I am SO sorry for not updating sooner. I've been SO busy, you don't even understand. BUT I promise, once testing and crap is over, I'll start updating more frequently and they'll be a lot longer. Hopefully. I'm reeaaaally excited about some of the stuff that will soon be taking place…

Ch. 2 Creating Monsters

She would never admit it but Bubblegum had sort of expected all of this to go horribly wrong, all of them together in a stressful environment, what else was to be expected? Rainbows and sunshine? Well, maybe rainbows, Lady was with them after all. But after the first day or so of actually enjoying being with her friends and family she had missed so much she began to wonder if somehow this all would turn out alright in the end, that Marceline and Gumball would have a beautiful, normal, er, well, maybe not normal… but somewhat respectable wedding and everyone would be happy.

But that was before Marshal Lee caught her kissing Finn.

Before this.

She had not even thought of the evil queen once in the past three years, Gumball had not been tormented by her or anything. Bubblegum had assumed it was because she had enough sense to stay away from what Marceline, the other terrible queen of the land, considered her territory. Now she was beginning to think differently.

"Princess…" The woman purred, landing by her side in the empty candy gardens. Bubblegum stiffened, the immortal was less than an arm's length away, the princess could literally feel the cold rolling off of her. "Oh, don't look so surprised… we made a deal…"

"No! That-"

"Take me to your mother." The queen hissed, blue eyes glowing and hair whipping around her.

"No!" Bubblegum hissed through her clenched teeth, forcing herself to remain calm. The Ice Queen snarled but made no move to hurt Bubblegum, instead she calmed down a bit, that was not enough to make Bubblegum relax.

"Fine, I don't need her anyway, I have you…"

That made her take a step back. What did she want now?

"Here," the queen pulled a folder out of nowhere and forced it into Bubblegum's arms. "You'll know what to do… or perhaps you'd like me to hurt that pretty little blond boy?" The queen threw her head back and laughed at the look of horror that passed over Bubblegum's face. "That's what I thought… now… make sure he's simply adorable…"

"What?" Bubblegum demanded but the queen was gone. She gulped nervously before opening the folder with shaking hands. Her brown eyes widened as they scanned over the detailed notes and diagrams she held in her hands. Part of her was horrified, and for good reason, but another part of her couldn't help but be impressed. In a sick sort of scientific way.

Had the Ice Queen designed this? Bubblegum didn't think the woman capable of anything remotely close to this. She wasn't even sure if she could come up with this. It would take her a while, a very long while, but no one besides her own creator had ever done such a thing before! It was a breakthrough! A step forward!

She didn't have to give it to the Ice Queen, she could keep it for herself, change the design a bit and it would be perfect. No one would know that it was originally intended for evil… But what about Finn? He could protect himself from the Ice Queen, he's a hero, a knight, the Ice Queen wouldn't hurt him… right?

If this was in the wrong hands, like the Ice Queen's, glob only knows what sorts of horrible things would take place. But in Bubblegum's… it would do good, it would be amazing. But it would be hard, and dangerous with that evil woman breathing down her neck. She would still do it.

So she would make it, she just couldn't allow it to become the Ice Queen's.

"So, how'd you do it?" Marshal Lee demanded, glaring down at Gumball with a slight blush staining his cheeks.

Gumball, the good little prince, smirked up at him with an evil twinkle in his eyes. "Marshal Lee, are you thinking about-"

"Shut up Bubble-Butt! Just answer the question!"

"Marshal, I'm not sure I understand… do you want me to shut up or to speak?" Gumball replied, teasing tone to his voice.

"Gumball, you insufferable-"

"I didn't even think you knew that word, let alone how to use it properly," Gumball cut in, voice thick with sarcasm. "Bravo!"

"Gumball," Marshal growled. "I'm serious."

Gumball raised a slender brow in response, honestly surprised. The last thing he expected was for Marshal to be coming to him for this. "I see… if you must know Marceline is the one who proposed to me. I believe you are asking the wrong person for advice."

The silence that followed that statement was deafening.

Marshal face-palmed feeling as if the world really was full of idiots, himself included for not realizing such an obvious thing sooner. "Good glob…" He hissed before floating away.

"Good luck!" Gumball called with a snicker.

Yeah, he should have went to his sister, the only sane person around, first. Actually, her sanity is questionable, she is going to be marrying a certain pink pain. But at least she's happy.

Now he can't help but feel really stupid for not seeing her as the perfect candidate to get advice from, she's brilliant, your girlfriend's, hopefully soon-to-be-fiancée, best friend, and she's a better man than Gumball ever could be. While remaining the coolest lady too of course. She'll know what to do.