Warnings: OOC, grammar mistakes, established relationship and many, many more.


Zero had an illness - as Marie preferred to call it even though they both knew it was nothing close to any illness or disease. His illness could become a problem whenever he was near anyone, especially when he was around the two most annoying demon hunters he had ever met: Dante and Nero. They would tease him, throwing a playful grin at him and telling Zero how such illness did not fit his feature as a vampire hunter.

You see, Zero loved to cuddle. Weird but true.

Truthfully, Zero never really felt ashamed about it since it was incurable anyway. He tried to rid of the habit before with Marie's help but failed miserably a week after that. Nero found the vampire hunter latching himself onto one of plushy bunny doll Dante bought for him as Christmas gift. Zero was embarrassed at that time; a pink flush adorned his baby face. He could not help it - he seriously loved to cuddle. Consciously or not.

So he had to deal with it, sighed and pouted childishly whenever Dante and Nero would call his illness 'adorable' or 'annoying (Dante mostly called it annoying while Nero found such act as adorable).

Zero was on the ragged couch, staring at the ceiling with a blank stare as his eyes began to flutter slowly. He was tired and the idea of sleeping on the not-so-comfortable couch seemed very tempting right now. Slowly, he gave in and let the slumber claimed him. Despite the loud music booming from Dante's old jukebox and Nero's hoarse voice lecturing Dante about his endless porn magazines - Zero still had his serene sleep.

When he woke up (it felt like hours), he was a bit taken aback to find two strong arms around his smaller frame - Dante's and Nero's weight above him as they stirred in their sleep. He had no idea for how long they had been lying on top of him. What almost made him roll his eyes was the fact that they were cuddling, with Zero trapped between his lovers.

Dante murmured Zero's name while nuzzling his nose to his neck. Nero on the other hand was trying to bring Zero as closer as he could to his chest, his cursed arm tightened around Zero's waist when he felt the other move a little bit. It dawned to the vampire hunter that his lovers also loved to cuddle.

Tch. He was not the only one with the annoying illness.

"The f-" Zero nudged his lovers on the hips, feeling irritated. "Whose hand on my crotch?"


Written by Wookie

Requested by ben4kevin