So ends another story. Oh - for those who may not know - Alegria means 'joy' in Spanish.
I hope you all enjoy the way it ends! Thank you for the many, many lovely reviews and comments. They were wonderful and so appreciated! I'm going to work on Skid Row now - but I needed some sweetness before continuing with that.
"So Jack, have you heard about Sam?" Daniel sat in his office, his feet up on the table. He was holding an artifact from P3Z 229. Sg4 had brought it back with them and it had dutifully been delivered to Dr. Jackson. Sg4's team leader had been pleased, sure that they'd discovered something amazing. Daniel was trying to figure out a way to let him know that they'd found an ancient chamber pot. It was interesting to him – but didn't hold a lot of promise as a weapon. Unless they could figure out how to hit the Ori over the head with it!
"Daniel?" He sat up with a jerk and almost fell off his chair.
"Oh, sorry Jack – I was just examining an important find one of the teams brought back."
"Yeah – so did you hear from Sam?"
Jack sighed patiently. "As I said a second ago Daniel, yes, I heard from Carter. She told me about breaking off the wedding, if that's what you mean."
"Uh huh. So?"
"So what Daniel?"
"So, what are you going to do?"
"About what?'
"About SAM! You know, the person who just broke off her wedding?"
"Well, I guess I'll return the toaster I picked up at Macy's."
"Daniel, what do you want me to say? I feel bad for Carter – I'm sure this must be tough on her and I'm sure she's feeling guilty as hell. Other than be her friend and support her, there's nothing I can do."
"Fine, be that way!" After a moment of silence, in which he was sure Jack was counting to 10, he spoke again. "So, how are the kids?"
"They're fine – really fine actually. I've got them both enrolled in school and they're loving it. They're used to being with lots of other kids so they're happy to have new playmates."
"How's the new nanny working out?"
"Rea? She's great. They love her and so do I."
"I don't mean like that Daniel! She's practically young enough to be my daughter, for God's sake! She's also married. Her husband lives in the Philippines and she's working to bring him over. What I meant was that she's been great with the kids – they adore her – and she makes life a lot easier for me. I don't worry about them when I'm working."
"Are you still working so hard?" Daniel continued to worry about Jack, knowing how much responsibility he had.
"No – I try to come home pretty much on time and I'm home on the weekends. It's only if there's an emergency, which fortunately hasn't happened too much recently. You guys are doing a great job of keeping us safe!"
"So, do I get a raise?"
"Hah! I figure we already pay you too much Jackson. And anyway, think of the job satisfaction. That has to be worth a lot."
"Yeah, right - a lot of satisfaction in getting zatted, hit over the head and chased by Jaffa. Well, I'm glad to hear you're taking it easier. I was worried you were going to work yourself to death. So – your boss doesn't mind you leaving on time?"
"Well my bosses weren't' too happy about it – but I offered to resign if they didn't like it. I haven't heard anything since."
The fact of the matter was that Jack was enjoying life more than he had in a long, long time. The kids had brought a sense of family and joy back to his life and he refused to miss out on their lives by killing himself at work. He had lots of competent staff and there was no need for him to be in all the time. He expected his secretary was actually quite happy he was absent more than before.
The one thing he was missing, of course, was a woman in his life. He had briefly explored the idea of trying to meet someone – and then Sam had called. Even though there still wasn't the possibility of 'them', the fact that she was no longer engaged made him feel like he'd betray her if he moved on. He sighed to himself. He'd finally decided that he wasn't meant to have a partner in life. He'd had it once, with Sara and now he needed to be satisfied with having the children.
At least he and Sam were back to being friends. Completely frustrated with the way he'd responded when she'd told him of her broken engagement, he'd sat down, the next day, and had written her an email. He kept it light and humorous, but at the same time tried to show his support. Since then they'd been emailing regularly. In fact, the emails from Sam were the highlight of his days.
Sam was grinning as she read the latest email from Jack. He was telling her some of the exploits of the children. She was so happy for him – he had needed them in his life. She missed them, even though she'd just spent a few days with them. She'd mentioned that to the General, and he'd gone and arranged a Skype account so she could talk to them over the internet.
