Day 27

Lan and Mayl have been waking up in strange positions the last few days, but this one definitely took the cake. Lan and Mayl's front were rubbing right against each other, Mayl's bra around the two of them pulling their chests towards each other. The two of them were also in the Lan's white y-fronts, Mayl still wearing her panties, but Lan's bare crotch was rubbing against it.

Mayl screamed and was about to push Lan away, but he yelled, "Mayl! Wait wait wait!"


"If we pull away from each other, my underwear will rip!"

Mayl whimpered as she realized Lan was right. Still, she was panicking so she couldn't come up with any idea of how to get free. Lan and her nipples were both in perfect contact with one another, both hard due to the cold morning air and the situation they were put in. Lan's bare erection was rubbing against her panties.

Lan took deep breaths. "Alright, the first thing we should do is-"

He reached around Mayl's back and unclipped her lingerie top. As soon as it fell, the two of them pulled their chests away from each other, Lan's erection poking harder at Mayl's crotch. The two of them felt it pulsating as Lan took sight of her bare breasts.

"Alright, now to get this off."

Lan started shimmying himself out of the "shared" briefs, but as he did so, his crotch rubbed at her crotch repeatedly. Mayl bit her lips trying to stifle her moans. Lan got impatient and started trying to get out quicker, slowly pulling away from Mayl at each attempt at shimmying. The two were so focused on the situation, Mayl with the sexual gratification she was feeling, Lan with getting out of this mess, that they didn't realize the tear on Lan's briefs until it ripped off.

Lan was leaning over Mayl, legs spread apart, mentally cursing himself over and over. Mayl looked down at Lan's erection and turned redder, if that was possible. Lan sat down and screamed in frustration, "Damnit, you stupid ghost! If you were physical, I'd clobber you, you coward."

Mayl continued staring at Lan's erection, forgetting that she was completely topless. The boy with the erection closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled, opening his eyes to an eyeful of breasts. His erection pulsated at this sight. Mayl was the first to come back to reality and saw his chocolate brown eyes on her now hard pink nipples. Mayl blushed and covered herself, shyly turning away. "I'll go put on my bra now." Lan nodded, and the two of them got up, Lan covering his erection, his breathing erratic; he wanted to get rid of his boner so bad. Suddenly, Lan felt something push him, sending him flying into the closet whose door opened after the push. Mayl turned around and felt herself pushed into the closet too. The two of them fell on the ground inside the closet with Mayl lying on top of Lan, their crotches reuniting with one another eliciting a moan from the two of them.

Mayl heaved herself off of Lan and turned to find that the closet door was closed and wouldn't budge. "Damnit, it won't open."

Mayl was interrupted when Lan kissed her. She widened her eyes- her crush was kissing her, but there wasn't any spark in it. This wasn't Lan. Mayl pushed Lan's body away, deciding to play along since it would be safer if the ghost thought Mayl was fooled. "What are you doing?"

Lan's lips opened to say, "I can't take it anymore. I'm so horny right now that I need you really bad!"

Mayl shook her head, "No. Not yet. Not like this, not in this situation."

Lan growled, "Why?"

Mayl shook her head once more, a bit more scared now. "Just not now."

This was definitely not Lan. Lan was not as beastly as this. The ghost growled, "Fine."

Mayl gave a sigh of relief; the ghost wasn't going to hurt her, but she was taken aback by the sound of Lan's moan. She looked at Lan to find his hand stroking his penis. Mayl reddened, "What are you doing!"

"What does it look like? Jacking off-If you won't relieve me, I'll have to relieve myself."

Mayl covered her eyes but couldn't help peering through the gaps of her fingers to watch Lan masturbating. Wait, if Lan's masturbating right there... in front of me... that close... Mayl's face heated making her head hazy and her dizzy as she arrived at her conclusion. It turned out to be true when Lan finally released his seed on her. Mayl whimpered as she looked at herself. This was disgusting, but somehow, for some reason, she loved it.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry, Mayl! I didn't mean to do that! I just couldn't help it! My hormones- they were out of control."

Mayl reddened. This was the Lan she had a crush on, her crush... who was squatting over her, legs wide apart. Whatever he said, she wasn't paying attention to him. She snapped out of her trance when he stepped over her and was able to open the closet.

Day 30

The last few days have been pretty awkward, mostly because Lan was completely naked. The two had survived off of Lan's food that F.A.T gave to them a couple of weeks ago. Luckily, they managed to stay preserved. Still, Mayl and Lan didn't like being trapped in a room about fifty stories high.

