A Party Like No Other

Chapter 1

"God, I am so bored. There's nothing to do around here." said Sonic who was sitting on the couch with Yoshi watching Home Improvement.

"Well what did you expect, it's not like Master Hand gave us any chores to do, which I'm glad he didn't. And besides that, he and Crazy Hand went out of town on vacation." said Yoshi.

"I know that, but just sitting around isn't something I like to do."

For what was known, Master Hand and Crazy Hand had left the mansion to go on a vacation to Isle Delfino and would not be back until three weeks. The Smashers were bored out of their minds since they had nothing planned to do for the week.

However, a smirk formed on Sonic's face as an idea popped into his head.

"I got it, how about we have a party?" suggested Sonic.

"A party. What on earth gave you that idea?"

"Just think about it Yoshi. A big, full fledged party with jamming music, plenty of food, snacks, drinks and other stuff. We could invite some friends and maybe gets some of the others to go along with the idea. It'll be a party we'd never forget."

"Wait a minute, how do I know that this isn't just another one of your bad ideas?"

"I don't get what you mean."

"What I mean is that every time you come up with an idea like that, you always talk me into it, and whenever it backfires, we always end up getting in trouble with Master Hand."

"Come on Yosh, you're not still upset about what happened before are you?"

"How can I forget the time you talked me into sneaking out to a club to have some late night fun. Do you realize how angry Master Hand was when he found out?"

"Maybe he wouldn't have found out if Lucario didn't snitch on us in the first place."

"Master Hand was furious for three days."

"But look on the bright side, he's on vacation for three weeks. What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

"I'm still not sure about this whole party idea. But since Master Hand is away, I suppose one party wouldn't hurt."

"That's the spirit pal."

"What are you two talking about in here?" asked Pikachu, who just walked in the living room.

"Sonic came up with this idea to have a party."

"Ooh, I absolutely love parties."

"See, she's onboard with it."

"You bet I am. So who are you gonna invite?"

"I was planning on inviting some of our friends from Anime Town."

"Hold on, please don't tell me that you'll invite Naruto!"

"Why shouldn't I, he's a good friend with a great sense of humor."

"Don't play dumb with me, you know exactly why I don't want to invite him."

"I don't get it Yoshi, what's your problem with Naruto?" asked a curious Pikachu.

"If you really must know, the reason why is because whenever I see him, he always keeps frequently using his Sexy Jutsu on me. You have no idea how many times he's flashed me like that. It's just plain irritating and awkward."

"Come to think of it, I actually remember when he first used it on him too. It feels as though it were yesterday."

"Oh great, a flashback."

"Yeah, pretty much. It all started when me and Yoshi paid a visit to the Hidden Leaf Village to see Naruto and his buddies. Yoshi and Naruto decided to play a game of "Shinobi Tag", or as Naruto would call it, "Catch Me If You Can" through the Hidden Leaf forest."


"Give it up Yoshi, you're not gonna catch me so easily. You might as well admit it." said Naruto as he was navigating through the forest, leaping across one tree branch after another all the while Yoshi was following him, using his own skills to keep up.

"I don't know what you're being so smug about Naruto, I may not have ninja training like you, but I've got enough speed, agility and enough strength to keep up with the likes of anyone, even you. Sakura had said so." replied Yoshi.

"Ha, don't make me laugh. You actually believed what she said, even I wouldn't believe it."

"Maybe you might not listen to what Sakura says, but I do. She knows what I'm capable of since I told her, you on the other hand don't know everything about me. My WereWolf gene makes me able to measure up to even a shinobi ninja."

"Believe me, you haven't lived until you've seen what I can really do."

Meanwhile as this went on, Sonic was travelling by ground, watching them from below. He couldn't help chuckling to himself as he kept hearing them exchange smart mouth comments with each other. It reminded him so much of how he himself tended to use those kind of words towards his friends.

