"Dude, Marcus, hurry up. I'm going to be late if you don't move your ass ." yelled a man standing in a doorway. "Yeah yeah, I hear ya Chad. Just calm yo titties, man. Hold up I'm grabbing my stuff." Marcus hollered back to his friend in his room. He took the moment to grab his wallet, cellphone , and to put on his hoodie before leaving to go meet up with his roommate.

Before leaving his room Marcus took the time to look himself in the mirror. Marcus was a tall, slightly muscular young male with long chocolate brown that curled at the ends. His face was well kept with no sign of a pimple anywhere on it. He had on a pair of blue jeans that went well with his navy green Helix brand shirt and over that was his favorite hoodie that when fully zipped up donned in large writing AFFLICTION. After noting what he had on he slipped on a pair of sandals and left to meet his very anxious friend in the living room.

"Got everything you need, because if we don't hurry then there going to start the My Little Pony Marathon without me and I'm soooooo going to beat the crap out of you if that happens." Chad said anxiously as Marcus walked out into the living room.

"Yeah I got everything." Replied Marcus.

"Than lets goooooo."

"You know, i still don' see how your into all that girly pony crap."

"It's not crap, It's magical. Now lets go already."

Chad was as much as a brony as the next guy, but unlike some of the other bronies he didn't

just watch the show. HE WORSHIPPED IT. He pretty much surrounded himself in it. But unlike Chad, Marcus felt the complete opposite of the show. He didn't necessarily hate the show he just didn't care for it, and the fact that his friend dragged him to every brony get together( Mostly because Marcus was the only one with a car between the two roommates) hadn't help ether.

"Just let me get my keys and my... Chad, wheres my journal? Marcus said as he looked around the mess of a room he called there apartment.

"Uughh, I moved your stupid diary to your room last night when Jack and Sarah came over."

Marcus glared at Chad for a second before turning back and walking to his room."You and your stupid brony friends."

"There your friends too."

"I know. Listen why don't you just go wait by the car while i go get it... AND ITS A JOURNAL, NOT A DIARY. There is a difference." Marcus explained.

"Sure their is. Just be quick about it, OK."

"fine" Marcus sighed.

As Chad walked out and closed the door behind him, Marcus walked back in to his room. After looking for some time, he finally found his journal hiding under some old editions of Game Informer. As he began to make his way his way towards the front door, he was stopped by a sound 'o' so familiar to him. Only because he he heard the song a million time before through his friends.


'I used to wonder what friendship could be'


"Till you all shared its magic with me'

Agitated by the annoying theme song Marcus turned around looking for the source of the noise . He found the song coming from his TV, which he thought he turned off before he went to go get his journal. He than just marked it off as him just turning the TV back on by accident , and began to walk over to it. As he walked in front off the television he couldn't help but say out loud,"I still don't see how a 23 year old man could be into this show."

"Well then allow me to enlighten you" sounded a mysterious voice out of nowhere.

"Who's ther..." Before Marcus could finish his sentence . Two black hands reached out of the TV, grabbed hold of his jacket, pulled him through.

Over in a small town, the library to be exact, a young lavender pony sat focused at her desk, reading one of her many books titled "Advanced basics in magic and spells". When all of a sudden the door to the library suddenly flew open which it then slammed into the wall beside it. This in turn startled the lavender pony, breaking her concentration, and sending off her chair where her flank made contact withe the floor. HARD.

While she rubbed her flanks She didn't take notice of the very pink pony that skipped trough the door. The pink pony looked around the room for some time before yelling out." Twilight, are you here. I need to talk to you. It's SSSSUUUUUPPPPEEEERRRR important that I talk to you right now."

" I'm over here Pinkie Pie." replied twilight still on the ground.

"There you are Tw...why are on the ground? That not a very comfy place to sit and i know know a lot about comfy places to sit, like this one time i was over at Quill and Sof..."

"PINKIE PIE!" Twilight yelled

"didn't you say you had to tell me something?" she said as she picked herself off the floor.

"O yeah that's right. I almost forgot. I came to tell you that my Pinkie Sense is going off."

Twilight quickly looked up int the air , almost by habit, expecting something to fall on her.

"No silly, not THAT Pinkie Sense. The other other one."

"Which Pinkie sense is the..." Before twilight could finish her sentence Pinkies whole body started to vibrate in the air. It didn't take long for her to realize what has happened.

"oh no,don't tell me." she exclaimed with a worried look on her face.

"Yep, It a doozy." Pinkie Pie chirped.

"Great just what my day needed. Okay, here's the plan. Lets go find the other's and then go find the source of this doozy." Twilight planned as she walked towards the door to the library.

"Okey Dokie Lokie" Pinkie Pie sang as she fallowed her out.

On the outskirts of the small village a group of six ponies walked along the grassy fields. Twilight and four other ponies followed Pinkie Pie, who was shaking more and more with each step, over to one of the small hills that laid scattered about the whole field. Each step they grew closer and closer to the source of this "doozy".

"Are ya sure about this, Twilight?" Questioned a tan pony with golden blond mane and three apples on her flank. "I mean, ya do remember what happened last time do ya?"