Lan initiated the conversation for the day. "Mayl, I think I know what the ghost wants."


"I think it wants us to have sex."

Mayl coughed out the food she was eating. "Excuse me? Why would the ghost want that?"

"Don't ask me what twisted shit goes through that ghost' s mind. It's just, this has been something I've been feeling for the last few days. This sexual tension in the air. It feels like it's coming from something more than just the two of us."

"I'm not doing it with you. Not now… not like this," Mayl blurted as she got up, crimson faced, and walked to the bathroom.

As she was taking a shower, she was contemplating what Lan said. She had a creeping suspicion that Lan was right, but she wanted this moment of physical union between the two to be something special. She's been dreaming of it for ages. She didn't want it to end up to be something that they were forced to do.

When she was done, she moved over to the hot tub to think some more. After a few hours of staying in the bathroom, she decided that she had stayed in there long enough. She forced herself to think so she wouldn't have to face Lan naked again since it would fuel her lust. She gave herself a quick rinse and stepped out of the shower to find that her lingerie were missing. Damnit.

After a long time of contemplating, she finally decided to walk out of the bathroom naked, not without covering herself as best she could, one hand covering her crotch, the other arm covering her chest. "Lan, don't look at me. I'm naked."

She could see Lan's shoulders stiffen- he wanted to look at her nude but restrained himself from doing so. She sat on the bed and covered herself with the blanket. Lan was on the other edge covering himself too. Her stomach growled, and the food were over at the balcony. "Lan, could you get me some food?"

Lan sighed and got up to get her the food. He didn't bother covering himself anymore after Mayl had more than enough opportunities to ogle him the last few days. It was still embarrassing for the both of them, but Lan tried to get over it by forcing himself to feel apathetic.

Mayl jumped off the bed squealing as a swarm of mice crawled out from under the bed. Lan gulped as he saw Mayl essentially dancing in the nude to avoid contact with the mice. Needless to say, he was turned on. When that fiasco was over, Mayl moved over to Lan's side of the bed.

Lan sat next to her, their thighs meeting, and handed her food. "You saw, didn't you?"

Lan nodded. "If we have sex, this might-"

"No," Mayl adamantly interrupted.

She lied down and turned away from Lan, determined to go to sleep. Lan lied next to her facing the other direction. Due to Mayl's persistence to get far away from her side, they slept with their butts in contact.

At night, Mayl woke up to the heaviness of Lan's butt on her flower. Mayl pushed Lan off of her, groaning, "Stupid ghost."

As soon as he was off of her, she felt something tugging on her feet. She pulled her feet away without a thought until she was pulled off the bed. She screamed, waking Lan up. Lan got up immediately and saw Mayl being pulled into the closet.

Lan ran over to the closet and banged on the door. "Let her go! Mayl! Calm down! I'll get you out in a second! Damnit!"

The closet finally opened, and Mayl dashed outside slamming onto Lan. She hugged him tightly, crying, "It tried to rape me. It was opening my- my"

Lan shushed her, "It's okay. You're okay now."

"I'll do it. I'll have sex with you. I want you to be my first, but- but I wanted this to be done out of love- not something like this."

Lan kissed her on the forehead, "I can guarantee that I love you, Mayl. I love you more than anything else in the world."

Mayl hiccupped, "Still, I can't do this out of love for you if I'm scared like this."

Lan stepped away from Mayl for a while and came back, "How about now?"

Mayl rubbed her eyes and opened them to find Lan squatting with his crotch right in front of her. However, it was covered in chocolate. Lan rubbed chocolate over himself in the shape of a pair of briefs with a heart pattern made of whipped cream. Over the rest of his body, he decorated it with various other food including vanilla cream making stars on his nipples with strawberries on at the tip.

Mayl coughed out a laugh. "Lan, you're so sweet."

Lan gave his signature grin, "Nice use of pun."

Day 31

The two of them woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. "Just a reminder that your luggage should be downstairs by 10 AM tomorrow if you don't want to be charged for an extra day. Today was the last day you reserved this room."

Lan's arms were wrapped around Mayl in tender embrace, his morning wood poking into Mayl's back hole. Mayl giggled, "Thanks for yesterday night, Lan."

Lan kissed her behind the neck and whispered, "My pleasure."

He pushed himself off the bed and walked to the door. "Now let's just see if we can finally get out of here."