The kids loved being able to see her and talk to her every week. They'd soon started calling her 'Auntie Sam' and were showing her their artwork and telling her about their friends and school. Sam also loved the fact that Jack would often get on, even if only for a couple of minutes. Seeing him, even if on a computer screen, made her feel close to him in a way she hadn't in a long time – at least not since before Pete.
Life went on. The aliens were learning that it wasn't good to mess with earth – and things were rather quiet out there in space. Teal'c was becoming more involved with the Jaffa alliance and so spent time off world. Daniel – well – he was Daniel. When not off world he spent time with his research and artifacts. He'd always made time to come and visit her – and they still got together for team nights. So, all in all, things were good.
They were almost too good, thought Sam. She had this strange sense that something was about to happen. She just prayed it wouldn't be something bad.
"You wanted to see me Sir?" Jack said as he entered General Schwartz' office. The General was the Air Force Chief of Staff – and Jack's immediate superior. He'd gotten to know the General over the last few months and enjoyed working with him. It was unusual, however, to get called to see him when there were no budget talks going on.
"Jack! Yes, come on in and have a seat."
Jack sat in the chair facing the General. Fortunately Schwartz didn't look upset – which was definitely good. Jack still lived with the feeling that one day he'd get called in and scolded and informed he was in big trouble. He'd never quite gotten over being told, as a kid in school, and as a junior officer in the Air Force, that he was a screw up who would never make it.
"So, there's something I want to ask you Jack", the General said, picking up a piece of paper off his desk and looking at it. "I know that technically it's not your decision, but you're intimately acquainted with the situation, so I wanted to get your feelings on the matter."
For the next 10 minutes General Schwartz told him what he was thinking of doing. The issue had been raised at a meeting Schwartz had attended and to give him credit, he'd wanted all the facts before making the final decision.
Jack just about bit his tongue when he heard what the General had to say. He had to clear his throat a couple of times before he could even speak. Eventually however, he was able to answer, without sounding like an idiot. In fact, he was pretty sure that his boss had no idea that he'd just about knocked Jack off his chair.
As he was driven home that night, he thought about what this might mean. It could go both ways, he decided, but it was really out of his hands at this point. He took a deep breath and knew that things could soon change. He just prayed the change would be for the good.
"What's all the noise Sir", Sam asked. He had to cover his one ear so he could hear her.
"Uh, birthday party Carter. Amanda's turning 5 and she begged me to invite her kindergarten class to her party", he said over the squeals and yells.
"The whole class Sir?" she asked, laughing.
"Yeah. You know what Carter?"
"What Sir?"
"I can control an entire military base of soldiers and scientists and medical professionals. I can deal with politicians and bureaucrats. I can even handle System Lords, Jaffa and little grey aliens."
"But?" she asked with a grin.
"I think I've been defeated by a group of 5 year olds!"
She laughed loudly at that – knowing that he was probably having as much fun as the 5 year olds. In fact – she was pretty sure he was in the thick of things with them. She wondered what all the mothers thought. Ooh, she frowned. There might be some single moms in the crowd. They'd better keep their hands off her General or -"
"So, whatcha doing Carter?", he yelled.
"Uh, I just called to wish Amanda a happy birthday, but maybe I'd better call back."
"Might be a good idea. She's trying to pin the tail on the donkey right now, although I think she actually pinned it on Cameron."
She giggled some more – totally tickled by the mental picture of Jack surrounded by the kids. "Did you get the tail on in the right spot Sir?" she asked.
"Carter!", he said shocked. "Do you think it's appropriate for a General to be playing little kid's games?"
"No, I pinned it on the donkey's nose. I must admit it looks pretty good."
"Did you get the gift I sent?" she asked, after a few minutes. It felt so good to laugh with him.
"Yes – it came today. I haven't given it to her yet. I thought I'd wait for a quieter moment. I'll leave it till tomorrow – since that's her actual birthday anyway. I'll have her Skype you when she opens it."
