"Haruhi, please meet me in the clubroom after the festival." Kyoya whispers in her ear before pushing her gently over to a jealous Tamaki.
'Something's wrong there was fear and uncertainty in his eyes. It's been over nine months since we started going out. I wonder if he wants to break it off.' She thinks sadly while dancing with Tamaki, who was currently ignoring the jealous fan girls who watched as the two danced.
"Haruhi are you listening to me?" Tamaki pouts.
"Well I hear you talking Sempai, but I'm afraid I have no clue what you just told me." She answers bluntly lost in her own thoughts.
Tamaki was about to reply when a familiar child-like voice interrupted. "Haru-Chan, Haru-Chan look they're starting the fireworks." Hunny says excitedly on Mori's shoulders, as the rest of the host club joined them to watch the dazzling display of colors just above the school's clock tower marking an end to an unforgettable school festival, at least for the host club.
"Is this your first time seeing fireworks Haru-Chan?" Hunny asks looking at Haruhi's distant gaze.
"Huh? Oh no I used to watch them with my father when I was younger, but I was always so afraid of them because they reminded me of thunder when they go off." She replies, her thoughts still on what Kyoya wanted to talk about.
"Aww Haruhi let daddy protect you." Tamaki tells her, pulling her into a bear hug.
"I'm not scared of them anymore Sempai…a really good friend helped me get over my fear." She says freeing herself from his grasp, as she remembers the date she had with Kyoya months ago. She could hear him smirk behind her, figuring he was thinking along the same thoughts she was. Dreading the meeting with him tonight, and no longer able to stand next to him she excused herself as soon as the fireworks were over with to walk over to get something to eat. The twins of course following her, deciding that they too were hungry.
"Hey Haruhi, are you sure you're okay you seem a little…I dunno distant tonight." Hikaru asks her.
"I'm fine Hikaru, but you know I should be asking you that how's your arm?" she asks referring to his right arm which was wrapped in a cast.
"Oh please falling into a pumpkin patch and breaking my arm is nothing compared to what you did this afternoon." He laughs
"Gee thanks.' She sighs grabbing a small piece of sushi and biting into it. Remembering the time Kyoya took her out for fancy tuna she suddenly loses her appetite and throws the rest away.
"Seriously what's wrong with you tonight you're not even hungry?" Kaoru asks.
"I guess I'm just not hungry tonight." She sighs, her mind annoyingly going back to the look in Kyoya's eyes as he pushed her away.
"You're a horrible liar Haruhi you know that." Hikaru tells her.
"So what's really the matter?" Kaoru asks
'These two never give it up do they?' she wonders sighing inwardly and quickly coming up with a lie she hopes they'll fall for. "I guess I'm just realizing how close we all came to breaking up today."
"We won't let anything like this ever happen again Haruhi we promise," Said the twins in complete unison.
"They're right Haru-Chan we will never break up again, so don't worry right Takashi?" She hears Hunny behind her.
"Ah" Mori replied
"Oh now I get it you just didn't want us to break up-"Kaoru says mischievously
"Because how else would you pay off you're debt." Hikaru finishes
'That's right they don't know my debts already been paid,' She thinks remembering the run-in with Éclair earlier that afternoon.
Taking her silence as a yes they add "Don't worry I'm sure Kyoya-Sempai has already taken some off for what you did today for Tono.
"Where are those two anyways?" She asks Hunny, as Hikaru's phone went off.
"Tama-Chan's father wanted to talk to him and Kyo-Chan's disappeared." He replies
'Bet I know where Kyoya ran off to, though I wonder why Tamaki-Sempai's father wanted to talk to him so quickly after what happened.' She thinks
"Takashi and I actually just came over to say good-bye our parents called and want us to come home right away, but we will see you all Monday in the club room kay." Hunny smiles.
"Damn, we have to go too Kaoru that was mom." Hikaru groans
"Do you want a ride home Haruhi?' Kaoru asks.