"I'm positive, Applejack, we need to know whats got Pinkies senses all riled up." Twilight responded

"I'm with Applejack on this one. Like, what if its another Hydra or something worse." this time coming from a cyan blue Pegasus withe a rainbow mane who was currently hovering over Twilight .

"It probably nothing that serious. Plus why would it be any of that when were not even near the Ever free forest." Replied Twilight.

"You just never know what could happen, dear" said a white unicorn with a purple mane and three diamonds on her flank.

"I just hope nopony is hurt, I just hate to see somepony in pain. It scares me." said a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and three butterflies adorn her flank.

"Oh Rarity, you and Fluttershy both are just being paranoid." replied Twilight. "I mean, its not like a pony is falling out of the sky.

Marcus awoken to the sound of air rushing by his ear and the feeling of wind on his back. 'uuuhhh, who turned the fan on max.' he thought to himself. 'and when did we paint the roof sky blue? wait we never painted are ceiling,' Just then Marcus fully opened his eyes.

It only took a mere second to figure out what was happening.


On the ground the 6 ponies discuss what this mysterious problem may be.

"I'm tellin' ya, it might be another monster." Applejack said

"And i'm telling you that it probably nothing that serious." Twilight retorted

"Ooo ooo, maybe it's aliens from another world." The vibrating ball of pink that is Pinkie Pie said to them all.

Everyone stopped mid sentence and just stared at her with a bewildered expression on there face before Twilight spoke up.

"I'm pretty sure it defiantly not that." she said.

Just then the cyan Pegasus's ear perked up as she turned to her friends."Do you guys hear that."

"Hear what, dear." Rarity replied

"That noise. It sounds like somepony screaming ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuu."

Pinkie Pie giggled as she said "that a funny thing to scream."

"I think i hear it too, Rainbow Dash." twilight said. she then averted her attention to the sky where she saw something fly through one of the clouds in the sky. Her face then shifted to a sight of horror as she saw that it was heading straight towards them.

"Girls i think we better move. LIKE RIGHT NOW!"

The 6 ponies then scattered of the hill.

'OH FUCK, OH SHIT. I'm GOING TO DIE. I AM SO GOING TO FUCKING DIE1' Marcus thought to himself as he fell thousands of feet per second, while all he could voice on the outside was "ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

As Marcus thought this could get any worse, his body seemed to have turned in the air. This put his face parallel with the ground that was rushing into existence faster and faster with each passing second. Mix in the fact that Marcus was afraid of heights, so he wasn't having the best of times.

'OH MY GOD. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING THIS IS ONLY A DREAM... THAN WHY DOES IT FEEL SO REEL? O FUCK, OH SHIT. I'M DEAD.' As he passed through a cloud he couldn't help but notice a group of colorful somethings disperse of the hill he was heading for, but took no account of it because who would if they were falling hundreds of feet per second.

He was able to finish what he was saying before he hit the ground.



His body finally smashed into the very center of the hill. which in turn sent a large cloud of flowers, grass, dirt, and black dust into the air.

After the dust cleared the 6 ponies began to regroup around the top of the hill where the mysterious figure just landed. As the reached they reached the top all of there jaw dropped. The once rounded top of the hill looked like it was punched in. On the top of the hill was not a lush grass, but instead a very large crater. Ruffle 50 feet in size, and at the center was a figure.

"Look there's somepony in there." Applejack was the first to announce. Everyone turned there attention towards the center of the crater. They all took notice of the figure that began to move in the middle of the crater.

As he began to open his eyes Marcus could hear the voice of someone, but he couldn't see who. All he could tell from the voice was that it was soft and sweet . It sounded like it came from someone who was naturally shy. "Oh, i so he's alright. I just hate seeing somepony in pain."

His eyes opened wide as he thought to himself. 'Wait did she say "somepony"?'.

...to be continued.

Author notes.

This is so awesome. I cant believe that i finished my first chapter. This story has been floating around my head for sometime now, and now that its done, and now that it is done I'm so so so happy to share the fruits of my mind with all of you.

This is just the very beginning of this story. It's only a introduction of the characters and everything and promise that the next chapter will be alot a lot alot more better. I cant wait to hear what you have to say to me. I welcome your criticism if it means me a better writer. So say what you need to say and i hope i can replie to you and wow i just wont shut the hell up.

Finally, if your not a fan of curse words(i.e shit, fuck, ass ). Than i have some good news and some bad news for you. he bad news is that this fic will contain lot of swearing and I AM NOT CHANGING THAT because you don't like it. The good news is that mostly Marcus will only cuss through out the whole story. One or two of the mane 6 may cuss once or twice through out the whole story. I'm sticking with the idea that they never herd any cuss word that we use on a daily basis. So they don't know what fuck or shit means .

Real Quick. There will be no clopping scenes or sex scenes in the story. the chances of there being one is literally 1 in . Just because there is and will be a lot of profanity, does not mean there will be any gore or sex writing. I'm above that.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own My Little Ponies. HASBRO does. So please HASBRO don't sue me.

but i do own that phase "Calm yo titties, man". you can use it but just remember who said it first.