"That'd be great Sir, I'd like that. Give her a kiss for me and tell her I wish I could be there at the party."
"Will do Carter. I wish you could be here too." There – that didn't sound bad, did it? "Hey – I'd better go before someone gets hurt here. I think they're ready to sit down to eat. We have cake you know!"
"I'd better let you go then Sir. Take it easy and enjoy the rest of the party."
"Oh yeah – sure. I'll let you know if I survive."
After he'd signed off she still sat there grinning. She so wished she could be there. It would be fun.
It was a couple of days later when she got a call from Landry's office asking her to come up and see him. She wondered what this was about. There was nothing happening, as far as she knew. She just hoped it wasn't some new threat on the horizon.
"Sir?" she knocked on his door.
"Come in Colonel. Have a seat." Landry smiled and quickly signed a paper and handed it off to Walter, who nodded at Sam and then left the room, closing the door behind himself.
"So – how are things going with you Colonel Carter?" he asked.
She spent a couple of minutes telling him about a few of the things she was working on. She was puzzled though – Landry kept up pretty carefully with things so she didn't think he really needed to hear what she was doing. She was quite sure he knew all of this.
"That's good Colonel. Sounds like things are well in order."
"Yes Sir."
"Have you spoken with General O'Neill lately?", he asked, out of the blue.
"Uh, I talked to him the other day. It was Amanda's birthday so I called to say happy birthday to her."
"I see. Did he – uh – tell you anything about what's going on in DC?"
"No Sir. He usually doesn't say much about it.", she closed her eyes briefly. Crap – that made it sound like she was in regular contact with him – which she was – she just didn't need anyone to know.
"I see." Landry pursed his lips, but didn't seem to be really paying attention to Sam. "There's something I have to tell you Colonel." He sat back and looked at her carefully.
Somehow, she figured that this was it – now was when the something was about to happen.
The kids were both over at a friend's house and Rea was visiting her cousin who lived just outside of Washington. He had a rare day of peace and quiet, and decided to enjoy it to the fullest. He was dressed in old, scruffy pants with an ancient Air Force tee-shirt that had seen better days. He figured it didn't matter since he wasn't going to see anyone anyway. His plan was to read, listen to music, and eat whatever he wanted. There were no kids to set an example for – so today was a day for him to be a lazy slob!
He settled himself down on the couch, a beer on the table beside him, and a good book in hand. The music was playing softly and he figured life couldn't possibly get any better.
The doorbell rang at just that moment. Okay – maybe it was too much to ask to have a day to himself. He pulled himself to his feet and set the book down. It was probably just some canvasser looking for a donation.
He padded his way to the front in bare feet and opened the door.
He'd been absolutely, completely, 100% wrong. Life had just gotten much better.
"Sam – uh Carter – what are you doing here?"
She was dressed casually – not in uniform – and looked beautiful. But then, he acknowledged to himself – she could be stark naked, covered in mud, and still look beautiful. Wait – no! She'd look especially beautiful naked with mud. Stop right there O'Neill! It was only as he reigned in his dirty mind that he realized she hadn't answered his question.
"Carter? Is everything okay?"
He realized then that she was looking – very strange. She had a bewildered look on her face – more unsure than he'd ever seen her. "Come in." He pulled her into his house and led her quietly to his living room.
"Come on, sit down. I'm gonna get you a drink. I'll be right back."
"No Sir, don't go." She reached over and grabbed his wrist.
With a slight shrug he moved closer and sat down beside her. "What is it? What's wrong Sam?" God – he was really worried. What the hell had happened? He was pretty sure it couldn't be anything to do with Daniel or Teal'c, or he would have heard. Oh hell – maybe it was Hammond.
Sam realized that she needed to say something. Poor Jack was freaking out and she was sitting here like a statue.
"No – it's okay General. Everything's fine – at least I think it's fine. I just – I wanted – I needed -" , she stopped and took a deep breath, but didn't know how to continue.
"You needed – what Carter?"
"I needed to know if you did this Sir?" she asked.
"Did what?" he looked at her confused.
"General Landry told me yesterday – and I wondered if it was your doing?"
