Title: Nordic Summer.

Rated: T

Summer usually only lasted about a month for the Nordics. Most of them decided to visit the other in their main house; sometimes they would go and see the other countries. Not this time, Denmark had it all covered and didn't tell anyone. It was supposed to be a surprise but he hinted it on the day before.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" Denmark told the others as he placed both hands on the table in the middle of the room.

"It might be a good change for now." Finland smiled as he looked at everyone. "We know each other's land like it's our own. Going to the beach for this summer won't be too bad. It might be good for us."

"I agree." Sweden said putting an arm around Finland.

"You always agree with me though." Finland puffed out his cheeks. Denmark smiled.

"So are we going?" He looked at Norway with pleading eyes. He sighed.

"Fine. But I'm not going to like it."

"Come on Nor! You need to let loose sometimes and relax." Norway looked away from Denmark as he put his arm around the smaller nation's shoulders.

"So what beach are we going to?" Iceland asked as he popped a piece of licorice in his mouth.

"I can't tell you that. I have directions to it but I don't have a name!"

"Typical." Norway sighed. "I wouldn't be surprised if you lost the directions right before we leave." Denmark laughed.

"I won't lose them! I have it written everywhere in my room!" Norway rolled his eyes. Denmark ruffled Norway's hair making some of it fall in his face.

Summer Day 2: On the road

"Come on! Let's go! Sweden are you trying to make us arrive late?" Denmark was already packed and had his stuff in his black Ford F1-50.

"I can take as long as I want. It's our summer anyways." Sweden said as he tossed his things in the back. Finland not far behind also tossed his things along with Sweden's.

"Nor! Ice! What's taking so long?" Denmark got into his truck and honked the horn. Sweden and Finland had to cover their ears. "Come on! Let's roll!"

"Wait! Were coming!" Iceland said and threw both his and Nor's suitcases in the back of Denmark's truck then walked into the garage.

"What are you doing?" Denmark asked, clearly annoyed.

"Me and Brother are going to take my motorbike. We'll follow you." Denmark swore under his breath and smiled at Iceland.

"Don't crash, we won't stop for you and we won't come back for you." Iceland laughed slightly.

"I hope you're kidding." Denmark smiled and nodded. Iceland sighed and smiled. "We'd better get going. Or we won't arrive until late." Denmark nodded as Ice ran back towards the garage and opened the large door with a remote. Denmark watched him in the mirror, he saw Norway sitting strattled on the bike as he clicked buttons on his phone. He honked the horn which made Nor jump and give him a rude gesture. He chuckled as he waited for Ice to get on and start the engine. Sweden and Finland were in the back with the luggage just in case they back decided to drop. Denmark knew they were lying. They pulled out and started to drive down and around.

Summer Day 2: Half way to destination

"Hey Denmark, are we almost there?" Finland said sticking his head through the small sliding window in the back.

"About halfway there. You getting tired?" Denmark smiled as Finland shook his head. Norway turned around so his back was against ride actually looked slightly cooler seeing everything is pulled away from him. He looked at Denmark who was making silly faces. He rolled his eyes and said in Ice's ear: "Let me jump, I need to talk to Denmark real quick."

"What? Well you're going to have to stay with them then. I'm not going to let you slip and fall."

"Okay fine. Just get me close enough." Ice slowly got closer to Denmark's truck. Norway stood on the seat then jumped in the back making Denmark jump at the clank. He quickly looked back and saw Nor sitting in the back by Finland and Sweden.

"What did you do? Use your magic or something?" He called back as he looked back at the road. Nor crawled by the window and slid it opened.

"No simpler, I jumped." Denmark rolled his eyes and groaned.

"When did you start to be the daredevil?"

"I never was." Norway pushed the hair out of his face. "When will you stop being thick skulled?" Denmark laughed and closed the window leaving Norway to yell at him unheard but by the look on Finland's and Sweden's faces he must have been mad. Denmark smiled and honked making the Norwegian fall on him rear on the cold metal. "OW!" Norway opened the window and hit Denmark across the head. "Stop the truck! I'm driving!" Norway hissed as he tried to push Denmark aside.

"No way! You'll just have to wait! It's about another hour until we get there. Just wait!" Denmark pushed Norway back pushing him back through the small window. Iceland honked the horn on his motorbike making a pushing motion with his arm. Denmark looked over and saw he was pushing the bike into oncoming traffic. Denmark turned the wheel and went back in his side of the road giving an apologetic look. "Sorry Ice! Tell your brother to keep his touchy hands to himself." Iceland giggled and nodded.

"Did you just try to push Iceland into traffic you dummy?" Norway said poking his head through the window again.

"Sure are persistent are you?" Denmark closed the window slightly on Norway's head. Tight enough he couldn't get his head back through but loose enough so he wouldn't choke to death.

"You are so dead when I get out." Norway grunted as he tried to pull his head out with no luck. Denmark chuckled and turned on the radio. "I hate this station, change it." Denmark turned it up and smirked.

"Sorry Nor, can hear you. Got to pay attention to the road too." Finland giggled and patted Norway on the back.

"Don't think of this as a bad thing; just think of it as an unlucky thing." Norway sighed and yawned.

