-Thank you for the reviews!-

He's really nice to me, so Ima gonna give him his ever first homie-choco ever to make him happy! It's a promise!

Stealing a glance of him, Hikari bit her lip and turned back as they trudged their way into the park. The sun was setting, now, it was really getting late, Hikari noticed, but as much as she didn't want to admit she really didn't mind at all to be in a hurry. Hikari looked ahead and sighed…

//: Flashback :\\

"Hikari what are you doing up this late?" Mrs. Kamiya switched on the rest of the kitchen light and crossed her arms at her little girl. Hikari was up kneeling onto a tall stool, mixing a huge batter of chocolate mush, all around her was a mess of flour and eggs and all batter.

Wiping some chocolate on her cheek, Hikari smiled widely, "I'm making so homie-choco for TK, Momma! He's never got'n one before."

Sighing, Mrs. Kamiya strolled over and examined the mess, "Well, honey, I'm sure Takeru'll be happy you made him chocolate but do you really think this is necessary? You could have just asked me to make you some."

"But it won't be the same!" Hikari protested. "I wanna make a homie-choco for TK cause I love him!"



"So um."

Hikari averted her brown eyes to meet Takeru's blue ones for a split second before he turned back, twiddling his thumbs and fidgeting with their shopping bags. Rolling her eyes, Hikari played a small smile across her lips, Takeru's charms aren't about to work on her, not this time.

"…Uh, so," The blonde cleared his throat that Hikari almost laughed—it was rather amusing on her half to see the playboy loss with words to say.

"What, have you already used all of your pick-up lines already?" She grunted with half a smirk. Hikari noticed the small twitch in Takeru's face, did that actually hurt his feelings? Slowly Takeru stopped to a halt by the big slide with the little sandbox.

Takeru spoke in a slightly upset voice, "You know, Kari, we're not—all that different—"

"Hey!" Hikari shouted gaily and quickly paced over the sandbox, kneeling down and not even seeming to pay attention or care for what Takeru had wanted to say. "I remember this, this is the same sandbox Kazumi and I used to play in," she smiled, casting a glance back to see how the boy was.

A bit of relief swept over her when Takeru slightly smiled and walked over, "Actually, it was Kazumi, you and me who used to play here." Hikari rolled her eyes a bit and looked down onto her hands, Takeru cleared his throat and kneeled beside her, and to her surprise Hikari didn't even move away.

"I remember waking up early each morning and dragging my Mom down here so me and Kazumi can play before school. Sort of like our meeting place—and then you came along," Hikari felt her smile grow wider, her eyes slowly averted and she saw Takeru's hands sifting sand around. And her expression changed. She quickly dusted off the sand and looked up at the orangish sun.

//: Flashback :\\

Giggling joyfully as she ran through the park early that Monday morning, Hikari struggled to keep her backpack on while clinging onto the small heart-shaped box in her hands. She skipped past the fountains, her heart and mind raced.

"TK," she glanced down to the box. "I really hope he likes these chocolates, I put my whole heart in it," Hikari smiled and looked up as she neared their meeting place.

Hikari began hearing faint laughs ahead and recognized them as Kazumi and Takeru's voices, she slowed down a bit and strolled over behind an oak tree. Her gasp followed her widened eyes. The box she held slowly dropped down onto the floor, chocolate spilling all over the dirt.

She watched in despair as Takeru stood with Kazumi, blushing madly as he took out a red box—laced and decorated—and handed it to Kazumi. Blushing more than the blonde, Kazumi's smile was as bright and wide as Hikari's was before and gladly took the box before tackling Takeru into a huge hug.

Feeling the tears stain her eyes, Hikari shook her head to try and rid of the dream but was even more surprised when she saw Kazumi exchange Takeru's present with her own honmei-choco. How could they, Hikari couldn't take it anymore and turned to walk away, her walk then quickening to a run. How could they!


"Mn," Hikari cringed and held onto herself, trying to restrain her trembling body. To her dismay Takeru already noticed and landed a hand on her shoulder which she quickly shook away. "I'm fine I'm just feeling a bit woozy, that's all."

Takeru bought it, thankfully, and quickly changed the subject, "So. Have you talked to Kazumi lately?" Hikari slightly sighed and grunted, if only he knew how much he was 'rubbing' it in her face by saying that.

"Actually," she cleared her throat, "I talked to her just a few days ago, she's doing pretty good and she's actually adapted living in Italy now."

Takeru sighed and dusted his hands, looking ahead, "Man, it's sure been a while since I've seen or spoken to her…I really miss us hanging out and stuff," With those last words, Hikari looked down at her hands again, and what Takeru said next somewhat took her by surprise. "Kari, don't you miss the old days, too?"

As quickly as she looked at him Hikari regretted it, "I…Takeru, don't—"

"TK. You used to call me TK, remember?" Takeru almost shouted but rapidly drew back. Hikari, confused, watched as the boy fumbled with himself, seeming to argue on what to say next when someone interrupted both of them.

"Kari?" It was Davis—the surprised look on his face almost matched the same ones that Hikari and Takeru had on. Slowly getting up, she cast a nervous look at Takeru and back at Davis. She had guessed he probably just came from soccer practice—but his jersey didn't seem at all sweaty or dirty. Hikari smiled wide.

"Hi, Davis!"

Her cheery mood didn't seem to change the boy, "What, are you doing here, Kari…?" He said, only looking at Takeru than her. "What's he doing here?"

Hikari scratched her arm, "Takeru's helping me, we're picking up some stuff for Miyako for the Sadie…What about you, soccer practice over already?"