It suddenly became clear to Jack what she was talking about. He'd had the discussion with Schwartz weeks ago, and he'd thought nothing had come of it so had forgotten about it. Crap – he wished he'd been kept in the loop on this one.
"Uh Sam – you need to be a bit clearer. I'm not quite sure what you mean?" Okay, he wanted to make sure they were on the same page before he opened his mouth. He'd learned that was a way to make sure you didn't give away too much – or come across as a fool, in case you'd got it wrong.
"About the position with the Office of Scientific Research", she answered quietly. She peered at him closely – he knew he couldn't lie.
"Did they offer you the job?" he asked, no longer pretending he didn't know what this was about.
"I go to see the Director tomorrow. I guess he'll decide." She looked at him again. "Was it you Sir?"
He wondered what she was thinking at that moment. Usually he could read Carter pretty well. She wasn't particularly good at hiding her feelings. This time, however, he really didn't know what she wanted from him. He decided that the truth was really the only thing he could give her.
"No, it wasn't me", he answered honestly. "General Schwartz asked me what I thought about you as a potential candidate for the job. He figured I knew you pretty well and would have a good sense of whether or not you were cut out for it."
"What did you say?" she asked curiously.
"I told him you were the best damn leader I knew and that any place you went would be lucky to have you", he answered. When she didn't say anything he continued. "Look Carter – you know me by now. I would never, ever interfere with your career. What I said to Schwartz was the truth – I certainly wasn't about to lie to him. As far as recommending you or anything – no, I wouldn't do that without talking to you first. This was a total surprise to me – and honestly, I didn't think anything had come of it. I figured they thought you were too important on the front lines. I'm sorry if it upsets you."
She continued to look at him and he started to feel jumpy. He wanted to fidget – just like when Sister Josepha used to stare at him in math class. "Carter?" he finally asked. For God's sake Carter – throw me a bone here.
"I'm glad you didn't interfere Sir. I just - I needed to know if it was you."
"Are you unhappy about it?" he asked.
"No, I don't think so, although I haven't given it much thought. I think they're interviewing a number of candidates so it's probably unlikely that they'll offer it to me anyway."
"Well – whatever happens I hope you get what you want Carter. You know I'll support whatever happens."
As she got ready for her interview, Sam couldn't help but think back to the previous day. They hadn't discussed the job anymore, neither of them wanting to think about it. Instead, they'd spent a lovely afternoon relaxing and listening to music. She got her book out and the two of them sat quietly, both reading and not talking. If there were a number of covert glances – well, neither would admit to them.
Sam still didn't know quite what to think about the job. It was extremely flattering. She'd be the military director and commander of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, based in Arlington, Virginia, right outside of DC. The fact that they were even considering someone her age was pretty amazing – and also why she didn't think she'd actually be chosen.
She also was terribly confused as to whether or not she wanted it. It would mean the practical end of gate travel and really, the end of an era. The issue which she'd avoided since Landry had told her about the job, was the O'Neill factor. She didn't know if he'd want her close by or not. She wondered how it would affect their relationship.
He hadn't given anything away when she'd confronted him with the job offer. She couldn't read him – would he want her here or not? She shook her head in frustration – wishing that life was not so complicated.
She closed the door and locked it for the last time. She looked up and down the street, wondering if she'd ever be back. Daniel and Teal'c sat in the car, waiting patiently for her to finish her last walk through her empty house. They were driving her to the airport and all her things were following by truck.
She'd returned to the SGC after her interview and had heard nothing for weeks. She was pretty sure that they'd picked someone else, and part of her had been relieved. That way she wouldn't have to deal with anything.
Then had come the day when Landry had again called her into his office. She went blindly – happily – not knowing that her life was about to change drastically.
"Colonel, I just got a call from Washington. They want you to take the post with the AFOSR. You're to start in two weeks. Congratulations Commander! This is a real honor and I'm proud to say that you are one of ours. I know you'll do a fantastic job."
She'd thanked the General and made her way immediately to Daniel's office. She was so stunned she didn't know what to think or feel.