Eventually, both Yoshi and Naruto had exited out of the forest and into an open area, where they began running the rest of the way. Naruto was still able to stay up ahead of Yoshi even though the green dino was going at full potential,but little did he know that Naruto had a rather mischievous trick up his sleeve.

"HEY NARUTO, HEADS UP." yelled Yoshi as he leaped straight into the air and went diving down at Naruto from above.

"I'll show you. TRANSFORM!" replied Naruto.

Before long, Yoshi had latched onto Naruto from behind, at the same time they became engulfed in a white cloud.

"Ha, nice try. But your disappearing act is not gonna work Naruto, I've got you as of right now."

But he became slightly puzzled and confused when he heard a high pitched, girlish giggle in response.

"Hey, what's with the giggling?"

"My my, I never thought you were the clingy type."

"What happened to your voice, did you turn into a girl?"

When the smoke had cleared away, Yoshi's eyes went wide with shock as he noticed that Naruto had in fact, turned himself into a girl with two long pigtails (AKA Naruko), a naked girl to be precise. Yoshi also noticed that his hands were touching a certain part of her body as well.

"This is just a little something I like to call my Sexy Jutsu."

Yoshi's whole body turned red and he groaned as he fell off her back and layed there motionlessly on the ground, not moving one muscle at all.

"Nice work." said Sonic as he came speeding up to them.

"I don't know Sonic, I think this was a too embarassing for him." said Naruko before she turned back into her normal male form.

"Hey it was all part of our idea Naruto, it's nothing."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, at least it was worth while."

They then gave each other a high five.

End of flashback

"YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOU AND NARUTO HAD INTENDED TO DO THAT?" yelled an angry Yoshi as he was choking Sonic.

"It was...suppose to be...funny." said Sonic in a strained voice.


"Yoshi relax, they didn't mean to embarrass you." said Pikachu as she tried to calm him down.

"Ugh, fine. At least now you know why I can't stand being around Naruto."

With that, he let go of Sonic's throat, allowing him to breathe.

"(gasp) Sure he may be a goofball, but he is still a good friend. Besides, don't you remember when we first met him?" asked Sonic.

"Oh yeah that's right. You, me, Link and Lucario had went to Anime Town to check out the new Ramen House restaurant. I heard that it had the most delicious ramen in the world. It turns out they were serving free ramen for one week only, and we had to get some before it was too late."


"Ahh, the sweet smell of ramen during the lunch hour. It smells so good that I can already taste it." said Yoshi as he and the other three smashers went walking through the firmly decorated and clean restaurant.

"How can you already taste it, you never even ate here." said Link.

"It was an expression Link, you should read a dictionary."

"I cannot believe I got talked into this. I would much rather prefer to meditate right now." said Lucario.

"Come on Lucario, you really need to lighten up once in a while, as in you should get out more and learn how to have fun." said Sonic.

"I highly doubt that."

They soon came to a stop when Yoshi caught sight of a nearby table with a big sign above that said "Free Ramen, one week only". His eyes lit up with excitement as he gazed at the multiple bowls of delicious ramen just waiting to be eaten. It almost made his mouth water, but he stayed focused.

"Well come on guys, the ramen isn't gonna eat itself."

Without another word, Yoshi eagerly rushed over to the table and headed straight for the first bowl that was closest. But right as he grabbed it, at the same time Naruto had grabbed it as well. The two of them glared at each other intensely since they both wanted the same thing.

"Get lost buster, I was here first."

"Dream on lizard boy, I got here before you did." retorted Naruto.

"Tough luck, this ramen bowl is mine."

"No one likes ramen more than me, believe it."

"Who cares, it's mine and I'm gonna eat it."

"Not a chance, I'll be the one who eats it, not you."

"Who do you think you are anyway?"

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, what's it to you?"

"My name is Yoshi, and I've liked ramen since I first laid eyes on it."

"So what, it doesn't matter."

