Ok, so uhm...
I dunno... It's shorter than usual, and the reason is down below... yeah
but this certainly is the reason why this story's at a T rating...
Tell me if I should move it up...
Usual disclaimers... yada yada yada
They moved away from the table where Blaine's massive pile of papers were finally completed, and settled themselves in the living room. Kurt sat with both his legs taking up most of the space the couch offered, Blaine sat in between Kurt's legs, with Kurt's arms wrapped around him.
Blaine nuzzled his head on Kurt's chest. "So? …you want me to join you and the original New Directions at a party?"
"Yeah, is it too much to ask? I know we've only known each other for the bulk of three months, but I think we've spent enough time together for us to be, you know, inviting each other as dates… Oh my God… I've been intruding on your life haven't I? What if you don't like me around that much. I've been over your place so much that I'm basically a parasite!"
"Hey, hey, hey" Blaine said with a soothing voice, actually finding it funny how Kurt reacted to what he said. "I didn't mean to say it like that. I was just wondering, if I understood it correctly." He held onto Kurt's hand, giving it a small squeeze as they lay in front of the muted television. "Of course I'll go. It'll give you a chance to show me off to your friends right?"
Kurt smiled.
"It's okay. Show me off like a brand new car. I won't mind." Blaine leaned back and looked up at the taller man. Kurt glanced back at him, but it didn't stay like that for long. Quick glances became stares, and soon enough, Kurt was placing tiny kisses on Blaine's forehead.
Blaine sighed at the feeling. The feeling of being loved. The feeling of not being alone. He continued rubbing Kurt's forearm as some way to reciprocate, but it didn't feel right. He wanted more. As if Kurt read his mind, the man leaned them back, Kurt lay his head on the arm rest while Blaine lay on top of him, the man's curly hair on top of his abdomen.
Missing Kurt's lips, Blaine turned around and moved up. He stared at Kurt for a moment. Blaine took in the deep blue shading of Kurt's eyes, and thought about how he's never seen it like that before. Little did he know, his own eyes were turning a dark shade of green as well.
Without any more hesitation, they crashed their lips. It had been too long. Had it been too long since they made out like this? They didn't know, nor did they care. This was a now moment. They tasted each other's tongues, sucking on them like it was the last piece of starburst candy, but only better tasting. Blaine felt a tug on his hair and realized it was Kurt. But the man wasn't pulling him away.
Kurt leaned his head forward even more, crushing their lips as if their life depended on it. Then he felt something. And that something was something he thought he'd never feel again. But when Blaine grinded down on him, he. felt. amazing. "Oh my god." Kurt exclaimed when they went up for air. But the pause didn't last long.
Soon enough, both men continued their ministrations.
"Hnng… Kurt." Blaine moaned as he felt Kurt grind back. Blaine didn't know where to put his hands, but settled for Kurt's side and shoulder. Kurt however, thought of a more fun place to put his own.
Kurt cupped Blaine's cheeks, one hand on his face the other a little more south of the border. Blaine groaned even more. feeling Kurt's hand down there was heaven. But then both hands moved down, and correction… that was the feeling of heaven combined with Kurt's tongue in his mouth and whatever it was Kurt was doing to him.
They both reciprocated their actions or grinding and kissing before finally. It hit them. And it hit them hard.
They were gasping, groaning, grunting, and who knows what other g-verb there was, because they didn't care. "Wow." Kurt said, running his hand through Blaine's sweaty hair.
"Oooh! Can I have that one please!" Alice pointed over to a wand. "It look's like the Fairy Godmother's wand! Papa, can I have it please?"
"Okay sweetie, but sooner or later, we're gonna have to stop." He gestured over to the shopping cart, half filled with the toys that she wanted. Dolls, stuffed animals, board games, make-up sets, and a whole lot more.
"But it's almost Christmas!"
"Yes, sweetie, but if you have me buy all this stuff for you, there won't be enough for the other good little girls." He leaned in and whispered into her ear. "Besides, if you get all this stuff, Santa might not visit you this year."
"Because. He might think you already have enough toys that you don't need anymore."
"But I've been a good girl all year!"
"Isn't that right Kurtie?" Alice asked as she saw the man come over with a gigantic stuffed puppy cradled in his arms. "Ooh! Puppy! Can I have this one too?"
"Of course Alice. You know what, I'll buy you everything in this cart as a Christmas present! That way, your father won't be in a sour mood tonight."
"Kurt, are you─"
"Hush Blaine." Kurt reprimanded as Alice jumped around the empty space inside the mall, he stuffed puppy still tightly held in her grasp. "As long as Alice promises to be a good girl and keeps her straight A's in class."
Alice paused long enough to hear her teacher's voice. "Oh I will, I will. I will listen and do my work and run in gym, and do better in math, and…. this is gonna be the best Christmas ever!"
"I think you created a monster."
"But why? Come on Kurt, I already told Sam she could go." Calvin whined a little bit, still trying to maintain some composure in the presence of his confident older brother.
"I told you, the invitation was still tentative." Kurt crossed his arms. "I only kind of invited you because it's gonna be at my apartment this year. I thought everyone was going to be civilized enough not to bring any alcohol, but no." He really shouldn't have said anything to the young teen, but it kind of slipped out. And when it did, Kurt immediately called a certain Noah Puckerman to withdraw the alcohol for one year. Kurt was greeted with a hearty laugh, but when he explained, Noah reluctantly agreed. What he didn't expect, was Santana's call of her bringing some as well. "And therefore, you can't go anymore."
"Fine." Calvin stormed out of the living room only to bump into Finn, who was coming in through the front door. Soon enough the two step-brothers heard a loud slam from upstairs.
"He gets more like you everyday."
Kurt rolled his eyes as he took off out the front door to help Carole with the groceries.
I'm running out of ideas... and I still don't know how to end this fic
There's one more arc buzzing in my head, and I think that's it!
Many doors will be left open though, but yeah