"Sam, hi. Can you take a look at this for me", he'd asked, staring into a brightly lit canister. "I think it may be – Sam, what's wrong?" Daniel had looked up and seen the stricken looking woman in front of him. "Oh God, it's not Jack is it? Or Hammond?"
"What? Oh, no, no Daniel, it's nothing like that."
"Thank God. What is it then? You look like death."
"It's not that bad, really. I just found out – I found out that I'm being transferred."
"What? Transferred? Where?" he frowned.
"To Washington. I've been made Commander of the AFOSR."
"The what?"
"The Air Force Office of Scientific Research. It's based in Arlington. It's quite an honor to be chosen."
"Okaay. Do you want this Sam?" he asked.
"Uh – I don't know Daniel. It means I won't be with you guys now. I won't go through the gate anymore."
"Oh, I'm sure they'll still let you. You were the person who helped figure out how to work the damn thing."
"But I'll be in Virginia – not exactly an easy commute."
"Yeah – I guess there's that. Still – it's a great honor so I'm proud of you."
"Thanks. Yes – it is an honor. I'm going to be Commander of the whole department – I'll share the responsibility with the civilian Director."
He stood up and gave her a hug. "We'll miss you Sam, but this sounds like a great opportunity for you. Things are pretty quiet now so it's a good time to move on."
"I guess so."
"Wait – Sam, did Jack do this?"
"No. He heard about it but it wasn't his decision at all. You know him Daniel. He'd never interfere with my career."
"No – you're right. Still, I bet he's happy that you're moving there."
"I – he didn't say anything when I told him."
"You told him you got the job?" He was surprised Jack wouldn't have said something to her.
"Uh – no. He just knows they interviewed me. I'm sure he's heard by now but I haven't talked to him."
"Oh – well, he probably didn't say anything before because he wouldn't want to make you feel bad if you didn't get it. I'm sure he'll be happy."
She hadn't spoken to him at all – not since she'd found out about the job. She'd received a short email from him which congratulated her and offered his help. She could still remember it.
"Congratulations Carter! I knew you were smart enough, and good enough, to handle the job - I just didn't know if they'd be smart enough to realize that. Obviously they were, so welcome to DC! Let me know if there is anything I can do to make your transition easier. Let me know when you get in. I'll take you to dinner."
That's the last bit of communication she'd had from him, other than an invitation to stay with him until she found a place. She'd sent a 'thank you' to both his email and his offer.
So, here she was, standing outside his house with her suitcase in her hand. It was late – past the children's bedtime – but the lights were still on. She'd sent a quick email telling him what time she was arriving, so he was clearly waiting for her. She took a deep breath and started to walk.
"Carter – come on in. You must be tired. Packing and moving is – crappy!" He stood back as she entered and took her suitcase. "I'll pop this upstairs to your room. I've fixed a bite to eat for you so why don't you go relax in the living room and I'll bring it in."
"You don't -"
" – have to do that for me General" he finished her sentence. "I know Sam – but I wanted to so just relax enjoy it!"
"Yes Sir", she grinned.
"And don't call me 'Sir'", he shouted over his shoulder as he headed upstairs with her bag.
After a light but delicious supper she settled back in her chair and watched the General. He was holding a cup of coffee in his hands, although she was pretty sure it had gotten cold. He kept twirling it back and forth in his hands – a sure sign that he was either nervous or worried about something.
"So Carter – here you are in Washington again. How are you feeling about the whole thing?"
"A little overwhelmed, if I'm being honest with myself. It all seemed to happen so fast I can barely get my head around it."
"Yes, well, welcome to the Air Force! It'll take a while Carter – especially moving from the front lines to a desk job. There'll be days you hate it – and would given anything to get back out there. But after a while you get to enjoying the, I don't know, stability of the whole thing. It gets nice to actually have a life again."
"Are you happy Sir? I mean, with having a desk job and living in Washington?"
He laughed softly. "You know – if you'd have asked me that a few months ago I would have said no. I hated the job, Washington, not being at the SGC – just about everything. Now? Well, I can honestly say that I don't want to go back to the front lines (as if they'd have me anyway). I'm enjoying having the kids and not worrying about having aliens attack and kill me."