"No thank you, there's still something I have to do in the clubroom." She tells them.
"All right well then we will see all of you on Monday. The host club is back in business." The twins wave happily.
"Haru-Chan you have to promise to eat cake with me and Takashi on Monday kay?" Hunny asks waving good-bye.
"I will Sempai, I promise." She laughs watching her friends disappear. 'As annoying as they all are I don't think I could bear to lose any one of them.' She thinks realizing she was almost completely alone in the courtyard. "He's probably waiting for me. I guess it's now or never." Taking a deep breath she walks back into the school and heads to the clubroom.
Her hand was hovering over the handles before she realized she couldn't open the doors. 'Why am I so afraid is it because I don't want things to end between us? It's not like we acted like a couple these past nine months we've never held hands, or even kissed we were just…together. Why is it then when I'm with him it's comforting. I know I've seen other sides of him that the others haven't especially when he laughs or smiles, and whenever I was scared or alone he was always the first to try to help me even spending the night once, resulting in a very awkward morning with my father. We've never shown any signs of affection, though I know that was to keep our relationship secret, yet why am I so scared to go in and get told it's over?' she wonders remembering all the times they went out together even if it was with the host club. How his smile would be the first one she wanted to see, or how watching him laugh at her mistakes made her happy. 'He's really opened up to me in these past nine months completely different from when I met him for the first time.' As she gripped the handles to the door harder she finally realizes what a fool she's been and what she was missing. 'I…love him, oh mother in heaven I love him that's why I'm so scared to go in and face him, but I have to see him. I have to tell him.' She resolves taking a deep breath and pushing the doors open. Walking in the room was already lit up and she could see Kyoya in his usual chair gazing out one of the many large windows behind him, his laptop miraculously shut. Closing the doors behind her she walks slowly over to him.
"Haruhi please have a seat." He asks pointing to a couch in front of him. Nodding she sits down waiting for him to speak first. Too scared to say what was on her mind as she looked at his face. "Haruhi, what is it you actually want?" he asks looking directly at her.
"What?" she asks already not knowing where this conversation was heading. "I want to become a lawyer like my mother of course." She answers
"Right, of course let me rephrase the question Haruhi. Do you feel we have taken this relationship far enough and do you want out?" he asks
"What? What makes you think that Kyoya?" she asks shocked at what he was asking her.
"I realized after tonight that you may hold certain feelings for Tamaki and I feel as though I am the one holding you back from saying anything to him." He says not hiding the sadness in his voice.
"What makes you think-?" she shouts suddenly remembering the multiple times not just tonight, but all the times she would get caught blushing and smiling around her clumsy sempai. 'It would have looked like I had a crush on Tamaki-sempai to anyone, but every one of those times it was because he reminded me of something Kyoya said or did.' She thinks as Kyoya gets up.
"Judging by your silence it seems as though my assumption was correct." She hears him say
"No Kyoya, I think of Tamaki as nothing more than an annoying older brother." She tries telling him standing up.
"I don't believe that Haruhi. I think it would be best for both of us if we just act as though this relationship between us never happened at all." He smiles sadly picking up his laptop and heading for the door.
He was breaking her heart. She had never seen Kyoya look so defeated or act so noble as to put his friendship with Tamaki before her, yet she knew if she let him walk through those doors then he would stay true to his word and act like nothing ever happened between them at all. "I could never love Tamaki-sempai like that because I'm in love with you Kyoya." She confesses practically shouting.
"Haruhi?" he asks turning around shock written all over his face. Never in a lifetime did he expect her to ever say those words to him.
"It's true Kyoya I'm in love with you. All those times you ever caught me blushing at Tamaki-sempai or smiling it was because he reminded me of something you said or did on one of our dates or walks through the park. I don't even think I heard half of what the others were telling me tonight because I was thinking about this meeting with you. So I'm really sorry that I gave you the wrong idea this whole time, but I love you Kyoya so please, please believe me." She tells him tears beginning to form on the corner of her eyes.
