Disclaimer: I own nothing!

This is sooooooooo random! Hope you like! Me and my friend wrote this, the ones you like are mine! The ones you don't are hers!
Flames will be ignored, so don't bother. But Feedback is loved! (Some of these ways only work if your a guy, sooo...)

P.S: Don't get me wrong, I love the Brotherhood Boys! I just like to pick on them, too...:P


1.) Steal Lance's fishbowl.

2.) Fill Lance's fishbowl with water and goldfish, then set the bowl on the counter where he can find it.

3.) Throw a bar of soap at Toad's head.

4.) Tell Pietro's date that he's gay, then hide somewhere and see what happens.

5.) Steal Fred's candy.

6.) Eat Fred's candy in front of him.

7.) Burn Pietro's uniforms.

8.) Flirt with Kitty.

9.) Trash Wanda's room.

10.) Tell Mystique what they did to her house.

11.) Replace everything in their rooms with the exact same thing, but in pink.

12.) Steal their TV.

13.) Call Pietro an old man and laugh at his hair.

14.) Slash the tires on Lance's jeep.

15.) Replace all their food with cornflakes.

17) Hold their TV for ransom.

18.) Destroy their TV with a sledgehammer then return it as a present, but keep the ransom money anyway.

19.) Tell Wanda the truth about her childhood.

20.) Read this to them.