"I'm glad Sir. We were worried about you."
"You were?" he looked quite pleased at that. 'Well, I'm fine now, and you will be too. Just don't be too hard on yourself and know that some days will be harder than others."
Jack took the next few days off and helped her look for a place to live. The kids were thrilled to see 'Auntie Sam', and pretty much monopolized her time when she was at Jack's.
She met Rea, the nanny, and was impressed. The kids clearly adored her and she was loving – but also strict – with them. The General treated her in much the same way he treated young officers – with kindness but with a touch of formality. He was very careful to keep their relationship professional but friendly.
She found a place – a small two bedroom apartment right in Arlington. It was close to work – and only about 15 minutes from Jack's place.
She started her job, and for the first few weeks was so busy she'd simply come home and collapsed. Jack made her come over on Sundays, at least, and get away from any and all work.
"I'm a General, Carter. You have to do what I say", he'd told her when she'd said once she had too much work to take the day off.
"You may be a General Sir", she'd responded. "But you're no longer in my chain of command!"
Well, that threw the cat among the pigeons, she thought, closing her eyes. They'd both managed to completely ignore the elephant in the room in the weeks since she'd been in Washington. God – what had she done, she wondered? How in hell was he going to react.
"Yes – well – you still have to come over on Sunday." He'd decided to ignore her remark. She was surprised at how depressed she felt over that fact.
It was a week later when she got a phone call, late in the evening. She was just making sure everything was put away and was about to head to bed when the phone rang.
Who could this be? she wondered. It was pretty late for a call.
"Hi. Carter?"
"Uh, yes Sir, it's me. Is everything okay?"
"What?" he asked, confused. "Oh, yeah – everything's fine."
"Okay good." She stopped, waiting for him to continue. "Uh, so Sir – what can I do for you?"
"General, you called me. I'm just wondering what you wanted?"
"Oh – I did – yeah. I just wondered Carter -"
"I just wondered if you were free on Friday?"
It took her a few seconds to decipher what he'd said, he's spoken so fast.
"This Friday?"
"Uh – I think so. Yes, I'm free."
"Sir?", she asked, after another long pause. "Why do you need to know whether or not I'm free?"
"What? Oh – I just wondered if you'd like to -"
"Like to - ?"
"Go to a concert?" he asked. "Someone gave me tickets to the National Symphony and I thought maybe you'd like to come - wouldn't want to waste them."
For a second there she'd thought he was asking her out on a date, but it looked like he just needed a companion to accompany him and use the tickets. Squashing down the feeling of disappointment, she answered.
"Sure, unless there's someone else you'd rather take", she answered.
"Why would I want to do that?" he asked, clearly confused.
"Well – I thought you just didn't want to waste the tickets. You don't have to take me if there's someone else you'd like to take."
There was a pause on the other end and then she could hear a sigh.
"Sam", he said softly.
"I'm gonna start this conversation over, okay?"
"Uh – okay." What was this about?
"Sam, it's Jack."
"Hi Si-"
"Stop! Sam it's Jack", he said, very deliberately.
"Oh. Hi Jack."
"There, that's better. How are you Sam?"
"I'm fine Jack", she started to grin.
"Great, I'm happy to hear that. I wanted to know Sam if you would like to accompany me Friday night. I would like to take you out to dinner and then to the Symphony. I bought tickets especially, because I wanted to do something with you."
Her heart was starting to pound in earnest. Was he meaning what she thought he was meaning?
"I see", she answered lamely. "Um – I'd – are you sure you want me to go?"
"Sam!", he said in exasperation. "You're killing me here you know."
"Sorry", she giggled. "Jack, I'd be honored to go with you."
"Honored?" he asked. She could hear the slight disappointment in his voice.
"What I meant was – I'd be very pleased – very happy – to go with you to supper and a concert."
"Happy?" This time he sounded much happier.
"Oh yes – thrilled actually Jack."
