Okay, all the adventure they had in the Digiworld-the turmoil, grief, bliss, death, torture, blah, blah, blah-that never happened in this lifetime! Or fic at the most n.n Set at Season 02 ages. Hope you guys like it, I was going to make this a kind of depressing and tear jerker fic but that was too-blech, get my point? LoL. Hai, I need sleep right now and I'm just trying to get a start on my new ficcies and continue on my other ones without completely going totally insane…Anywho, here it is, don't forget to review~!~!~!

Disclaimer: I certainly don't own these characters or Digimon. ^_^

"Ah, the classic 'Sadie Hawkins' Dance-the only time of the year when the world of dating turns upside down causing the girls to sweat it out and ask one of these lovely boys out!"

Huge moans, whispers, giggles, and gasps echoed through out the room. Moans of knowing that no one will ever ask them or not knowing who to ask scared of being turned down, whispers of who's expected to go with who and questions of who to take, giggles of excitement of being asked by that special girl or asking a special boy, and gasps of forgetfulness about the coming up dance.

"Alright," the teacher tapped his ruler on the blackboard, "I know you're all excited but keep the sanity level to medium this time, okay? Now, dance is in a week from the day after tomorrow…today's Thursday, Friday…Next Friday!" a series of giggles came from the back, "I need all of you to participate in decorating this year since the Senior Class are going on another one of their 'end-of-the-year' trips. I've already got some streamers and such, I only need a few more stuff which I'm putting on the head class person-eh-decorator to get."

Hikari sighed from the middle row, how unorthodox could this middle-aged man be? The term was,  President, which meant hers truly-her! She sighed and began tapping her pencil on the desk, laying her bored face in her right, free palm she gazed around the classroom. She saw a bunch of guys who sat in the front corner playing with their calculators and exchanging answers on how to get a girl to ask them out, the same guys who spend just a little too much time staring at their Kleenex after sneezing their snots on it. She rolled her eyes and wandered over to the group that sat at the other front row corner, girls that called themselves 'unique'…the seem to be leader wore overalls and a white shirt with her hair in a high ponytail tilted to the side. Unique? The girl that sat behind her wore the same thing and had the same hair, same with the girl beside her and the other and the other. Hikari let out a small laugh and turned her head, tapping her fingertips on her chin, ah…the jocks, basketball was the sport this year, they were all ignoring the teacher and were having a blast discussing which girl they'd let to ask them out. Boys, Hikari rolled her eyes and landed onto a boy with coarse blonde hair and bright aquamarine eyes that gleamed with enjoyment as he chatted with his fellow basketball athletes. Takeru Ishida, Hikari had known him since they were in diapers and they were practically inseparable. Yet as the years passed they seemed to grow apart and finally, like that, stopped being friends. They did greet each other once and a while when they pass each other at the halls or when their brothers got together to hang out.

Whenever Hikari looked at him or thought about him, a chill always ran up her spine that just sent her knees failing. She didn't like him or anything, and he certainly couldn't like her, though she always found herself smiling whenever she catches sight of him-as the same with Takeru when he spots her. But, Hikari protested to herself, I can't like TK, I'm already going out with Davis. And besides, TK's been a total jerk and playboy (LOL) to every girl he's gone out with. What makes him so special? She shook her head and looked to the other side of the back row where the snotty-spoiled airheads sat. They were all giggles and whispers as who gets to ask Takeru out. Please! He's only gonna go and dump them after the dance, how bimbo-headed could you possibly get?! Though, at least one night being Takeru's girl is worth everything they waited for.

"Ms. Kamiya!"

Hikari snapped her head around and sent her pencil flying across the room, she found the teacher bent down in front of her. Hikari shrank and felt the snickering around her and she couldn't help but stare at the teachers' bald red head with its little pieces of hair sticking out at some spots. Gross out! Hikari lowered her head, what does he want?

"Being that you are the-class president, I suggest you pay attention being that you shall be in charge of getting this shindig organized." He said before turning back to everyone else.

Hikari sighed in relief. She could feel the snickering dying down as the teacher began rambling again about the dance. For Pete's sake he's been talking about it for about half the class time now! Hikari shook out of her daydreaming and tried to pay attention only to be interrupted by someone's hiss behind her. She blinked and glanced back to see Takeru grinning and slightly waving to her, his friends trying to hold in their laughs behind him-Please, how immature can you get? Hikari shot him an irritated look and turned her head back. Yes, she knew it was pretty rude but she just knew that Takeru was playing some kind of joke on her and bothered not to see what it was, she turned back to the teacher and again tried to pay attention between the spitting words but again was distracted by the slight tapping on the door behind the room. She groaned and looked behind to find Davis-he was grinning weirdly through the glass and waving at her, mouthing the four words that always got her in trouble…"Meet me after class." Know why she gets in trouble when he does this?

Hikari bashfully smiled back but then caught Takeru's eyes watching her. His desk was close to the door and was watching the two, Hikari felt herself turn red though couldn't seem to get the lock the blue eyes had on her. Staring at the innocent pair of blue eyes, tainted with that hint of curiosity he always carried around the world and that dot of speciousness at being skilled to have every girls' heart wrapped around his palm, that tiniest bit of jealousy-Jealousy? Hikari asked herself, Whoa, back up, where did I get that word from? All she could do was tap her pencil faster and harder on her hand.

"MS. KAMIYA!" Hikari spun around and quickly let go of the pencil only to send it flying towards the teachers' forehead who, by the way, stood in front of her seeing at how she wasn't paying attention-again.

"Alright, Kari!" she heard one of the boys' cheer at being the first to ever hit a teacher. Hikari gulped, ready to be totally humiliated.

The teacher sighed, "Seeing that our Ms. Kamiya here can't seem to find the attention span to listen on how to organize this dance-even though she is the person in charge-I think she shall need a bit of assistance in keeping her head straight!"

Hikari flushed once more, nothing worse than being embarrassed twice in one day! Now wonder how Davis's four little words gets her in trouble? Hikari stayed slumped in her chair as the teacher asked for a volunteer to be Hikari's assistant. Surprise, surprise at who it was…

"I'll do it." came a voice behind Hikari.

"Ah! Takeru Ishida, how generous of you to take some time of your basketball practices to help our Ms. Kamiya!" Hikari sighed, typical, he's always been a basketball fan-especially when Takeru won most of them and making his win those bets with the teachers. I can't believe I'm working with-wait, Takeru?! She quickly spun around to find that indeed it was Takeru who had raised his hand, Takeru who did just volunteer anonymously to help her. There had to be a catch, right? Takeru never liked or participated in any of these organizing stuff unless he's paid or something, or just there to have a good time. Why help now when she's in charge?

"No big," he coolly replied and winked at her, causing a few glares from every girl to shoot at her. "So, when are we starting this thing, anyway?"

Again, this revved up the teacher to start rambling about the dance and how special it must be now that His Royal Prince Takeru Ishida has joined in the committee. Hikari twitched around her chair, feeling the heavy stares and glares everyone gave her, though the most uneasiness she felt was having Takeru's eyes on her too.

Okay, I know it was SHORT~! @_@ Sorry, but it's late and I'm tired beyond belief and I need to write something else after this. If you did like it, please review so I know if there is any point in continuing. AND I DIDN'T MEAN IT IF I OFFENDED TAKERU-KUN IN ANY WAY! *hugs her TK plushie* ^__^ Check out my other story-Time of Our Lives!! O_O Or I'll just cry~! u.u Ja.