"Breathe...just breathe..." Blaine whispered to Rachel, who was currently leaning on his chest as he continued to rock her back and forth, his arms around her swollen belly.
It had been 3 hours since Rachel's contractions had begun and over the course of three hours, Blaine had called Lucy, the midwife, prepared the bath tub where Rachel wanted to deliver the baby, and pulled out a more than enough amount of towels to be used for the delivery. As of the moment, the two were currently resting on the couch found inside their bathroom as Blaine continued to rock Rachel back and forth as contractions continued to rip through her body.
"Oh! Ow!" Rachel whimpered, holding on to Blaine's hand as another contraction came.
"Breathe baby, just like what we learned in our Lamaze classes," Blaine said, kissing Rachel's head as he waited for her contractions to end. "How far apart were those Lucy?"
"About 15 minutes. I'll have to check how dilated she is. Rachel are you ok?" Lucy, the midwife, asked her.
"Yeah, I'm ok now, go ahead," Rachel replied, moving so that Lucy could have a look at her.
"You're only 3 cenitmeters dilated dear. Do you want to get in the water now or do you want to wait a little longer?" Lucy exclaimed as she covered Rachel with some of the towels Blaine had placed beside the couch.
"I think I want to walk a little bit, maybe get him a to settle a little lower," Rachel said, earning a nod from Lucy as Blaine moved to help her on her feet.
"Are you sure you want to walk around?" Blaine whispered as Rachel slowly stood up from their couch.
"Yeah, I just want to help him I guess. Speed things up a bit," Rachel replied.
After about a few minutes of walking, Rachel was yet again hit by another set of contractions. Thankfully, Blaine was by her side and prevented her from falling as she gripped his arm for support.
"Oooh my god I swear these are getting stronger and a lot more painful. Hoooo oh god," Rachel said under closed eyes, still gripping Blaine's arm as he continued to rub soothing circles at her back.
"Sssh honey, it'll be over soon, just breathe..." Blaine said calmly as he secretly willed himself not to panic. Blaine would never admit it to Rachel, but he was starting to get really nervous about the fact that in a few hours, he would finally become a father. Sure, for women, falling pregnant would immediately make them as mothers, for they feel their baby growing inside of them. They feel every move, every kick, and that was just amazing. For fathers-to-be on the other, it was a completely different story. They only officially become dads after their baby has been pushed out into the world, and right now Blaine was closely reaching the end of that bridge. And no matter how many time or how many books he read about pregnancy and babies, nothing could have prepared him for this.
"Is it over?" Blaine asked as he felt Rachel's grip on him relax and heard Rachel's breathing to return to normal.
"Yeah, that was a strong one," Rachel said, resting her head on the area where Blaine neck met his shoulders. Softly, Blaine ran his hand up and down her back, willing her to calm down and breathe deeply.
"I love you so much, do you know that?" Blaine said as he continued to rub Rachel's back.
"I do. And I love you more..." Rachel replied to him.
"Not possible, I love you more and more each day. And this here," Blaine said, resting a hand on Rachel's baby bump, "Just proves it. I love you Rachel."
"Well you have an odd way of showing it," Rachel giggled but kissed Blaine chastely, placing a hand on top of his that was currently resting on her baby bump.
After about an hour more of continuous labour pains, the contractions began to grow closer that it was almost overwhelming for Rachel. The midwife said to her that she was finally entering the transition phase and she was almost fully dilated, even going as far as asking her to finally get in the tub, which Rachel refused as she still wanted tog et the baby as low as possible. After a few more minutes of walking, Rachel suddenly let out a gasp, which Blaine was quick to respond to.
"Tisero mio what's wrong?" Blaine said worriedly as Rachel continued to stare at her foot.
"I think...oh my god I think my water just broke..."
And sure enough, a small puddle of water was found at the area of the floor Rachel was standing on. Upon seeing the water, Lucy quickly ushered Rachel to get in the tub with Blaine following quickly behind her.
"Ok just give me a heads up if ever that you start to feel like pushing ok? Don't push until I tell you so, this is important Rachel, we don't want to hurt the baby," Lucy said, earning a nod from Rachel.
"Oh wow baby it's gonna happen soon," Blaine said as he ran a hand through Rachel's hair.
"I know. Are you ready?" Rachel said, her eyes closed as she focused on her breathing.
"Well, I'm still nervous about it, but I know I'll make it just as long as I'm with you," Blaine said, kissing the top of Rachel's head.
"Baby?" Rachel whispered after a few seconds of comfortable silence.
"Hmm?" he replied as he continued to run his fingers through Rachel's head. Rachel did not have time to say what she wanted to however because another strong contraction started to go through her body.
"Oh my god LUCY!" Rachel said, calling out the midwife as she whimpered through one of what she could feel as the strongest contraction she has ever had.
