I knew Fabian had a crush on me from the beginning. When he first said hello, I could practically see the hearts in his eyes.
Do I love him? I'm not so sure. I know he still likes me, I know that maybe I like him back, a little. But maybe it was all the attention he gave me that made me kiss him, made me like him. I'd never felt so loved before.
Everyone liked Fabian. He's so easy to like, I mean, he's smart, kind, sensitive and so cute. But there was nothing there when we kissed, I could tell. He might have enjoyed it, but for me, the sparks just weren't there.
Maybe things could have been different, if I was a different person. I wanted so badly to feel something for him, but I couldn't. And I knew that he knew it too, and that's why he's still clinging on, hoping that I might change my mind.
But I can't. That's the problem. Being with Fabian is great: he buys me presents, he kisses me, he cares about me. But it's just not enough. There's nothing there.
Maybe I did like him back then. But now? I'm not so sure. And I'm just waiting for the right moment to tell him.