Before she knew it she was leaning back against the couch Kyoya's hands holding hers against the back of the couch and was towering over her their faces only inches apart. "Say it again" he whispers.
"I love you Kyoya."
"Since when?" he asks
I didn't realize it until much later, but the first time was right before I saved you from that falling chandelier. I realized I couldn't stand it if you died or got seriously hurt. The second time I realized I was in love with you was that day we ended up together at the mall. As annoying and as mad as you were that day you finally showed me another side of you that both terrified and intrigued me it made me really happy." She answers looking up at his onyx eyes. "I didn't realize it was love however, until I was standing outside the clubroom a few minutes ago." She admits
"It took you that long?" he asks trying hard not to laugh.
"Shut up, at least I realized it before it was too late." She blushed trying not to look him in the eyes.
"I love you too Haruhi." He whispers leaning his forehead to rest on her shoulders.
"Since when?" she asks glad Kyoya couldn't see how red her face was at the moment.
"I told you at the beach house that I took a liking to you and wished to see where it led, but I was lying to you." He admits. "The moment you stood up to those bullies up on the cliff, which I still thought was extremely reckless, I realized why you did it. If there was a chance that you could get those girls to safety, even at the risk of your own then you were going to take it. I found that extremely puzzling, yet admirable and that was when I fell in love. I do not however, want you to ever repeat what you did that day." He tells her.
The room was quiet for a few moments, Then Haruhi began to laugh at the sudden realization. "So we both fell in love that weekend and it took us nine months to finally admit it to each other?"
"That seems to be the case doesn't it?" he laughs with her "I love you Haruhi."
"I love you too Kyoya" she says as he cupped her cheek with his hand and placed his lips gently on hers. The kiss lasted only moments, but to the two of them it felt like an eternity.
"I suppose I should have done that a long time ago." He sighs
"Yes, you should have." She agrees as he leans forward to kiss her again this time a lot more fiercely. He moves to sit down next to her and somehow manages to set her on his lap all while still kissing her. They broke when the need for air became inevitable and she just looked at him seriously. "So what do we do now?"
"Why do anything? We've kept up this charade for nine months and the rest of the host club doesn't know about your debt being paid off so you can still be in the club pretending to be working to pay off your debt. I say we just continue like this at least until someone finds us out." He answers.
"So same old, same old." She laughs
"Except now we really can be called a couple." He comments
"No, we've been in a relationship since the beach. We've both just been too stupid to realize it." She sighs "The beach is where it all started."
"Yes I guess it really is, and to think it took that idiot almost leaving the country to get us to finally confess to one another." He groans pushing his glasses back up into place and looking at the clock in the corner. "C'mon I better get you home before your dad begins to panic." He says helping her get up.
"Its fine I'll walk home I don't want my dad thinking something is going on between us. We still want to keep it a secret after all right?"
"Let him think what he wants, there is no way I'm going to make my girlfriend walk home by herself after dark." He states.
"There's no point in arguing with you is there?" she asks recognizing his voice as one you don't want to argue with.
"No there isn't, I'm taking you home." He finalizes picking up his laptop and pulling out his cell phone to call his chauffeur.
"Fine, do what you want." She sighs as he hung up.
"I plan to do just that." He smiles taking her hand in his and walking over to the double doors finding comfort when he realized just how warm her hands were.
"I love you Kyoya." He hears her say as she leans on him.
"I love you too Haruhi." He says kissing the top of her head as they left the room closing the doors behind them.
Authors Notes,
Wow took me forever to figure our simply how to do this sorry about that guys. I'm just happy I was finally able to post this it's been on my desk for awhile I hope you like it. I'm going to continue the story, but just letting you all know the next few chapters are really going to be jumping around sorry about that I wanted to start where they tell their fathers, but I really wanted to post this one where they confess to one another so now I have to lead the story up to the point where they are found out so bear with me please. Reviews are greatly appreciated and hope you like it.