Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Labyrinth or it's characters. but I do claim full ownership over the female protagonist!

The Darnedest Thing

It was a late evening and the city seemed partially deserted apart from a woman dressed for a ball or in her case a gala dinner with dancing later. She didn't seem worried that the streets were half empty. It seemed to give her some relief. She had just left the gala dinner to go home and were so tired that she didn't even notice the car following her and even if she did know then she either didn't care or she ignored it...thinking that it probably were going the same direction as her. She had had a heated argument with a supposed friend who had first taken her fiance' and then caused her to almost loose her job as a translator and as if that hadn't been enough she even went and publicly humiliated her by exposing private stuff about her at the gala dinner. The private stuff being about her depression (she had overcome that years ago), her being slightly autistic, her being fascinated with a guys abs (who wouldn't like to watch a six-pack both in motion and non-motion). Everyone had something that made them special or at least interesting. Then her ex-friend went on to ridicule her love for art and animals as if it were such a crime to love something. But the worst part were the ex-friend expose the part about her fiance'. That was too much to bear and when she got the chance she left the party. She couldn't stand the betrayal of a close friend and that friend going behind her back. She had been the only thing she had left in this world after her parents along with her two brothers had died in an accident last year. She had no other friends to turn to and if she did have other friends then she didn't know of anyone who would have put up with her ex-friend. She had known for a while now that this friend had some part to play in her loosing almost everything dear to her.

As this young woman were walking in her own thoughts the car suddenly sped up and stopped next to her with squealing brakes. One of the persons reached out the passenger window and stunned her with a stun gun. Then the rest of the darkly dressed men got out of the car and picked her up. In the next few hours that followed the woman slipped in and out of consciousness, having been tied up on both hands and feet, blindfolded and gagged. In the minutes she were conscious she asked where she were and what they wanted. The reply was always the same...she had been kidnapped due to someone wanting her out of the way and the only way she would get out were if someone payed a huge amount of money, though they (the kidnappers) wished she wasn't there with them so they could do other fun stuff besides watching her. But what she also heard when they thought she was unconscious were that if 24 hours had past and no ransom had been payed they would have fun rapping and killing her. Slowly.

The next thing that happened was that she was thrown into a room...which sounded a bit loud for a kidnapping. To her knowledge the places for kidnapped victims to be held were always secluded and far from any form of civilization. The next thing she heard was a commanding, male voice and it got quiet. Steps approached her and her gag was removed, but not her blindfold nor the robes that had been tied to her hands and feet.

The male voice spoke:"Who are you and how did you get here?" it was cold and slightly angry.

"Isn't that more than just a bit odd of an question to ask when kidnapping someone?" she answered. The man then spoke again:

"I didn't kidnap anyone, let alone some mortal like you." Mortal? What were this man talking about...last time she checked she were about as human as human could be, but this man wasn't?

"Well, then why were I stunned, gagged and blindfolded before coming here?" She started to get a bit annoyed at this man. It was as if she had intruded on his private property.

"Gagged? What is that? Is that some sort of jest?" The man now sounded a bit puzzled by her remark, but that only lasted a short while before he spoke, again, in a hard and cold tone. Thank goodness she had learned old English otherwise she wouldn't have known what he was referring to.

"No, it's not some kind of 'jest'! A gag is just referring to shutting someone up with a piece of cloth or a rag and you just removed it from my mouth." She spoke in an equally hard tone since she were now getting tired of this "jest" of a kidnapping.

jest= joke