"Rachel? What is it?" Lucy replied, kneeling beside the tub and resting a hand on Rachel's knee.
"I need to push! Oh god I neeeeeeeed to puuuuuuush oooooow!" Rachel gasped out as her whole body started to shiver from the pain.
"Ok, just wait for this one to die out and then we'll begin with the pushing ok? Blaine can you get out of the tub please? I need the space to see the baby," Lucy said to him, and quickly enough, Blaine was out of the tub and was kneeling beside Rachel, holding her hand as she held on to his for dear life.
"Oh god here it gooooooes!" Rachel said, grabbing Blaine's hand as Rachel began to push for 10 counts, as instructed by Lucy.
"HNNNNG OH GOD!" she screamed as Blaine whispered the number against her ear.
"9...10. You did good baby," Blaine said, kissing Rachel's cheeks which were covered with tear tracks as she breathed deep.
"Again Rachel. Tell me when the next contraction starts ok?" Lucy asked as she continued to look to see if the baby's head was crowning.
"Why do I feel like he's just slipping back? Is he not moving? Oh my god," Rachel cried as she waited for the next contraction to start.
"Oh my dear it's normal for the baby to slip back in again. As long as he's moving, little by little, he'll begin to crown. Don't worry about it," Lucy replied as she smiled softly at Rachel.
As 15 minutes has passed, Rachel slowly felt her little nugget resting lower and lower on her birth canal. As she continued to push, she suddenly heard what she had been begging to hear from Lucy since the beginning of her labour.
"Ok he's crowning! I can see the head! Rachel just keep pushing ok! 10 counts, you can do it!" she said encouragingly.
"Are you ready to push love?" Blaine said as he tried to flex the hand that Rachel had been holding under a death grip, earning a nod from the very tired Rachel, who kept on holding on to him throughout the whole ordeal.
"Ok, come on honey you can do this! Push!" Blaine said to her, and with that, Rachel began pushing with all her might, until finally she felt it: her baby's head was finally out and she couldn't help the large amount of breathe she let out at she felt the tears welling at her eyes.
Ok Rachel, just one more push and it'll all be over ok?" Lucy said, wiping Rachel's sweat covered forehead with one of the small towels Blaine gave her earlier.
And with one big push, Blaine heard it. A cry. The most beautiful, heart warming, tear-inducing cry coming from a small angel that was placed on his beautiful wife's chest. A small angel with a small patch of unruly curls and the most beautiful, cutest button nose he has ever seen. As he continued to stare at his new born child, Blaine was snapped out of his reverie by Rachel, who was looking at him with tears clinging at the sides of her eyes.
"Blaine...oh my god he has your hair," she said to him as he continued to stare at his new, small family.
"The poor little one," Blaine said, and with that Blaine slowly rested his hand on the back of their little nugget, who had finally stopped crying and was now just resting on Rachel's chest.
"Mr. Anderson?" Lucy tapped Blaine's shoulder. Looking at her, Blaine saw that she was holding out a shiny pair of scissors, giving him a soft smile as she did. "I need you to cut the placenta now."
"Me? Oh...ok yeah I can do that," Blaine said, taking the pair of scissors and snipping at what he believed to be his little nugget's placenta. As Blaine quickly returned the scissors to Lucy, who was now currently checking Rachel from the now water-free bath tub, he couldn't help the tears that have finally started to flow from his eyes. As he took in his new family, Blaine felt his heart swell a thousand times more.
"Do you want to hold him?" Rachel asked weakly as she gave him a soft smile.
"Yes, I'd love to," Blaine said, swiftly following Rachel's instructions on how to hold their baby and finally enveloping the small creature with his strong arms.
"Hey little buddy..."Blaine cooed to the now sleeping infant, "Happy birthday. We've been waiting for you for the longest time," Blaine whispered to him, placing the softest of kisses on top of his still tender head. "What do you think we should name him?" Blaine asked as Rachel continued to look at them both.
"I was thinking maybe Zach? I really love that name," Rachel merely whispered to him as Lucy continued to check if the entire placenta has finally come out of her system and if her uterus was still contracting to prevent any bleeding.
"Zach...I like it," Blaine said, looking back to his wife and giving her a big smile. "Hi Zach," Blaine yet again cooed, moving so that the two of them were resting beside Rachel "Me and mommy love you so much," he whispered as he kissed the little ones forehead, "Welcome to the world punkin..."
The End x3
[A/N] *Sniff sniff*
That is the final chapter of the story. To everyone who had followed this from beginning to end, I hope I did it justice and I thank you all so much [: This has been such an amazing experience and I can safely say that I am excited to begin yet another story. I was also thinking about doing a couple of one shots for this little family over here :3 I had such an amazing time you guys! Grazie! I can't thank you all enough!
Again thank you! I love you all so much!