"Give it up, this ramen is gonna be mine."

But in the middle of their argument, Sakura came walking up, bashed both of them on the heads, and snatched the ramen right out of their hands.

"HEY, WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?" yelled Yoshi.

"Oh save it. I can't believe that you two are getting worked up over this one bowl of ramen. You're both so childish and idiotic. " said Sakura before walking off with the ramen.

"SAKURA GOT THE FIRST BOWL OF RAMEN, AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT YOU IDIOT." yelled Naruto as he punched Yoshi in the face.

"IF YOU HADN'T GOT IN THE WAY, THAT RAMEN WOULD HAVE BEEN MINE." shouted Yoshi while retaliating with a punch to Naruto's gut.

"Guys calm down, you're making a scene." said Sonic.

"YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!" they both yelled.

Sooner or later, Yoshi and Naruto got into a big fight, which became covered by a fight cloud. The whole time they were fighting, Sonic was watching along with Lucario and Link. Sakura, Sasuke, Ino, Shikamaru, Hinata and Kiba were also watching alongside them as well.

"They're both such losers." commented Sasuke.

"All this fighting over one bowl of ramen, that's just immature." said Shikamaru.

"When it comes to his favorite food, Yoshi will stop at nothing to get it." said Sonic.

"Naruto does the exact same thing." said Sakura.

"This is not worth my time." said Lucario before walking off.

"Screw this nonsense, let's just sit down and eat, I don't have all day." said Ino.

"Agreed." said everyone else, except Hinata.

As they all went and grabbed some ramen, Hinata on the other hand was still watching the fight. All she could do at this point was blush with shyness.

"N-N-Naruto." muttered Hinata.

A few minutes later, the fighting had come to an end as both Yoshi and Naruto were both tired out, panting with exhaustion. Yoshi was the first to stand up, followed by Naruto. But when they looked at the table, they noticed to their shock and horror that all the ramen was gone.

"All this time wasted, and I didn't get to eat any ramen at all." complained Yoshi.

"I can't go for one day without eating ramen, it's just not natural for me." complained Naruto.

"Oh stop your whining you losers, there's still two bowls of ramen left." said Sasuke while he and the others were busy eating.

"Gee, thanks for telling us, I think." replied both of them with sarcasm.

"Look Naruto, let's just forget this happened and eat some ramen." suggested Yoshi.

"Sure thing." agreed Naruto.

End of flashback.

"Whoa, I never thought that you guys would meet like that." said Pikachu.

"That's exactly how it happened." said Yoshi.

"And we've been friends ever since." said Sonic.


"And if I recall, Yoshi also had some rather memorable interactions with two others."

"You mean Sasuke and Sakura."


"Oh sure Sonic, go ahead and bring up that jerk and that girl."

"I think you and I both know how you act around them. For one you always snap at Sasuke whenever he insults you, up to the point where you almost nearly start a fist fight with him, not to mention the fact that you and Sakura always frequently argued with each other like bickering siblings."

"I have told you countless times that Sasuke and I do not get along. And about Sakura, I never started those arguments, she did."

"Yeah, that's what you believe."

"Besides, that was in the past , Sakura and I have learned to get along properly, though we may have our disagreements."

"Yoshi and Sakura sitting in a tree, K-I-S-

But he was cut off when Yoshi punched him clear across the room, where he slammed straight through a wall.

"Yoshi, was that really neccessary?" asked Pikachu.

"I had to let my anger out on him at some point."

"Well anyway, are you still gonna have the party?"

"Yeah, we're gonna have the party. As soon as Sonic recovers, we'll start getting things prepared, such as invitations, food, drinks, etc."

To Be Continued

Well, here's another crossover that I've created.

It was suppose to be a oneshot, but I had to change it.

The party will happen in the next chapter.

And there will plenty more anime characters besides the ones from Naruto. I guarantee that.

I'll work on the next chapter soon, I promise.

Later folks.