Before Davis could answer though, Takeru cut in, "Kari we better be heading back now, it's getting late and Miyako and Kira must be worried now or something," he said, narrowing his eyes at Davis' cold stare. Turning her head from the blonde to the red-head, Hikari decided she should leave—she just wasn't sure with whom, but luckily Davis said something next.

"Why don't I go with you?" he asked and walked over. Smiling a bit he took one of Hikari's bags, "You might need my help and, maybe I could walk you home later on," now, he grinned.

What's going on, Hikari looked from one to another, "Um, sure. Davis. Thanks," she smiled a bit, slowing trudging her feet to lead the way and the two boys followed, giving cold glares from either side of Hikari the whole way which made Hikari as uncomfortable as ever.

"We're back!" Hikari called.

She was amazed to see that Miyako and Kira and everyone else had managed to accomplish a lot while she was away, they both greeted her and Takeru warmly but stopped when they caught sight of Davis with them, too. Seeing them give her worried looks, Hikari returned them with a shrug and began to walk towards them.

"Wow, you got all of it," Miyako praised as she took the bags from Hikari before looking at Davis. "Hey, Davis, what brings you here?"

Davis laid a hand on Hikari's shoulder, "Just came here to help my girl," he smiled and Hikari watched as Takeru walked away and over to Kira.

Taking his bags, Kira looked at Hikari, "Hey, Kari, your brother called—he said he wants you home real soon," at hearing that Hikari quickly checked her watched and smacked her head, she glanced up at Kira who smiled. "Go on home, we can finish up here."

"Are you sure?" Hikari bit her lip. "What about the big paper mascot—"

"She said we can handle it, and it's not like we're running out of time we can put it up tomorrow," Takeru cut in rather dully, Hikari looked away, feeling a bit of guilt creep up her spine. "Go home, Kari, I can handle it from here with Kira's guidance," he grinned slightly.

Hikari felt a bit relieved that he's smiling again but somehow she couldn't help but feel that she wants to stay, glancing at Kira then at Takeru. She nodded although a part of her still wanted to stick around.

"Alright, but you guys should be going soon, too, it's getting late, anyway," she replied and looked back at Davis—what was she suppose to let Davis do now? Surely he can't stay around Takeru. She watched him rock his heels back and forth, scanning all around the rooftop but then his eyes landed on her and blinked.

"What'd I do?"

Hikari shook her head and laughed a bit, taking his hand, "Come on, you can walk me home!" she smiled as she began pulling him towards the door, looking back at the others and waved. "Thanks, guys, I'll see you tomorrow!" she glanced at Takeru who, she was still a bit upset at for earlier, turned away.

After a while Hikari felt a bit unsure if walking home with Davis was such a good idea, something about him gave her a gut feeling and it made her quiet uncomfortable to be around with. And she was sure that before the day ends he's bound to ask her questions about her day with Takeru alone. Although I'd have to admit, Hikari looked aside and smiled at Davis, a part of me feels a lot more relaxed now that Davis is the one walking with me, Davis caught her looking at him again and held his hands up.

"What, did I do something wrong?"

Hikari grunted and crossed her arms, "Why is it that whenever I merely look at someone they get scared and think they've done something to my disliking…" she mumbled angrily, but Davis chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Aw, lighten up, I didn't mean it to offend you," he said. "So what's with the looking, anyway?" Hikari shrugged. "Well there's a rock-solid foundation."

They walked a little longer without talking, his arm hanging around her shoulders, Hikari found herself humming after a while, maybe trying to get Davis to do the same like Takeru had that affect on her—but he didn't even seem to hear her so she decided to stop. But then Davis cleared his throat and the prying began.

"So tell me what's with you and that Takeru earlier," he suspiciously asked. "You know, sitting around the sandbox and all…"

She had to give him credit, Davis looked a bit adorable when he's jealous, "You shouldn't worry so much," she giggled a bit.

"Hey! I'm trying to be serious here, you know," Davis pouted, crossing his arms. Hikari laughed some more. "Why are you finding all of this so funny?" he said in a somewhat annoyed tone.

That seemed to have made Hikari stop laughing all together, she shrugged, "I don't know…It just seems, pretty ridiculous to make such a big deal about, I guess," Hikari averted her eyes to her feet, feeling Davis eyeing her. "It was a long time ago…" the next time she stayed silent, feeling a bit ashamed that she had been finding what people found so serious to be so funny to her. Hikari felt as if she couldn't even look at Davis, that is, until they reached her apartment doorstep. Hikari cleared her throat.

"Look, I'm sorry for before and I just wanted you to know—" out of the blue, Davis leaned over and kissed her cheek, taking Hikari by surprise. She felt herself blush and looked questioningly at him. Davis scratched his reddened cheek, also, and smiled warmly.

"Don't fret, Kari-sweetie," he gave her chin a nudge. "You're just tackling too many things all at once, I understand."

Hikari smiled, "You always do."

"Heh, so I'll see you tomorrow, then?" Hikari nodded and soon Davis walked away, turning at her one last time before he ran down the staircase. Hikari stood there for a little while before finally going inside.

"Kari, is that you?" Taichi called and came out from his room. "Hey, how'd it go?"

Shrugging, Hikari replied, "Alright, is Mom home yet?"

"Nope, but someone called for you a while ago," Hikari winced—it couldn't have been Takeru again, could it? "It was, um, Kazumi."

"Kazumi?" Hikari arched a brow, "Well, what did she say?"

Taichi pointed to the phone, "Not sure, she left a message but I didn't catch her in time," and he went back into his room. Hikari quickly walked over to the phone and pressed for the messages to be played.

"Hey, Kari-girl! It's me, Kazumi. I know you're probably still at school or something but I just have to call you now to tell you—I'm coming to visit there on Monday! See you soon!"

-Alright, that wasn't written very well. But hoped you liked ^_^ Review.-