind the company.

The wind began to pick up and howl through the trees. The boys heard the shutters flapping against the barn and the horses stirring. John walked over to the windows and shut the curtains causing the room to darken.

"John, do you really think they're alright?" Michael asked in a quivering voice.

Before John could answer a loud crash was heard down the hall in Katie's room.

"John, come quick." Katie screamed. "My window is broken."

John ran down the hall and assessed the damages.

"It's just a small payne, sis. The branch outside must have knocked into the window is all. I guess you could sleep with Molly tonight, with that window broken your room will be too cold to sleep in." John shoved a small pillow into the hole and closed the door behind them.

John settled back into Adams chair and propped his feet onto the ottoman.

Kate appeared at the door. "John, where's Molly?"

"She's not in her room?"


"I'm over here in Daddy's bed." Molly answered beneath the covers.

"Molly", Kate and John said in unison.

"What are all the kids doing in Dad's bed anyway?" Kate questioned.

"The boys got scared." John answered rolling his eyes.

"And Molly?"

"I'm scared too and I miss Daddy." Molly answered and began to cry.

"Don't cry sweetheart. Scootch over and I'll cuddle up with you. The storm will be over soon and Daddy and Granddad will be home as soon as the rain stops; I'm sure of it." Kate soothed her little sister as she climbed into the bed.

"But what if they don't? What if they don't make it home? What will we do?" Jack said in uncertainty.

All five kids sat quietly for a moment sharing glances. John walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down next to Jack.

"I know you're worried Jack. We all are. But Dad and Granddad have been traveling the countryside most their life and you gotta believe me when I say a little storm isn't going to keep them from getting home safely, just might delay them a bit is all."

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like if something happened to Adam? If we lost him like we lost Ma and Pa?" Michael worried.

"I don't ever want another Daddy ever again. I only want our Daddy. I hate when he's gone." Molly wailed.

"Listen, do you hear that…" John said sharply, "The rain has stopped which means Dad and Granddad will be home soon enough. Now quit your worrying and go to sleep."



"It's good to be home." Adam announced as he changed out of his wet clothes and laid them out to dry in the mud room. Grabbing a clean night shirt from the laundry basket, Adam followed Ben through the living room.

"Good night Pa, I'll see you in the morning."

"Sleep well son."

Adam took each step carefully so as not to wake the children. He crept into his room taking careful notice to the warm fire that had been prepared for him.

The glowing flames provided just enough light for him to make way to the bed. Adam yawned and pulled back the covers…

"What in the world?" He said out loud.

But not a soul was disturbed. All five children lay snug in his bed sleeping soundly. Adam smiled and pulled the covers back into place and fell asleep in his chair.

The End