"Thrilled?" he asked, sounding like a five year old who'd just found out that Halloween was tomorrow.
"Yes, definitely thrilled. In fact – I would not hesitate to say ecstatic."
"Ecstatic! I like 'ecstatic'", he said seriously.
"You do?"
"Oh yes – definitely - ecstatic is good."
"And how about you Jack?" she asked, suddenly feeling thoroughly brave.
"Me? Well, let me think – overjoyed?, elated? thrilled? over the moon? There are a few more, but I think you get the point."
"Yes, I do." There was silence again, but this time it was filled with excitement and joy and a bit of fear. "So Jack", she finally continued. "What time should I be ready?"
"I'll pick you up at 5:30 Sam."
"Good, I'll see you then."
"Yes, you will and Sam -"
"Mmm hmm?"
"Thank you."
She'd gone out and bought a whole new outfit for the occasion. She'd come home early and had spent more time getting ready than she could ever remember doing. She looked in the mirror and wondered if Jack would notice a difference – or if he would care.
She was finally ready way too early, and spent the next 45 minutes pacing around her apartment. She couldn't remember ever being so nervous. She prayed this evening would go well. What if she'd misread the situation? What if he still saw her as no more than a friend?
"Don't be stupid Sam", she said out loud. "There is no way you could have misinterpreted that conversation."
By the time the doorbell rang, Sam was sure she was ready for a nervous breakdown! She took a deep breath – which was almost impossible as her lungs didn't want to work and walked to the door. With another short prayer, she opened it.
Jack stood there dressed all in black – and looking good enough to eat. God, the man was so gorgeous she couldn't think straight. She just stared at him blankly for a moment, thinking how lucky she was.
"Uh, is something wrong?" he finally asked, looking down at himself.
"What? No, oh no. You just look – amazing Sir. You look really good."
"Thank you", he smiled and stepped in. He then offered her the flowers he was holding. A dozen red roses – holy crap, she thought – red roses! His meaning was clear. She took them and then saw him staring. It had taken him a moment to notice what she was wearing.
"You – look – absolutely – gorgeous!" he breathed. He blatantly looked her up and down and then seemed to realize what he was doing, at which point he got very embarrassed. "Sorry", he muttered.
"You don't have to feel sorry S- Jack. It's very nice to be admired – thank you."
Dinner was a little awkward, although not as bad as she'd imagined it could be. Whenever the conversation stalled, they could always talk about the children – Carlo, Amanda, Daniel and Teal'c! The good news was, as the evening wore on, things got easier. By the time they left for the symphony they were laughing and talking like the old friends they were.
There were differences, however. This time he touched her – subtly and carefully – but very obviously. As they walked he put his hand on her low back. He reached out a number of times and touched her fingers. As they left the restaurant he helped her with her coat, and let his hands linger – just slightly – but enough for her to know it wasn't an accident.
They sat together in the symphony, side by side, not touching – until the second half of the program. Jack had been 'twitching' for a bit until he finally looked at her – to the strains of Mozart – and shrugged. With a small grin he lifted his arm and put it around her. After a brief, tense moment, she relaxed and laid her head on his shoulder. For the rest of the evening she listened to the beautiful music while held closely by the man she loved.
"That was wonderful Jack – thank you for inviting me." She was curled up on his couch, having a cup of tea.
"It was – thank you for accepting."
"As if I would have refused!" she said.
"I – well I wasn't sure", he answered. "I thought maybe – you wouldn't want this."
She realized, at that moment, that this was it. This was the moment of truth – of deciding if this was to end now, or to move ahead. This is what she'd dreamed of, wished for, and hoped. Now was the time to take the leap – if she really wanted it – and him.
"I've wanted this for a long time Jack", she finally said, very softly. "I just got into the habit of believing I couldn't ever have it. It's still – hard to imagine."
"But you do want it?" he asked – both worry and hope in his eyes. She realized, at that moment, that it had taken immense courage for him to do this. He'd put himself out there totally. Now, she had to be the one showing courage.
She straightened her legs and moved over until she was sitting right next to Jack, where he sat on the opposite side of the couch. She reached down and took his cup and placed it on the table and then turned his face so he was looking at her.