He opened the door with ease to find himself standing face to face with a female receptionist. The receptionist blushed as she looked down Lan's body and blushed even redder when she was looking down. Lan raised both his hands in triumph and turned around. "We did it! Mayl! We did it! We can finally get out of here whenever we want!"

The receptionist walked away nonchalantly. "They were a cute couple… but it took the ghost this long to make them do it. I wonder how frustrated it got."

Mayl smiled, "Alright, we should probably get out of here at night when nobody's awake since we're naked."

Lan closed the door and agreed. Mayl got up and stretched. She walked to the bathroom. "I think I'm too tired to wash myself. Can you do it for me?"

Lan laughed, "You know I would! I'm a pervert remember?"

The two of them took a shower and went to bed, wanting to be awake for their adventure at night.

When they woke up at night, they were more tired than they were when they woke up in the morning. Mayl groaned, "This is why I don't take afternoon naps."

But when they sat up, they saw something that made them wide awake. A fresh set of clothes was sitting right there! These were one of the sets of clothes that had mysteriously disappeared rather than seen thrown off the balcony. Lan ran to them and grabbed a white underwear and hugged it. "Oh underwear, I'll never take you for granted again."

He kissed it twice and gave a long third kiss. "Umm, Lan, those are my panties, but I don't mind you kissing it," she laughed.

Lan blushed and turned to Mayl to hand it over to her, who already had her clothes on, except for the panties. Mayl took a mental picture of Lan changing in front of her for the last time. "Do you still want to get out of here now?"

"Heck yea," Mayl scoffed.

She walked out the door first and down towards the elevator. Lan stood at the entrance and turned around to face the room. "I guess you were just having fun playing perverted pranks on us this entire time. All in all, I'm thankful you didn't hurt us. Oh, and thanks for getting Mayl and me together."

Blue flames appeared out of nowhere that surprised him. It said, "You're welcome."

Lan smiled, "Bye."

He walked down to Mayl who was impatiently waiting at the elevator. He felt a draft as he was walking and naïvely thought of it as the ghost being sad that its favorite couple was leaving. Lan could see Mayl blushing as he walked to her. Lan laughed as she ranted about the perverted ghost on their way down. She threatened to find that ghost after she died and wipe it out of existence. "It'll be sorry that it ever messed with me. By the way, was it really necessary to leave your clothes behind to the ghost? I heard you thanking the ghost, but I don't think leaving your clothes as mementos will be too valuable to the ghost."

"What are you talking about?"

Lan looked at himself and found himself in tight blue briefs with Megaman's emblem on his crotch. There was a flicker of blue flames on his shoulder, indicating that the source of fuel for that fire earlier was his clothes, which explained how the other clothes mysteriously disappeared off scene of the camera. Lan yelled, "I hate that ghost!"

Everyone in the lounge stared at the half-naked boy as he and his girlfriend stomped out of the hotel.

They reached home dead at night. "Take a picture! It'll last longer, you pedophile!"

The taxi driver gave one last look at Lan before driving away. Strangely, the driver was a guy. Lan stomped over to his house and knocked on the door. Ms. Hikari opened the door and squealed at the return of her son. "Welcome home you two. Lan, why are you in your underwear?"

"I uh- it's a funny story. I-"

"Lost a bet," finished Mayl. "Yea. Loser had to walk home in their underwear. Just here of course, not across public or anything."

Ms. Hikari didn't sound convinced, but it was 3 o'clock in the morning, so she let them go to bed.

The next day, the two of them woke up, Mayl with her hand on Lan's crotch, Lan with his hand underneath Mayl's bra. The both of them said simultaneously, "That wasn't the ghost this time."

They laughed and walked downstairs after Lan put on fresh clothes. Dr. Hikari and everyone they knew surprised the two as they walked downstairs. Famous walked up to them and patted them on the shoulder, "You guys have to tell us everything that happened this vacation."

"Uhh, it was indescribable."

"Really? That's fine. We have the data from your camera to help you as you present to us the great vacation city you visited."

The couple looked at each other, wide eyed, and screamed, "What? Camera?"

Dex growled, "Yea, the camera that you brought with you to film your vacation!"

They saw him grabbing a remote and pressing the play button. Lan and Mayl jumped but were too late to stop it. They mentally communicated with each other saying, Fuck, we hate that ghost.

AN: Finally! The end! I might redo this story again in the future just because it was rushed, but you'll have to tell me how I can improve it. So review review review! And stay tuned for my updates for my other FF's. Thanks for reading!