"Wake me up when we get there." Denmark smiled.

"Fine, but don't be made about how I do it kay?"


Summer day 2: At destination 5:30 PM.

Slowly Denmark pulled into the sandy lot along with Iceland. Denmark turned around and nudged the window open and held Norway's head up as Sweden pulled him out.

"He sleeps heavy for how he acts. I thought he would be a light sleeper." Denmark smiled as he took Nor from the taller Nation.

"Me too. But he lives in the cold most of the year. You kind of have to be a hard sleeper when it can get a few degrees below zero." Denmark smiled as he looked at the younger nation's sleeping face. "I'll go take him to the cabins, I gave Fin a map around the place. He might find something to do with Ice. Do you need a map?" Denmark was trying his best not to drop the sleeping Nordic and punch Sweden right in the jaw.

"No I can find my way around myself." He answered with grit teeth. He turned around and walked down the path leading to a walk way which overlooked the whole beach. Denmark turned and headed the other way, toward the beach and its private cabins resting on the beach facing the ocean. He went in front on the third cabin and opened it with a key, he then walked to the back room which lead to a large bedroom with a king-size bed with silk and satin sheets of a royal blue and placed the nation on the bed. He turned around and started out but stopped and turned around.

Norway could get really hot just staying in his clothes, he'll sweat, get his clothes wet and he'll catch a cold. Denmark walked back to the nation's side and took out the pin that held his hair back out of his face; he smiled as he brushed his finger tips across the Nordic's face. Norway let out a slight sigh as he grumbled slightly. Denmark slowly and without waking up Norway took off his shirt along with his pants and shoes.

Now he needs something to cover him. Denmark thought as he looked at the blond. He looked through Norway's bag to only find normal everyday clothes, no P.J's or long shirts. Denmark sighed and retrieved one of his own buttons up shirts and dressed it on the slender blond. Denmark chuckled as he thought hoe meek he looked.

"You really look like a little kid in daddy's clothes." Denmark smiled. For a second he thought. What if Norway did call him daddy? His face flared with heat as he covers his mouth and nose as his nose started to sting. How could he think of Norge like that? He wasn't a pervert... Was he? "I'll ask him if he'll call me daddy from now on." He smirked as his hand and nose had blood on them. "I'll go get a tissue." He murmured as he went to the bathroom.

Norway forced his eyes to open. He stared at the ceiling for a second before he stopped himself from screaming by covering his mouth with his hands. He looked around with his eyes as he slowly got out of the large bed. He stepped on his clothes. He squinted his eyes before he gasped and fell to his knees. Did he get raped? Where was he? Who took him away from his friends? Norway looked for something he could use to attack whoever took him. He picked up his shoe and held it like a bat. He heard the sink in the bathroom turn on. He narrowed his eyes and he waited by the door and kept himself flat against the wall until his attacker and kidnapper came back out. The door opened. Norway jumped and hit whoever it was hard on their head.

"Ow!" Denmark snapped as he grabbed Norway and pinned him against the closest wall. "Why the hell you hit me for?" Norway's face was red as he figured that they arrived at the place Denmark wanted to take them.

"Because," he puffed out his cheeks "you didn't wake me up like you said you would." Denmark sighed and scratched his head.

"Either way I would've gotten hit by something. What did you hit me with this time?" Norway blushed and looked away from Denmark.

"A shoe."

"You really hit me with a shoe?" Denmark groaned and released the Nordic. "This is your cabin. It's the third one from the first left one, I'm in the farthest right and Sweden is in the first left. Finland and Iceland are on either side of you." Norway didn't look at Denmark.

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"Again, why would I just leave you alone in my truck? Then why would I wake you up? You looked so meek. It was cute."

"Someone like me isn't meek. Meek is the last word anyone would think of when they say my name." Denmark chuckled and ruffled the Nordic's hair.

"You're right. I would think of evil, sadistic, soulless." Norway frowned. "Ummm. Magical."

"A Witch." Norway corrected.

"Do they call guys Witches? I thought it was Wizard for you." Norway shrugged.

"It's both. Wizard is good and a Witch is bad. Why do you think they never say burn the Wizard?" Norway went over and sat on the bed. "I think its Warlock. But I could be wrong." Denmark nodded slowly.

"Whatever it is Witch, Wizard or Warlock I'll be there you with a few buckets of water and my running shoes." Denmark laughed and sat by Norway. "I'll never let you die. Not while I'm the boss."

"Yeah, you'll protect everyone."

"Like a boss!" Norway rolled his eyes, and put his hair back up with the pin placed on the nearby end table. He sighed again and faced Denmark.

"What do you want? You could've left and let me find out for myself that we're here." Denmark smiled and draped one of his arms around the Nordic's shoulders.

"But would I really want to miss that look on your face?" Norway shot a glair at the blond and pushed his arm off his shoulder.

"Get out." Denmark looked at the nation questionably.


"Go away. I don't want to see you in my cabin ever again." Denmark frowned and turned and left after the door closed Norway threw his other shoe at the door. "Dummy!"

Yay! Finally finished! This might be continued later. Or maybe it might become a fanfic of its own. Maybe. Oh please review and leave an idea for me too. I can't think of all these good one-shots on my own :-) ~Edita