Well greetings once again, my loyal and saintly patient readers/followers. It is everyone's favorite Alaskan procrastinator and overworked author Mr. Alaska. I say overworked, of course, because between work, personal matters, computer failures and interests outside of FanFiction, I have and next to no ample writing time do proceed with this particular hobby. And I know you all are probably tired of getting excited about an update and then not hearing from me for a LOOOOONG stretch of time. And honestly, I don't blame you. I have nowhere near the same amount of free-time as I used to, when I was updating at least once a month like in the good old days.

And for that, I am sorry. Been a real blue-baller lately.

Anyway, while reading over Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Senior Year once again, I soon came to a sad realization. I'm not entirely pleased or happy with where I took things with it. Reading it now, I'm seeing that it was poorly handled, much to my own personal disappointment. Focused too much on the relationship aspect between Double D and Marie, didn't giving Ed, Eddy or the rest of the characters enough screen time or much input. I tried too hard to keep the chapters the same length, so I'd ramble on and write whatever to fill the space, even if it meant recapping chapters over and over.

And worst of all, it feels incredibly rushed. Things got resolved too fast and it just doesn't feel organic now, which saddens me because I really wanted it to be the best it could.

So with that said, I've decided to start again and give my EEnE story a REBOOT, much like my Son of a Mercenary story, which I'm going to have to pick back up sometime in the near future. Looking back, I didn't make the story as fun as it could've been and still keep the serious aspects of it. It was TOO focused on Double D and Marie.

That's why I'm going to start over and try to do it up proper, the way it should've been.

Don't worry. I won't go deleting the first attempt… Not yet, anyway. I will keep it up until this second go catches up to where I left off with the first one. It will act as reference to me and help me improve the reboot. I hope none of you guys will be too disappointed when you get this update.

I'm sure a lot of you will contest, saying it is perfect the way it is and that you don't want to see it restarting. And to those people, I am sorry. But, to those who are still willing to keep following my writing, I hope I can do EEnE:SY justice this go around. Got a bunch of new ideas and excited to put them out there for your amusement.

Hope to hear back from you guys soon!

- Mr. Alaska