I wrote this after seeing some leaked deleted scenes from DH Part 2. I actually wanted to kill the directors for not putting this really short bit in. For those who haven't seen it, it sort of fills in between Ron and Hermione trying to kill the snake and the bit where they fall on the rubble and nearly get killed. Everything up to Hermione saying 'It'll just ruin it!' is in the deleted scene, and the rest is my imagination (apart from the end, which picks up at the falling into the rubble bit). Enjoy!

They're running down the stairs, and the snake is almost flying after them. Her heart is beating faster than it ever has in her life, and she knows that the only thing she should be feeling is pure fear at the fact that almost certain death is chasing her, but it isn't. Because running next to her is the boy she has loved for years, and his hand is in hers, and she is so, so aware that his heart is hammering just as hard as hers is.


He's out of breath, but her name still rings clear through her ears.


'There's something I need to tell you,' he pants, stumbling a little as they race forwards, never daring to slow. Her heart is beating even harder now, if that is possible, and adrenaline shoots through her veins.

'I don't want you to say anything you wouldn't say if we weren't about to be killed by a giant snake!' she gasps, because although she is so desperate to hear the words her head is screaming at her now is not the time! 'It'll just ruin it!'

She can hear his breathing so loudly in her ear, and then they round a corner, almost skidding on the stone steps as the snake gets ever nearer. She was lying, of course it wouldn't ruin anything, but there'll be time for that later. Right now they need to concentrate on staying alive, and helping Harry, and killing the snake, and –

'I'm going to tell you anyway!' he shouts, 'because I am not going to die without saying it!'

The snake's getting closer now, and any second now it'll be upon them. She knows exactly what he means, and there isn't really any point staying quiet if they only have moments to live. So she opens her mouth as he does, and they both scream,


and then the stairs come to an end, and they're both trying to curse the snake but missing, and now they've fallen on rubble and his arms are around her and she shuts her eyes, waiting for it to end. She pictures his face, concentrates on the feeling of finally kissing him less that an hour ago, and those three words ring in her ears as she hears the snake open its jaws –

Then a great rushing sound slices through the air, and she opens her eyes to see Neville brandishing the sword of Gryffindor as the snake's head soars up into the air. She lets out an involuntary scream, and sees Ron open his eyes too. They both recoil from the mixture of blood and evil flying everywhere, causing their arms to tighten around each other even more. And suddenly everything is silent, and there is nothing in the world but his face. They stare at each other, then all of a sudden they are holding each other like they never want to let go.

Through all the pain, and the blood, and the screaming, Hermione hears him whisper those three words one more time, and smiles.

See what I mean? Would it have killed them to just put it in? Grr. Still, at least it's on the deleted scenes :) Thanks for reading!

Iliketotastetherainbow x