"I want this more than anything I've ever wanted in my whole life. I want you more than anything else. Pete told me no one would ever be good enough for me – but he was wrong. You are not only good enough – you're perfect for me." She leaned forward and gently put her lips to his.
It took him a couple of seconds to believe this was truly happening but then, he closed his eyes and softly, gently, returned her kiss. He put all of himself into it – all the fear, all the love, all the insecurity and all the hope. He let her know, by this kiss, that she too was perfect for him. She always had been and always would be.
At that moment – in that room, lit only by firelight – he knew that he'd been forgiven – and that he'd been blessed.
"You look beautiful!" he said. Her hair flowed down her back and the pink color of the dress made her skin glow. He couldn't help but smile to see his little girl, looking so pretty.
"Papa, you look beautiful too", she said as she hugged him.
"Papa isn't beautiful Amanda", her older brother corrected. "Sammy says he is handsome."
"You are handsome Papa", Amanda repeated dutifully.
"Thank you sweetheart. And what about Carlo? He's handsome too." He looked down at his son, dressed in a black tuxedo and looking like such a little man. He could feel his heart swell with pride when looking at his two children.
The adoption had come through just a month ago – so they were now, officially, his children. Carlito had informed him that now he was to be known as Carlo O'Neill – not Carlito.
"It's a baby name Papa!" He hadn't laughed, although he'd told Sam and they'd both grinned at how important it was to the little boy not to be 'the baby'. He'd also told her how wonderful it was to hear the kids using his name.
"Come on Amanda, Carlo, we have to go now", Cassie peeked her head around the corner and smiled. Amanda gave Jack one final kiss and then took Cassie's hand. Carlo hugged his father and joined the girls.
"You look great Jack", Cassie said. "Sam's gonna be impressed."
"She already is Cas! That's why she's marrying me."
"And here I thought it was for your yo-yo collection!" He grinned and waved her away – wanting to get the show on the road.
It was a couple of minutes later when Daniel and Teal'c came to get him. "You all ready Jack?" his friend asked.
"As I'll ever be Daniel." He said, straightening his tie one last time.
As they walked to the front Daniel spoke softly. "I'm happy for you Jack. There's no one I know who deserves happiness more than you."
"This is true O'Neill", Teal'c said. "You will be very happy together, of that I am sure."
Jack stopped and turned to his two friends – his two best friends. "Thank you guys – for everything. You're our family, you know. We wouldn't have gotten here except for the two of you." He gave each of them a quick hug and they proceeded to the front of the church.
As they stood there waiting – just before Sam was to walk down the isle – Daniel leaned over.
"It's true, you know", he said softly.
"What's true?" Jack asked, a puzzled frown on his face.
"You wouldn't have gotten here without Teal'c and me."
"Yeah – okay – why?" Jack asked suspiciously.
"Because we're the ones who cancelled your nanny."
At that moment the music started and the wedding party began their march down the isle.
Jack watched as Amanda walked down – shy but steady. She was smiling, so proud and happy to be part of the wedding. Next came Cassie – his 'grown' daughter. She'd turned into such a beautiful young woman. Janet would be proud.
Next came Carlito – Carlo – carefully carrying the pillow with the rings. He had such an intent expression on his face that Jack wanted to laugh. He was taking his role very seriously! God – he loved these children so much.
And then – and then came the woman he'd loved for so long, on the arm of George Hammond. She was gorgeous, in her dress, although he really didn't see it. To him she was always beautiful – but it was more than her appearance. Sam was a person with a beautiful soul – and he was fortunate enough to be able to spend the rest of his life near her and to bask in the warm glow of her love.
He knew he was lucky – he figured he probably didn't deserve her – although she'd kick his butt if she heard him say that. He did know that he wanted her – in all ways. She made him whole and he'd do everything in his power to make her never regret this day. He'd love her and cherish her – and thank the stars – that she was his,
She arrived at his side and he gently, reverently, took her hand in his.
To love, and to cherish and to hold – forever.
The End