Alright decided you guys deserved a chapter! I do not own anything!

Happy Mothers day

Roys POV

It was the month of May. Guess what was in May? If you said mothers day you would be correct! Do you know who forgot mothers day? Roy Harper? Ding ding ding! Mothers day, Dinah had done so much for me I had to do something special for her; how could I have forgotten. She had done so much for me ever since I was adopted. Dinah basically helped raise me, she was there when I needed her, when I didn't, she embarrassed me, love me, she is here as I struggle with Madison. As I got up, at 4 am, I decided the first thing I would do was make her breakfast… bad idea number one.

As I was cooking I dropped three eggs and cracked them on the floor, this wasn't so bad I could just pick it up later. Then I was pouring in the flour and accidentally dropped the whole thing into the bowl. This was bad, you see I have a bit of an anger issue and throwing a bowl full of flour down was probably my next biggest mistake. The white powder overcome the room and while covered my face. Still no big deal I could just take a shower yeah no big deal. I continued cooking and and finally got the little squishy batter circle devil spawns into the pan.

Alright next step was making a car I decided to make the card since I really didn't have much time. I got out the paper, markers, and safety scissors (Don't ask she's had a problem with 'big kid scissors' ever since I was six and accidentally stabbed myself. Come on I was six.) I thought this was going to turn out awesome but I forgot that I was about as good as crafts as I was at passing gym class. It ended up being a huge mess, shit. I could clean this up later I had time.

Next task was cleaning the kitchen this should be easy I'll just get the mop. I went to go achieve it and grabbed the bucket filling it with the soap. I filled it with water and started mopping around. I smelled something, gah it wreaked what could possibl- my pancakes. The alarms started blaring as the black smoke got thicker and thicker. I ran, but the floors were wet and knocking my own bucket over, so when I tried to stop at the stove I kept sliding. I fell right into the pants and pans making a huge bang. The floors were flooding and I did not know what to do at all.

"What is happening in here!?" I looked up my clothes soaked, stained with flour that was caking, marker stains on my hands. I looked like a complete mess. The stove smoking, floors flooded, and the alarm blaring. I looked right into Dinah's eyes and said as innocently as I could, "Happy mothers day?"

Her face went stoic and the panic left. I was preparing myself for a good yelling from her but I was greeted with a loud laughter. I stared at her in shock and she helped me up and kissed me on the forehead. " Thank you baby boy" She whispered in my ear hugging me. I hugged back maybe I'm not as bad at this mothers day thing as I thought.

Short yes but Im having such Writers block with this story.